After the six Pokémon beside the master trainer saw that Zhang Xiao had returned to normal at this time, they also planned to bite off their trainer's arm with the vajra ring immediately, but this time, the rogue crocodile who had decisively bit off Zhang Xiao's arm before was unable to bite off his trainer at this time.

The six Pokémon are like this, you push me, you push yours, anyway, they don't want to break their trainer's arm by themselves at this time, after all, they don't want to wait for their trainer to recover and know that his arm was broken by them, although they know that they are saving their trainer, but no matter what, they still feel guilty in their hearts.

"Alright, alright! Don't fight until now. Lin Yu saw the six master-level strength Pokémon pushing back and forth and waved his hand at them before he said, "Don't break your trainer's hand now, now Sanqianwen (Kuailong) has just treated Zhang Xiao, so after you break your trainer's hand now, Sanqianwen (Kuailong) may not be able to stop the bleeding for him immediately."

At this time, after hearing Lin Yu's words, the few master-level Pokémon also nodded, they actually didn't want to attack their trainers now, if they could, they still hoped that the Hokage version of the Koga Ninja Frog would do it at that time, so that they would have to wait for their trainers to wake up and fight with the Hokage version of the Koga Ninja Frog.


After Lin Yu's conjecture had been verified, the missionary card felt that he was even more dangerous at this time, after all, he had continued to fight against Lin Yu by commanding those puppeteers, but now it was still difficult to let them cut off their trainer's hands.

"Looks like my guess was correct." Lin Yu also saw the missionary card's reaction at this time, so he said with a smile: "It seems that you won't even have the last bit of effect in the future." Do you think I can just kill you? "


Lin Yu had just finished speaking, and the missionary card had not yet answered, but at this time, Zhang Xiao, who was originally reminiscing about his previous experience on the side, interrupted Lin Yu's words, and he got up from the ground with difficulty and walked to Lin Yu's side.

Zhang Xiao persuaded Lin Yu and said, "No matter what your reason is, I don't think you should kill people directly." I'm a police officer, you should leave this matter to me. Hearing

Zhang Xiao's words, Lin Yu's scolding mood left, just now Lin Yu said that he just wanted to deceive a lot of secrets of the Hopa Divine Sect from the missionary's mouth, but at this time, Zhang Xiao's words directly messed up Lin Yu's previous calculations.

"Yes, yes, yes! Officer Zhang, I want to report! Also hearing Zhang Xiao's words, Missionary Ka's originally serious face changed, and he said with some grievances: "Officer Zhang, that guy has already killed six people in the secret realm before. He's ready to kill me now, so hurry up and get him up!"

After hearing the words of the missionary card, Zhang Xiao immediately looked at Lin Yu with a serious face, and then asked, "Is what he said true?" "

No, Officer Zhang, you better think about how you were controlled by the other party first! I can fix this side of the matter. Lin Yu looked at Officer Zhang with a serious face and said.

Zhang Xiao opened his mouth again and said to Lin Yu: "No! Now that you are suspected of malicious murder, there is no way I can let you continue to do it to other people!

"Are you blind? You see that the six Pokémon over there are not, those six are all Pokémon of master strength, and the one they protect inside is a master trainer. Lin Yu pointed to the puppet man of the Master Trainer Contest and said angrily to Zhang Xiao: "They can now control not only eight-star trainers like you, but also master trainers, imagine what will happen if the master trainers in the whole country are controlled by them?"

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Zhang Xiao was stunned at first, he understood that Lin Yu meant that this was what they needed to ask for a way to crack the missionary card in front of them, and just now it seemed that because of a temporary professional habit, the other party's coercion and temptation to the missionary card were destroyed. Zhang Xiao can't be completely blamed for all this, after all, not only does he not understand the situation now, but he also says that his memories have not been completely sorted out.

"Good horn. I'm going to sort out my memories first. Zhang Xiao nodded helplessly and retreated, but when Zhang Xiao retreated, he still whispered to Lin Yu: "It's best not to kill people, if you don't let it... I might have to arrest you.

In this way, Zhang Xiao returned to the place where he had sat before and sat down, and after seeing Zhang Xiao's movements, the missionary card also understood that his situation might not be good.

"Officer Zhang, what are you doing here? Wilt thou not do justice unto me? Missionary Ka finally shouted in Zhang Xiao's direction.

This time, Zhang Xiao didn't get up and say anything as excitedly as before, he just continued to sit there with his eyes closed and sorted out his chaotic memories, and Lin Yu, who saw this scene, was finally relieved.

"That's it! Do you have any last words? Lin Yu said disdainfully to the missionary card at this time.

As soon as Lin Yu's words fell, the Hokage version of Koga Ninja Frog had already walked towards the missionary card with the long knife of water, looking at the Hokage version of Koga Ninja Frog who was approaching him step by step, the missionary card was afraid and involuntarily retreated, and at the same time pushed the puppet man around him towards the Hokage version of Koga Ninja Frog.

The Hokage's Koga Ninja Frog looked at the puppeteers who had been pushed out by the missionary card to stop him, and instead of directly slashing them to death with a knife or cutting off their arms, he directly used the ice seal to trap them in an ice cage. Zhang Xiao, who was sorting out his memories here, instinctively glanced up at what Lin Yu was going to do, and after seeing that the Hokage version of the Koga Ninja Frog did not directly kill the puppeteer, he finally closed his eyes again with peace of mind and began to sort out his memories that were disordered because he was controlled.

Soon, all the puppets were directly trapped by the ice cage of the Hokage version of Koga Ninja Frog, and only the Hokage version of Koga Ninja and the unarmed missionary card were left on the field.

"I say! I say! Missionary Ka looked at the Hokage's version of Koga Ninja Frog, who was holding the water long knife and looked at him step by step, knelt down and said repeatedly.

"Okay." Lin Yu smiled when he saw the missionary Ka kneeling down and said, "What is your purpose?

"I don't know."

"What!" Lin Yu raised his voice angrily again and asked.

Lin Yu didn't expect the other party to give such an answer at this time, originally Lin Yu thought that the other party would obediently tell all the purposes, and might also get some internal information about this organization.

"I really don't know." Missionary Ka knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing to Lin Yu and said, "We are just taking orders, in fact, we are just puppets who are more advanced than those puppets.

"You're puppets too?" After hearing Missionary Ka's words, Lin Yu involuntarily frowned and continued, "You mean, you can make these robot-like guys turn back into intelligence, and they will still be under your control?"

"Theoretically, yes, as far as I know, there have been people who have successfully used faith to truly control a master trainer." Missionary Ka nodded at this time and then spoke: "But we are not puppets, we are from the secret realm of your Hupa God Cult. "

Hoopa? Are you sure you're from the Cult of the Secret Realm, not the bewitched people in this world? Lin Yu thanked him again and said, "As far as I know, in the secret world, although Hopa is a very powerful god-level Pokémon, it is not a god at all, at most a demon god!" What exactly are you planning?

"I really don't know about this, everything we do is just our boss's orders. We are only the lowest personnel in the sect, and it is precisely because of our low level of strength that we have been sent here. Missionary Ka shook his head helplessly and said.

"You don't know? So what is your mission? Lin Yu asked again.

"My mission is to brainwash that master trainer into a conscious puppet controlled by us." Missionary Card said, pointing in the direction of the master trainer.

"But he's not conscious yet, is he? And looking at his appearance, even his Pokémon should be very unfamiliar to him, did you fail in brainwashing? Lin Yu asked after glancing at the master trainer with a blank look.

"Nope! To be precise, I'm on the verge of success, he was about to become the first batch of master trainers of our Hoopa Cult to succeed in brainwashing, but as a result, I received a mission to come to this secret realm to catch you in the middle of the brainwashing. Missionary Ka looked at the direction of the master trainer with some heartache and continued: "I heard that your strength is quite strong, so I directly turned him into an obedient puppet to arrest you first, but I didn't expect to catch you for a while, but almost killed his six quasi-heavenly king-level strength Pokémon." "

The first batch?!" Zhang Xiao suddenly opened his eyes and said in surprise after hearing the words of the missionary card: "So there is more than one master trainer controlled by you?" Where are the other master trainers?

"There must be more than one of them, and if you calculate the time..."Missionary Card thought for a moment and then said, "I should have been in the secret realm for three months, and the first batch of master trainers should have been brainwashed and washed soon, even if it is slow... It is estimated that half of the brainwashing should have been successful, and it is estimated that the first batch should be successful in two or three months at most.

"What do you want?" Zhang Xiao asked in horror after hearing such horrific words.

"Didn't I say it! I was too low in the organization to know what the higher levels were trying to do, and each of us was just doing what was commanded from above. Missionary Ka said helplessly.

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