"She?" Jordan said in confusion after hearing his sister's reminder, "What is she doing here?"

"She said that I will also be byed in the next round." After Lin Yu finished speaking, he directly took out the key from his pocket and opened the door and entered the house.

"No, how does she know that you will be byed in the next round? And don't you understand Japanese?" Jordan asked while following Lin Yu into the house like a problem baby, "Why did she come here to tell you? Isn't she taking a fancy to you?" She is more than one round older than you!"

"How do I know!" Lin Yu, who was impatient with Jordan's question, turned his head helplessly to look at everyone and said, "She said that I should train hard and study the opponent's information carefully."

"Actually, I don't think we need to think about these issues now, we should think about it now, just like Zuo Yexin said, we should prepare for Lin Yu's next game!" Mu Yang pondered for a while and then suddenly said: "If it's really like what Zuo Yexin said... Lin Yu has at least a month to train, so we should help Lin Yu train while also helping him collect Pokémon materials for Mitaka and Ravenichi.

"Well, that makes sense. Jordan also nodded at this time and said, "Then I'll train with Lin Yu here, and you guys will start watching the competitions of those contestants tomorrow and collect data."

After hearing Jordan's arrangement, everyone present nodded, after all, among so many of them, only Jordan's nine-star strength monster power has the qualification to be a sparring partner for Lin Yu, even Mu Yangshen, a person with five eight-star strength Pokémon, is not enough to see in front of Lin Yu's four nine-star strength Pokémon.

However, at this time, Lin Yu suddenly remembered that Zuo Yexin had said that his Koga Ninja Frog was no longer lacking melee strength, so Lin Yu felt that during this time, he should also try to improve most of the skill power of Koga Ninja Frog and Giant Swamp Monster.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yu looked up at Mu Yangshen and said, "Senior Mu, can you stay and be a sparring partner for me?"

Originally, under Jordan's work assignment, everyone was ready to go back to rest and get up the next day to do a good job, but no one expected Lin Yu to suddenly say such a thing at this time, not only Mu Yangshen looked confused when he heard it, but even Jordan and they were also a question mark when they heard it.

"No, Lin Yu, I know that you are interesting to my sister, but you can't sink your hand on Mu Yang at this time!" Jordan said as quickly as possible: "You must know that it is most important for you to improve your strength now!" Mu Yang

Shen also said calmly at this time: "Lin Yu, can you tell me why?"

"I thought that Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) told me that the gap between my Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) and the master-level strength is the power and use of skills!, so I decided to improve the skill power of Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) this month!" Lin Yu looked at Mu Yang Shen seriously and said, "I think it is better for Senior Mu to give me guidance in this regard." "

Hey, what are you talking about?" Hearing Lin Yu's words, Jordan rolled up his sleeves and pointed at Lin Yu, who had a posture of beating people without giving a reasonable explanation.

"Brother, Lin Yu is right. Qiao Qiao also opened his mouth at this time and said: "Compared to the use of Pokémon skills, you are not as good as other people's yangshen

!" "My stupid sister! Why are you still speaking for others like this! This kid wants to beat up your boyfriend!"

Lin Yu yawned and said, "Okay! It's not early, everyone still has a task tomorrow, go back and rest quickly!"

After Lin Yu finished speaking, he went back to his room directly to sleep.

"Alright, brother. Tomorrow, you and Yang Shen stay together to train with Lin Yu, and we will go out to collect information on other players. After seeing Lin Yu go back, Qiao Qiao also opened his mouth at this time, and then went back to the room by himself.

Although Jordan was still angry with Lin Yu and said that he was not as good as Mu Yang Shen, but after he went back and thought about it, he also knew that he had always been a competitive trainer because of his early training, even if his other five Pokémon were not all auxiliary Pokémon, but because of the [Four-Handed Bullet], he had been training Monster Power in recent years, so the strongest of his other Pokémon was just a seven-star strength Lucario.

In the next two weeks, Lin Yu's strength improved greatly in the sparring with Jordan and Mu Yangshen, but after the first round of the match, Qiao Qiao and the others barely collected useful information about Ravenyi and Mitaka, because both of them used one Pokémon to penetrate their opponent's six Pokémon in the first round.

"With our current intelligence... Ravenyi's fossil pterosaur should have nine-star strength and definitely not the strongest Pokémon in his team, while Mitaka's crystal lamp spirit should also belong to the nine-star strength and is also not the strongest Pokémon in his lineup!"

"So we still don't know how strong the two of them are, right?" Lin Yu said after hearing Qiao Qiao's explanation.

"However, according to some information we inquired, that Ravenyi has a very powerful electric shock demonic beast, and that day he relied on this electric shock demonic beast to defeat Ye Bifan in Tianhe Dao Field. Jordan suddenly said at this time: "I speculate that the electric shock monster should be his main Pokémon."

"And after our observation this time, we found that the German player from Kavata is very aggressive about Pokémon pairing, followed by Brurukar from South Africa, Spicy Wash from Egypt, Polucil from France, Elukezer from Russia, Meize from Belgium and..."

After listening to Qiao Qiao's words, Lin Yu said a little helplessly: "Isn't it! In the past two weeks, instead of finding the weaknesses of Ravenyi and Mitaka, you have found so many strong competitors for me?"

"Don't be so frustrated, at least according to what Zuo Yexin said, we should still have half a month to prepare!" Jordan smiled and patted Lin Yu's shoulder and said, "You must know that you are one of the least favored players right now.

"I..." Lin Yu felt weird when he heard Jordan's words, and finally he waved his hand helplessly and said: "Forget it, I'll go back and rest first, and I have to go to the second round of the draw tomorrow!" Hearing Lin Yu's words

, the other people also shook their heads helplessly and went back to rest.

The lottery ceremony on the second day was obviously not as grand as the first round of the lottery ceremony, there was no singing and dancing performance at the beginning, and there was no reading the names of the contestants one by one at the beginning, so it was directly for the remaining 248 to draw lots to determine the 128 places in the third round.

Sure enough, this time he and Lin Yu were lucky to get a bye again, but this time he got a bye like Lin Yu and the spicy wash from Egypt, but this time because there were only two byes, all the hosts announced again that there will still be byes in the next round of the draw.

This time, when Lin Yu stepped down, he did not avoid the reporters' encirclement and interception, and even the people in the Tianqiao Dojo who came to rescue Lin Yu were finally surrounded by hundreds of reporters outside the competition venue, and this time these reporters also learned to be smart and directly asked questions to Lin Yu in Mandarin.

"Lin Yu, it is rumored that you relied on your relationship to have a chance to successfully qualify for this competition, do you have anything to explain about this?" "Lin Yu, as the only player who has two consecutive byes, do you think there is an inside story in this?" "Lin Yu, do you think you have any chance of winning if you meet other players?"

Faced with the reporter's sharp questions, Lin Yu didn't know how to answer for a while, after all, just like they asked, there was obviously something wrong with this lottery ceremony, but at this time, it was obvious that he was not qualified to say, and as for other questions, he didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Actually, there is nothing, we have an old saying in China, fools have foolish blessings, and there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. Just when Lin Yu didn't know how to answer, Jordan suddenly said with a smile.

Hearing Jordan's words, Lin Yu looked at Jordan angrily, and Jordan just smiled when he saw Lin Yu's angry eyes, and then gave Lin Yu a look, and then stopped caring about Lin Yu, and then Jordan became Lin Yu's spokesperson and calmly answered reporters' questions one by one. Lin Yu didn't know how long it had been, and those reporters found that they couldn't get any useful information from Jordan, so they dispersed.

"Brother Dan, why do you say that?" After the reporters left, Lin Yu looked at Jordan with a blank face and said.

"This is called showing weakness to the enemy, so that others can't estimate your true strength before the game, so that you can be taken by surprise when the time comes!" Jordan said with a smile: "And these reporters just want to get some news from you, only if you want me to answer like this, you can let them go quickly." "

Yo, I don't see that Brother Dan, you know a lot about this!" Lin Yu said with a smile after hearing Jordan's explanation.

"Hey, hey, you don't look at who I am!" Jordan said proudly after hearing Lin Yu's words: "Anyway, I've participated in international competitions before! "

Okay, let's go back quickly!" Jordan said at this time: "Although there will be a bye in the next round, the next game will be more and more difficult to deal with."

After hearing Qiao Qiao's words, Lin Yu and the others also nodded, and then went back together, this time when they went back, Lin Yu did not see Zuo Yexin again, but after a week of his training, Father Lin and the owner of Tianqiao Dao all came to the cherry blossom country at this time, and in the following days, Lin Yu's sparring partners changed from Jordan and Mu Yangshen to Father Lin and Qiao Pavilion Master.

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