"Actually, we can look around here first, anyway, we don't need any equipment to find the big lake! Let's go back in the evening!" Xu Changzhou thought about it and sighed.

The four of them rummaged in the woods for a long time, and they didn't even see a wild Pokémon, and when Yu Heng was bored walking on the mountain road, he suddenly seemed to step on something. Just as he was about to see what he was stepping on, he saw a big snake with a purple body and a golden tail opening its big mouth and rushing towards Yu Heng.

"Yu Heng! Be careful!" the other three people who saw this scene immediately shouted at Yu Heng.

Just when the big snake was about to bite Yu Heng, it suddenly stopped in control, and saw the purple light of this mental power flashing around his body. I saw that the Gotha duck was standing with his hands behind his back, but the red gem on his forehead was slightly red.

With a flick of his ability, Gotha Duck threw the Aba snake to the ground, then looked at Hu Tu and pointed at the Aba snake.

"No, Brother Duck, I didn't bring an empty Poké Ball, and besides, what are you doing with it? I don't like snakes, and—" Hu Tu was still talking as Gotha Duck kicked Hu Tu in the ass and interrupted him, then snatched the Poké Ball containing Young Kiras from Hu Tu's waist and threw it.


Gotha Duck rolled his eyes at Hu Tu, then snorted again at the young Kiras, who was looking at the Aba snake with a wary face.

"I think the Gotha Duck should let you command the young Kiras to fight against that Aba Snake! In this way, even if you don't find the dragon cave, you can add a little actual combat training, and there is also the Gotha Duck on the side! This is the biggest improvement!" Xu Changzhou touched his chin and thought about it.

"That's right, we should all release the Pokémon! This is the wilderness! In the event of a sudden attack, we can't rely on our strength to fight it!" Lin Yu suddenly said, "Otherwise, if we go down and encounter this situation again, we may encounter this situation again." Soon

everyone released their Pokémon, and when the monster came out of the Poké Ball, they suddenly saw that they and Lin Yu were actually in the woods, and immediately looked at Lin Yu suspiciously, as if they were asking why they were here.

Lin Yu then remembered that he hadn't passed through the qi with the strange force after stealing the strange force, no wonder the strange force didn't pay attention to the environment where the ball was when he was in the Poké Ball, after all, the Pokémon in the Poké Ball were not very fast, so most Pokémon existed in a dormant state in the Poké Ball when it was safe.

Strange Li looked at Lin Yu with a serious face, and then didn't know where to take out a mobile phone, and then dialed a call, and then the voice of Father Lin came, "Lin Yu, what are you doing?"

"Ahhh Didn't do anything? just... It's just to go out with Hu Tu and them to go through the experience, and then think about coming out with strange powers to be safe!So... So..."Lin Yu was immediately embarrassed and stammered on the phone.

"Oh! Be careful on the road! Don't tell your mother, just say you're traveling!" Dad Lin said leisurely, "Isn't it just going out to practice? Why are you stammering

?" "Okay! Dad, aren't you angry?" "

What's this? When I was so old, I also took Ba Dadie into the secret realm by myself to take in Pokémon! Besides, if you can still have an accident around you now if you have strange powers, then you probably don't go into the secret realm in the future!" Dad Lin then said, "You give the phone to Strange Force, don't fall behind in your training! I will let Strange Force supervise you!"

Then Lin Yu handed the phone back to Strange Force, Strange Force took the phone and didn't know what Father Lin seemed to him, and he hung up the phone after talking for about ten minutes.

At this time, on a cruise ship flying the flag of the Pokémon Society far away in the Pacific Ocean, everyone looked nervously at the obviously sunken sea in front of them. On this cruise ship, it is the world's senior trainers who have come to explore the huge secret realm this time, and on the splint of this cruise ship, Daddy Lin, Daddy Yu and Daddy Hu are drinking tea together.

"Lao Lin, what's wrong with your baby?" said Father Yu with a smile.

"He's gone to the mountains with that kid from the Hu family!, but he's at least brought my strange power with him!" Dad Lin said with a smile and no nervousness.

"That's all right, the old man left his Goda duck at home! That Goda duck is the old man's second Pokémon! It's all alive, my Pokémon may not be able to beat it together! Rest assured!" Father Hu sighed, "But that secret realm is about to come! Everyone be careful, the old man is still holding a battle meeting today!" "

Is it so terrifying? Didn't it mean that we explored the mission together?" Father Yu said suspiciously.

"By the way, aren't we eight-star trainers just exploring, and what danger will there be?" Father Lin also said.

"You must know that eight-star trainers can only do exploration tasks, and they are in the form of ten-person squads! Seventh-level trainers can only do communication work on the periphery! Do you say that it is dangerous? If it is not dangerous, will you summon so many master trainers? Almost all the master trainers are here, and only some countries are left behind!" Father Hu said solemnly, "Be careful

!" "In this way, the opponents that those master trainers deal with fall on our heads, and we estimate that we will really finish!" Looks like we're going to have to do some more training too!" Father Lin became serious after hearing this.

Returning to Lin Yu's side, Hu Tu had already begun to command Young Kiras to start fighting against that Ablin, although Young Kiras was not weak, and even Hu Tu's command did not make much mistakes, but even so, Hu Tu could only really exert eighty percent of Young Kiras's full strength, while the wild Aba Snake could exert one hundred and twenty percent of its strength.

Because one fights to win, and the other just to survive, Young Kiras has basically been at the bottom. If it weren't for the fact that Ah Bai Snake saw Lin Yu and two equally strong Pokémon appear on their side, in addition to a bottomless Gotha duck, it would have poisoned it a long time ago. If the snake is poisoned, it can increase its strength by another twenty percent.

"Hu Tu, you can't do it! Or let me come! Or you can let him go! It's also very hard for people to be a sparring partner for you!" Yu Heng said as he looked at Hu Tu, who had not decided the winner for a long time and even felt that he would lose at any time.

"Brother Duck, Master Duck, I know I'm weak! Why don't we let them go first, I'll train hard!" Hu Tu said helplessly to Gotha Duck.

Who asked him to control and compare Gotha Duck, but Gotha Duck didn't let him stop fighting, so he could only say to Gotha Duck in a pleading tone.

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