After the car

rushed down the cliff, it was fortunate that a more lush tree held the car up. Fortunately, Lin Yu had fastened his seat belt before, and he was only a little frightened when the car rushed down the cliff and was not injured.

"Lin Yu is fine, go to the Lizard King, take us down. Teacher Jin looked around, and after pacifying Lin Yu, he asked his lizard king to get the two of them down from the tree.

The nimble lizard king picked up Lin Yu in one hand and Teacher Jin in the other, and a few vertical jumps brought them to the ground.

"It's okay, it's okay!" After Lin Yu got to the ground, he immediately opened his backpack to check the situation of the ghosts' eggs and incubators inside.

As soon as Lin Yu finished speaking, suddenly the culture liquid in the incubator began to disappear rapidly, and the light of the stone called the ghost egg soaked in the culture liquid was even worse.

"It's... This... Teacher Jin, what's the matter?" Lin Yu was afraid that something would go wrong with this egg, so he immediately asked Teacher Jin, who was looking at his mobile phone on the side.

"Hmm... It should be about to hatch depending on the situation!" Teacher Jin looked at it and hesitated for a moment and said.

"Okay, thank you!" After hearing this, Lin Yu immediately hugged the incubator to a corner where no one was around, waiting for the ghost to be born.

"Don't run too far! It's dangerous here!" Teacher Jin saw Lin Yu running away, and immediately shouted to Lin Yu, I don't know if Lin Yu listened to the call, anyway, he didn't get a response from Lin Yu.

Teacher Jin shook his head and didn't pay attention to Lin Yu, and began to flip his phone again. I also slapped my phone a few times from time to time, and it seemed that there was a problem with my phone.

Lin Yu held the incubator and waited seriously for the ghost eggs in the incubator to hatch, and the ghosts in the eggs in the incubator seemed to feel Lin Yu's expectation, and it didn't take long for it to hatch smoothly.

A pair of big white eyes and very small pupils looked at Lin Yu, who looked forward to Lin Yu in front of him, and immediately opened his mouth excitedly, spit out his long tongue and licked it at Lin Yu.

Lin Yu was tickled and numb by it, and in his joy, he suddenly heard that the ghost was actually burping.

"Hmm, what did you eat, why are you full, I have prepared a good incense for you!" Lin Yu took out a stick of incense and shook it helplessly in front of the ghost, and then asked, "Do you want to eat this?"

The ghost looked at the long incense stick in Lin Yu's hand, and his eyes, which were still round, immediately narrowed into a line, and floated wildly around Lin Yu, indicating that it wanted to eat.

But after Lin Yu lit the pillar of incense, the ghost had just absorbed a slowly rising smoke, probably thinking that the incense was too difficult to burn, and he had actually opened his mouth to bite the incense into his stomach.

However, it was a gas Pokémon, and the incense that it swallowed into its stomach did not stop in its body, and fell directly through its body to the ground.

Seeing that the thing that smelled very fragrant just now actually fell to the ground through his body after eating it in his stomach, the little ghost who had just been born immediately nervously circled around the incense that had just fallen on the ground, and would take another bite from time to time, but every time he fell to the ground through his body.

The little ghost thought that there was something wrong with his stomach, and looked at Lin Yu with big eyes with tears, and then floated over and wanted to rub Lin Yu on him or something, but it ate and passed through Lin Yu's body again.

This frightened the little ghost, and he could only circle around Lin Yu with tears in his eyes.

"Don't worry, don't worry! It's just because you've just been born and can't control the penetration of your body. Lin Yu stretched out his hand and touched the little ghost floating in front of him and said, "Why don't I give you a name first, and I'll call you Hasqi!"

After listening to Lin Yu's words, the little ghost finally felt at ease, and it didn't know what it meant by the name Lin Yu gave himself, anyway, he thought it was very good, so he happily agreed.

After that, Lin Yu continued to light a pillar of incense, and the little ghost happily absorbed the slowly rising incense. Lin Yu looked at the happy little ghosts and opened the notebook he had prepared for raising ghosts. Explain to the ghosts how to control the penetration of their bodies.

I have to say that ghost-type Pokémon are different from other Pokémon, they don't have a toddler period and can be trained just after birth.

Lin Yu chatted a lot on the side, but the newborn little ghost only cared about the slowly rising smoke. When the pillar of incense was about to burn, Lin Yu finally finished explaining the method of controlling the penetration of the ghost to the little ghost.

"Do you understand, come on, try it first!" Lin Yu looked at the little ghost who was still happily absorbing the cigarette.

The little ghost suddenly heard Lin Yu calling himself, and stopped happily circling in the air. looked at Lin Yu with a puzzled face, and after thinking about it, he didn't know what Lin Yu said, so he immediately floated in front of Lin Yu and licked Lin Yu's face with his tongue to show coquettishness.

Lin Yu understood that this little ghost might be a glutton, he didn't care about anything when he ate, and he was a naughty ghost who liked to be coquettish when he got into trouble.

"Stop, stop, didn't you listen just now? You have to know, you can only eat if you learn this thing! Otherwise, you can only smell!" Lin Yu said angrily.

As soon as the little ghost heard that he could eat that thing, he immediately used his tongue to lick Lin Yu's hand holding the notebook, and motioned for Lin Yu to say it again.

Lin Yu shook his head helplessly, and had to tell the little ghost Si again, I have to say that the little ghost Si was tempted by eating, but just after listening to Lin Yu's story, he successfully achieved that his body was not equal to texture, and it could already be rubbed on Lin Yu's hands.

"That's clever, I'll teach you another skill, you see you can't afford to eat now, come, learn the Night Demon and you can pick up the incense that just fell on the ground." Lin Yu thought about it, the little ghost seemed to be quite smart, so he immediately decided to train it with a second skill.

This time, the excited little ghost Si once again only learned it after Lin Yu finished describing it, and it was now more proficient in the penetrating control of its body, and now it could be faintly seen that there was a piece of incense floating in its body.

"Lin Yu!alright, let's get out of here quickly!" Just as Lin Yu and Little Ghost Si were celebrating, Teacher Jin's voice suddenly came from afar.

"Teacher, where the hell is this? Why is there a cliff on the highway? And why can't you see the road before! My phone is useless, I don't even know what Hasqi's genetic skills are now!" Lin Yu looked at the sky suspiciously after Teacher Jin came over.

"It's a secret realm! And we didn't come in through a stable entrance! So I don't know where we are now!"

How could it be? Is that dangerous? This shouldn't be a large-scale secret realm!" Lin Yu said nervously.

"The danger is still being estimated! We may be the first? I forgot that there was going to be a small secret realm on this road today. But don't worry, you're a six-star trainer as a teacher, so it should be no problem to take you out!" Mr. Jin patted his chest and said.

"Really, last time, that miniature secret realm in Yixian County needed three master-level trainers for just one crystal lamp fire spirit, and you don't think it's enough to stuff your teeth!" Lin Yu thought about it, rolled his eyes, and said stupidly.

"Be careful, there should be no problem! It's just that we don't have the tools to survive in the wild, let's go find the way out first, I don't know that we are in the front position, and the mobile phone has a problem because of the secret realm. Teacher Jin thought for a while and said.

Saying that, Mr. Jin released all his Pokémon and began to explore in this secret forest.

Just after walking a few steps, suddenly out of the woods, several things that looked like coconut trees suddenly moved, directly enveloping the two of them.

Lin Yu looked at these things that looked a lot like coconut trees, but it had two legs that looked like tree trunks with a body, its legs were thick, it had two toes on its feet, and it had pale yellow pads of flesh at the upper part of its feet. Pull some leaves from the top of its body.

Just when Lin Yu wanted to ask Mr. Jin what this was, he suddenly saw a few things that looked like coconuts hanging on a leaf tree, and suddenly his eyes and mouths appeared, and now he understood that it was a coconut egg tree.

"What about Mr. Jin, we seem to be surrounded by coconut egg trees! And it seems to be coming for us, there are ten of them, can your Pokémon withstand it?" Lin Yu said after recognizing the coconut egg tree.

"No, although the Pokémon in it will be a little grumpy when the secret realm has just been fused, it will not be irritable and call friends!" Mr. Jin looked vigilantly at the angry coconut-like faces around him.

"Teacher Jin, hurry up! Strike first and then suffer! At this time, if you don't do it, wait for them to drink coconut water? Hurry up and disperse them!" Lin Yu looked nervously at the coconut egg trees that were slowly approaching, and said to Teacher Jin.

"What do you know!The Coconut Egg Tree is a relatively mild Pokémon, even if the secret realm has just begun to merge, there has never been a case of the Coconut Egg Tree actively attacking the trainer. "Mr. Jin still pays attention to the movements of these coconut egg trees, but he doesn't plan to let his Pokémon do it first.

"In the past, the Coconut Egg Tree was attacked by the Trainer in the secret realm, and the Coconut Egg Tree was attacked first!

"Hey, hey, Mr. Jin, you see that coconut egg tree has begun to accumulate the energy of the Sunlight Flame, if they are not going to attack us, is it going to absorb the sunlight and spontaneously combust?" Lin Yu said, pointing to a coconut egg tree with significantly greener leaves on its head.

I saw that the leaves of the coconut egg tree slowly turned green at first, and gradually showed a kind of emerald crystal clear, and you can even see the amount of solar energy absorbed on the leaves as time passed.

With the first Solar Flame Accumulating, it became clear that all the other coconut egg trees had begun to accumulate Solar Flame. It didn't take long for all the coconut egg trees to start accumulating and preparing for the sun's blaze.

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