The little boy also nodded after hearing Hetai's words and said, "Yes, when I came out just now, the master was still treating the roentgen cat's foot injury, and the master said that Lin Yu's eldest brother is a very powerful trainer.

After hearing the little boy's words, Hetai looked at Lin Yu beside him again in confusion, although he did look at Lin Yu differently when he saw Lin Yu take out the box of badges at the beginning, but after seeing Lin Yu's super giant swamp monster being abused by Röntgen Cat's blood, he also began to feel that Lin Yu's strength was average.

But at this time, Hetai heard that his master Dozi's Roentgen cat was actually fighting with Lin Yu's super swamp monster and was also injured a lot, so at this time, he also began to look at Lin Yu next to him who was about the same age as himself.

Lin Yu also looked at Hetai with some doubts at this time and asked, "That... Who is that Gojia in your mouth? Is he powerful? "

Oh, Senior Brother Gejia is the strongest person among our senior brothers, but because his fighting style is not suitable for being a pavilion master, in the end, he chose to go out and practice when Senior Brother Ma Deji became the pavilion master six years ago." After hearing Lin Yu's question at this time, Hetai immediately explained to Lin Yu: "However, Senior Brother Gejia was actually a quasi-Heavenly King-level trainer six years ago, but your strength is indeed very similar to Senior Brother Gejia back then.

Although this Gejia in Hetai's mouth is still called a senior brother in Hetai's mouth, in fact, in fact, everything is still different from what Hetai told Lin Yu. Ge Jia actually didn't choose to travel and practice with Tai as he said, he was just very unconvinced at that time, so Ma Deji, who was not as strong as his junior brother, became the hall master, so he can say that in the end, he was the one who directly turned his back on the dead leaf gym and left, strictly speaking, he was no longer a disciple of Duozi.

Generally, apprentice-type trainers like Hetai and others in the gym either accept their master's orders to go out to practice and participate in competitions, or directly rely on their strength to join the alliance organization and become a staff member of the alliance, or participate in the master tournament to compete for the opportunity to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings, anyway, they will not have such behavior as traveling and cultivating.

Of course, Lin Yu, a person from the earth world, definitely didn't know about this situation, but Kai Jie, who was following Lin Yu, understood the situation of Gejia in their mouths from Hetai's words, but he wouldn't tell all this directly in front of Hetai.

"Then what kind of strength do you guys have now?" Lin Yu was a little puzzled as to why He Tai only said that Ge Jia was a quasi-heavenly king-level strength when he left, so he also opened his mouth after listening to He Tai's explanation.

"That's because Senior Brother Gejia hasn't been home for six years!" He Tai didn't answer immediately when he heard Lin Yu's words, but the little boy was the first to speak at this time: "I think he should have become a Heavenly King-level trainer by now!" "

Birgi, why are you still here! Master just asked you to come out to deliver the letter, you don't just want to come out and be lazy, right? After hearing the little boy's words at this time, Hetai was a little angry and scolded the little boy: "Why don't you hurry up and go back to training?" Didn't you say that you were going to take over the position of Pavilion Master from Senior Brother Ma Deji? How can you surpass your senior brother if you are so lazy!

"Senior Brother Hetai, I'm not lazy! Now that my Pikachu is almost at elite level, if Master asks me to go outside to collect Pokémon, maybe I will soon become an elite trainer like Senior Brother Hetai! Bilji was still very unconvinced by Hetai's reprimand, and looked at H Hetai in a puffed tone and said.

"You yourself said that you are about to reach the elite level, so you haven't reached the elite level yet, so why don't you hurry up and go back to train and break through to the elite level as soon as possible!" Hetai still waited for Bilji with a straight face before speaking.

After hearing Hetai's words, Bilji could only nod helplessly and go back, but Lin Yu looked at Hetai who was suddenly angry with a puzzled expression, he didn't understand why Hetai was suddenly angry at this time.

"That..."Lin Yu was a little puzzled and wanted to ask why He Tai was suddenly angry, but before he could open his mouth, the other party in the north glared at him and was embarrassed to ask.

At this time, Hetai looked at Lin Yu coldly and said, "Mr. Lin Yu, do you have anything else?" If you want to challenge our other brothers... You just continue to look at it here, and I will not continue to accompany you. However, I would suggest that if you haven't taken your turn yet, you might want to take your bog monster to the Elven Center for healing first.

After He Tai finished speaking, he didn't pay any more attention to Lin Yu's meaning, so he went to train or fight with those challengers like the other apprentices.

"Lin Yu, let's take your giant swamp monster to the elf center first, anyway, it won't be your turn to challenge the hall master for a while." After Hetai left, Kaijie also directly suggested to Lin Yu.

"Uh-huh." Lin Yu also nodded at this time and agreed with Kaijie's suggestion.

Next, Lin Yu and the others first took the giant swamp monster to the elf center for treatment, and after a series of examinations, although the giant swamp monster did suffer some injuries, but they were only some skin injuries, so they recovered quickly.

"Kaijie, right?" When the giant swamp monster was retreated by Miss Joy to treat his wounds, Lin Yu suddenly looked at Kaijie beside him and said, "I think you also saw me fighting with that Dozi just now!" Actually, I'm not as strong as you think, and I can't even find a good one in many places. Are you sure you're going to travel with me next?

Kaijie was also stunned when he heard Lin Yu's words at this time, and then he looked at Lin Yu and said, "Although you didn't win against Dozi, but even after that, didn't Doz still recognize you after your game?" I think it's interesting to listen to traveling with you, and you're so strong, I think it's safe to travel with you in the wild.

"Okay, so where do you want to go next?" Lin Yu nodded after hearing Kaijie's words, and then asked.

"Let's go to Neal City! I've heard that there have been some wild Pokémon in the mines in Neil City that want to take over the mines, so now we need a group of trainers to help clean up those Pokémon, and we can go there to help clean up the wild Pokémon and challenge the Nibi Gym in Nibi City next door to Neil City. Kaijie first searched for a website on his mobile phone, and then spoke.

"Okay, by the way, what was that website you just went on?" Lin Yu was a little puzzled at this time and asked Kaijie, "Is that the method you said you can make money?"

After hearing Lin Yu's question, Kaijie also nodded directly and said: "This is the simplest task website, under normal circumstances, some places need the help of some trainers, and they will post help tasks on it, but this reward is given by the person who releases the task after seeing the time to complete the help task, but this kind of task is generally accepted by a lot of trainers and the difficulty is not too high."

"So there should be other ways to make money." After Lin Yu heard Kaijie's words, he also looked at Kaijie seriously and asked.

"Yes, in addition to this kind of public figure suitable for rookie trainers, there is also a kind of mission called commission mission, which is a task that only elite trainers can take, and I have different tasks that different trainers can receive on that website." Kaijie also nodded at this time, then looked at Lin Yu and continued: "Also, you can go to the official website of the police station to earn a reward by arresting those wanted criminals.

"Mm-hmm, but the public quest is really great for newcomer trainers like you, you can also go to other Pokémon to expand your Pokémon lineup while doing the quest." Lin Yu also nodded at this time and said, "But can you tell me how to take that commission task?"

"I don't know where to pick up the commission task, but it seems that you need to register your identity in the elf center before you can take the commission task." Kaijie thought for a moment and then spoke.

"Okay, then I'll go to the service desk and ask." Lin Yu nodded, then got up and walked in the direction of the service desk.

After watching Lin Yu walk in the direction of the service desk, Kai Jie also followed, he wanted to see how he became a real commission hunter.

"Hello, what should I do if I finish receiving the commission?" Lin Yu asked directly to this Miss Joy at the service desk.

After Lin Yu came to this Pokémon world, he found that although there were indeed people like Miss Joy and Miss Junsha, in fact, most of Miss Junsha could no longer be supported by the mascots of the local police station, and there were still some differences in their appearance, but their usual outfits were basically the same. And although Miss Joy in the Elf Center is still from the Joy family, each Miss Joy still has a very big food variety, but they are all called Joy.

Just like the Miss Joy in front of Lin Yu, because she is Miss Joy in charge of the service desk area, her current dress is a little different from the nurse outfit of the average Miss Joy, but her pink signature double ponytail is still easy for others to recognize that she is a member of the Joy family.

"Hello, since the difficulty of the commission mission is very different from the difficulty of the public mission that you can usually see, we need to verify whether you have enough strength before you want to register as a commission trainer." That Miss Joy said politely to Lin Yu.

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