After listening to Lin Yu's description, Muta originally planned to leave directly to catch up with Warlang and them, but just as he was about to turn around and leave, Lin Yu directly stopped them.

The wooden tower looked at Lin Yu and frowned and said, "Is there anything else?" Although I don't have a token that can be given directly now, but the favor recorded by our Bra Palace will not be reversed, you can rest assured

!" "No!" Lin Yu shook his head and said to the wooden tower: "I think you should want to go to other places to find support now, or liberate other places first, and then gather manpower to return to the headquarters of the Bra Palace in Sa City." "

What the hell do you want to say!" Mu Ta looked at Lin Yu and said angrily, "Since you have guessed our mission, then don't delay our time here!" "If you

just destroy those controllers, they can actually control them again as long as they are holding the controllers, and I now know a way to break the control, that is, to directly cut off the arms of those controlled people with vajra rings!" Lin Yu said directly.

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Mu Ta fell into deep thought, in fact, if it was according to Lin Yu's previous method of cutting off the arm when they encountered a small number of puppeteers, it was indeed simple and direct, but if the Bura Palace also used the method of chopping the arm this time, at least half of the people in the plateau area would break an arm after the crisis of the Bra Palace was over this time.

"I know, but I don't think we'll have to do anything until we have to. Muta nodded and turned to leave.

This time, Lin Yu didn't speak again, just watched the wooden tower and them leave, and in the end, Lin Yu also chose to leave the plateau area directly, Lin Yu felt that the matter of the Bra Palace in the plateau area this time should not have much to do with him. However, just as Lin Yu was about to leave the plateau area, his mobile phone rang again.

"Old Xu?" Lin Yu asked suspiciously, "Do you have anything to do with me?"

[It's really good that you're okay, you should have seen the text message about the admission ticket that I sent you before.]

"Well, I see. But it's too late for me to participate in the activities held by the alliance or the tasks released by the alliance, I think most of the activities and tasks should have been completed by others!" Lin Yu said helplessly on the other end of the phone.

[No! there is one last chance this time!] Xu Lao's side suddenly said: [This time the alliance has released the last mission, and this mission is in

the plateau region!] "The plateau region? It won't be to help the Bra Palace survive this crisis, right?" Lin Yu only understood after a little thought after hearing Xu Lao's words.

Before, it was clear that the younger generation of the alliance had completely controlled the alliance through some means, and it can be seen from the advent of the alliance headquarters and the entry of all alliance personnel into Australia, at that time, in fact, most of the old people in the alliance had been convinced, but in the end, it was because they found those people in Tianyitang that they resolutely decided to surrender, and even agreed to many conditions in the end.

[That's right, it's a matter of the plateau region, if I remember correctly, you should be in the plateau region now!] Xu Ying opened his mouth to Lin Yu and continued: [This mission is to help the Bra Palace survive this crisis, and after this crisis is over, all the trainers who participate in the rescue can get tickets, but the premise is to survive!].

Lin Yu fell into deep thought, in fact, this crisis in the Bra Palace is neither big nor small, ordinary trainers are basically only sent to death, even if they are master trainers under the siege of so many puppet Pokémon, they will not be able to get any benefit.

"Elder Xu, I think I may not be able to take this task, I just promised my mother to go home and recuperate for a while, this time the crisis in the palace is too dangerous, I'm afraid..."Lin Yu thought for a while and said to Elder Xu.

[Okay, I see. Xu Lao also nodded at this time and replied.

"That's right, Elder Xu, the Hoopa Divine Sect is actually just the vanguard of that mysterious organization, they are all organizations from the secret realm like the Alliance!" Lin Yu suddenly remembered this matter of the Hoopa Divine Sect, so he directly opened his mouth and told Elder Xu that he had obtained some information about the Hoopa Divine Sect.

[Are you saying that in that secret realm, they divide the master-level trainers into two parts: the quasi-heavenly king level and the heavenly king level, and in the secret realm, there is a champion level that is even better than the heavenly king level?] After hearing Lin Yu's description of Tianyi Hall, Xu Lao asked suspiciously, [And the boss of their Tianyi Hall is that champion-level trainer?]

"That's right! Moreover, their Hoopa Divine Cult is just a group of lowest-level trainers among them, and recently, the Heavenly King-level trainers among them have really been trying to find a way to descend on our world. Lin Yu nodded and continued.

[Okay, I see. After Xu Lao finished speaking this time, he hung up the phone directly.

In fact, Lin Yu still happened to talk to Xu Lao about the divine beast, but Xu Lao hung up the phone directly at this time, and Lin Yu could only put those words aside for now. And the reason why Xu Lao hung up the phone in such a hurry at this time was that he realized the seriousness of this matter, and he was ready to urgently convene a meeting to study how to deal with the matter of Tianyi Hall in Lin Yu's mouth.

Of course, what Xu Lao was going to do here was not his concern to Lin Yu at all, so Lin Yu continued to ride the fast dragon to leave the plateau area, but just as Lin Yu was about to leave the plateau area, he suddenly remembered what the man in the trench coat had said before, and then the Hopa Divine Church was endlessly chasing and killing him, and this time seemed to be the easiest opportunity for Lin Yu to deal with the Hopa Divine Cult.

In the end, after Lin Yu hesitated for a while, he said helplessly to Kuailong: "Sanqian Wen (Kuailong) Let's go back!

Lin Yu knew that this task of the alliance would have made many nine-star trainers desperately rush towards the plateau region, after all, for those nine-star trainers, looking at the high-quality battle for the chairman of the alliance is likely to provide them with the opportunity to break through the master level, you must know that those old nine-star trainers are basically one After breaking through the master-level strength, they can immediately make other Pokémon quickly become master-level strength at the same time, that is to say, although they only have six nine-star strength Pokémon, they are all people who will become master-level trainers at any time。

The fast dragon was stunned for a moment after hearing Lin Yu's words, and then although it was a little reluctant, it still turned around and flew in the direction it flew in according to its own instructions, in fact, it was too difficult for it to find Warlang in this way, after all, in fact, when Lin Yu and the wooden tower were separated, Warlang and they had already lost their knowledge.

In the end, Kuailong could only helplessly take Lin Yu and fly in the direction where the wooden tower left before, but no matter how Kuailong flew, he couldn't successfully find their traces of Warilang, but on this day, when Lin Yu and they were chased and killed by the Feiyu Hall Lord before passing by, Lin Yu couldn't help but want to let Kuailong land to see how Feiyu's old acquaintance was doing.

"Three thousand questions (Kuailong) This is the place where we were hunted down by the Flying Jade Hall Lord before. Lin Yu looked at the town on the ground and asked Kuailong.

Kuailong also noticed the city on the ground at this time, although Lin Yu had been in the secret realm for almost a year at this time, but seeing the appearance of the city below, Kuailong could be sure that this was the city where Feiyu and they chased and killed them back then.

At this time, looking at the city on the ground from the air, if it weren't for Lin Yu's previous knowledge that every city in the plateau region was fighting between the Bra Palace and the Hopa God Sect, at this time, as far as Lin Yu saw in the air, he didn't know that the two major organizations in the plateau area below were fighting openly and secretly. I saw that at this time, except for not seeing a single pedestrian in the whole city, there was basically no fighting between the two sides here, which was obviously the calm before the storm.

Not long after Lin Yu landed in a clearing in this city under the leadership of Kuailong, a group of people dressed as the Apostles of the Bra Palace appeared around Lin Yu, and the leader of those Apostles of the Bra Palace actually happened to be Lin Yu's old acquaintance, the Lord of the Flying Jade Palace.

"That's... You are the Lord of the Flying Jade Palace, right!" Lin Yu said to the other party with a surprised expression after seeing the Lord of the Flying Jade Palace, "I didn't expect you to come out to greet me just after I arrived in this city. "

Originally, Feiyu actually didn't recognize Lin Yu at once, after all, they received the news that a trainer riding a master-level strength fast dragon appeared, so at first they just thought that the Hopa Divine Sect was not a powerful master-level trainer again, and then when they saw Lin Yu's young appearance, they suddenly didn't know what to do, and then now Lin Yu suddenly acted like he was very familiar with Feiyu, so the surrounding Bra Palace apostles didn't know what was going on all of a sudden.

"You're... The person who escaped at that time?" The Flying Jade Hall Lord finally remembered Lin Yu after thinking hard for a long time, so he said with some surprise: "Your fast dragon, I remember that when you escaped, didn't you only have eight-star strength? Why did you directly break through to master-level strength now? You won't be taken away by a master-level trainer, right

?" "Big brother, we are in the Pokémon world, and we are not the kind of immortal cultivation world, where did this kind of saying come from?" Lin Yu said helplessly after hearing the other party's words.

"No, now the master trainers who helped the Hoopa Cult we think they have been taken away, and you can still think like normal people, but they just don't know why they are dedicated to the Hoopa Cult. The Flying Jade Hall Lord shook his head and spoke.

"They were just brainwashed by the Hopa Divine Sect, they are obviously still the same people!" Lin Yu said helplessly.

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