Lin Yu learned a lot about the current Pokémon world from Xius, including after the explosive growth of Mewtwo, other Divine Beast-level Pokémon in the world have also been discovered, and there are more than one, and it is very common to find that in addition to Pokémon like Arceus, they have their own world, although most of the Divine Beast-level Pokémon groups have their own exclusive space for life.

It is because of the existence of those exclusive spaces that the beast-level Pokémon that should be the top strength in Pokémon basically do not appear in the public's field of vision, and because it is found that the beast is not unique like ordinary Pokémon, so people's perception of the beast-level Pokémon has gradually changed from reverence to just yearning for powerful Pokémon.

In the end, although Lin Yu still felt that Xiusi's task should not be easy, but in the end, he still agreed to see that he should not do anything hurtful, after all, it was still good for Lin Yu to raise enough money to get the command of the alliance as soon as possible. However, Lin Yu still raised the advance of 200,000 alliance coins from Xiu Si to get enough for him to get the alliance identity certificate, although Xiu Si was very reluctant to advance this part of the money at first, but in the end, he still advanced the 200,000 to him under the bargain, but he also took the dragon gopher from Lin Yu as collateral.

"Rhubarb (Wind Speed Dog) Now, can you still find the few people who were taken away by "Xiao Zhang Fei" just now? I have a feeling that they must be the people of the water fleet that Hughes said he was talking about! Lin Yu touched the wind speed dog squatting beside him and said.

Wind Speed Dog shook his head helplessly after hearing Lin Yu's words, after all, it had not been trained in scent tracking, so it was impossible for it to track Arnold through scent at this time. However, at this time, the Geng ghost on the side came out proudly, saying that he could track Arnold and them.

"You can find them?" Lin Yu still didn't believe in Geng Ghost's words, after all, Geng Ghost was usually a playful guy, but Lin Yu didn't believe that the other party would secretly learn how to track people.

Geng Ghost also seemed to see that Lin Yu didn't believe in himself, so at this time, Geng Ghost directly took out a radar-like thing from his other space, and when Lin Yu saw that thing, he immediately understood that it was the tracker that Tianyi Hall had tracked Kailudio in the secret realm before.

Although the tracker of the missionary card after Lin Yu caught the missionary card at that time was indeed taken away by Qi Bu and them, when Lin Yu and the Tianyi Hall sent to capture Kailudeo's Heavenly King-level trainer who came to capture Kailudio later, he also obtained this tracker from that person, in addition to obtaining an unused master ball from that person.

Lin Yu asked with some confusion: "Who is this tracker sticking to?" When was it mentioned going up?

Geng Ghost didn't answer Lin Yu's question at this time, it just handed the tracker in his hand directly to Lin Yu, saying that he would let Lin Yu follow and take a look for himself. Lin Yu also shook his head helplessly after understanding what Geng Ghost meant, and then he directly rode the wind speed dog and chased after Arnold.

Arnold and his party were originally going to go back with the thieves who were taken from Lin Yu to interrogate them properly, but just as they were about to return to their second team base, Arnold suddenly felt that Lin Yu, who was chasing behind, stopped the team, and everyone looked at the direction that Lin Yu was chasing.

When Lin Yu rode the wind speed dog to catch up with this group of people, he saw that hundreds of Pokémon and twenty or thirty people were already looking at him vigilantly, and Arnold was also looking at him with a serious face at this time.

"Boy, what are you going to do at this time? Could it be that you are preparing to attack us from a sneak attack? Arnold looked at Lin Yu and said.

"Huh! No, no, how can I have the ability to sneak up on you! After hearing Arnold's words, Lin Yu waved his hand awkwardly and said.

In fact, Lin Yu was ready to snatch someone from Arnold and them when he wanted to chase them at the beginning, but at this time, seeing that the other party was waiting for him, if he still forcibly attacked Arnold and them at this time, it would be really brainless.

"So what are you doing here? Are you ready to join me? Arnold sneered when he saw Lin Yu's expression, and said to Lin Yu.

"No, no, no!" Lin Yu could only wave his hand awkwardly and said to Arnold at this time: "I just think that if I catch these guys this time, at least you should leave me one, so that I can give Xiusi an explanation at that time!" If you don't let him ask, I can't explain it, no! "

Hughes? What a thing is he! As long as you join my command, you don't have to explain to him, how about you think clearly, if you miss this time, I won't necessarily want to join my command again! Arnold said disdainfully.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I'm not part of Hughes right now, and I don't want to be anyone's either." Lin Yu smiled at Arnold and said, "It's just that my current identity as a storekeeper was given to me by Xiusi, so I think I should give him an explanation for making the warehouse like that!" "

Boy, aren't you too crazy! Do you know that it was your honor for our Arnold boss to invite you, don't be embarrassed here! Before Arnold could speak, a dogleg beside him stood up and pointed at Lin Yu in order to show himself, and scolded.

"Is it your turn to speak here?" Before Lin Yu could speak, Arnold directly slapped the self-righteous dogleg and flew out, and then Arnold looked at Lin Yu and said, "Boy, it's not impossible for you to bring one back, so you can have a battle with me, as long as you win, I will agree with you to take one of them."

Lin Yu smiled at Arnold at this time and waved his hand and teased: "Battle? It's not that I don't believe you won't have a fair fight with me, but I'm afraid that if I win against you, you should let your little brother slaughter your Pokémon! How embarrassed I am!

After hearing Lin Yu's words at this time, Arnold angrily took out a black Poké Ball from his pocket and threw it towards Lin Yu, just when Arnold threw out the black Poke Ball, the little brothers who were originally waiting for Arnold involuntarily took a few steps back at this time, and Lin Yu's eyes were slightly wrinkled after seeing the Poke Ball that he had never seen before.

Although Lin Yu didn't know this Poké Ball, he directly told him that the Pokémon in the Poké Ball was not simple, and after the black Poké Ball was opened, a Banquiras with blood-red eyes and a black body was released, it was obvious that this Bankiras was not a so-called Heterochromatic Pokémon and Lin Yu had seen a dark Pokémon that only appeared briefly in the cartoon.

After Lin Yu saw this dark bankiras, he suddenly understood what that black Poké Ball was, that black Poké Ball was a dark ball that had a brief appearance in the cartoon, and it was a special Poké Ball that could turn ordinary Pokémon into a fierce Dark Pokémon.

"Mighty (Giant Swamp Monster) Super Evolution!" After seeing the dark bankiras who appeared less than ten meters away in front of him, Lin Yu immediately took out the super evolution keystone of the giant swamp monster and shouted at the giant swamp monster.

The giant swamp monster was also quickly preparing for super evolution after seeing the dark Bangiras that appeared not far away, and at this time, it clearly felt that the strength of the dark Bangiras was around the Heavenly King level, and if it didn't perform super evolution at this time, it really might not be able to beat the dark Bangiras.

After the dark banquras appeared, he saw the nearest forest feather and wanted to rush over to tear the forest feather apart, but fortunately, the light of the giant swamp monster's super evolution plan successfully took the attention habit of the dark bankiras, but after the dark bankiras noticed the super evolved giant swamp monster, he directly raised his mouth and sprayed towards the giant swamp monster with a mouthful of destructive death light.

Fortunately, at this time, the giant swamp monster's super evolution was quite proficient, and it still successfully completed the super evolution at the last moment. However, although the Giant Swamp Monster did complete the super evolution at this time, the helpless Super Swamp Monster that had just completed the super evolution had no time to dodge the destruction of Dark Bankiras's destructive death light and flew over.

"Boy, if you beg for mercy now, I can take this bankiras back into the Poké Ball, and it won't be over until the time comes!" Arnold taunted Lin Yu after seeing Dark Bankiras smash the Super Giant Swamp Monster flying with a destructive death light, "I can tell you, I can't control this Dark Bankiras!" "

This is the first time that Lin Yu has seen the other party being directly knocked away by other Pokémon after the giant swamp monster has reached the strength of the quasi-heavenly king-level strength, so at this time, he also has some jealousy in his heart about the dark bankiras in front of him who should have the strength of the heavenly king-level.

"Oh! By the way, boy, I remember we said we were heads-up! If you don't surrender and send out other Pokémon... I wouldn't mind letting all of us do it to you! Arnold spoke as he saw Koga Ninja Frog press his hand against the handle of the Mizuno Long Knife.

After hearing Arnold's words, the hand that Koga Ninja Frog pressed on the long knife of water was also slowly lowered, and Lin Yu understood at this time that the super giant swamp monster would not be willing to fight well, and Lin admitted defeat. So at this time, Lin Yu could only look a little nervously in the direction where the Super Giant Swamp Monster was knocked away, and he didn't know whether the Super Giant Swamp Monster was the opponent of Dark Bankiras at this time.

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