Although most people don't know that the item called the mysterious water drop is the indigo orb that can control Gaioca, after all, this orb can indeed increase the skill power of water-type Pokémon, and the Tianhe River Farm has also confirmed that the indigo orb can indeed increase the skill power of water-type Pokémon.

Soon, everyone in the entire Tianhe River Arena began to bid for this indigo orb, and after only ten minutes, the indigo orb had already been shouted for 30 million prices.

"I'm going, Brother Dan, how much money do we have in our hands now?" Seeing that the price of the indigo orb was constantly being called high, Lin Yu asked Jordan beside him with some worry.

Jordan also frowned at this time and said, "I have a total of fifty-five million here, but I feel a little hung when I look at the posture!"

After all, if it is really Tianqiao Dojo, he is basically looking at Father Lin today, so Jordan really wants to help Lin Yu bid for this indigo orb this time.

"I've got 30 million here! Looks like we can't go on with them. Lin Yu said at this time, and directly got up and shouted: "Seventy million!" As

Lin Yu shouted out seventy million, everyone sitting was startled, of course, what scared them was not that Lin Yu shouted that the price was too high, but that he shouted thirty-five million before Lin Yu shouted seventy million.

"It seems that Mr. Lin is bound to get this mysterious droplet!" Kumamoto Ichimura, who was sitting next to Lin Yu, said to Lin Yu with a smile when he saw Lin Yu directly double the price.

However, at this time, before Lin Yu could turn around and say anything to Kumamoto Village, someone immediately shouted the price to seventy-five million, and finally Lin Yu frowned and got up again and said, "Eighty-five million!"

After Lin Yu finished shouting this time, the person who wanted to compete with Lin Yu suddenly hesitated, to be honest, 50 million has exceeded the price of a normal mysterious water drop, after all, no matter how rare the mysterious water drop is, it is just a Pokémon prop, so the big guy of the Professional Trainers Association will only provide 50 million to help Lin Yu buy this mysterious water drop.

"Mr. Lin, although you can quickly scare away some people who don't have money, but I think your budget will definitely be insufficient soon!" Kumamoto Ichimura said to Lin Yu again: "You must know that if you can't afford to pay... We're going to sell to the next bidder in descending increments, but... You also need to pay 10% of your outcry as a penalty.

At this time, Lin Yu didn't have time to pay attention to Kumamoto Ichimura at all, he looked around nervously, for fear that the person before would shout again.

"Ninety million!" In

the end, Lin Yu came whatever he was afraid of, and the more the man thought about it after hesitating for a while, the more angry he became, and finally directly shouted out the price of 90 million. Hearing this, Lin Yu instinctively wanted to get up and continue to shout, but just as Lin Yu was about to get up, Kumamoto Ichimura and Jordan grabbed him at the same time.

"Lin Yu, you can't shout anymore! This mysterious water drop has exceeded the normal price by much, much! Since his effect is better than the normal mysterious water droplet, it is not worth 90 million! This is just a mysterious water droplet. Jordan pulled Lin Yu and said.

Kumamoto Ichimura also said at this time: "Mr. Lin, stop shouting. The price of this mysterious droplet has overflowed, and even I don't recommend that you continue to shout. Jordan

did this because he really knew that they only had 85 million, so they couldn't afford it if they continued to shout, and Kumamoto Village stopped Lin Yu because he was afraid that Lin Yu would hate them Tianhe River Farm after buying back the mysterious water droplets at a high price this time, you must know that now their Tianhe River Farm really wants to get a way to control the flow of water from Lin Yu.

Hearing Jordan's words, Lin Yu glanced at them helplessly, and in the end, he could only sigh helplessly and sit back. After all, most people in this world except for the people of the alliance basically didn't know anything about the legendary Pokémon, so Lin Yu thought that he couldn't explain to them how he knew this, so he didn't talk about it in the end.

Just when the auction was not in full swing in the Tianhe River Field, black clouds suddenly began to roll in the sea not far from the Tianhe River Field, and the originally calm sea surface also began to be turbulent, and at this time, in the rough sea, a huge blue figure began to swim quickly in the direction of the Tianhe River Field.

Just as the auction of this indigo orb began to end, just when everyone was about to go back to their homes, it rained heavily in the entire coastal port city, and this sudden heavy rain suddenly made the people who were originally going to leave unable to leave the Tianhe Road Field for a while.

Just as everyone was waiting for the sudden rainstorm to stop before leaving, an apprentice from inside the Tianhe River Field, wet from the underwater tunnel, ran over.

"The hall master is not good! no!" The apprentice of the Tianhe River Road Field said nervously to He Tian Sasaki: "Pavilion Master

, the underwater tunnel was broken by a water cannon skill that sprayed from nowhere!" "Broken by the water cannon skill?" Hearing the apprentice's words, He Tian Sasaki said with a surprised face: "How is it possible, even my Pokémon can't break the glass of the underwater tunnel with a single water cannon!" And according to what you said, the water cannon was still fired from a long distance

!" "That's not right!" At this time, Xue Ji (Ice Nine-Tails) suddenly opened her mouth with a solemn face and said to everyone: "Lord He Tianguan, hurry up and let everyone leave the coastal area! There is a very powerful water Pokémon that is coming over this quickly!" "Miss Snow Ji (Ice Nine-Tails

), what do you mean by this?" He Tian Sasaki asked with a puzzled expression, "What kind of Pokémon?"

Hearing He Tian Sasaki's words, Yukihime (Ice Nine-Tails) shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I can tell you? Even if all the people here add up, they may not be able to

deal with it!" After hearing Xue Ji (Ice Nine-Tails)'s words, the man who was the one who slapped the indigo orb said with some disdain: "I said Miss Snow Ji (Ice Nine-Tails) won't be your Bra Palace yourself to be afraid of! You must know that there are no less than ten master-level trainers here now! Even the super divine beast called Mewtwo in that huge secret realm back then couldn't deal with so many master-level trainers at once!"

"Hmph! Since you yourself are not afraid of death, then you can continue to stay here! Don't blame me for not reminding you when the time comes!" Xue Ji (Ice Nine-Tails) heard the man's words and said directly to the people in the Bra Palace next to him: "The people from the Bra Palace will leave directly with me!"

After Xue Ji (Ice Nine-Tails) finished speaking, she left directly with the people of the Bura Palace, and after Lin Yu saw this scene, he suddenly remembered that if it was really Gaioca that he saw in the sea that day, this indigo orb could indeed attract that Gaioca today.

"Brother Dan, let's get out of here quickly!" After thinking of this, Lin Yu also immediately said to Jordan and them.

"What's the matter, it's still raining outside!" Jordan said with a puzzled face after hearing Lin Yu's words: "Can't you wait for the rain to stop before leaving

?" "Don't you want to live?" Lin Yu said to Jordan excitedly at this time: "Didn't you see that even Xue Ji (Ice Nine-Tails) ran away at this time? Hurry up and go! If we don't leave, we will all be more auspicious!"

This time, after Lin Yu finished speaking, he directly took the lead and ran outside, and the people in Tianqiao Dojo also shook their heads helplessly after seeing Lin Yu run out like this, and then left together. Not long after Lin Yu and the others left, a huge wave tens of meters high directly attacked in the direction of Tianhe Dao Field.

When the people in the Tianhe Road Stadium found the giant wave, it was too late to leave, and with the giant wave came Gaioca and some water-type Pokémon that came with Gaioca. After the waves swept through the coastal city, Gaioca followed the waves directly into the coastal area, and after Gaioca appeared in the coastal area, he attacked directly at the person who had won the indigo orb.

When the person who got the indigo orb saw that he was about to be bitten to death by a bloody mouth, fortunately, Sasaki Hetian sent his Pokémon at this time to successfully save the person from Gaioca's mouth.

"Kumamoto, Nobi, you and the people in the dojo will quickly evacuate everyone, and the other master trainers will fight against that mysterious Pokémon with me!" Sasaki Hetian commanded directly to Kumamoto Ichimura and Nobihan behind him after saving the man.

On this side, when more than a dozen master trainers joined forces to fight against Gaioca, the people of the Bra Palace and the people of the Tianqiao Dojo left the Tianhe Road Field, but because Gaioca came too quickly, in the end, they could only avoid the water brought by Gaioca in the nearby high-rise building first.

"Lord Xue Ji (Ice Nine-Tails), why don't you go down and help?" Chen Hai said as he looked at the dozen or so master trainers below who were still fighting against Gaioca.

Xue Ji (Ice Nine-Tails) glanced at Chen Hai and said, "That Pokémon is very, very powerful! Even I am not its opponent at all, and... We are no match for it at all in the water!Do you think it is possible for those human trainers to defeat that water-type Pokémon that can control the sea in the water?"

"It's here for that indigo orb!" Lin Yu frowned and said, "If you want to deal with it now, you can only use that indigo orb." "

Indigo Orb?" Hearing Lin Yu's words, Xue Ji (Ice Nine-Tails) looked at Lin Yu suspiciously and said, "Do you know

that Pokémon?" "Super Ancient Pokémon Gaioka!" Lin Yu frowned, Gaioca, who was still fighting against more than a dozen master trainers, said, "I have seen the legend of this legendary Pokémon in the secret realm, and it is said that he can control the sea!"

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