Xu Ying, who was already very angry, was even more angry when she saw Xu Baimiao in this state at this time, and Lin Yu even saw that the blood vessels on Xu Ying's forehead were bursting at this time.

"Dad, why are you here?" said Xu Baimiao, who looked at Xu Ying with a blank expression.

"Why am I here!hehe!" Xu Ying laughed when she heard Xu Baimiao's blank tone and said, "Do you know what you are doing? Do you know what your grandfather asked you to do? Look at what you are like now!"

Although everyone could hear Xu Ying's extremely angry tone, Xu Baimiao didn't look scared at all at this time, but immediately waved at Lin Yu excitedly after seeing Lin Yu in the crowd, Lin Yu was almost stunned at this time.

Let's not say that at this time, Xu Baimiao beckoned to himself to hit himself into Xu Ying's muzzle, you must know that Xu Baimiao's image of Lin Yu before has always been the image of a cold master, and now Xu Baimiao's appearance Lin seems to be the second fool at the entrance of the village. At this time, Lin Yu even began to suspect that Xu Baimiao was stupid to study the evolution of fetters at home.

Originally, Lin Yu looked at Xu Ying, who was exposed by the green muscles, and was about to pretend that he didn't see anything, but he didn't expect Xu Baimiao to call Lin Yu at this time and shout directly: "Lin Yu

! I succeeded! I succeeded!"Hearing Xu Baimiao's words, Lin Yu directly forgot about being afraid, but looked at Xu Baimiao in disbelief, it took him more than half a year to successfully master the fetters evolution with the help of dreams, and as a result, at this time, Xu Baimiao locked himself in his house and pondered it for two months, and actually told himself that he had succeeded.

"Lin Yu?" Hearing Xu Baimiao's voice, Xu Ying also turned his head and suddenly looked at Lin Yu with a shocked face. Obviously, Xu Ying had also heard of Lin Yu, but he hadn't seen it.

"That internal time really looks like you, and I also see the kind of bond power you said!" Xu Baimiao said with some excitement: "Just now! My Flying Lightning (Electric Shock Demonic Beast) almost evolved successfully!".

In fact, Lin Yu forgot that he and the Koga Ninja Frog mastered the Bond Evolution, and the biggest obstacle to the evolution of the Koga Ninja Frog was actually the Taiji diagram created in the Koga Ninja Frog's body at that time, and the biggest obstacle to the evolution of the Bond for people like Xu Baimiao was just that he didn't know that the Bond Evolution and the Pokémon Inner World did not necessarily have the power of the Bond, or that the Pokémon might not be able to withstand the energy of the Power of Bond.

"You really have mastered the Bond Evolution, how is it possible, your Pokémon can control the inner world so quickly?" Lin Yu said with some shock.

Xu Baimiao shook his head with some regret at this time and said: "I can't fully grasp it yet, but it seems that it is not as difficult as you think to get the energy of the power of bonding! As long as you let Feidian (electric shock demonic beast) walk over, you can contact the power of fetters and borrow those energies, and then I don't know why it feels very painful after Feidian comes into contact with the power of fetters."

This question happened to happen to Lin Yu who had also heard Dream talk about this reason, so he directly explained to Xu Baimiao: "That's because that power is supposed to be a very peculiar energy, that kind of power is not the energy that makes Pokémon stronger, but the power that your Pokémon borrows to protect your trainer when you feel that you can't protect you."

Hearing Lin Yu's words, Xu Baimiao frowned, although he also felt that what Lin Yu said seemed to be quite reasonable, but he was so anxious that that night it was clear that Lin Yu's Jiahe Ninja Frog could evolve at will, but at this time, Xu Baimiao didn't have time to ask the reason, and Xu Ying came over violently.

"Ahem!" Xu Ying coughed lightly and then said, "You two want to say what you want later, and when you have time on the road, you can chat."

After turning around and seeing that it was Xu Ying who spoke, Lin Yu immediately nodded, but Lin Yu was very strange why Xu Ying, who was still angry a second ago, looked at Xu Ying with a kind face at this time, and even Lin Yu saw Xu Ying smiling at him.

In fact, what Lin Yu didn't know was that it was Xu Ying who first discovered the evolution of Lin Yu's bond and ninja frog, after all, how could Xu Baimiao, who had been training his Pokémon like a training maniac before, go out of his way to find the information of a seven-star trainer, but Xu Ying, as Xu Baimiao's father, investigated Lin Yu when he heard that his father's place in the competition was given to Lin Yu.

And Xu Ying first found out that Lin Yu's evolution of the bond of the Jiahe Ninja Frog was actually not the video of the battle between Lin Yu and Chen Jianyi, but the sudden elimination of Lin Yu, who was originally set as the favorite to win the championship, in which he saw the video of the Hokage version of the Jiahe Ninja Frog on the water surface and the chic heads-up stinger jellyfish, he felt quite strange, and finally when it found out about the battle video with Chen Jianyi, Xu Ying confirmed that Lin Yu should have mastered the unknown method.

After Lin Yu and Xu Baimiao stood still, Xu Ying spoke: "Okay, your training time is coming to an end today, and then we should set off for the competition venue."

After Xu Ying finished speaking, several guards who came with Xu Ying came in directly, came to everyone with a stack of envelopes, and distributed them to everyone present one by one, everyone took the envelope handed to them by the guards with a blank face, and they didn't know what to say for a while, but when everyone was waiting for Xu Ying to explain, Xu Ying took those guards and prepared to leave.

"That's... Uncle Xu, are we going to go?" Seeing Xu Ying and the others preparing to leave, Wang Yingyin hesitated for a moment and then asked.

"Let's go, you're leaving, let's go, ask me what I'm doing? I'm just here to give you the first round of your tasks! Your next tasks are in your envelope!" Xu Ying heard Wang Yingyin's words, stopped and said indifferently.

"But didn't you just say we should go to the game? didn't you come to take us to the venue?" asked a boy suspiciously.

"Heh, I'll take you there? Do you want the major news media to report on the children of the major families to go abroad by plane? Have you forgotten that this competition is confidential! So your next first task is to find the location of the competition venue according to the clues in the envelope, and rely on your own ability to get there!" Xu Ying's confused crowd said again: "And all your funds will be frozen, which means that you don't have any other money except the cash on your body!" Okay, you can go!" Hearing

Xu Ying's words, most people's first reaction was to call back to their homes to confirm, but only a few of them like Lin Yu first opened the envelope they had just gotten in their hands.

Open the envelope, in addition to two greeting cards like pieces of paper and clothes map is a brand new phone card, open the first card on it is impressively written [When you open the envelope, it means that your game has begun, then please replace your original mobile phone card with the mobile phone card in the envelope, and then we will locate your mobile phone and will monitor all your information in real time. After

Lin Yu read the text on the first card, he found that many people had begun to change their mobile phone cards, this behavior made Lin Yu very puzzled, obviously it was clearly written on the card to change the mobile phone card, just to monitor the location of their mobile phones, these young masters of the family were obviously so flamboyant and domineering before, why did they just look at the card at this time and obediently changed the mobile phone card.

Seeing that Lin Yu was still stunned, Wang Bohan opened his mouth and asked, "Lin Yu, why haven't you changed your mobile phone card?Aren't you ready to participate in the competition

?" "No, why do you want to change your mobile phone card so obediently?Why do we let them monitor our location and mobile phone?" Lin Yu opened his mouth and asked his doubts.

"Haven't you seen it yet? Combined with what Xu Ying said just now, we can't let the children of the family act collectively, plus the competition written on the first card has begun, then the next phone will tell us where to go and who to fight. Wang Bohan said, took out the second card, and then said: "And this card also says that the next clue is the map in the envelope that cannot be called a map."

After listening to Wang Bohan's words, Lin Yu also roughly understood the meaning, that is, the game will be opened at any place, and before the game starts, someone will send them where and who to play against will be sent to them by text message. After thinking about this, Lin Yu also directly took out his mobile phone and replaced his original mobile phone card. Just when Lin Yu had just changed his mobile phone card and restarted his mobile phone, he received the first text message, which asked him to go to the Sakura Island Country and successfully challenge more than four of the eight avenues in the Sakura Country within a year.

Although the dojo-style education originated in Huaguo, but in the end, the best development of the dojo was the Sakura Country, where there are hundreds of dojos of all sizes, among which to participate in the National Trainer Competition of the Sakura Country needs to be recognized by the Eight Great Dao Field, and the fastest way to obtain the recognition of the Eight Great Dao Field is to defeat the chief disciple of the Eight Great Dao Field.

However, the Eight Great Dao Fields in the Sakura Country are not fixed, and every four years they will hold a Daoist Battle in the country, and at that time, each Daoist will send its strongest disciples to fight in the last eight Daoist Fields will be the Eight Great Dao Fields in the next four years.

"Where are you going?" Seeing Lin Yu put on his mobile phone card, Wang Bohan immediately poked his head excitedly and asked curiously.

At this time, Lin Yu suddenly understood that Wang Bohan didn't guess all at once by looking at the card, but after installing the mobile phone card and receiving the first task text message, he pushed back and learned all the information.

"Sakura Island Country. Lin Yu looked at Wang Bohan with disdain and said, "Where are you going

?" "Hell, it actually let me go to the Colosseum in Rome in Europe and win fifty consecutive victories in one year, didn't this kill me?" Wang Bohan picked up his mobile phone and said with a wry smile.

"Do you want to fight against fifty opponents with similar strength to yourself in a row?" Lin Yu frowned and said with doubts.

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