"Ladeos, you go deal with that self-detonating magnetic monster, Latias, you go deal with that fossil pterosaur!,"

Just when Lin Yu was wondering what Romea wanted to do, he heard Romea, who had just jumped on the back of the fast dragon, facing her Ladios and Latias's command, and now he was finally Mi Bai to deal with it, which was going to help him deal with Lorenz.

"You are playing with fire, you know!" Lorenz roared at Romea after seeing his two Pokémon being fended off by Romia's Latios and Lateas.

Lin Yu also began to worry about Romea after hearing Lorenz's words, but at this time, Romeya didn't seem to have any effect on Lorenz's roar, as if she was not afraid of Lorenz's revenge at all.

"What are you worried about!" Romea seemed to notice Lin Yu's worried eyes, and she said with a smile on her face: "You know on your back that he is from the Dry Leaf Gym of the Electric Gym in the Kanto region! He is a trainer born in the Electric Gym, and he can say that his main Pokémon are all Electric-based

Pokémon!" "All of his Pokémon should have no other Pokémon that can fight in the sky except for these flying Pokémon!"

After hearing Romea's words, Lin Yu also suddenly understood, as the main Pokémon of Lorentz, who was born in the Withered Leaf Gym, should all be electric Pokémon, and now the three champion-level Pokémon sent out by Lorenz only have one electric Pokémon that self-detonates the magnetic monster, and all of them are Lorentz actually and there are no other Pokémon that can fight.

At this time, Lin Yu's three champion-level Pokémon on their side are all at the level of divine beasts, and even if Romia's command is not very perfect, they can rely on the speed advantage of Ladios and their air speed to suppress Lorenz's Pokémon, and it is just that Liekong Sitting and Lokia, who are also at the level of Divine Beasts, are relatively stalemate, but it is obvious that the strength of Liekong Sitting is still above Lokia.

I don't know if Lorenz was carried away by anger at this time, even if he saw that his Pokémon didn't have any advantage in the air, he was still in the air directing the self-detonating magnetic monsters to fight with Lin Yu and the two of them.

However, even if he was a champion-level trainer and Lin Yu and the two of them were lucky trainers who were lucky enough to gain the favor of the Divine Beast, even if his three Pokémon were shot down in the face of Lin Yu's attack on their Divine Beasts.

It wasn't until Lokia fell from the air to the ground in front of him after being defeated by the Burning Sky Seat that Lorenz realized that the battle in the air seemed to be lost, but at this time, it was too late for him to bring the fossil pterosaur of quasi-heavenly king-level strength back to the ground under him.

Lorenz was just about to make a move, but he was blocked by the extremely fast Ladios, and then Liekong and Latias also directly blocked his escape route.

"Lorenz, you can't escape this time!, I advise you to just hold your hands and stop making useless struggles!" Lin Yu said to Lorenz, who was already surrounded by them.

"Dream!" After hearing Lin Yu's words, Lorenz directly took out a Poke Ball and ran towards Lin Yu, shouting viciously: "Electric Shock Demonic Beast Use Thunder!"

Although the electric shock demonic beast that came out of the Poké Ball felt a feeling of stepping on the air, even when it was falling, it still used the lightning skill in the direction of Lin Yu according to Lorentz's order.

Although Lin Yu and the two of them were not attacked by the lightning of Lorentz's electric shock demonic beast, but after Ladios, who had been injured when he was fighting the self-detonating magnetic monster just now, helped Lin Yuyu and them block the thunder at this time, it could no longer support it.

"Ladios!" Just

as Ladios lost his fighting consciousness and was about to fall, it was fortunate that the dragon's eye quickly grabbed Ladios, which gave Romia a chance to take Ladios back into the Poké Ball.

Unlike Ladios, the electric shock monster that had just finished using the thunder skill had just finished using the lightning demonic beast, and Lorenz had no chance to take the electric shock monster back into the Poké Ball after the electric shock monster had used the thunder skill, so the electric shock monster fell directly to the ground from a height of tens of thousands of meters.

At this time, Lorenz didn't have any sadness when he watched his main Pokémon fall like this, facing a situation of ten deaths, on the contrary, after seeing his electric shock monster directly let Ladios go up to fight after seeing his electric shock monster before it fall, he directly took out a Poké Ball again without hesitation, ready to do the same thing as just now.

However, this time, after Lorenz threw the Poké Ball again, the Poké Ball was slammed to the ground by the Iron Tail of the Fierce Sky Sit, who had already had a place, and when the Poké Ball opened, the Pokémon's skills could not hit Lin Yu and them at all.

"Lorenz didn't expect you to be such a ruthless person, and you would actually let your Pokémon die in vain at such a time! Do you think you still accompany you as a trainer!" Lin Yu angrily scolded Lorenz after seeing Lorenz throw a Poke Ball again at this time.

"Heh! qualifications?" Lorenz said and directly took out five Poke Balls and threw them out at the same time, saying: "Only alive are you qualified to become a trainer! I see how you dodge this time! Use all of them with thunder skills!" Although

this time Liekong Sitting used an iron tail to fly one again, and Latias Dragon Breath to fly one, but there were still three electric Pokémon that appeared in front of Lin Yu and used the thunder skill at the same time.

This time, Liekong Zai and Latias both appeared in front of Lin Yu and them in the same way as Ladios to help Lin Yu and them resist the thunder, but even so, they only helped Lin Yu and them resist the two thunder skills, and when the last thunder skill was about to hit Lin Yu and them, a layer of blue light suddenly lit up from the fast dragon to resist the thunder.

Although the fast dragon was indeed only a king-level strength, its mysterious guardian this time successfully resisted the last thunderous attack. However, at this time, although Lin Yu and the others barely escaped this last thunder by relying on the mysterious protection of the fast dragon, Lie Kong Zao and Latias also lost their combat ability because of the two thunders just now, and they lost their combat ability and fell down.

Seeing Latias and Liekong Sitting quickly falling to the ground, Lin Yu didn't have time to care about Lorenz at this time, Lin Yu immediately commanded the fast dragon to chase after Liekong Zuo and Latias who were still falling.

In the end, although Lin Yu and the two of them successfully saved Liekong Zao and Latias, but at the same time, Lorenz had already fled, and Lin Yu and the two of them also understood that it was basically impossible to catch up with Lorenz anymore, so they also landed directly on the ground and prepared to take Liekong Zao to the elf center in the development area that was specially designed for the treatment of divine beasts.

When Lin Yu and the others had just landed on the ground, they saw that there were already a lot of people around here, and even some of them were people who were directly wearing Team Rocket uniforms. Those in Team Rocket uniforms were treating the dying Lokia on the ground due to a fall from a high altitude, and there were many Pokémon that had fallen directly into flesh near Lokia.

And these Pokémon that fell from the air and didn't fall directly into mashed flesh are only the three flying Pokémon that were defeated at the beginning, looking at their appearance, Lin Yu can probably guess that they should have woken up when they were about to fall to the ground, and struggled hard twice so that they were not directly smashed into mash, and those Pokémon that were directly smashed into mashed flesh were just electric Pokémon that had not fought at all just now.

When Lin Yu and the others rode the fast dragon and landed slowly, the few members of Team Rocket who were treating Lokia seemed to have discovered them, so several members of Team Rocket immediately rode their flying Pokémon towards Lin Yu and the two of them.

"What do you want to do! You must know that this is the Pioneer Zone! not your Team Rocket's place!" Romia immediately yelled at them when she saw the members of Team Rocket surrounding.

"May I ask if you are Mr. Lin Yu?" Among them, the members of Team Rocket were not angry at Romea's scolding, and he said to Lin Yu very politely: "Our Lord Svein wants to meet you, I wonder if you can come with

us!" "What do you want to do! You have clearly promised us before that you will not catch Lin Yu in the development area!" Romia looked at the member of Team Rocket led by him with some excitement and said.

"Yes!" The member of Team Rocket still didn't look angry at this time, he glanced at Romea with a slight smile and then looked at Lin Yu again and said, "We are just an invitation this time, so whether or not to meet our boss depends on Mr. Lin Yu's willingness."

"Lin Yu, you can't go over! They must be preparing to avenge Lorenz, and even this may be a trap set by Lorenz!" Romea saw Lin Yu's hesitation at this time and immediately opened his mouth to dissuade him: "Don't be carried away by the luck that just defeated Lorenz!"

Lin Yu was also very hesitant at this time, from Lorenz's words before, Lin Yu probably knew that this Svein should be a person with a higher status than the senior cadres in the Rocket Team, and with the fact that this member of the Rocket Team who came to invite him was not surprised, Lin Yu had a trace of curiosity about this mysterious Svein.

"I wonder what Svein is looking for me?" Lin Yu said to the member of Team Rocket with some confusion: "It seems that I shouldn't know him!" "

Hehe, I don't know this either." But I think you'll know if you go. The Rocket member said with a slight smile.

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