Dad Lin had experienced more than a dozen eight-star trainers and nine-star trainers besieging Mewtwo before, so he still had a very intuitive feeling about Mewtwo's combat effectiveness, but he was still very puzzled that the organization called Team Rocket controlled Mewtwo in this way.

"That note says how the organization called Team Rocket controls so many Mewtwos?" Father Lin thought for a moment and asked again.

"They put on the steel armor that controlled Mewtwo when they first created it!And they only created one Mewtwo, and it's almost invincible!" Lin Yu began to say what he had learned about Mewtwo in the anime and manga.

"It's... How is it possible! A Mewtwo is so powerful? You four master trainers just captured it alive! No! You say they are genetic Pokémon? Then they should be the god-level Pokémon that knows the people of the secret realm best! What is it for?" said Father Lin suspiciously.

"Wait!Dad, what do you mean by them?Could it be that there is more than one Mewtwo in the secret realm?" Lin Yu said in shock.

"If there's only one, then wouldn't those master trainers be able to withdraw, we were just lucky enough to catch one alive!" Lin Yu said with a smile.

"Dad, I think there's a problem! Mewtwo is not an ordinary divine beast! It's an artificial divine beast! Then do you think Team Rocket would have deliberately created a pair? I suspect that Mewtwo who escaped in that note may have mastered the way to create itself! If there is a Mewtwo army in that huge secret realm, the result..."Lin Yu said nervously.

"Telephone, hurry up, get the phone!" Father Lin immediately shouted to Mother Lin after hearing this.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm Lin Jun, now I suspect that it's not a secret realm person, it's a god-level Pokémon Mewtwo, its ability is very powerful, they are man-made Pokémon, and the huge secret realm should be the secret realm Guandu region!" Dad Lin immediately yelled at the other end of the phone.

"Oh no, a large number of people from the secret realm have suddenly appeared here! I don't have time to talk to you more! It's already a mess here! I'll call you again when the matter here is resolved!" On the other end of the phone, in the chaotic battle voice, a voice hung up the phone nervously and hurriedly.

The owner of that voice didn't seem to hear Daddy Lin's words at all, and the secret realm person in his mouth was still Mewtwo. From his mouth, he was probably studying Mewtwo in the Earth Base of the Huge Secret Realm, when suddenly Mewtwo left, and then brought dozens of Mewtwo.

The forward base itself is a temporary gathering place, most of the master trainers are still outside, only a few seven-star and eight-star trainers, but the sudden appearance of Mewtwo is hardly something they can face.

"Hey, Hu Lao? I'm Xiao Lin! Listen to me, I have something very important to say!" Seeing that his friend's side had already seen the situation he expected, Father Lin immediately dialed Hu Guoping's phone after hanging up the phone.

"Hey, Brother Lin! Are you awake? Do you know about the forward base? Don't worry! Don't worry, my dad is on his way to the forward base now!" The voice of a young man was not Hu Guoping's old voice on the other end of the phone.

"Brother Hu, hurry up and let Hu Lao come back! I have very important information to say, that is not the secret realm people, they are the legendary god-level Pokémon Mewmon! And it is a Pokémon created by the secret realm people! I think the disappearance of the secret realm people may have something to do with them!" Father Lin immediately said in order to prevent the other side from hanging up the phone without hearing clearly.

"What are you talking about? They're Pokémon! How is this possible? Where do you know? I'm going to inform my dad!" said the man on the other end of the line nervously.

"Hey, Xiaolin! Where did you get the information you just said? You speak slowly, it's better to be more careful!" After a while, Hu Guoping's voice finally came from the other end of the phone.

"That's right, my son found a secret base of a secret organization in a secret realm ruin, and it is recorded there that they created this Pokémon called Mewtwo! And it is a Pokémon that is stronger than ordinary god-level Pokémon!" Father Lin then recounted his conjecture.

"Okay. If this is really the Guandu map in the secret map, then I will definitely give credit to your father and son!" Hu Guoping said after listening to Lin's father.

After that, Lin Yu and Dad Lin learned about some of the circumstances of the huge secret realm and how Dad Lin was injured, and that battle was started by an exploration team that suddenly appeared on the periphery of Mewtwo.

Dad Lin and their team went to the rescue after receiving the distress signal from that team, but the two teams together actually had no way to take it, just held it, and finally Dad Lin stayed alone in order to give others a chance to escape, and finally when Dad Lin's last Pokémon fell, four master trainers arrived and finally captured it alive.

And just now, because the people in the frontier base regarded Mewtwo as a secret realm person, they thought that they might just learn some Pokémon skills over time and their bodies were relatively strong, but when they were watching, Mewtwo took advantage of the surrounding superpower Pokémon to use teleportation to escape back without paying attention.

Although several trainers who were monitoring Mewtwo found it in time, and also used teleportation to chase it along with the spatial trajectory that Mewtwo had just escaped, when the skill teleported there, they found that they had been surrounded by a large group of Mewtwo, and in the end they only sent back the word 'danger'.

When the forward base didn't know what the situation was, a large number of Mewtwo teleported to the forward base. The next thing is that the Mewtwo Legion began to attack the trainers who were still resting at the forward base, and then it was after Dad Lin called.

This time, Dad Lin died almost all of his Pokémon for the sake of the queen of the palace. Only the fastest eagle and the monster that has little chance on the ground to fight Mewtwo, who can fly, are still alive. Even so, Bidiao was injured in order to save Dad Lin, and after the last moment of the monster force blocked the fatal blow for Dad Lin, three of his four arms were broken, and now he has just woken up from his coma.

"Uncle Lin! What's going on?" At this time, Xu Changzhou's voice suddenly came from the door.

"Xu Changzhou, are you here like this?" Lin Yu asked suspiciously, looking at Xu Changzhou who had just walked in.

"I'll ask your mother to call him!" Before Xu Changzhou could speak, Father Lin, who was lying down, took the lead in speaking, "Xiao Xu, I am very optimistic about your future, my uncle originally wanted to take care of you more, but unfortunately this time my uncle was scrapped in the end! Civilian trainers need someone to support the sky

!" "Uncle Lin, if it wasn't for your care before, I wouldn't be where I am now! I still have a lot of things that your uncle taught me!" Don't worry, I will definitely hold up a piece of heaven for civilian trainers in the future! Let all civilian trainers see the hope of civilians!" Xu Changzhou pondered for a while and said.

"Okay! If you don't understand any training in the future, you can ask me! Although my uncle will no longer be an eight-star trainer in the future, I can still help you solve some training problems!" said Dad Lin with a smile.

"What are you talking about! Xiao Xu is so smart, he can definitely be admitted to university, and other university teachers don't know more than you? You are only an eight-star trainer at the most, don't mistake people's children when the time comes!" Mother Lin came over to interrupt Father Lin's words and said with a smile.

"It seems that I'm really useless!boy, you take out those two things, and count it as my last bit of help to Xiao Xu!" Father Lin shook his head with a wry smile and said helplessly to Mother Lin.

After a while, Mother Lin was holding two bracelets and two stones that looked very close to marbles.

"It's... This is... Surpass... Super Evolution Stone and Paired Keystone?" Xu Changzhou said in surprise.

"Xiao Xu, if you don't have a super evolution, it's still a little difficult to break out of the world with civilian Pokémon! This is also one of the reasons why civilian trainers can't get ahead, in fact, civilian trainers have more talent and hard work than uncles! But they don't have the height of mine, that's the difference!" Father Lin said to Xu Changzhou seriously.

"But... But... This thing... It... It's too precious! I can't accept it, and doesn't Lin Yu need it too?" Xu Changzhou stammered and shook it.

In fact, Xu Changzhou was very entangled in his heart, the two super evolution stones and keystones given by Dad Lin can almost be said to be the most common super evolution, one is the common big needle bee, and the other is the common carp king's evolutionary tyrannosaurus. If he accepted these two pairs of super evolution stones, he would have almost set foot on the path of the strong man in the future. But speechless, about accepting such an important gift from others, he still couldn't accept it.

"Nothing precious or valuable! The big needle bee and the tyrannosaurus should not be in the small feather Pokémon queue in the future, and I have already prepared a pair of super evolution stones and keystones for Geng Ghost for him! This thing is not for you, this is an inheritance, you need to wear it well!" Father Lin said to Xu Chang with a smile.

Father Lin was very satisfied with Xu Changzhou's performance, so he was even more determined to give these two super evolution stones and keystones to Xu Changzhou.

"But... But Uncle Lin, I really can't ask for such a valuable thing! I have received your heart! Thank you, Uncle Lin!" Xu Changzhou bowed to Father Lin and said.

Hearing Father Lin's words, Xu Changzhou was also very grateful in his heart, but after all, it was not a parent, and he always felt a little reluctant to accept such a valuable gift.

"Xiao Xu, you take it! Xiao Yu will want you to take care of it more in the future! How can you become stronger without entering the secret realm! If you don't have reliable teammates when you enter the secret realm, it is very easy to have an accident! You are not super strong, how can I rest assured that Xiao Yu will enter the secret realm in the future! I don't have the strength to enter the secret realm to protect him now, and it will be up to you teammates when the time comes!"

"Yes! Lao Xu, you can take it! I don't need it anyway, if you don't want to go, then you owe me! In the future, when you enter the secret realm, you have to take your life to protect me! I don't want my mother-in-law! Remember that you will be my royal bodyguard in the future!" Lin Yu said and directly picked up two pairs of super evolution stones and keystones and stuffed them into Xu Changzhou's arms and said.

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