The Thunderbolt Gang was not established as the mysterious young man said to help outsiders live better on the mainland, nor was it founded by the mysterious young man. In fact, the Thunderbolt Gang did dominate the entire Guandu Continent as Xiaopu said, but at that time they were not called the Thunderbolt Gang but Team Rocket.

When the Mewtwo Crisis event broke out before, it can be said that the entire Pokémon world was affected the most by the Guandu Continent, and the most seriously affected in the Guandu Continent was the former Team Rocket.

After that incident, although Team Rocket suffered heavy casualties, it did not directly make this underground organization that once dominated the entire continent disappear directly into the river of history, but after that incident, because Team Rocket's spiritual leader Sakaki was seriously injured, many cadres in Team Rocket directly quit Team Rocket for a while.

And the person who created the Thunderbolt Gang used to be a senior cadre in Team Rocket, and he knew very well that if there was no super organization of Team Rocket to suppress those other underground organizations in the Guandu Continent, then these underground organizations in the Guandu Continent would definitely be in chaos directly, until an organization that could dominate the entire continent appeared again in the entire continent.

So the former senior cadre of Team Rocket returned to his hometown of Makuren Bay to establish the Thunderbolt Gang of Lin, and because the Thunderbolt Gang had been under the name of the Rocket Team branch at that time, the Thunderbolt Gang has always become the only underground organization in the entire Makuren Bay.

That mysterious young man's name is Xius, he is the youngest senior cadre of the Thunderbolt Gang so far, and the tall and thin young man is the only middle-level cadre of the Thunderbolt Gang Team 7 led by him, Yan Xia, and the rest are ordinary members of the Thunderbolt Gang.

Generally, there should be more than three middle-level cadres and more than ten low-level cadres in each team in the Thunderbolt Gang, but unfortunately, since Xiusi has just become a high-level cadre, his subordinates are only one mid-level cadre, Yan Xia. If you want to become a cadre in the Thunderbolt Gang, you must first become an elite-level trainer, and to become an intermediate cadre, you need to make a certain contribution to the Thunderbolt Gang, and to reach the high-level cadre, you need to reach the strength of a quasi-king-level trainer.

Don't look at Xiusi's age is not much older than Yan Xia, but after all, Xiusi is now Yan Xia's top boss, so when Yan Xia was reprimanded by Xiusi at this time, why did he lower his head and nodded seriously.

After listening to the teachings of Xiusi, the younger brother asked curiously, "Captain, why did you say that to that kid just now?" "

Humph! What a waste of you? All the Pokémon have already appeared outside, and you don't know it, if he is really the special police officer of the Alliance, you may have been caught by them by now! Xiu Si glanced at the little brother and said directly: "He shouldn't be the alliance's special police, but it can't be ruled out that he may be an undercover agent of the water fleet!"

"But why did you want him to join us, boss? Wouldn't it be more direct to drive him away! Yan Xia spoke again at this time.

"Idiot! If it was really that easy to deal with, wouldn't I have already shot at him! After hearing Iwaxia's question, Xius angrily kicked the other party and said, "He is another Koga ninja frog with the peak strength of the quasi-heavenly king!" That's why I think he's a SWAT officer and not an ordinary undercover agent!

"But boss, you didn't find him!" Yan Xia was kicked by Xiusi, staggered a few steps and stood firm, and then asked again.

After Xiusi heard Yan Xia's words again, he stepped forward angrily and kicked the tall and thin Yan Xia directly upside down, and he also went up directly to Yan Xia who fell to the ground and continued to kick wildly, and several younger brothers on the side were directly scared silly after seeing Xiu Si like this. In this way, until Xiusi finished venting, no younger brother even came up to stop him, and even a few directly moved the position a few meters away.

"What are you guys doing standing there!" After Xiusi glanced at the little brothers who had been pushed more than ten meters away, someone saw Yan Xia who fell to the ground covered in blood and said, "I really don't know that you are so stupid, you have reached the position of a middle-level cadre!" You TM can use your brain, he doesn't use Pokémon and I can't see his depth!

At this time, Yan Xia, who was lying in a pool of blood, was already out of breath and out of breath, and even after being reprimanded by Xiusi, he had no way to continue to say anything, and at this time, the other few younger brothers were also standing aside in fear and did not dare to speak.

Looking at Yan Xia Xiusius's helpless eyes who were lying in a pool of blood, he shook his head and said to those little brothers: "Why are you still stunned!" Hurry up and get him to the hospital? If he dies, I'll let you bury him with him!" Although

they didn't understand why the person was obviously beaten by the other party himself, why he couldn't save them and bury them, but they understood that the man in front of them was very likely to really take them to Yan Xia for the funeral, so their only thought at this time was to send Yan Xia to the hospital as soon as possible and let the doctor save Yan Xia.

"Wait!" Xiusi suddenly said when a few younger brothers were about to carry Yan Xia away: "When the time comes, you must not show your stuff in front of that kid!" Don't let him get in touch with anything inside our Thunderbolts until we've identified him.

After the little brothers learned Yan Xia's lesson, they didn't ask why, they all nodded again and again and ran towards the hospital with Yan Xia.

"Hey! It's really getting harder and harder to bring newcomers nowadays! Looking at those little brothers who were running away, Xiusi sighed a little helplessly and then said, "It's really embarrassing that Yan Xia actually came up with this method to deter these newcomers. "

Obviously, a person who can become a middle-level cadre, no matter how weak his strength is, cannot be a fool, after all, the first prerequisite for becoming an intermediate cadre is to have contributed to the Thunderbolt Gang, so no matter what, Yan Xia can't be a fool.

Although they made sure that Lin Yu didn't follow after leaving the cabin, although Lin Yu didn't follow, Koga Ninja Frog followed quietly and stealthily, and it also recorded all the performances of Xiusi just now.

Lin Yu's side knew all the chats of Xiusi after the Koga Ninja came back, and he also knew that the Thunderbolt Gang was not the kind of righteous organization that Xiusi said.

"Looks like he just lied to me! But why did I feel as if what he was telling me was real? I was almost deceived by this guy. Lin Yu said to himself helplessly after learning about these things from the Koga Ninja Frog.

After hearing Lin Yu's words at this time, the Koga ninja frogs also nodded silently directly. However, although the movements of the Koga ninja frogs nodding their heads were very small, Lin Yu still saw their movements.

"What are you nodding your heads?" Lin Yu yelled at the Koga ninja frog for something.

The Koga Ninja Frog turned their backs directly at this time and didn't intend to pay attention to Lin Yu's anger, and Lin Yu was also very helpless when he saw the Koga Ninja Frog's action, and he also began to think about whether he was going to join this Thunderbolt Gang.

"Hey! Forget it, let's join them for now! Maybe through their hands, I can sell the Poké Balls made of the Earth in my hand, and when the time comes, I can make enough money to challenge the Makuren Gym and go somewhere else! Lin Yu thought of this, and in the end, he was helpless, because he had no identity certificate, he still had to join this Thunderbolt gang first.

In this way, Lin Yu lived directly in this broken cabin, anyway, he had no other way to live because he didn't have an identity certificate and money, this cabin was still much better than the bridge except for a little more dust.

Originally, Xiusi didn't really plan to get any identity certificate for Lin Yu after leaving, and finally arranged the work for Lin Yu and felt that it was not necessary, so he almost forgot about Lin Yu, but until he came to the cabin again and found that this place was directly occupied by Lin Yu's dove, he had no choice but to arrange a place for Lin Yu first, and also arranged a task for Lin Yu to guard the warehouse.

It is said that Lin Yu is asked to guard the warehouse, but in fact, the warehouse that Lin Yu is guarding is just a warehouse used by the Thunderbolt Gang to rent to nearby residents, so although there may be Thunderbolt Gang things in the warehouse, most of the things are still from nearby residents. Xiusi arranged this character for Lin Yu, firstly, to dispel Lin Yu's idea of looking for a job, and secondly, to show him the "glorious and great" image of their Thunderbolt Gang.

Although Lin Yu felt very reluctant to guard the task of guarding this warehouse, he had no choice but to bow his head now under the eaves, and if Xiusi really asked him to do something harmful, he would not be able to do it, so Xiusi finally accepted this task after his own second consideration.

Just when Lin Yu was still thinking about how to use his identity as a Thunderbolt Gang to sell those Poké Balls or Pokémon items produced by the Earth, Koga Ninja Frog suddenly saw a figure sneaking into this warehouse.

"You say someone has infiltrated the warehouse?" Lin Yu also made a big plan to make money first under the reminder of the Koga Ninja Frog, and he said with some doubts: "Could it be that guy really arranged a terrible task for me?" Isn't there something terrible about their Thunderbolt Gang in here! Walk! Sasuke (Koga Ninja): Take me to see the thief. Maybe we can find out some secret about this Thunderbolt gang from him, and maybe that secret will be enough for us to turn over! "

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