After Lin Yu wrapped up all the food in a small shop again, Lin Yu said to the boss who was counting the money a little helplessly: "Boss, is there a bigger Pokémon food store or supermarket in the town?"

"Haven't you bought enough, young man? Although my store is small, the food you just asked Geng Ghost to put away is enough for you to eat for at least half a year! After hearing Lin Yu's words, the boss looked up at Lin Yu and said, "You can't have a Kirby beast, right?" Hearing

the boss's words, Lin Yu didn't know how to explain to the other party, and he couldn't tell the other party that he was going to take a group of more than a hundred dumb beasts, so Lin Yu could only smile at the boss awkwardly but didn't explain.

"Hey, although Kirbymon is indeed a good Pokémon for newcomers like you in the early stage, you also know that Kirbymon's kind of food is not something that ordinary people can afford at all." After seeing Lin Yu's embarrassed smile, the boss naturally thought that Lin Yu had acquiesced, so he said: "Our town is relatively small, and there is no big supermarket like you said, but you may be able to go to a bigger city to have a look." At

this time, the town is indeed not big, Lin Yu feels that he has almost visited the whole town after shopping for more than an hour, that is, because Lin Yu feels that he has visited the whole town and has not seen the kind of Pokémon food store or large supermarket he is looking for, so at this time, after Lin Yu has bought the last small store in the town that he thinks, he will ask the boss about the location of the supermarket.

Lin Yu nodded helplessly after hearing the boss's answer, and then Lin Yu took out his mobile phone, which had already run out of power, and said to the boss embarrassedly: "That boss, I don't know if I can charge my mobile phone." My phone is out of battery now, and I can't open the map and I don't know where the nearby cities are.

The boss glanced at Lin Yu's mobile phone and nodded very happily in agreement, after all, in his eyes, Lin Yu is his big customer today, just today, Lin Yu bought from him basically He may not be able to earn so much in a month, so the boss directly led Lin Yu to an outlet and asked Lin Yu to charge there.

"Look at your phone, it must have been floating outside for a long time? You don't just come out of a secret realm. When Lin Yu was charging, the boss said to Lin Yu with a smile at that time.

"That's right! I accidentally fell into a secret realm that had just appeared, and I had been in that secret realm for several months, and now I don't know anything outside. Lin Yu said with a wry smile when he heard the boss's words.

"It's been a few months! Then you may not know that the Hopa Cult is currently competing with the people of the Bra Palace for the religious status in the plateau area, and if you are a Hupa believer, it is best not to enter the city controlled by the Bra Palace. After hearing Lin Yu's words, the boss also kindly reminded: "If you don't let you be a believer in the Bra Palace, then it doesn't matter."

"Then if I'm a disciple of the Bra Palace, won't I be able to enter the area controlled by the Hoopa Cult?" Lin Yu asked suspiciously after hearing the boss's words.

After hearing Lin Yu's words, the boss immediately shook his head and said to Lin Yu: "Of course not, where would our Hupa Divine Sect suddenly attack others like the group of neurotics in Bra Palace!" In our eyes, even if you believe in another religion, as long as you don't attack us first, we won't do anything to that person! "

Then boss, can you tell me about the recent incident between the Bra Palace and the Hopa God Cult in the plateau area?" Lin Yu suddenly had some curiosity and asked the boss.

"This is going to start with the Bra Palace's attack on the Hopa believers for no reason..."After hearing Lin Yu's words, the boss immediately began to gush about what happened in the plateau area recently.

In this way, Lin Yu heard that he roughly understood the current situation in the plateau area from the mouth of the boss, and after Lin Yu entered the secret realm, the Hopa Divine Sect suddenly began to explode on the Internet about the killing of Hopa believers on the street in the Bra Palace, and then with the Hopa missionaries, they successfully brainwashed those master trainers.

Eventually, the Hopa Cult began to officially compete with the Bra Palace for the beliefs in the Plateau Region, until now the entire Plateau Except for the big cities, the remaining small towns have been controlled by the Hopa Cult, and even several of the big cities have begun to successfully infiltrate under the leadership of master trainers.

If the Bra Palace had encountered this situation before, it would definitely kill these infiltrated people on the spot, but because the people who led the team to infiltrate those big cities this time were a group of master trainers, it can even be said that the number of master trainers who infiltrated the cities under the jurisdiction of the Bra Palace was more than the number of master trainers stationed in those cities of the Bra Palace.

Finally, after the boss chattered with Lin Yu, Lin Yu's mobile phone was finally charged. After charging the phone, Lin Yu immediately turned on the phone, but not long after Lin Yu opened the phone, he quickly remembered the message of accepting the text message.

Most of the text messages were sent by Lin's mother, and Lin Yu could roughly guess that it should be Mu Gu who told the news to his mother, so Lin Yu immediately picked up his mobile phone and dialed his mother's phone, and Lin Yu quickly picked up the phone on the other end of the phone as soon as he dialed the phone.

[Hey! Is it Xiao Yu? Are you alright? How are you doing these past few months? Where are you now? Do I know how worried I am about you? Why didn't you call back before? As soon as Lin Yu picked up the phone, he heard Lin's mother's crying voice on the other end of the phone.

"Mom, I'm fine now! I just accidentally entered a secret place before, so I haven't been texted. After Lin Yu heard his mother's slightly crying voice, he hurriedly comforted: "Didn't I just come out of the secret realm and call you!" "

Do you know how worried I am about you? Mother Lin continued to complain to Lin Yu: [In the past few days, I have thought that you may have died in the plateau area, do you know how worried I am...]

Mother Lin complained to Lin Yu for more than an hour, until Lin Yu assured Mother Lin that she would stay at home safely for a year after going back this time, and then hung up the phone, and after Lin Yu and Mother Lin's call ended, Lin Yu began to look through his unread information again.

In these text messages, Lin Yu suddenly found that in addition to Xu Lao, he sent to tell him that the competition for the Speaker Championship ticket had started and the rules of the competition, but the time when Lin Yu saw the text message was seven months ago, which means that the matter of competing for the admission ticket had already started for seven months, and according to Lin Yu's own estimates, it seemed that there was only more than a month before the Speaker Championship held by the alliance.

From the point of view of time, it was basically impossible for Lin Yu to take Mu Gu and them away and then compete for that ticket according to the rules of the competition, so in the end, Lin Yu also gave up directly for the third round of this competition. Then Lin Yu continued to look at his mobile phone, which also contained the information that Wang Bohan had Ma Wenyuan, which roughly meant that they had successfully passed the repechage match.

After reading the text messages, Lin Yu clicked on some news again to read it, he still needs to have a further understanding of the current situation in the plateau area, and finally after Lin Yu has a general understanding of the current situation, his mobile phone is also full.

"Alright, thank you, boss." Lin Yu smiled at the boss and said.

"It's nothing, isn't it just a charge!" The boss also smiled and said to Lin Yu: "By the way, I see that you don't have a vajra ring in your hands, you shouldn't be a believer in Hupa."

"Hehe, I see that the boss doesn't have a vajra ring in your hand, and I don't think you're a Hupa believer!" Lin Yu also smiled when he heard the boss's question: "Boss, you won't be a disciple of the Bra Palace, right?"

"How could it be! I've always been an atheist, so I don't believe in either Bra or Nahupa. The boss smiled and said to Lin Yu.

"Okay, boss." Lin Yu smiled and then suddenly said to the boss seriously: "Since that's the case... Boss, I suggest that you leave the plateau area quickly! I think it won't be long before the whole plateau will be in chaos!

"Mess up? You mean the Bra Palace and the Khoopa Cult thing? No matter what they say, it's just a difference in beliefs, and now that the Hopa Cult has so many master trainers, I don't think there will be a big mess for a while. The boss smiled awkwardly when he saw Lin Yu's serious eyes and said.

"Hey." Lin Yu shook his head and then only dropped one last sentence: "Although they are balanced now, if one of them suddenly becomes stronger... In the end, it may be a terrible thing, when the time comes, I think that non-believers like you and me are not neutral, and they are enemies on both sides!

After Lin Yu finished speaking, he rode away directly on the fast dragon, leaving the boss alone in deep thought. In fact, Lin Yu wanted to say that the Hupa believers would be controlled, but at this time, he was afraid that the boss would not believe him, so he could only say some mysterious things.

Next, Lin Yu directly bought out the food in all the shops in more than a dozen nearby towns, and he had already talked nearly ten million times, if it weren't for Geng Ghost saying that its alien space seemed to be almost full, Lin Yu decided to continue to buy, buy, buy, buy.

Now Lin Yu could only reluctantly give up and continue to stock up on food after knowing that the Geng Ghost Strange Space was full, and they returned to that secret realm again, this time Lin Yu and they entered the secret realm Because Lin Yu now has five master-level Pokémon in his hands, he can basically say that he is walking sideways in this secret world that is about to completely descend.

But this time, even if Lin Yu went straight to the position they had chosen for the Hippopotamus King before, it would have been a day for the Wind Speed Dog to gallop through the woods.

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