After Xu Ying left, Lin Yu completely fell into contemplation, this kind of Pokémon Lin Yu's first thought was of course the giant swamp monster that was not easy to be restrained, but Lin Yu thought at this time that the giant swamp monster was now almost used to deal with the two main forces, seeing the existence of the Koga ninja frog, if he consumed his physical strength at the beginning, he might break all his plans, so he fell into contemplation again.

In the end, Lin Yu could only consider the second method Xu Ying said, and after sending one to use the death stream to let the other party quickly defeat his first Pokémon, he could immediately send a targeted Pokémon to deal with the first Pokémon, but Lin Yu hesitated at the thought of letting his Pokémon use this kind of death stream.

"Ah Yu, what are you doing here? Didn't you say that Xu Ying came to guide you in training? Why did he leave you here now?" Jordan, who had just come in, said suspiciously after seeing Lin Yu sitting on the training ground with a sad face: "Did he not tell you the training method or what?" "

Almost, he told me that this is a good opportunity to train me to learn to formulate targeted training, so he asked me to think about how to make a training plan for Lavenyi." Lin Yu said helplessly after spreading his hands.

Hearing Lin Yu's words, Jordan immediately opened his mouth and said: "How can he be like this! Didn't the old Xu you said before that he sent him over to help you make a training plan? How can he be like this, or you can directly sue that old Xu and let Xu Lao teach him a lesson?"

"Hey! Now the previous training plan is almost the same, but... He just asked me to decide on a Pokémon that would be the first to be sent if I wanted to release a Pokémon..."Lin Yu sighed and roughly said what Xu Ying and himself had said before.

After listening to Lin Yu's words, Jordan also fell into contemplation, although when Jordan participated in the strange power boxing match before, he would also do some targeted training on the habits and characteristics of the other party, but at that time, the coach was generally the coach to think for himself, and because Jordan's strange power could almost be said to be strong enough to explode at the same strength stage, it was generally Jordan's opponent who had no choice but to train for Jordan's strange force.

"I think he said it a little bit to the end, but... I think... The first non-Pokémon to play can also be said to be an opponent that the opponent will not be able to defeat for a while and a half, and directly force the opponent to change the Pokémon. Jordan thought for a moment before speaking.

"No!" Lin Yu shook his head and then said: "The other party will directly send a Pokémon that has done targeted training for my Pokémon at the beginning, even if my Pokémon can last ten minutes, it should suffer a lot of injuries, and when I change to other Pokémon, I will still be restrained by the other party's restrained Pokémon, in this case... I guess I'll be restrained by the other party directly.

"But you should know to yourself that if you use the death stream, the other party will definitely use the word duel to beat you after a certain amount of time, so... I think you just stalled with the other party!" Jordan said helplessly at this time.

"yes, so I can't do anything about it. Lin Yu nodded and then said helplessly.

"By the way, does your Gengh have the same name skill?" Jordan suddenly said at this time, "What if you sent Gengar to take one of his Pokémon with the same life skill at the beginning?"

"emmm... That seems to be the case. After listening to Jordan's proposal, Lin Yu nodded contemplatively, and then spoke: "But what if the damage of the Huskies (Geng Ghost) with the same fate cannot be destroyed with the other party? "

Lin Yu still understands the same life skills in this world, not so much the same life Lin Yu thinks it's almost the same as damage sharing, that is, no matter what skill the two sides use, the damage will be roughly evenly issued to the two Pokémon, and the more skilled the same life skills, the more inclined they can be to each other when distributing damage.

The strongest distribution ratio in the world record so far is 28 points, and the opponent can take 80% of all attack damage and only 20% of his own, but the average Pokémon will practice to the point of 46 points at most. And because the ghost Pokémon itself can withstand relatively low damage, even if it is four or six points, it is often the case that they fall but the opponent has not fallen.

Hearing Lin Yu's words, Jordan rubbed his hair a little helplessly and complained: "Then what else can I do? This is not good, that is not good, it seems that I should go back to be my professional competitive trainer!"

Lin Yu looked at the casual eyes of the Hippopotamus King and thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Then it's up to you next."

Hearing Lin Yu's words, the Hippo King also patted his chest proudly, saying that he was absolutely fine.

As the strength slowly increases, the Hippo King finds that his strength is improving more and more slowly, although at first it may still fight with the Koga Ninja Frog or the Giant Swamp Monster, but as the Koga Ninja Frog has mastered the bond evolution and the Giant Swamp Monster has mastered the super evolution, it has basically been thrown out by the two of them, and now even the Geng Ghost has a faint tendency to surpass it when it shows it.

Since the Hippo King himself did not have a super evolution and the conditions for completing the bond evolution were too harsh, the Hippo King himself also entered his own inner world and saw that there was no trace of the power of fetters in its inner world, which may have something to do with the trainer who left it by the lake in the first place.

Even though the Hippo King tried very hard to forget the trainer, whether it was the way it behaved or the fighting style, it could almost be said that the person taught it, so it was impossible for him to forget the trainer who left him behind unless he forgot everything before him.

For these Lin Yu, I also feel very strange, to say it, Geng Ghost and Hippo King are the Pokémon that have followed him for the longest time, but not only Geng Ghost can't master the super evolution because of an inexplicable fear, even the Hippo King and himself don't have any fetters before, if it weren't for the fact that every time the Hippo King is doing his best in the team, Lin Yu wonders if the Hippo King is in Cao Ying, and his heart is in Han.

After determining that if he released the Pokémon first, he would let the Hippo King go first, and Lin Yu began to formulate the next Pokémon targeted training plan for Ravenyi, although Lin Yu still didn't understand the so-called targeted training plan, but he still made some training plans for his Pokémon according to some of his common sense.

Lin Yu can be said to have racked his brains for an afternoon before finally reluctantly completing the formulation of this targeted training plan, when Lin Yu made himself and handed over the plan to Xu Ying, Xu Ying was also stunned, in fact, Xu Ying didn't think that Lin Yu could make a training plan in one afternoon from the beginning, so although Xu Ying had already begun to formulate this targeted training plan for Lin Yu after leaving.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be able to make this training plan in one afternoon. Xu Ying turned out that Lin Yu handed him a general look at the training plan and then said: "Although many things are written very generally, I have to say that this training plan is really feasible." "

Thank you Uncle Xu for the compliment. Hearing Xu Ying's words, Lin Yu smiled slightly and then spoke.

"Don't get too excited, if you think you can beat LaVine with this kind of training plan, you're dreaming. Xu Ying's painting style was running at this time, and suddenly struck at Lin Yu and said: "The focus of your training plan is only on the weaknesses and advantages of Ravenyi's Pokémon, but have you ever thought about the advantages and disadvantages of your own Pokémon?

Being picked out by Xu Ying so many mistakes and omissions in a row made Lin Yu not know what to say for a while, and finally looked down at the ground under his feet with some embarrassment.

"Okay, let's do it first!" Xu Ying glanced at Lin Yu and then said: "In general, it is very good that you can do this step as a beginner, but you have to remember that in the future, you should also consider your own advantages when targeting the opponent's weaknesses! "

Okay, thank you, Uncle Xu. Lin Yu nodded and then spoke.

"You go back today, and then I will make some changes to your training plan, and from tomorrow you will train according to the training plan I modified for you. Xu Ying nodded and continued: "When the time comes, if there is anything you don't understand in training, come and ask me." "

Okay, then it's hard Uncle Xu!" Lin Yu nodded and left.

After Lin Yu left, Xu Ying took the training plan that Lin Yu handed over to him and began to make difficulties, you must know that Xu Ying had already formulated a targeted training plan for Lin Yu by himself before, and now that Lin Yu's training plan was taken, he didn't know whether to give Lin Yu the one he had done before or modify the training plan for Lin Yu overnight.

"Hey, I knew that this kid would go out to play before he could get it out!" Xu Ying glanced at the training plan in his hand, and finally sighed helplessly and said: "Forget it, let's just give him the share that I did before tomorrow."

Xu Ying said to herself at this time, and directly rubbed Lin Yu's training plan into the trash can and went out to experience the nightlife of the cherry blossom country.

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