Lin Yu also admired the general layout of the current Earth Government after listening to Xu Ying's description of the current Earth Government's general layout of Tianyi Hall, although this half sentence can reduce the level of the war that broke out between the Earth and Tianyi Hall in the future, but if Tianyi Hall is once again demagogic like the Hopa Divine Sect at this time, it may be disintegrated in the end without Tianyi Hall attacking the Earth.

In fact, the best way for the earth world to fight against Tianyitang and even other secret organizations is to contact the alliance of energy, so that the two worlds can attack Tianyitang or the evil organization that will invade the earth world, only in this way can the earth side really succeed in eliminating the secret organization that may continue to appear in the earth world competition, after all, Tianyitang can come to the earth world, then other organizations can also come to the earth world.

Of course, Lin Yu couldn't think of these things at this time, and now she only felt that the plan Xu Ying just said seemed to be perfect. Ma Zhengyang: After listening to Xu Ying's words, they all fell into deep thought, and they understood that Xu Ying told them these things at this time in order for everyone to cooperate with the next action.

"I'm sorry, I was impulsive. After Ma Zhengyang figured it out, he apologized to Xu Ying and said, "It's really boring to walk in this desert these days, so my temper may have become a little bigger recently."

After hearing Ma Zhengyang's apology, Xu Ying also said: "It should be me who should say I'm sorry, Mr. Ma because I didn't explain these things clearly to you, and I was rude to you just now."

After the two of them apologized to each other, the team finally became harmonious again, but Lin Yu began to think about how to act alone to find the Tower of Babel at this time, and now he followed Xu Ying and them, not only has they been monitored by Tianyi Hall, but it is not easy to enter the Tower of Babel to find the empty seat after finding it.

"That's right, Mr. Xu. Valarayi seemed to remember something at this time, and then suddenly spoke: "Now I know why you don't want to take the initiative to attack the people of Tianyi Hall, but I still don't know that the people of Bai Yitang have always known about our every move, but they haven't even challenged us head-on these days, not to mention sneaking up on us."

After hearing Valalayi's words, everyone suddenly looked at Xu Ying with a puzzled face, they didn't think of it when Valalayi didn't replace him before, and Ma Zhengyang's idea when he wanted to attack the miniature camera Lotom at first was afraid of being sneak attacked.

"Hehe, didn't you just say it! As long as we don't push them into a hurry, they won't go to other secret realm organizations to cooperate, after all, now they think that only they have discovered our earth world, so they must want to take it for themselves." Xu Ying saw that everyone was looking at him, so he explained: "Let's not mention that when the time comes, if they find a top-level organization in the secret realm world to jointly deal with us, they may face the fact that our earth world is directly occupied by that top-level organization, so they will not want to find other organizations in the secret realm to attack us unless they have to." "

What do you mean... They don't really want to have a big conflict with us until all of their personnel come?" Xu Ying, the Heavenly King of the Wallalawings, suddenly became enlightened after his explanation, and he suddenly opened his mouth and continued to analyze: "So even if those people know our location now, they are still monitoring us to see if we have any intention of doing anything to them?"

“emmm... I don't know what they think, but my guess is similar to yours, so I mean let them stare at it, and find out that we have nothing else to do other than go out to see what is special about that Tower of Babel. Xu Ying spread her hands and explained helplessly.

This time, everyone also nodded, although everyone still didn't understand why the people of Tianyi Hall had already discovered them but attacked them, but they also felt that Xu Ying's guess should be very close to reality, so then everyone began to look for the location of the Tower of Babel in this vast desert again.

And Luo Yiqi's side has been sorting things out before, so they actually didn't find out what Xu Ying was discussing, and it wasn't really as Xu Ying guessed that no one understood the language of the earth world, after all, the Hopa Divine Sect was already able to brainwash the master trainers on the earth on the earth, how could they not understand the language on the earth.


After finishing the things, Luo Yiqi suddenly found that the miniature camera Lothom was not attacked by Xu Ying and them, and at this time, Xu Ying and they were actually moving forward as if nothing happened.

"What's wrong with the third brother?" Adi asked curiously when he heard Loyqi's words, and came to the monitor Lotom.

"You see as if they just didn't see anything. Luo Yiqi pointed to Xu Ying in the monitor as if nothing had happened in front of them, and said, "What are they trying to do? Could it be that they just discussed something unspeakable?"

After hearing Loyqi's question, Ah San spoke directly to his monitor, and Lotom commanded.

After that Lotom heard Adi's words, he saw that the picture on the monitor on his body began to change rapidly, and soon cut to the scene where Xu Ying and Ma Zhengyang were arguing and explaining just now. Luo Yiqi also directly understood everything Xu Ying said under the translation of a missionary of the Hoopa Divine Sect on the side, but to be honest, he really had nothing to refute what Xu Ying said, and he was not picky.

The current Tianyitang really doesn't want to bring people from other organizations to the earth world as Xu Ying said, after all, Tianyitang's discovery of the earth world is like Columbus's discovery of the New World now, in their eyes, they have long imagined the earth world as their own, so they do not cooperate with other organizations unless they have to do so, as Xu Ying said.

"It's kind of interesting. After reading it, Luo Yiqi smiled and said: "It seems that the world has also discovered our intentions, but so what? as long as we don't do it, they will be afraid that we will unite with other organizations to deal with them, so they actually don't want to conflict with us now."

"It seems that they are actually afraid of us now!Third brother, why don't we tease them?" Adi suddenly looked at Luo Yiqi with a smile on his face at this time and said: "Anyway, they won't kill us at once, as long as we leave in moderation, the brothers are about to die of boredom these days." "

Okay, let's go and play with them!But tell everyone to run away immediately if they feel that the situation is not good!" Luo Yiqi also smiled after listening to Adi's proposal at this time, and said: "You go and inform the other teams, and say that you can play with the team of otherworlders who enter this area on the premise of ensuring your own safety." "

It's not good for the third brother, they just said that as long as we don't provoke them, they won't attack us, but now let everyone go and joke with them, in case they get angry..."

"What are you afraid of! Didn't you just say it! They were afraid that we would cooperate with other organizations, so they wouldn't attack us unless we had to! Did you have a problem translating for us just now? Besides, didn't their guy who took the lead seem to be quite smart! When I saw it, he would definitely stop the others from killing us!" At this time, another quasi-heavenly king-level strength trainer in the team stood up and looked at the missionary with a displeased expression and spoke.

The missionary actually wanted to say at this time that because the person who took the lead was Xu Ying, it was best not to joke, Xu Ying has never been famous for the image of a handsome son, and the missionaries who have been in the earth world for several years all know that Xu Ying is famous in addition to his talent, which is his spontaneous behavior.

Moreover, the most important reason why the missionary opened his mouth to block at this time was because of this, although Tianyitang sent four Heavenly King-level and twenty-four quasi-Heavenly King-level trainers in this desert, but now there are at least ten Heavenly King-level trainers among the dozen or so people brought by Xu Ying's subordinates, and Xu Ying's strength will not be much worse than Luo Yiqi's, so if the people on both sides really fight, it will definitely be their Tianyitang's side that suffers heavy losses.

Although the missionary knew that the overall strength of the Heavenly Yitang side was definitely weaker than Xu Ying's side, but after he was told by the trainer at this time, he didn't know how to explain it, and finally he could only sigh helplessly, then returned to his place, sat down, and muttered to himself, "It's because that guy is Xu Ying!"

"Okay, I know you're looking out for everyone, but you've been here for over two months. Now I have to wait for more than two months, and I don't let everyone do activities again, and if I find some spare time, I think everyone will be driven crazy!" Loych said with a smile and patting him on the shoulder when he saw the missionary's lost look.

"The third brother is right! I've been idle and moldy for the past few months!" Adi also added at this time: "I finally waited for the old one and them, but now I get the news that the old one was destroyed by the flying Pokémon of the alliance! I think he might as well be killed by that heavenly king!"

"Adi! pay attention to your words!" Luo Yiqi suddenly scolded your Adi at this time: " Now we are companions, and the next relationship in this world is mutual support, we can't say such vicious things to our partners!"

Adi nodded and said.

"Okay, let's have fun with you!" Seeing Adi's admitting attitude, Loyqi smiled and waved his hand at him.

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