Lin Yu also understood at this time that even if he chose a random one at this time, he could get things, and these things were indeed very good to be honest, and the most important thing was that if he handed over the stealth method to Svein this time, he would not have to be chased by Team Rocket in the future, and he could also leave the development area to do what he wanted to do.

Lin Yu finally thought twice and then said to Svein: "The only thing I can see here is that Lokia egg, but if I want to add my family's ancestral secret technique, I feel that the gains outweigh the losses, so I will all take a step back, I want a Mewtwo's gene egg! "

It will be a bit complicated for other organizations to make a Mewtwo's gene egg, but Lin Yu believes that for Team Rocket, it shouldn't be so complicated for them to make a Mewtwo's gene egg, Lin Yu thought at this time that Mewtwo is also a super divine beast that can be super evolved after all, so he also thinks that it shouldn't be too much of a loss.

But just after Lin Yu finished speaking, before Svein could speak, Orn pulled Lin Yu and said: "Xiao Yu, you are stupid, aren't you! Although Mewtwo is indeed a super beast, but that is only limited to the original Mewtwo, and now the inferior Mewtwo hatched from the Mewtwo gene egg researched by Team Rocket is also a quasi-king-level strength! And because of the genetic defects, their lifespan is very short, only five or six years, do you know what it represents!".

"Hehe, don't say that our Team Rocket bullies you, a hillbilly, don't understand culture, I'll tell you directly. Svein also looked at Lin Yu with some sarcasm at this time and said: "If Mewtwo is really as simple as you think, our Rocket Team has already replaced the alliance by now! Do you think Mewtwo is really just a copy of Dream? As far as I know, in addition to the perfect gene of dreams, there is also a mysterious gene from outer space, and this mysterious gene is the fundamental gene of perfect Mewtwo!"

"It is precisely because of this mysterious gene that every perfect Mewtwo has its own mind at the beginning of its birth, and they are the only Pokémon that can never obey humans!" Svein said that he also said a little helplessly, "It's a pity that Mewtwo's core research materials are in the abandoned headquarters of the Gold City, and it is now being occupied by one of the perfect Mewtwo created back then!"

Lin Yu was also slightly stunned when he heard Svein say this at this time, he didn't expect Mewtwo to have such an identity, no wonder Mewtwo, which was slowly genetically modified by Dream, except for the appearance that is a bit like a dream, it can be said that other things are basically different from Dream.

"You better choose another thing! I think you might as well choose the information of the Heavenly Righteous Hall!" Svein looked at Lin Yu and smiled

and said, "I think that information may be more important to you than the Divine Beast!" Lin Yu hesitated for a moment and then looked at Svein and said, "It's a little difficult for me to accept two secret skills for one egg, but I can add my fighting skills to my stealth secret skills to pay it back!" I think you should also know from Xius that my fighting skills are also very good things!"

"Fighting skills?" Svein was lost in thought at this point.

It is true that for Svein, he is just curious about Lin Yu's stealth technique, as for the [Four-Handed Bullet], even Xiusi is just listening to Lin Yu say that it is a very powerful secret skill, but in the Pokémon world, because Lin Yu has no strange power, in fact, it can be said that no one has really seen this so-called invincible secret technique of the same level.

"You can rest assured that although my fighting skills can't make fighting Pokémon invincible with the same strength, but he can make human Pokémon have the same melee fighting ability as fighting Pokémon! As for that secret technique, it's actually just a secret skill that can only be learned with strange powers!" Lin Yu saw that Svein began to hesitate a little at this time, so he spoke again.

"Okay!" At this time, after hearing Lin Yu's explanation, Svein finally nodded and agreed.

For Svein, it was indeed a technique that could make most Pokémon stronger, and it was more important than a secret technique with a strange power, and soon after he agreed to the exchange, several members of Team Rocket came in from outside with an egg in the incubator.

Lin Yu and the others watched the person bring the egg in so quickly, and he immediately understood that although there were only three of them in this room, it was actually far more than what they saw. If Lin Yu really forcibly refused to agree just now, it is very likely that even the champion-level strength of Orn would have to plant it if he wanted to protect Lin Yu.

"This is the Rockia's egg you want. Ignoring Lin Yu's surprised expressions, Svein directly handed Lokia's egg to Lin Yu and said, "In the next few days, you need to give us what you promised us to our experts of Team Rocket, and you can not leave until our experts can reproduce the learning disc from what you taught!"

Although Lin Yu didn't know what conditions he wanted for the replica learning disc, he could probably guess that this learning disc should be the kind of thing that would allow Pokémon to quickly master this skill, and if he wanted to do so, it would mean that the replica learning disc was definitely not as simple as he imagined.

"You can rest assured, our experts are professional. I guess you should be here for a month at most. Svein also saw the worry in Lin Yu's heart and said with a smile, "As long as you hand over those, our Rocket Team will not continue to stare at you in the future." Hearing

this, Lin Yu also nodded.

Next, Lin Yu went to a room under the leadership of a member of Team Rocket and taught techniques to a few experts of Team Rocket with few black hairs, at first Lin Yu told those experts the general principles of fighting skills and actual combat methods, and those experts also understood Lin Yu's meaning very quickly, and it only took them three days to successfully complete the replica of the learning disc of fighting skills.

However, just when Lin Yu thought that he would be able to leave soon with such efficiency, there was a problem when those experts followed Lin Yu and began to study the method of stealth, because Lin Yu was not prepared to directly tell them about the changes in the three states of water, although those experts had also understood the principle of stealth for a long time, but there was no way to successfully experiment on other water-based Pokémon.

Even though the experts did succeed in mastering this invisibility after a month, they were unable to make a replica of the learning disc until three months later.

"Mr. Lin Yu, thank you very much for your guidance during this time, your two technologies have allowed us to see a new research direction. When Lin Yu was about to leave, an expert smiled and said to Lin Yu: "In order to express your gratitude, please accept this Pokémon prop we prepared for you."

Lin Yu opened a rectangular box handed over by the other party, only to see that in this box there was actually a blue long knife that was the same as the water long knife that the Koga ninja frog was using now, looking at the water long knife in the box, Lin Yu looked up at the team rocket experts who were smiling in front of him in disbelief.

At this time, he finally understood why they didn't come to him to ask even if the replication of the learning disc failed in the next month, it turned out that they should have been able to successfully reproduce the learning disc a long time ago, and they had not allowed themselves to leave, even if it was to study the water long knife of the Koga ninja frog.

At first, Lin Yu wondered what the new research direction he had brought to them was, after all, when these experts didn't know the changes in the three states of water, in fact, the stealth with the help of water in refraction was already the limit. At this time, after seeing the technical product of the earth craftsman that the blacksmith said back then, Lin Yu finally understood what their new research direction was.

"When are you guys... Get it out?" Lin Yu asked with some surprise as he looked at the expert who had given him the rectangular box.

"Hehe, Mr. Lin Yu, I really didn't expect that you could bring me so many surprises. At this time, Svein's voice came from a distance: "I finally understand why Lorenz wanted to catch you back then, the surprises you brought to me made me a little reluctant to let you go, how about you give us the exclusive secret technique of the last strange power in your hand to our Rocket Team!"

As Sun Weiming walked slowly, those experts also consciously gave him a way, and just like that, Svein walked in front of Lin Yu with a smile on his face.

Lin Yu looked at the direction where Svein's voice came from and said angrily: "Isn't it a little unkind for you guys to do this! According to the content of our previous transaction, you should obviously let me leave!"

"Hahaha! Be kind?" Svein looked at Lin Yu with an evil smile and said coldly: "Is it that our Rocket Team has been too good to you for a few months, making you forget what kind of organization our Rocket Team is?" Hahaha, don't you think what you said is ridiculous?I'm willing to trade with you on an equal footing!"

Although Lin Yu was not directly on the ground as frightened by Svein's momentum as before, Lin Yu still took a few steps back involuntarily with some fear. He really forgot just now that Team Rocket exists in the Pokémon world, which can almost be said to be a dark organization, and now that he is so frightened by Svein, he also understands that at this time, without Orn's protection, he is like a fish on a chopping board in front of Team Rocket.

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