Kumamoto Ichimura still casually picked up the strange power that had lost his ability to fight and sent it back to Jordan, looking at the loss of combat ability due to drowning, Jordan smiled silently and bitterly, and after retracting the strange power, he walked back to Lin Yu silently.

"Mr. Qiao, I don't know if we can know the location of your dojo, and we can go over and visit one or two in the future. As Jordan went down, Kumamoto Kazumura suddenly spoke.

Hearing Kumamoto Ichimura's words, not only did the depressed Jordan startle, but even Jinpeng and the people from the Mango Dojo were also taken aback, you must know that although Sakura Country will automatically go to some dojos in Huaguo to exchange and study, even Mango Dojo is rarely like Sakura Country's Eight Great Dao Field-level dojos to communicate.

Jordan directly raised his head and said to Kumamoto Ichimura: "But our dojo is just a fighting dojo and it seems that your Tianhe Dao field is mainly a water-type Pokémon, so there should be no place for our two dojos to communicate!"

"Hahaha! I have to say that what you said makes sense, but how can we, as a dojo that specializes in cultivating trainers, only specialize in one attribute?" At this time, Kumamoto Ichimura had not yet spoken, but He Tian Sasaki, who was watching the game in the back, was the first to speak: "And I also want to meet the genius trainer who invented the secret

technique of [Four-Handed Bullet]!" Although the Mango Dojo was scornful of the secret technique [Four-Handed Bullet] in the famous Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas before, but just now when they saw the strange force's set of chain punches, they understood the so-called [Four-Handed Bullet] It's not just a colleague using the four skills, the most important thing is that the seemingly chaotic boxing technique, the rhythm of each punch is not only powerful, but also interrupted every time the opponent uses the skill.

Especially after they heard the words of He Tian Sasaki, the owner of the Tianhe River Pavilion, they also had to start to face up to this Tianqiao Dojo that had just risen from the secret realm disaster, and they really looked down on it in their eyes before, and there was no Tianqiao Dojo even a master trainer.

"Then you may be disappointed, the trainer who created the secret technique of [Four-Hand Bullet], even if you go to our Tianqiao Dojo, you won't be able to see him. Jordan smiled and then pointed to Lin Yu beside him and said, "But this one next to you is the trainer's son." "

At this time, after hearing that the secret technique of [Four-Handed Bullet] was created by Lin Yu's father, everyone present couldn't help but look at Lin Yu, and Lin Yu, who looked inexplicable, leaned into Jordan's ear with some confusion and said, "Why do you want to mention me?

What should I do now?" "I think they should also want you to play and fight with them! How about not letting your giant swamp monster go up and play?" Jordan looked at Lin Yu with a wicked smile and said.

"You won't want to pit me when you start playing, right?" Lin Yu said as he looked at Jordan with a disgusted expression.

Jordan still came to Lin Yu's ear with a smile on his face and said: "So what, I have already tried that Emperor Tooth Sea Lion just now, and the strength is only the appearance of eight-star strength, it is estimated that the Pokémon called Kumamoto Ichimura is at most a Pokémon in the early stage of nine stars!

After hearing Jordan's words, Lin Yu shook his head with a wry smile helplessly, and then walked directly to the player's seat where Jordan was standing before, just when everyone thought that Lin Yu would also send a monster force to fight against Kumamoto Ichimura like Jordan, only to see Lin Yu directly throw the Poke Ball and release a giant swamp monster, which also disappointed the others.

"Mr. Kumamoto, you'd better change to a Pokémon!My Mighty (Giant Swamp Monster) now has nine-star strength, I think your Emperor Tooth Sea Lion shouldn't be its opponent even if it's not injured!" Lin Yu said to Kumamoto Ichimura with a smile on his face as if he hadn't seen the disappointment of everyone in the hall.

Originally, they were disappointed and couldn't see the son of the so-called founder of the secret technique [Four-Handed Combined Bullet] using the [Four-Handed Combined Bullet], but at this time, they all gasped after hearing Lin Yu say that his giant swamp monster had nine-star strength.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, Jordan who could use his strange power to fight with Kumamoto Ichimura in the water was already young enough, but now Lin Yu, who looked obviously younger than Jordan, actually had a Pokémon with the same nine-star strength in his hand.

"Hehe, since you've said so. Kumamoto Ichimura said and directly took out the Poke Ball of the Emperor Tooth Sea Lion, took out another Poke Ball and threw it out and said, "Come out, Thorn

Dragon King!" Kumamoto Ichimura also knew very well at this time that even if his Emperor Tooth Sea Lion was not injured, it was definitely not the strength of Lin Yu, the giant swamp monster, so after hearing Lin Yu's words, he also very readily replaced his main Pokémon Thorn Dragon King.

"Now that you've changed your Pokémon, then... I'm looking for an attack here!" "After seeing Kumamoto Ichimura swap out a nine-star strength Thorn Dragon King, he also said directly to the Giant Swamp Monster with a smile: "The strength of the opponent is not bad, let's use

the turbidity current attack first!" "The Thorny Dragon King used the cannon to defeat that water flow!" Kumamoto Ichimura said directly after seeing the yellow turbidity current that the Giant Swamp Monster said.

Just when Kumamoto Ichimura thought that the turbidity current of the giant swamp monster would be difficult to defeat, what he didn't expect was that the Thorn Dragon King's cannon easily defeated the turbidity current skill of the giant swamp monster, but it was precisely because the turbidity current skill of the giant swamp monster was defeated by the Thorn Dragon King, which originally turned from clear water directly to turbidity, especially the waters near the giant swamp monster and the Thorny Dragon King.

After seeing that the waters near the Thorn Dragon King became turbid, Kumamoto Ichimura also understood that the effect of Lin Yu's turbidity current was not to attack the Thorn Dragon King, Lin Yu's turbidity current was originally intended to allow the Thorn Dragon King to use his skills to shatter and cause a hidden figure, after all, even if the giant swamp monster is also a water-type Pokémon, its speed in the water is still not as fast as that of the Thorn Dragon King.

"The Thorn Dragon King, don't be nervous and move quickly while using the shadow clone. After understanding that the turbidity of the giant swamp monster was to let the giant swamp monster get close to the Thorn Dragon King, Kumamoto Ichimura immediately said to his Thorn Dragon King.

As the Thorn Dragon King began to move quickly in the water, not only did the Giant Swamp Monster not be able to successfully get close to the Thorn Dragon King to launch his skilled melee combat, but also because of the Thorn Dragon King's rapid movement, although the pool did not become clear after stirring the water flow in the entire pool, the visibility of the water in the pool had also begun to slowly increase due to the full stirring.

"It seems that we used that trick like this!" Looking at the Thorn Dragon King who was constantly moving at high speed in the water while not forgetting to attack the water gun skill used against the Giant Swamp Monster, Lin Yu said directly: "Vigorously (Giant Swamp Monster) Observe the water flow and directly control the water near the Thorn Dragon King to grab it!"

Although an interpreter told Kumamoto Ichimura the meaning of Lin Yu's sentence just now, Kumamoto Ichimura couldn't understand what Lin Yu was talking about, but after he saw the originally fast-moving Thorn Dragon King suddenly pause, he was pushed by the water and moved towards the giant swamp monster with a frightened face.

After seeing this scene, one of the people watching said: "What's the situation! Isn't this in the water field? Why do I feel that the thorny dragon king in Kumamoto Ichimura seems to be being pushed by the undercurrent to move towards

the giant swamp monster!" After hearing that person's words, the others also began to nod their heads at this time, and Kumamoto Ichimura, who found this at this time, also frowned directly, he never thought that Lin Yu's giant swamp monster could directly control the water flow.

"The Thorn Dragon King, hurry up and break free from that current!" Although Kumamoto Ichimura felt very confused, he immediately said to his Thorn Dragon King.

Although the Thorn Dragon King, who heard his trainer's order, quickly broke free from the water flow that was pushing him to move before, because the Giant Swamp Monster also immediately controlled the water flow again and grabbed the Thorn Dragon King, this time the Giant Swamp Monster moved directly towards the Thorn Dragon King after controlling the Thorn Dragon King.

Finally, with the Giant Swamp Monster controlling the water flow, the Giant Swamp Monster successfully captured the Thorn Dragon King. After the Thorny Dragon King was caught, the Giant Swamp Monster immediately attacked the Thorny Dragon King's engine, although the strength of the Thorny Dragon King was indeed similar to the strength of the Giant Swamp Monster, but as a power-type Pokémon Giant Swamp Monster, after successfully controlling the Thorny Dragon King, only a few rounds later, the Giant Swamp Monster successfully beat the Thorny Dragon King to the point of losing the battle, and also directly threw the Thorny Dragon King who had lost the battle out of the field.

"Looks like I should have won!" Lin Yu said to Kumamoto Ichimura with a smile after seeing the Thorny Dragon King, who had lost his ability to fight, being thrown out of the pool by the giant swamp monster.

"Well, sure enough, the tiger father has no dogs. Although he lost the game, Kumamoto Ichimura still said to Lin Yu in Mandarin with a smile on his face: "But... I don't know if you can tell me if your Swamp Monster's ability to control the flow of water is a skill or its anomalous traits.

"No comment, it's my secret. Lin Yu smiled and said to Kumamoto Ichimura: "Since I won today, then... I don't know if I can get

your dojo approval certificate?" "Dojo approval certificate?" After hearing Lin Yu's words, Kumamoto Ichimura asked with a puzzled expression, "What do you want the dojo approval certificate for?" "

Because I think that since I am here, I also want to see if I have a national vocational trainer competition that almost challenges your Sakura Country." Lin Yu also said directly without concealment.

"You want to participate in our Sakura Country's Professional Trainer Competition?" Hearing Lin Yu's words, Kumamoto Ichimura turned his head with some worry and looked at the hall owner behind him, He Tian Sasaki, hoping to ask for the other party's opinion, and after he saw He Tian Sasaki nodding, he smiled and said to Lin Yu: "Since you have defeated me, then... You are indeed eligible for a dojo approval certificate from our Tianhe Road Field. Not

long after Kumamoto Ichimura finished speaking, a staff member directly took the dojo approval certificate of Tianhe Daochang and sent it to Lin Yu under the signal of He Tian Sasaki.

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