Although the Super Swamp Monster was injured in one arm at this time and couldn't engage in hand-to-hand combat with the Pang Rock Monster of Ravenyi, the water and ground attributes of the Super Swamp Monster were perfect restraints on the rock attribute of the Pang Rock Monster, so it was needless to say that the Pang Rock Monster, which was not moving fast, fell directly under the remote attack of the Super Giant Swamp Monster.

"Raven Player's Pang Rock Monster has lost its combat ability, so please ask Raven Player to send the next Pokémon!" the referee said directly to Raven after seeing that Pang Rock Monster had lost his combat ability.

Not long after the referee announced the result, the Super Swamp monster also passed out due to excessive blood loss.

"Come back, Dali (Giant Swamp Monster), you've done a good job!, let's hand it over to Rhubarb (Wind Speed Dog)!" Saying that, Lin Yu took back the Giant Swamp Monster that had lost his combat ability on the field, and then took out the Poke Ball of Wind Speed Dog and threw it out, saying: "It's up to you next, Big Yellow (Wind Speed Dog)!"

Not long after Lin Yu took back the Giant Swamp Monster, a person dressed as a medical staff ran to Lin Yu and said: " Mr. Hayashi, your giant swamp monster seems to be a little badly injured, and we decided that we should take it for treatment like this, so..."

After Lin Yu heard the words of the medical staff, he directly took out his other five Poke Balls and said to the medical staff, "Then please help my Pokémon treat them."

Seeing Lin Yu's movements, the medical staff was stunned at first, and then the five Poke Balls handed over by Lin Yu went down to treat them.

Generally, there will be a special medical team in this kind of large-scale competition.,Compared to Pokémon battles, there will be a lot of serious injuries.,If those seriously injured Pokémon can't be taken in time, it can be directly scrapped.。

"Alright, game on!" the referee said after the paramedics left.

After the referee restarted the game, Lavenyi was the first to speak: "Ivory Pig first uses a blizzard, and then uses a freezing beam on that wind speed dog!" "

Rhubarb (Wind Speed Dog): In this case, let's use the Great Sunny Day and then use the Jet Flame to fight the other party!" Lin Yu also said directly at this time.

With the command of Lin Yu and Ravenyi, the field that had just begun to prepare for a blizzard changed back to sunny in an instant, followed by the ivory pig's freezing beam and the wind speed dog's jet flame confrontation, although the strength of Lavenyi's ivory pig seemed to be stronger than Lin Yu's wind speed dog, but due to the restraint of the attributes, in the end, Lavenyi's ivory pig still fell under Lin Yu's wind speed dog's energy storage flame attack.

"The Ivory Pig has lost its ability to fight, and since all six Pokémon of Ravin One have lost their ability to fight, the final winner is Lin Yu from Huaguo!" After confirming that Ravin One's Ivory Pig has lost his ability to fight, the referee announced the result of the game loudly.

After Lavenyi took back the ivory pig, he looked at Lin Yu and said directly: "You are very strong!, but I won't let you win by luck next time we meet!" Hearing

Lavenyi's words, Lin Yu didn't have any anger, after all, just like Lavenyi said, Lin Yu can really win this time, it can really be said to be a fluke, if it weren't for the Hippo King who carried the 100,000 volts of the electric shock monster at the beginning to make the other party drown and lose the battle, Lin Yu might have lost by now. If it weren't for the fact that the Giant Swamp Monster had defeated the Super Fossil Pterodactyl with serious injuries in the end, and then knocked down the Pang Rock Monster, Lin Yu now knew that there was no chance of winning.

After the game, Lin Yu went directly to the medical center on the edge of the competition venue.

"Your Pokémon are mostly okay, but... Both the Swamp Monster and the Hippo King are now seriously injured, and it is estimated that you will not be able to fully recover by the time you participate in the finals. After Lin Yu arrived, a medical worker came out and said to Lin Yu: "If you force them to play... It can cause irreversible damage to their injuries, so we recommend that you forgo the rest of the game.

"Okay, thank you. After Lin Yu roughly understood the situation, he nodded helplessly and went back.

When Lin Yu returned to his residence in disappointment, Jordan ran over excitedly and said to Lin Yu: "Ah Yu, where have you been? Do you know that even domestic reporters want to interview you now, with your current performance, you can almost definitely beat that Xiong Honda in the next round!"

"I can't participate in the finals." Lin Yu said with some frustration.

"Open... What a joke!hahaha. Hearing Lin Yu's words, Jordan smiled a little embarrassedly, and then found that Lin Yu's situation was wrong, so he asked seriously: "What is the situation? Is someone threatening you not to let you participate in the finals? It's okay, it's a big deal, when the time comes, we will expose them through the media! Let them be ruined."

"No, it's not. Lin Yu looked at Jordan helplessly and shook his head before he spoke: "Dali (Giant Swamp Monster) and Donkey Deshui (Hippopotamus King) are too seriously injured this time, and the doctor said that they can't recover before the finals, if they insist on participating in the finals... It can cause irreversible harm to their injuries. "

So you're just going to give up the next finals?" At this time, Father Lin's voice suddenly said from behind Lin Yu.

"Dad?" Hearing Dad Lin's voice, Lin Yu turned around in surprise and said helplessly: "But... I... Donkey Deshui (Hippopotamus King) them..."

Father Lin said to Lin Yu solemnly: "They fought Ravenyi's Pokémon desperately so that you could participate in the finals! If they knew that you gave up after they won and participated in the finals, do you think it still makes sense for them to be injured like this? Don't you still have four Pokémon! I don't think that Kumahonda is not very strong, so you take the Koga Ninja Frog and them to have a happy competition with it!".

Lin Yu nodded excitedly at this time and said, "Okay, I'll take the Koga Ninja Frog and them to have a happy competition with that Kuma Honda." The

next day, after Lin Yu picked up the Koga Ninja Frog from the Pokémon Hospital, he told them that he was going to take only four of them to the final against Kumahonda, and the same Lin Yu also told them that the Hippo King and the Giant Swamp Monster had suffered multiple injuries in order to reach the finals for them, and as a Geng who had almost no effect in the semi-finals, he could be said to be the most diligent in the following days.

And Lin Yu also began to study the fighting style of Kumahonda in the following days, in the research Lin Yu found that although Kuma Honda reached the finals like him, Kuma Honda actually only had two Pokémon with nine-star strength, and along the way, except for the Egyptian player Spicy Wash who met in the semifinals, the other opponents were basically third-rate players, and even Spicy Wash actually had at least one main Pokémon injured when he met him.

"Something is wrong!" Jordan, who was studying tactics with Lin Yu, looked up at Lin Yu with some confusion and said, "Although this guy named Kuma Honda is indeed a first-class genius outside, but... He doesn't have any characteristics with Ravenyi, Mitaka or Spicy Wash, but he's the kind of guy who just made it to the final again!"

"Actually, it's very simple. At this time, a slightly chubby boy suddenly appeared at the door of Lin Yu's training ground.

Jordan turned his head and saw this strange man, and said angrily: "Who are you? This training ground has been taken over by us, so ordinary people are not allowed to enter." "

Usually Jordan wouldn't be so angry, but because the media didn't know where to know that Lin Yu's two Pokémon were injured and one of them was still the main Pokémon, Jordan could only stop accepting interviews with any reporters when reporters kept coming up to ask Lin Yu if he would retire.

"Brother Wang?" Lin Yu said suspiciously.

At this time, Lin Yu recognized at a glance that the person who came was Wang Bohan.

"I didn't expect Lin Da Champion to recognize me!" Wang Bohan said with a smile after hearing Lin Yu's words: "I thought you wouldn't recognize me!"

At this time, Lin Yu carefully looked at Wang Bohan, and Lin Yu found that although Wang Bohan still looked chubby, he was much thinner than before, and now he doesn't feel fat, and he reveals the feeling of being fine, and originally Wang Bohan's skin was white and tender, but now all his skin leaking outside is already wheat-colored.

"Brother Wang has lost weight!" After looking at Wang Bohan, Lin Yu said with a smile.

"But it's not! Don't you know that the Roman gladiatorial arena is really not a place for people, the wild Pokémon he puts every day are different, and the most terrifying thing is that they occasionally put a few quasi-gods in!" Wang Bohan also said helplessly at this time: "I'm the worst fucking girl! Finally, I won forty consecutive victories, what do you guess they let me fight in the forty-first game

?" Jordan asked curiously: "What?" "

He's forty-one Kentyro!" It's still the kind that takes the lead!" Wang Bohan said with a sad face.

"Isn't that a Kentyro tribe?" Jordan said casually.

"Isn't it, boy, do you know the rules of the Roman gladiatorial arena?" Wang Bohan said to Jordan very angrily when he heard Jordan's casual tone: "Have you ever seen a group of Kentero with at least thirty eight-star peak strength in a group? Have you ever seen a group of Kentyro with eleven nine-star strength

in a group?" Hearing Wang Bohan's Jordan said in disbelief: "What! How is this possible! If there is such a race, it must be against the sky?"

"Yes, you don't know how terrifying that scene is, if I hadn't had a flying Pokémon, I would have died there!" Wang Bohan shook his head and said helplessly: "At most, I have the ability to dodge their charges, and there is basically no possibility of attacking them!" At

this time, Lin Yu suddenly said: "By the way, Brother Wang, you just said that you know what the situation of that bear Honda is?"

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