Lin Yu knew very well that what Zuo Yexin said was right, it was indeed difficult for his Koga Ninja Frog to have a way to defend Pokémon, but he had been able to break most of the Pokémon's defenses after the Koga Ninja Frog learned to kill it, but today when he saw the Coal Turtle, which not only has defensive ability but also has a range attack, Koga Ninja Frog has no chance to use the Iai Slash at all.

After seeing Lin Yu enter into contemplation, Zuo Yexin smiled and said to Lin Yu: "I think you should probably let your Koga Ninja Frog learn more about a wide range of water skills like surfing, and your Koga Ninja Frog is not only good in addition to the attack power of the Flying Water Shuriken, but the power of other water skills such as water guns and water cannons is too small!"

After listening to Zuo Yexin's words, Lin Yu nodded, and after speaking, he was about to turn around and leave.

"Wait!" Seeing that Lin Yu was about to leave, Zuo Yexin suddenly stopped the other party and said, "The dojo recognition of our Red Lotus Dojo proves that you don't want it, no matter what, you have defeated me in a dignified

manner!" Hearing Zuo Yexin's words, Lin Yu was also stunned, he thought at first that Zuo Yexin said so much that he thought he was still almost something, so he was ready to leave directly after saying thank you, and after Zuo Yexin finished speaking, the staff quickly went to get the dojo approval certificate of the Red Lotus Dojo.

"Do you know why you were asked to improve the power of your water system skills?" Zuo Yexin said with a smile as he handed over the dojo approval certificate to Lin Yu.

Hearing Zuo Yexin's question, Lin Yu was stunned for a moment, then thought about it and said: "Increasing Sasuke's (Koga Ninja Frog)'s attack method during battle can also make Sasuke's (Koga Ninja Frog)'s fighting style more changeable."

"Hahaha, it's really smart!" Hearing Lin Yu's answer, Zuo Yexin laughed twice and then said: "It seems that this year's Professional Trainer Competition will become more and more interesting! Boy, you have to work hard then!" Lin Yu

nodded after collecting the dojo recognition certificate of the Red Lotus Dojo, although he didn't know why Zuo Yexin was pointing at himself like this at this time, but he was still quite grateful to Zuo Yexin for his guidance to his Koga Ninja Frog at this time. If he didn't have to constantly challenge the flowers of the Eight Great Dao Fields these days, Lin Yu would definitely find a place to train the power of his skills with the Koga Ninja Frog.

In fact, in Lin Yu's Pokémon, not only the Koga Ninja Frog has the problem of insufficient power of water skills, not to mention that the giant swamp monster that has always been based on hand-to-hand combat is the Hippo King, who has always pretended to be stupid, is also lax in the training of most skills, and the only relatively good one is the fast dragon. However, it is precisely because the fast dragon has always been developed in all aspects, so it not only does not have a style of fighting in ordinary times, but also because there are too many aspects to train, so that its strength is also progressing, compared to the Koga ninja frog, they are relatively slow.

It is precisely because of the existence of Kuailong's situation that Lin Yu has never planned to train the Koga ninja frogs in all directions, although it is not that the all-round development of the fast dragon is too slow, and the Koga ninja frogs are improving too fast, so it seems that the training of Kuailong has slowed down the progress, you must know that it will take less than four years for the Kuailong to hatch now, and the Pokémon of others at this time is only about six stars, and Kuailong is now eight-star strength.

After Lin Yu left, Iron Curtain Yi, who had been following Zuo Yexin, asked Zuo Yexin very suspiciously: "Master, why do you want to talk to him so much? After his Koga ninja frog is pointed out by you, he should be able to break through to master-level strength as long as he trains hard! Isn't this a strong enemy for my country's trainers?"

"First of all, he doesn't have time to make up for this omission of his Koga Ninja Frog, and secondly, do you think that without him this time, those trainers in our country really have a way to win the championship?" Zuo Yexin looked at the sky helplessly at this time and shook his head and said, "Do you think that Britannia is not strong enough?" Do you think who among the people who have challenged our dojo this year is qualified to fight with him?"

"This..."Iron Curtain Wing said suspiciously after hearing his master's words:" It seems that this one named Lin Yu has a fight with him

!" "Then it's not enough! In comparison, I'd rather the champion be our yellow-skinned Asians than white-skinned Europeans." After Zuo Yexin finished speaking, he walked away by himself.

At this time, Lin Yu, who had just left the Red Lotus Dojo, took the tram directly to the next dojo after leaving, this time Lin Yu was going to a fighting dojo, this time Lin Yu came to this dojo to prepare to challenge the dojo was not taken to the waiting room by the staff to wait in line, but was taken directly to the dojo by the staff Mo Ning.

In this way, Lin Yu was inexplicably taken to the main hall of the dojo, and after the staff member didn't say anything, he retreated directly, looking at the empty main hall, Lin Yu looked at the entire main hall a little inexplicably, but he didn't know why the staff brought him here.

"Hahaha!" Just as Lin Yu looked at the main hall suspiciously, a rough voice came in from outside, and he saw a short man wearing a loose robe walking in with a smile on his face.

"Who are you?" Lin Yu asked as he looked at the man with a puzzled expression.

"Hahaha, you are the Lin Yu that Brother Jordan said!" The man surprised Lin Yu and said directly to Lin Yu in fluent Mandarin.

Lin Yu looked at the man in front of him even more suspiciously

and said, "Do you know Brother Dan?" "Hahaha, of course!Who doesn't know Jordan!" The man glanced at Lin Yu and said, "You must know that we are also a fighting dojo, and you were also a competitive trainer of Strange Force Fighting before! Jordan is the new generation of Asian Strange Force Fighting Leader I am most optimistic about!"

Lin Yu was still puzzled at this time, "But what did you ask me to come here for?"

"It's nothing, I just heard Jordan say that your Pokémon is very strong, so I want to ask you to come over and have a fighting match with me! As long as you win my strange power, I will hand over the dojo recognition certificate of our dojo to you!" the man said to Lin Yu with a smile.

Although Lin Yu couldn't and didn't want to accept this battle, but in the end, when the other party said that as long as he won the other party, he could get the recognition of the dojo, Lin Yu also accepted the challenge unceremoniously and directly, and the man saw Lin Yu nodding and directly sent a strange force of nine-star strength.

When he saw the strange force sent by the other party, Lin Yu understood that the hand-to-hand combat strength of the other party's strange force was definitely not much weaker than Jordan's strange force, and after hesitating for a while, Lin Yu still chose to send the giant swamp monster to fight one-on-one with the opponent's strange force.

Although the strength of that man's strange power is indeed very strong, it can be said that the giant swamp monster really can't win the other party without super evolution, but after the giant swamp monster successfully super evolved, Lin Yu also successfully defeated that man's strange power.

After leaving this dojo, Lin Yu's next dojo challenge was also extremely smooth, and it only took one month for Lin Yu to successfully obtain the dojo recognition certificate of the remaining five dojos. After Lin Yu obtained the approval certificate of the eight dojos, the mobile phone issued a second task, and this task was not surprising to let Lin Yu participate in the National Vocational Trainer Competition in the Cherry Blossom Country.

After Lin Yu obtained the qualification to participate in the Sakura Country National Vocational Trainer Competition, Lin Yu still decided to visit other dojos with Jordan and them, but after Jordan and the others learned that Lin Yu had obtained the qualification to participate in the Sakura Country National Vocational Trainer Competition, they said that they would not continue to visit other dojos, and directly rented a training ground near Tokyo City, the capital of the Sakura Country, with the millions that Lin Dad asked them to bring to shoot the indigo orb at the beginning.

So originally, Lin Yu wanted to go around with Jordan, but Jordan and they directly took Lin Yu to the training ground, and they also told Lin Yu to be a sparring partner here once in the next month to help Lin Yu improve his strength.

"No!" Lin Yu looked at Jordan a little helplessly after hearing Jordan's words and said, "Brother Dan, I finally spent a month winning all the Eight Great Fields!

"What are you playing! Isn't it up to you to challenge this Sakura Country National Vocational Trainer Competition! Since you want to challenge their Professional Trainer Competition, you should train hard!" Jordan looked at Lin Yu angrily and said, "You can see that guy from the Federation this time, he will have a six-on-six with the other party in almost every gym battle, and so far it is said that he has successfully won the chief disciple of the dojo every time!"

Lin Yu said indifferently: "So what! I also promised the Pokémon of the Red Lotus Dao Venue Master

!" "Do you know what those dojo chiefs represent? They all have the strength of a nine-star trainer! That is to say, the contestants of the Federation also have the strength of a nine-star trainer! But you only have three Pokémon with the strength of a nine-star strength now!" Jordan didn't hear what Lin Yu said clearly, but Lin Yu wanted to quibble, so he said bitterly.

"It's not. Lin Yu said helplessly: "As the saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing one's opponent will win all battles, I think that instead of training here for a month and not necessarily making any improvement, it is better for us to go and find out

the information of other contestants first!" "Ah Hu, you now bring a few brothers from the dojo to collect and collect the information of other contestants, especially the information of the Federation and the Britannia!" Jordan beckoned directly to a boy on the side.

"Okay!" After hearing Jordan's words, the man known as Ah Hu walked out directly with a few people from the Tianqiao Dojo.

"It's not... Brother Dan, what are you..."Looking at Jordan's behavior, Lin Yu looked at Jordan helplessly and said.

Jordan looked at Lin Yu seriously and said, "Our Tianqiao Dojo has a lot to do with your father's help today, so what we say this time, we will also help you achieve good results in the National Vocational Trainer Competition in the Sakura Country!".

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