After Xu Baimiao's match, the next game was basically very close to the strength of both sides, although Lin Yu could also see that none of these players used their best in the battle, but their game did not have a terrifying record of Xu Baimiao's boxing champion version of the electric shock monster.

One morning, after Lin Yu and they watched four games, it was finally Lin Yu's turn to play against Ma Zhiwei in the afternoon, and in the afternoon, Lin Yu and they came to the competition venue after lunch, not long after Ma Wenyuan sneaked to Lin Yu's side.

Ma Wenyuan had just sneaked into Lin Yu's player preparation room, and not long after he was discovered by Jordan, Jordan grabbed Ma Wenyuan and said to him angrily: "Eh! What do you kid want to do! You can't be a spy on the Ma family

!" "Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! I'm not a spy! I'm a friend of Lin Yu!" Ma Wenyuan, who was caught by Jordan, hurriedly explained to Jordan carefully.

The voice here also directly attracted Lin Yu in the lounge, Lin Yu asked with some surprise after seeing that it

was Ma Wenyuan who was caught by Jordan, "Ma Wenyuan?" "Ma?" Jordan was already ready to let go of Ma Wenyuan, but at this time, after hearing Lin Yu say his name, he grabbed Ma Wenyuan's collar again and said: "You also said that you are not a spy of the Ma family, what do you want to do when you come here at this time?" It wouldn't be that

I was going to poison Lin Yu's tea!" "Big brother, even if I am a member of the Ma family, I don't need to harm Lin Yu! No matter what, our Ma family is not the kind of family that can't afford to lose!" Ma Wenyuan was a little helpless when he was caught by Jordan, and he could only look at Lin Yu for help with a look of help: "Lin Yu, but hurry up and help me say something! I know it's not a spy!".

"This... I do know you, but... You are indeed a member of the Ma family, to be honest, I can't give your family a big bag of character! I'm going to fight against the genius trainer that your Ma family has been preparing for three years!How do you say I should speak for you?" Lin Yu said with a wry smile as he looked at Ma Wenyuan, who was being grabbed by Jordan, and said.

"Lin Yu, you! I... After all, we haven't seen each other for so long, haven't we?" said Ma Wenyuan with some embarrassment.

In fact, this time Ma Wenyuan came over to find out Lin Yu's information, since he told Lin Yu the information that Ma Zhiwei is the Ma family was discovered by his grandfather last time, he was directly locked up at home, if he hadn't volunteered to come over to find out Lin Yu's information to atone for his crimes, this would have made Ma Wenyuan, who should still be in confinement, come out.

"Otherwise, if you tell me all the information about that Ma Zhiwei, then I will believe that you really came to catch up!" Lin Yu looked at Ma Wenyuan's embarrassed expression, and he suddenly changed his face and said with a smile.

After Jordan heard Lin Yu's words, he also looked at Ma Wenyuan with a wicked smile and said, "Yes, since you want to prove that you are not a spy of the Ma family, then you should tell us some information about that Ma Zhiwei!"

At this time, Ma Wenyuan, who was originally just embarrassed, wanted to die after hearing Lin Yu's words, he looked at Lin Yu with some embarrassment and said: "Big brother, last time I was directly locked up by my grandfather for two days because I told you that Ma Zhiwei was from our Ma family!

"I love to talk about it or not, anyway, it's going to be a game in half an hour, and I don't pay that much attention to that guy's information! But I don't want you to tell that Ma Zhiwei my information, so... Next," Lin Yu said and looked at Jordan and said with a smile: "Brother Dan, it's hard for you to see the end of the game for me!"

"Don't! Lin Yu, I..." Ma Wenyuan understood that after hearing Lin Yu's words, he understood that his chance to atone for his guilt was gone.

As Ma Wenyuan, who came over to prepare to make a confession by inquiring about Lin Yu's intelligence, heard that Lin Yu was going to detain him at this time, and for a while Ma Wenyuan, who felt that his opportunity to make a confession this time was about to disappear, was also nervous, after all, if he failed again this time, he would be directly imprisoned by his grandfather until he could participate in the master qualifying competition.

"Then are you going to tell me the information about that Ma Zhiwei?" Lin Yu said as he looked at Ma Wenyuan with a smile.

"Big brother, just spare me! I don't want to be skinned by the old man when I go back today!" Ma Wenyuan looked at Lin Yu with a little cry and smiled, and said, "I really can't stay here!" "

Then tell me the truth, did you come here to find out my information for that Ma Zhiwei?" Lin Yu also looked at Ma Wenyuan with a blank face at this time and said.

After Lin Yu asked this question, Jordan and the others also looked at Ma Wenyuan with a fierce face, Ma Wenyuan looked left and right with some hesitation at this time, and he didn't know whether to admit it for a while.

"That's... I was caught by this big brother as soon as I came, and I didn't find any information, can you just let me go?" Finally, Ma Wenyuan looked at Lin Yu helplessly and said.

"Why don't we make a deal!" I'll tell you some of my information so that you can go back and deal with it, but you also have to tell me some of the real situation of that Ma Zhiwei!" Lin Yu thought for a while and looked at Ma Wenyuan and said, "How about it?"

Ma Wenyuan was also hesitant at this time, he didn't know what would happen if he exposed some of Ma Zhiwei's details this time, but he also knew that if he couldn't find Lin Yu's details this time, he would definitely be miserable.

"Okay, then tell me about your situation first!I'll see if it's worth the risk!"

"Hehe, it's definitely worth the money!, you should have heard that this morning, Xu Baimiao's electric shock demonic beast relied on a fetter to evolve and directly killed his opponent's six master-level strength Pokémon!" Lin Yu smiled and looked at Ma Wenyuan and said.

"Lin Yu, what are you doing!How can you tell him this!Didn't you say okay, we have to treat this as a killer weapon?"

"It's okay, I have my own measure!" Lin Yu heard Jordan's words big enough to lift Jordan and waved his hand with a smile, and then looked at Ma Wenyuan's goal: "My Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) actually mastered the Bond Evolution long before Xu Baimiao's Electric Shock Demonic Beast, and it can even be said that Xu Baimiao's Bond Evolution was taught to him by me! I can tell you now that my Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) has reached the strength of the Heavenly King level after the Bond Evolution!"

Heavenly King-level strength?" Ma Wenyuan looked at Lin Yu with some surprise and asked, "Does your Jiahe Ninja Frog already have such strength?"

"Well, okay. I've already told you all my biggest trump card, shouldn't you also give me some useful information?" Lin Yu nodded and then looked at Ma Wenyuan and said, "I don't have much time, it's my turn to compete on stage soon!

That one... Hey, forget it, I'll tell you too! Ma Zhiwei's main Pokémon is a fierce bite land shark, and that fierce bite land shark should not be weaker than your Koga ninja frog after super evolution!" Ma Wenyuan said after hesitating for a moment.

Lin Yu said directly at this time: "I have already guessed this, and I also know that his strength after the super evolution of the Dumb Hippo should not be much weaker than that super fierce bite land shark." "

That's... That... What do you want to know?" asked Ma Wenyuan with some hesitation.

"What is the killer weapon that he is going to possess Pokémon this time?" Lin Yu asked directly.

"It's... Can you not be so embarrassed for me!" Ma Wenyuan looked at Lin Yu helplessly and said, "I think if I really tell you all these things, will I still go back

?" "Then what can you say?" Lin Yu said directly with some impatience: "Why don't we detain you here! After all, I have already told you my killer weapon!"

"That's... That one... I can only tell you that Ma Zhiwei was originally going to use all his strength to fight you this time, but I think after I bring back your news this time, he should be able to use all his strength to fight with you!" Ma Wenyuan was silent for a long time and then said helplessly: "Except for the two Pokémon you mentioned, his other master-level Pokémon are all almost to the strength of the Heavenly King.

"I already know this, and after I know that he captured the Alliance's master trainer alive back then, I have already guessed his general strength. I still want to know what the killer feature of each of his Pokémon is!" Lin Yu still said lightly.

"Big brother, I know I can't tell you! If I tell you all this important information, I have to be kicked out of the Ma family by the old man!" Ma Wenyuan was in the mood to cry at this time.

Lin Yu ignored Ma Wenyuan's expression of wanting to cry without tears, he glanced at his mobile phone and then said directly to Ma Wenyuan lightly: "I still have ten minutes to compete, you still have three minutes to think, and I will go to the competition venue in five minutes!"

Ma Wenyuan hesitated for a long time after hearing Lin Yu's words, and finally seemed to have made a great decision, he said to Lin Yu: "That... Then I'll just tell you about his killer weapon that bites the land shark!"

Ma Wenyuan also understood that if he couldn't go back and tell Lin Yu's information to the old man of his family at the beginning of the game, even if his intelligence mission this time failed, if he failed, he would continue to be confined, so at this time, he could only bargain with Lin Yu to reveal as little information about Ma Zhiwei as possible.

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