Arnold and his men didn't release all their Pokémon at first because they didn't have to be careful after understanding that Tuo Mu was just a quasi-king level trainer, after all, Arnold was also a quasi-king level trainer, and there were so many people on their side that there was no reason why they couldn't beat a single Tori Mu.

But at this time, after Xiusi also stood on Toermu's side, it also means that Toermu's side and they are two quasi-king-level trainers, even if Xius's strength is far inferior to Arnold, but the overall strength of the two sides is slowly reaching a balance, so after Xius released all the Pokémon, the people on Arnold's side also released all their Pokémon.

Arnold also threw out all his Poké Balls and said to Xius: "Xius, I advise you to hurry up and catch it, even if you have two quasi-Heavenly King-level trainers over there, you can't deal with so many of us!"

"Hmph!Arnold, do you think you want to kill me this time, do I have any reason not to join forces with this guy to deal with you?" After hearing Arnold's words, Xius also said with some helpless mockery: " Do you think I'm going to be stupid enough to be caught here?"

"That's not to say!But that's fine, I don't have to think about how to explain to the boss after killing you!" Arnold turned his head directly to the little brothers behind him at this time and said, "Okay, let me go with me, whoever can take down the head of the traitor Xius, I will ask the boss for credit

!" "Thank you, captain!" After hearing Arnold's words, those Arnold's younger brothers directly commanded their Pokémon to kill the two of them in the direction of Hugh and Tormu.

Although most of the people brought by Arnold this time were eight-star trainer-level elite trainers similar to the Earth World, the two of them, Tor Mu and Xiusi, were not covered as quasi-heavenly king-level trainers, so they easily suppressed Arnold's subordinates.

After Arnold saw that Xius and the others successfully resisted the siege of these men he brought out, he immediately asked his Pokémon to help his younger brothers deal with Xiusi and them.

Originally, they could successfully resist the siege, but with the addition of Arnold's Pokémon, they soon began to be a little difficult to support, but fortunately, they were all quasi-king-level trainers after all, and neither of them was stupid.

The two of them first worked together to make a gap in the encirclement, and in this way, they ran while directing their Pokémon and Arnold and their Pokémon to fight, and in this way, the two of them actually fought and retreated and slowly fled towards Gushan Town.

When Torimu and their side were chased and killed by Arnold's men, Lin Yu, who was originally about to leave directly, was about to leave Makuren Bay, when he suddenly noticed that the people wearing the clothes of the Water Fleet and Team Rocket were a little inactive in Makuren Bay.

Although Lin Yu was also a person who already knew about the existence of the Rocket Team and the Water Fleet in Makuren Bay before, but when they came to Makuren Bay before, they were even a person wearing the uniforms of the Rocket Team and the Water Fleet, and this time he suddenly saw so many people wearing the uniforms of the Rocket Team and the Water Fleet, which also aroused Lin Yu's curiosity.

In this way, Lin Yu followed a few members of Team Rocket with curiosity to the vicinity of the residence of one of the wave of commission trainers that he had learned from Xiu Si before, and Lin Yu, who was following behind those members of Team Rocket, should not have realized that this was the residence of other commission trainers, knowing that he only remembered that this was the residence of one of the commission trainers after seeing several people being caught by Team Rocket and leaving with a lot of money.

Lin Yu also roughly guessed that the few people who were captured by the members of Team Rocket should be one of the wave of commission trainers, and when he thought that Team Rocket and the Water Fleet might have prepared to do something against those commission trainers now, Lin Yu also suddenly had a bad feeling.

Next, Lin Yu went to the residences of several other waves of commission trainers he knew in succession, and the results went without saying. It can be said that the residence of the commission trainers is disorganized, and it is obvious that the other commission trainers have been dealt with by the people of the rocket team and the water fleet.

"If the other commission trainers were all picked up by the Rocket Team and the Water Fleet at this time... Isn't that the plan of those two fools going to fall through this time!" Lin Yu said to himself after coming to the ruins of the last commission trainer's residence, "Hmph! Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with me now.

The Koga Ninja Frog on the side showed a look of disdain after hearing Lin Yu's words.

"Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) What do you mean by this expression!" Lin Yu said angrily after seeing Koga Ninja Frog's disdainful expression: "Okay, good horn, I'm really a little worried about those two fools, but now they have all left with that Xiusi, it's a big deal that I'll wait here for them to come back and tell them about the situation here!"

However, Koga Ninja Frog frowned again after hearing Lin Yu's explanation, and then it gestured and said that if Team Rocket started dealing with these commission trainers, then there was no guarantee that they would not send people to hunt down Tormu and Kaijie.

"What do you mean... Is it possible that Team Rocket and the Water Fleet will also send people to deal with Tor Mu and Kai Jay?" Lin Yu said with some confusion after reading Koga Ninja's expression.

This time, Koga Ninja Frog did not reply to Lin Yu's meaning, but although Lin Yu at this time had a somewhat doubtful tone in his words, he also knew very well in his heart that what Koga Ninja Frog said was not impossible, after all, the people of the Thunderbolt Gang would not watch as Tuo Mu might take Xiusi to the police station in other cities.

"Hey, it's really annoying!" Lin Yu was only a little irritated when he thought of this, he looked at the Koga Ninja Frog on the side helplessly and asked, "Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog), do you remember where Xiao Jie may have left from?" After hearing Lin Yu's words, Koga Ninja Frog

nodded and pointed in one direction to indicate that Kaijie had left Makuren Bay from that direction.

"Okay!" Lin Yu nodded, and then directly took out Kuailong's Poke Ball and said, "Three thousand questions (Kuailong) Let's fly out of Mulian Bay from over there to find those two idiots." Just

as Lin Yu was taking off on the fast dragon, in a room next to this ruin, Ge Jia and several other quasi-heavenly king-level trainers of the rocket team watched Lin Yu emerge from the stealth of the Koga ninja frog, and then rode the fast dragon out of here.

"I think everyone should have seen it just now!" Ge Jia looked at the others present after Lin Yu left and said, "This mysterious person seems to have mastered some special technology, and he doesn't have any Pokémon skill reactions, but that person is invisible in front of us like this." "

What do you want to say, it's not that there are no other Pokémon that can take trainers to become invisible, and as far as I know, there are also some machines that can make people directly invisible!" said Tarki, who was the last one to deal with, with some disdain.

"No, this kid's stealth is still a bit weird. Before Ge Jia could speak, another quasi-king-level trainer of the Rocket Team said directly: "As far as we know now, most of the stealth can either be observed by paying attention or changing the perspective to observe, but as for that kid's stealth, we can clearly see that guy is there through the thermal imager, but no matter how carefully we observe or change the perspective to observe, we can't find the flaws." "

Indeed!" the other Team Rocket members nodded as the member spoke.

"Eh, did you all see that guy just now?" asked Gojia at this time to the others.

At this time, the others all fell into deep thought after hearing Ge Jia's question, they had just met and saw Lin Yu riding a fast dragon, but they had no choice but to fly out at the speed of the fast dragon, and a few of them could only see clearly that Lin Yu was flying away on a fast dragon, but it was impossible to say that it was impossible to see Lin Yu's appearance clearly.

Ge Jia shook his head and sighed helplessly, but at this time, a girl wearing a Team Rocket uniform walked out of the crowd, and Ge Jia knew that this girl seemed to be the daughter of Tatar.

"That's... I just recorded a video, and I might be able to get an image of the man from the video. The woman spoke to Gogar with one of her own video cameras.

"Okay!" Ge Jia laughed when he heard the girl's words, he looked at the girl and said, "Lingying, after I go back this time, I will ask the eldest brother for credit to you! Maybe he can directly make you a low-level cadre!"

After Ge Jia finished speaking, he took the video recorder named Lingying and handed it to a subordinate next to him and said, "You guys hurry up and take it to see if there is a way to find the image of that person." "

The situation here is impossible for Lin Yu, who has already gone to find Tuo Mu and them, and he rode the fast dragon and left there, flying all the way to find Tuo Mu and their traces. Not long after Lin Yu left Mulian Bay and flew along the road to Gushan Town, he saw the car that had overturned on the side of the road.

"Three thousand questions (Kuailong) fly over and take a look first!" Lin Yu immediately said to Kuailong after seeing the deformed car.

After hearing Lin Yu's command, Kuailong also quickly landed towards the deformed car.

After Lin Yu landed on the side of the car with the fast dragon, Lin Yu also immediately instructed the Koga Ninja Frog and the Hippo King: "Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) Donkey Deshui (Hippo King), you go around and see if there is Xiaojie and their whereabouts."

Lin Yu looked at the traces of the battle in this place and some obvious blood stains, and he always had a bad premonition in his heart. After a while, the Koga ninja frogs finished exploring this area, and they all shook their heads helplessly at Lin Yu, indicating that there were no clues.

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