Seeing that the eighteen Pokémon on both sides of Ke Art and Lie Yumaru were constantly fighting, Lin Yu probably judged that Ke Art had about four Pokémon with the strength of the Heavenly King, and although the Lie Fish Pill had five Pokémon with the strength of the Heavenly King, he didn't know why in terms of battle command, and there was no way to directly crush the other party.

After watching it for a while, Lin Yu finally understood the situation on Lieyumaru's side, in fact, it wasn't that Ke Yiti was really stronger than Lieyumaru in terms of combat experience or Pokémon command, but that Lieyumaru didn't do his best from beginning to end. Lin Yu estimated that Lie Fish Ball was going to save a little physical strength and wait to help Rakori and them, but what Lin Yu couldn't have imagined was that in fact, Lie Fish Ball and they didn't use all their strength to guard against the three imaginary master trainers in Lin Yu's mouth.

If Lin Yu knew what Lie Yuwan was thinking at this time, he might really want to slap himself twice, if he didn't talk about being chased and killed by the three master trainers at that time, in fact, Lie Yuwan might be able to solve the problem of science and art quickly. However, in fact, it was precisely because of the three non-existent master-level trainers in Lin Yu's mouth that he forced Lie Yuwan, who was originally going to wait for support, to take the initiative to attack the Hopa Divine Sect with the Bra Palace.

Lin Yu really couldn't stand this kind of battle without using all his strength, so he directly appeared in the room of the two of them with the Koga Ninja Frog, Lin Yu was ready to help the following fish balls at this time to quickly solve this brainwashed science and art substitute.

"Ahem, ahem, ahem, the two of you feel very anxious to fight here!" Lin Yu walked near the two of them and coughed twice and said, "And it seems that there is one of you who has not used all your strength, why don't I help you so that you can use all your strength to fight well?"

To be honest, when Lin Yu first appeared, the two master trainers who were fighting seriously did not notice Lin Yu who suddenly appeared, and Lin Yu was really not noticed by both parties because of his appearance, so he deliberately coughed twice after appearing to attract their attention.

At this time, the two people who were attracted by Lin Yu's voice also looked at Lin Yu's side with a surprised face, only to see that Lin Yu was carrying nine Pokémon on his side, except for the wind speed dog and the dragon head gopher, which did not reach the master-level strength, the other seven He Ran were all master-level Pokémon.

After seeing the seven master-level strength Pokémon beside Lin Yu, Lieyumaru was directly stunned, and in their information before, Lin Yu was just a powerful fast dragon and a master-level strength of the Koga Ninja Frog. At most, it is just a genius trainer with nine-star strength, but now Lin Yu, who has seven master-level strength Pokémon, can already be said to be a proper master-level trainer, and the seven master-level trainers can be said to be a master-level trainer with no low strength.

"You're actually a master-level trainer?" Lie Yuwan looked at Lin Yu with some surprise and said.

"emmm..."Lin Yu looked at the Pokémon beside him and said a little helplessly: "Judging from the results, I am indeed a master trainer, but theoretically... I should be considered a nine-star trainer at best. "

In fact, at this time, Lin Yu himself had already forgotten that he had not only let the Koga Ninja Frog break through to the master trainer in that medium-sized secret realm, but he also successfully subdued the two master-level Pokémon of Tyrannosaurus and Electric Dragon in that secret realm, but these two Pokémon are not his Pokémon from the understanding point of view, and Lin Yu has also found that neither it is impossible nor the electric dragon is a little unsuitable for him in these days.

Lin Yu has decided to hand over the tyrannosaurus to his father Mr. Lin Jun after going home this time, after all, Lin Jun also had a tyrannosaurus in his previous Pokémon, and the electric dragon Lin Yu is ready to take it home and hand it over to his mother, after all, although this electric dragon is really strong in combat, it doesn't like to fight, and generally a wild Pokémon directly exudes momentum to scare away the other party.

In the past, Lin Yu also wanted to command the electric dragon to fight with the wild Pokémon many times, but as long as the electric dragon's infinitely close to the king-level strength was exuded, the wild Pokémon basically only had the ability to escape. And if Lin Yu planned to let the Koga Ninja Frog or the Giant Swamp Monster practice against the Electric Dragon, the Electric Dragon would hide behind him pitifully. Lin Yu didn't understand why the electric dragon was afraid of the frontal strength weaker than it, and the Koga ninja frog and the giant swamp monster were not a little bit weaker.

At this time, Lin Yu's words were unbelievable to Lie Yuwan, but he was still very glad that Lin Yu had such strength at this time, so important that he and himself joined forces to quickly solve the science and art substitute in front of him, and when the time came, even if he arrived, he would not be without the strength to fight.

When Lieyumaru felt fortunate here, Ke Yiti did feel a little bad, and he himself knew very well that he couldn't even solve it with a Lieyuball, not to mention that at this time, he joined this young master-level trainer who seemed to be very familiar with Lieyumaru.

"Lie Yu Ball, I didn't expect that you, the head of the branch of the Bura Palace, would actually use this kind of indiscriminate method to deceive me at this time, and then bully me with more and less, is this the justice that your Bra Palace, a so-called upright religion, says?" At this moment of crisis, Ke Yi's head was running rapidly, and then he immediately shouted loudly at Lie Yuwan.

Originally, at this time, Lin Yu was ready to command the Koga Ninja Frog and Lieyumaru to besiege Ke Yiyi, but after Ke Yidi shouted this sentence, Lin Yu immediately asked Koga Ninja Frog to stop their movements, and Lin Yu looked at the expressionless Lieyumaru on the side with a serious face.

At this time, Lin Yu didn't know whether to help Lie Yuwan or not, after all, if he forcibly helped him solve the science and art substitute without Lieyuwan's consent, even if Lieyuwan himself understood that he could win the other party if he didn't believe that Lin Yu helped him, but what came out of other people's mouths was that he Lieyuwan and the main hall master of Burucheng Bu Cheng Bu Gong did whatever it took to defeat his opponent, and it was likely to discredit him at that time.

Lie Yu Maru saw Lin Yu let Jia Wrong stop, and then smiled at Lin Yu feelingly, and then said: "You go and help Rakori and them first! I can solve it myself

!" "Then whatever you want!" Lin Yu nodded after hearing Lie Yu Ball's words, and then directly took the Koga Ninja Frog and they turned to leave, before Lin Yu left, he finally said to Lie Yu Ball: "I suggest that you still use all your strength! Don't let your side drag on for too long, there may be changes elsewhere." In

Lin Yu's eyes, although those Bra Palace apostles can fight against five or six puppets by themselves, or even ten puppets by one, they can even fight against ten puppets at one time, but there are only a few hundred thousand Bra Palace apostles in Burucheng, but there are only a few hundred Bra Palace apostles in the Burucheng Bu Palace branch, but the puppet people controlled by the Hupa God Sect in Buru City are not only tens of thousands, that is at least hundreds of thousands.

Although Lin Yu wanted to express the battle on the side of the Apostle of the Bra Palace, when he heard it, Lie Yuwan's ears turned into asking it to pay attention to the three non-existent master trainers. And at this time, he also reacted, instead of always paying attention to the master trainers who would appear at any time, it was better to do his best to kill the science and art substitute in front of the three non-existent master trainers before they appeared.

"Okay, thanks for reminding me!" Lie Yuwan said directly to Lin Yu's back as he left after thinking about it.

After Lin Yu heard Lie Yuwan's words, he just waved his hand at the other party and left without looking back.

After watching Lin Yu leave completely, Ke Yiti looked at Lie Yuwan with some mockery and said, "I just didn't expect you to really let him leave! I didn't understand why you people who claim to be righteous are so hypocritical? Obviously, you just want to defeat me quickly, but at this time, you give up other people's help!".

"Hypocrisy, uprightness, anyway, I don't want to really think of you as that thug of the Hoopa God Cult from the beginning to the end!" Lie Yuwan looked at Ke Yiti and said helplessly, "It's a pity that you have been blinded by those people, and I can't waste any more time with you now, I can only get rid of you quickly!"

In fact, when Ke Yi Tai just became a master trainer, Lie Yu Ball, who had not yet become the master of the main hall of Buru City Bra Palace, wanted to recruit him, but although he failed, Lie Yu Pill and Ke Yi still became good friends, and it was also because Lie Yu Ball didn't attack immediately even if he already knew some of the cracking methods of the Hoopa God Sect before.

"Hmph! ridiculous!" said to his Pokémon with some disdain, "King Yanwu rushed over with a flash impulse!".

With the Pokémon commanding his Pokémon to attack Lieyumaru again, Lieyumaru also directly commanded his Pokémon to fight with Ke Yitai this time, and as Lieyumaru got serious, Ke Yitai gradually began to be not enough in front of Lieyumaru, but even so, Lieyumaru had no way to successfully defeat Ke Yidi immediately.

Lin Yu's side, after leaving from Lieyuwan's side, he also walked directly in the direction where Lakoli fought before, for Lakoli and Yun Zhi, Lin Yu must be more worried that the older Lakoli will be defeated by the other party, in fact, most of the trainers are the older they are, the stronger their combat experience and command ability, but when they reach the age of seventy or eighty years old, they are more and more likely to be confused.

This is not when Lin Yu just felt that Lakoli was on his side, he saw that Lakoli had already let the other party's master trainer defeat several Pokémon on his side because of a mistake in command, but Lakoli still relied on his rich combat experience to seize the opportunity to replace one Pokémon on the other side every time his Pokémon fell to the ground, so when Lin Yu came here, they had already fallen seven Pokémon with master-level strength on their side.

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