After the Mega Bog smashed through the sharp stones, Bankiras, under the command of Eluckaze, had already rushed to the Super Bog, and the large rocks that had been dug out of nowhere smashed directly into the Super Bog.

The Super Swamp Monster, which had just finished resisting the sharp stone attack, saw a huge stone flying towards it before it could react, but even if the Super Giant Swamp had already discovered the stone that was thrown at it at this time, it was smashed out directly before it had time to react.

Even though the Super Swamp had been knocked out by Bankiras using the Rock Avalanche Skill at this time, it still didn't have the idea of stopping, and directly made up for the destruction in the direction of the Super Swamp that was smashed away.

"Vigorously (Giant Swamp Monster)!" Lin Yu, who saw this scene, immediately shouted nervously in the direction of the Super Giant Swamp Monster.

At this time, the giant swamp monster that had fallen to the ground and had withdrawn from the super evolution state was ordered to stand up again miraculously as if it heard Lin Yu's call, but although the giant swamp monster successfully stood up again at this time, Lin Yu saw that the giant swamp monster could not even maintain the super evolution state, and knew that it should already be at the end of the strong crossbow.

Lin Yu, who understood that the Giant Swamp Monster had no way to continue fighting, understood that he had once again missed the opportunity to use the rules, if he had recovered the Giant Swamp Monster when the opponent's Bankilas had just used the Sharp Stone Attack, or if he hadn't let the Giant Swamp Monster resist those stones in place, it would not have been this result, but because the Giant Swamp Monster had already relaxed his vigilance and began to despise the other party after winning the Fierce Bite Land Shark, Lin Yu himself would make this habitual mistake.

"Come back, Mighty (Giant Swamp Monster)! You've done a good job yourself, so I'll leave it to Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) and them!" Lin Yu said that he took back the Giant Swamp Monster, which was no longer able to continue fighting, and at the same time took out the Poke Ball of Koga Ninja Frog and threw it out, saying, "Go, Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) give them a little color and see!"

This time, Lin Yu didn't let the Koga Ninja Frog appear and went directly into the bond evolution state, after all, everyone is still a little controversial about whether the bond evolution is a normal way of fighting, after all, no information about the bond evolution has been found until now, and no one in the alliance has successfully mastered this technique.

This time, after Lin Yu's Koga ninja frog appeared, Elukeze also let himself be hungry and used a sharp stone attack against the Koga ninja frog who had just appeared, but this time where would the Koga ninja frog be like a giant swamp monster and now win the opponent's skills on the spot, I saw the Koga ninja frog move quickly, and directly tossed and turned on the huge stones that flew towards it, and easily dodged the sharp stone attack of Bankiras.

And after Bankilas found that his sharp stone attack was dodged by the opponent, he immediately used a 100,000 volts on the Koga Ninja Frog who rushed towards him, but after the 100,000 volts hit the "Koga Ninja Frog", the "Koga Ninja Frog" that was directly penetrated by 100,000 volts turned into a pool of water and poured in front of Bankilas in front of everyone.

Seeing this scene, both Bankiras and Elukezer were shocked, after all, the Pokémon that were usually hit by 100,000 volts flashed all over their bodies, and after being thundered, they either fell to the ground or stood with electricity flowing all over their bodies, but just now Bankiras's 100,000 volts were like a sharp sword that directly penetrated the "Koga Ninja Frog", and the "Koga Ninja Frog" directly turned into a puddle of water stains after being penetrated.

If the "Koga Ninja Frog" is real, it is too unreal, not to mention that it is impossible to be hit by 100,000 volts, so even if it is hit by 100,000 volts and falls to the ground, it should not become a puddle of water, but if the "Koga Ninja Frog" is fake, at this time, in addition to the Bankiras of Elokaise, there are only water stains left by the "Koga Ninja Frog" falling to the ground just now.

Seeing that there was no other Pokémon competition venue except for Bankiras, the referee said to Lin Yu with some embarrassment: "That... Hayashiha, your Koga ninja frog seems to... has lost the ability to fight, so ... Can you send out the next Pokémon?"

"Hehe, why is the referee so anxious? My Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) is still on the field!" Lin Yu smiled at this time and said to the playing field: "How is Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) preparing for the water dungeon?

After Lin Yu finished speaking, a Koga ninja frog appeared on the field again, and after this Koga ninja frog appeared, it rushed directly towards the Bankilas of Elukae, and for the sudden appearance of the Koga ninja frog Bankilas, he directly shook the "Koga ninja frog" into water stains again, but this time after the "Koga ninja frog" was shattered, the second and third appeared on the field again, and then the entire playing field was almost all Koga ninja frogs.

When he saw the hundreds of Koga ninja frogs suddenly appear densely packed on the originally empty playing field, not to mention that the audience was taken aback, even the referee who had just reminded Lin Yu to change Pokémon was also frightened at this time, and involuntarily took two steps back.

Although Elukitzer was also very surprised, he quickly adjusted his mentality and said to his bankiras: "Bankiras, hurry up and use the earthquake! No matter which one is true, all of them will be shattered!"

Bankyras also immediately activated the earthquake skill after hearing his trainer's command, but at this time, it had missed the best opportunity to destroy the water bodies of the Koga ninja frogs. I saw that when Bankiras just raised his foot and was about to use the earthquake skill, the water body of the whole audience rushed directly towards Bankiras, and it didn't take long for Bankiras to be trapped in the water prison composed of the water body of the Koga ninja frog.

Unless the Pokémon trapped by the water dungeon of the Koga Ninja Frog is a water type or a Pokémon with the ability to destroy the water dungeon, other Pokémon have no possibility of escaping after being trapped, and Bankiras is still a rock-based Pokémon that is afraid of water. Although Alukeze starved himself and tried many ways for Bankiras, he was unable to escape from the mobile dungeon until Bankiras drowned and lost the fight.

Even Elukeze tried to use the Poké Ball to reclaim Bankiras, but the red light shot from the Poké Ball was scattered by a shuriken thrown out by Koga Ninja Frog.

At this time, the audience in the audience was stunned by the scene of the Koga Ninja Frog defeating the quasi-god Pokémon Bankiras so easily, and for a while, the entire competition venue was quiet and terrible, until the referee announced that Bankilas had lost the battle and asked Elukezer to change Pokémon, and everyone reacted, saying that Alukezer's Bankilas lost his combat ability without even touching the real Koga Ninja Frog.

Elukize knew that if he immediately sent the Fierce Biting Land Shark, which was injured in the previous battle with the Super Swamp Monster, to play, even if he used the Super Evolution, he would be defeated by Lin Yu's Koga Ninja Frog, so he finally felt that he would send his other four eight-star strength Pokémon to the field first to consume the Koga Ninja Frog's physical strength.

However, the next scene that surprised the audience happened, only to see that Elokeze sent four Pokémon with eight-star strength in a row, and there was no mistake in the battle command, but even so, his four Pokémon did not last even more than five minutes in the hands of Koga Ninja Frog.

Seeing his Pokémon fall one by one under the twin knives of the Koga Ninja Frog, Elokaiser finally had to send the injured Fierce Bite Land Shark to fight, this time Elokaize, who understood the strength of the Lin Yu Koga Ninja Frog, finally took out the keystone immediately after sending the Fierce Bite Land Shark and prepared to let the Fierce Bite Land Shark super evolve to fight with the Koga Ninja Frog, but this time, when the colored light pillar shot into the super evolution stone on the Fierce Bite Land Shark, the Koga Ninja Frog threw out several shuriken again, directly interrupting the super evolution of the Fierce Bite Land Shark.

Originally, he could barely calm down, and he couldn't calm down at this time, even if the Poké Ball was interrupted when he took back Bankiras, and now even the super evolution of the fierce bite land shark was interrupted by the other party, and finally Elukitzer understood that the young Chinese man in front of him was not at all like the rumors, just looking at luck and relationships.

But it's a pity that Alukezer knew too late, and now his injured fierce bite land shark can only parry under the attack of the Koga ninja frog, after all, the Koga ninja frog doesn't like the way you punch me and I punch you like the giant swamp monster, the Koga ninja frog likes the way I slash you down with a knife in one breath and you can't hit me. In the end, the injured and fierce bite land shark finally fell under the knife of the Koga ninja frog.

"The Fierce Bite Land Shark has the ability to fight, so the final winner is Lin Yu from Huaguo!" the referee announced as soon as the Fierce Bite Land Shark fell to the ground.

After the referee announced his acceptance, Lin Yu directly took the Koga Ninja Frog to the Pokémon Hospital for treatment, and some of the people who couldn't accept their defeat this time still looked at the Fierce Bite Land Shark who fell on the field with a blank face, until finally he and the Fierce Bite Land Shark left the competition venue under the "support" of several staff members, and asked the staff to come up to repair the venue and prepare to fight against the next group of players.

In fact, many viewers were surprised that Lin Yu could defeat all the Pokémon of Elukize with a single Koga ninja frog, but there were still some people who didn't have any feelings about this matter, so it was better to say that Zuo Yexin and some other high-level officials of the Sakura Country who watched in the VIP room.

"Zuo Ye Pavilion Master, this kid is the one you said can fight against Laven?" One of the old men looked at Zuo Ye Xin and said: "His combat command is not to mention compared to Laven, even if he is serious about Elokaize, it is a little troublesome!" "

That's right! If Elokaize had fought seriously at the beginning, I think that giant swamp monster would have been defeated by the Fierce Bite Land Shark a long time ago, and if it had been super evolved from the beginning, it would not have fallen into the situation just now." Another middle-aged man also spoke: "The conditions for the use of his water prison should be very harsh!".

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