"Did you ask about the way out of this secret realm?" Lin Yu nodded without any doubts and then said to Zhang Xiao: "I think we still have to get out of here quickly, if the first batch of master trainers they brainwashed in two or three months will be successful, then I estimate that unless their brains are cut off, they will be able to recover!" "

In fact, at that time, when Lin Yu heard that the missionary said that the brainwashing of the first batch of master trainers could be completed in two or three months, Lin Yu's first thought was that after this Hoopa Divine Sect completed the successful brainwashing of the first batch of master trainers, they would definitely use these master trainers to launch an attack on the Bra Palace, which had been targeting the Hoopa Divine Cult.

And the most important thing is that Lin Yu found Qi Bu who was with Mu Gu and them At this time, since they were controlled by the missionary card, then maybe Mu Gu and they were probably also near the missionary who might control them, and if it was really time for the Hopa Divine Sect to counterattack the Bra Palace, puppet people like Mu Gu and them who were simply controlled would definitely be turned into cannon fodder in that battle to use.

Just when Lin Yu was worried about Mu Gu and them outside the secret realm, Zhang Xiao shook his head helplessly at Lin Yu, saying that the missionary card also didn't know where the exit of this secret realm was. Lin Yu almost exploded when he saw Zhang Xiao shaking his head, he never thought that Zhang Xiao couldn't even ask where the exit was, and the missionary card said that he didn't know where the exit was, Lin Yu absolutely didn't believe it.

"You've been asking for so long, can't you even ask an exit? Aren't you a police officer? Isn't there any interrogation skill at all? Lin Yu roared angrily at Zhang Xiao.

In fact, Zhang Xiao can't help it, as a policeman, his identity makes him not torture the missionary card to extract confessions, and if his interrogation ability is really outstanding, with the strength of his eight-star trainer, it is impossible to just be a criminal police captain in a town in Blowing Smoke Town, you must know that generally his strength and more than ten years of experience can at least be mixed into the city bureau, but he can't get into it at the county level.

"He... He said that he had always been led by the people of the Glorious Adventure Group before, and that the way out was only known to the people of the Glorious Adventure Group, and now that the people of the Glorious Adventure Group had died, he did not know where the way out was. Zhang Xiao said with some confidence.

Zhang Xiao was also very ashamed when he heard what Lin Yu said to him, he himself knew very well that he had a sense of justice and the strength of an eight-star trainer, in fact, he was not a qualified policeman, after all, his ability to solve cases was too poor.

"Hey!" Lin Yu saw Zhang Xiao's depressed expression and sighed helplessly and said, "If he didn't know the way out of this secret realm, he wouldn't have been able to kill that member of the Glorious Adventure Group so decisively at that time!"

"He killed? But... Just now he told me that you are the member of the glorious adventure party that the Koga ninja frog slashed to death! Hearing Lin Yu's words, Zhang Xiao frowned, looked at Lin Yu and said, "He also said that in addition to killing the member of the Glorious Adventure Group who led him the way, you killed a total of six people from the Glorious Adventure Group. "

Hey... What should I say..."Lin Yu didn't know how to explain it at this time, so he could only think for a moment before speaking: "Let's not mention the other people from the Glorious Adventure Group for the time being, the one he said was the one who led the way was indeed slashed twice by Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog), but he was not dead or even half dead, and when he fell to the ground, he also threatened me, and finally was sucked to death by the missionary's butterfly knot and cute fly!" You think if he didn't know how to get out, how could he kill that person so decisively? "

Hmm." Zhang Xiao nodded at this time and said, "What you said makes some sense, but you don't have any evidence that you didn't kill that person."


Lin Yu was speechless for a while after hearing Zhang Xiao's words at this time, but he had no way to prove that what he said was true, after all, at that time, in addition to his own Pokémon, the missionary card didn't even let the puppets release other Pokémon, and Qi Bu didn't regain his sanity at that time, so Lin Yu can now say that there is no evidence, and the helpless Lin Yu can only shake his head and walk to the side and sit down.

"Hey! So what do we do now? Can we only wait for this secret realm to come completely? But it seems that it will take at least two months or so for the full arrival, and it will be too late for us to go out by then. Zhang Xiao asked with a puzzled look after seeing Lin Yu walk to the side and sit down.

"So what can you do? I'm telling you, I've been walking in this secret realm for more than three months, and since I didn't come in through the entrance, I haven't been able to find the exit! Lin Yu waved his hand helplessly and said, "Now it's hard to run into you people, but the result is that you don't know where the exit is!" I see, we can only wait for this secret to come completely.


Zhang Xiao was about to say something, but Lin Yu ruthlessly interrupted Zhang Xiao's words and said: "Forget it, if you have any way, you can continue to think, I haven't slept well for several days in order to chase this guy before, and then I'll sleep for a while, you remember not to let him run away."

After Lin Yu finished speaking, he went to sleep directly, and after Lin Yu fell asleep, the Hokage version of the Koga Ninja Frog also degraded back to its original reason and came to Lin Yu's side to start meditating, Zhang Xiao looked at Lin Yu who was sleeping directly and wanted to go to Qi Bu to chat, but at this time, Qi Bu, who had not slept well for a few days like Lin Yu, had also fallen asleep directly.

As Lin Yu and the others all fell asleep, this neighborhood suddenly became quiet, and then Zhang Xiao suddenly found that except for Ma Yuanxi, who was still sitting there sorting out his memories, there were almost few awake people and Pokémon, and even at this time, even Ma Yuanxi's six master-level Pokémon had fallen asleep directly on the ground.

After Zhang Xiao looked around, he suddenly found that in addition to the few puppets who were tied up and their eyes were scattered, the only thing left was the missionary card that was tied up over there except for himself. After seeing the missionary card with his eyes looking around, Zhang Xiao remembered what Lin Yu said before going to bed not to let the missionary card run away, so he planned to stare at the missionary card before the others woke up.

At this time, the missionary card didn't expect that everyone except Zhang Xiao and Pokémon fell asleep all of a sudden, and he felt that his chance to escape was about to come, because he understood that Zhang Xiao, who had just regained his senses, felt sleepy because his consciousness was suppressed by the Vajra circle before, so he actually couldn't last long in a quiet environment.

In this way, although the missionary card was hairy by Zhang Xiao's eyes, he was still not ready to say anything, he knew that as long as Zhang Xiao's spirit hit more at this time, the faster it would be for him to be sleepy. Sure enough, it didn't take long for Zhang Xiao, who had been staring intently at the missionary card, to blink significantly more often, and even he had begun to yawn again and again.

"What's wrong with me? Am I too tired? After yawning a few times, Zhang Xiao said to himself with some doubts: "Why don't I wake up one of them to replace me?"

In the end, Zhang Xiao gave up the idea of waking up Lin Yu and them to replace him, after all, in his thoughts, he was a police officer no matter what he said, and Lin Yu and they were just ordinary civilians at most now, and he felt that he should do some things himself, so he told himself over and over again in his heart that he couldn't fall asleep and stare at the missionary card.

The missionary looked at Zhang Xiao, who kept yawning but never fell asleep, and he was about to go crazy, obviously looking at Zhang Xiao's posture as if he would fall asleep at any time, but Zhang Xiao was still staring at himself with his eyes open after yawning a few times.

"Is this guy made of iron? Why haven't you fallen asleep yet? Missionary Ka looked at Zhang Xiao's posture and involuntarily complained.

Zhang Xiao also felt that he was about to reach his limit, so he was ready to let his wind speed dog take his place, but when he just reached out to get the wind speed dog's poke ball in his pocket, Zhang Xiao suddenly felt that his eyelids were extremely heavy and he couldn't bring them up. In this way, Zhang Xiao couldn't hold on anymore and closed his eyes and fell asleep, and the poke ball he was holding in his hand at this time was not thrown.

"Whew... Finally fell asleep. Looking at Zhang Xiao, who had finally fallen asleep, Missionary Ka let out a long sigh and then lowered his voice and said tentatively to Zhang Xiao: "Officer Zhang, are you asleep?" "

Whew... After a long time, it was Zhang Xiao's long snoring body that answered the missionary card.

However, as Zhang Xiao began to snore, Ma Yuanxi, who was originally sitting there with his eyes closed and sorting out his memories, frowned, obviously Ma Yuanxi was not asleep at this time, he glanced at Zhang Xiao who was lying on the ground snoring a little angrily.

"Master Ma, hurry up and save me! They're probably asleep now, so hurry up and get me out of here!" Seeing Ma Yuanxi open his eyes, the missionary lowered his voice and whispered.

At this time, although Ma Yuanxi would not take the initiative to do it to Lin Yu and them because of Lin Yu's previous words, after all, he had been brainwashed by the missionary card for more than half a year before, so as he sorted out his memories for more time, he felt more cordial to the missionary card, but even so, because of the problems Lin Yu pointed out before, he didn't immediately help the missionary card, after all, he was also afraid that his Pokémon would give up on him directly.

"Master Ma, you can rest assured. You take your Pokémon back into the Poké Ball first, and when you get out, I'll use the secret techniques of our Hoopa Cult to make your Pokémon recognize you again! At this time, the missionary card also saw the other party's concern from Ma Yuan's eyes, so he lowered his voice again and spoke.

After hearing the missionary card's words, Ma Yuanxi first glanced at the few Pokémon that he had fallen asleep, and then he decisively took them back into the Poke Ball, and then came to the missionary card to help the other party untie the rope.

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