Before Lin Yu followed He Xingyu to He Xingyu's house, Lin Yu could see Mother He anxiously waiting under a street lamp from afar.

Mother He also quickly ran towards Lin Yu after seeing He Xingyu and Lin Yu walking towards this side, it was still the same as what Lin Yu and they had seen before, Mother He picked up He Xingyu's ears and prepared the code, but she didn't continue to scold after seeing that Lin Yu was still on the side, but she didn't put down He Xingyu's ears.

"Are you..."Mother He looked at Lin Yu and asked with some doubts, "May I ask you something?" "

You are He Xingyu's mother, my name is Lin Yu, this time your son was brought back by me in the nearby Pingxiao Forest, I think..."Lin Yu said to Mother He with a smile.

"Want money?" Mother He directly took out a few hundred yuan from her pocket and threw it to Lin Yu, interrupting Lin Yu's words and saying, "That's all there is to it, love or not!"

"What are you kid doing in Pingxiao Forest?, I don't know if there are very wild Pokémon there?..." After Mother He threw the money to Lin Yu, she turned her head and scolded He Xingyu with her head and face.

At this time, Lin Yu had already been "smashed" by Mother He's hundreds of yuan, and he was a little embarrassed to pick up the money and prepare to explain to Mother He, but before he could open his mouth, he heard Mother He scolding He Xingyu, so that he could speak at all.

Finally, Lin Yu saw that Mother He was almost scolded, and at this time, he was a little embarrassed to take the money and said to Mother He: "That...",

"Why haven't you left yet?"

"No, you're mistaken, I'm not asking for money. Lin Yu shook his hand again and again and said.

"Don't want money?" After hearing Lin Yu's words, Mother He looked Lin Yu up and down suspiciously, and said, "Do good deeds?" "

No, Mother He. I think I should congratulate you on talking!" Lin Yu said with some embarrassment.

"Let's talk about it, with me?" Mother He looked Lin Yu up and down again, and then said suspiciously, "What do we have to talk about?" Okay, okay, you can go back quickly! I'm not interested in a little hairy man like you.

Lin Yu's face flushed instantly after hearing Mother He's words, obviously Mother He would be wrong, and Lin Yu also heard that the other party had misunderstood what he meant at this time.

"No, no, you've misunderstood, Mother He, what I want to talk to you about He Xingyu becoming a trainer!" Lin Yu blushed and Mother He waved her hand again and again to explain.

"Are you invited by Xiao He to be a lobbyist?" He Mother said and looked at He Xingyu and scolded viciously: "Good boy, are you still looking for a lobbyist now! But why don't you find someone with a bit of identity next time? Pull a random person on the side of the road to be a lobbyist, do you think mine is so easy to be convinced?" "I didn't

look for him!" And he can't be compared to anyone on the side of the road, he is a powerful trainer in the top 1,000 trainers like his father!" He Xingyu muttered and whispered.

"Do you know how your dad died? He died because he became a trainer! Do you want to follow your dad's old path?" and his mother said even more angrily after hearing He Xingyu's words.

"I know that you didn't let He Xingyu become a trainer for his own good, but have you ever thought that because you curbed his Pokémon source, he might want to go to the forest to catch the initial Pokémon by himself like today!" Lin Yu suddenly said seriously at this time.

"He dares!" Mother He said fiercely after hearing Lin Yu's words.

"It's not a question of whether he dares or not, it's a problem that has already happened!" Lin Yu continued to speak: "If he hadn't met us today, he might have died in the Pingxiao Forest today!" "

Stinky boy, what do you want to do! If you let me know that you go to the forest again, believe it or not, I will break your legs!" After hearing Lin Yu's words, Mother He raised her hand and slapped He Xingyu's ass and taught a lesson.

"Mom, don't you understand? I want to be a trainer! Even if you break my leg, I want to be a trainer, even if I climb, I have to crawl to the forest to catch Pokémon!"

At this time, He Xingyu seemed to have mustered up enough courage, he slapped away his mother's hand holding his ear, and looked at Mother He with firm eyes.

Mother He was also frightened by He Xingyu's explosive momentum at this time, she couldn't believe that He Xingyu would say such a thing to herself at this time, and Lin Yu didn't expect that his mother looked very afraid of Mother He's He Xingyu would actually say something at this time.

"Mom, it's not that I lack the courage to become a trainer, I know that last year you set my alarm clock an hour late, and I also know that this year you went to the Yamanashi Research Institute to fight with the doctor in order to prevent Dr. Yamada from giving me the initial Pokémon. He Xingyu looked at his mother and said helplessly: "I know you don't want me to become a trainer because you are afraid that I will follow my father's path, but do you know that becoming a trainer has always been my dream

!" "Hey!" Mother He suddenly sighed and then looked at He Xingyu and said, "So you came back today to tell me that you are going to travel with this guy of unknown origin?"

"No, no, no, Mother He, you misunderstood, I came here today just to help mediate the conflict, I think you shouldn't want He Xingyu to secretly go out on a trip one day!" Lin Yu shook his hand a little embarrassed and explained.

"Did you hear that, people don't want to take you on a trip yet!" said Mother He, then picked up He Xingyu's ears again and left.

This time Lin Yu was really bored, he really didn't understand why Mother He's thinking was so strange, looking at the back of He Xingyu and their mother and son leaving, Lin Yu shook his head a little helplessly, he didn't know if his persuasion this time had worked.

"Alright, Rhubarb (Wind Speed Dog) we should go back too. Lin Yu looked at He Xingyu and said to the wind speed dog beside him after they left.

After He Xingyu was carried by He's mother and returned home, he didn't know why, as soon as he got home, he didn't have the courage to talk back to his mother.

After He's mother went home, she didn't teach He Xingyu a lesson outside, she took He Xingyu home and went directly back to her room, leaving He Xingyu standing in the center of the living room with some fear. After a long time, Mother He finally came out of the room, and Mother He walked out with a few Poke Balls.

"Are you sure you want to become a trainer?" Mother He said as she looked at He Xingyu seriously.

He Xingyu was frightened by Mother He at this time, and subconsciously took two steps back, and stammered for a while, not knowing what to say.

"The courage to talk back to me just now!" Mother He looked at He Xingyu's scared look and said angrily: "I know that I will definitely not be able to stop you from becoming a trainer, but I want to promise me a condition before you become a trainer." "

Really, Mom, do you really agree to let me become a trainer? Don't say one condition, even ten is no problem!" He Xingyu said excitedly after hearing his mother's words.

"Okay! Since you have said so, then complete my ten tasks!" After hearing

He Xingyu's words, Mother He smiled and said, "First of all, the first condition is that you can subdue a Pokémon by yourself!" "Mom, I already have my own Pokémon!" After He Xingyu heard Mother He's words, he directly took out the Poke Ball of Master Yuan and threw it out and said, "Come out, Master Yuan!"

"Bug Pokémon. Well, if you complete the first condition, but if your first Pokémon chooses a bug-type Pokémon, then the subsequent tasks will be very difficult. Mother He looked at Master Yuan and said, "Then the next task is that from today onwards, you get up at five o'clock in the morning to train with Master Yuan, and you must train for more than five hours a day, and hold on for a year! When you finish it, I will tell you the next task!"

"One year? Isn't it too long?" He Xingyu said with some surprise after hearing his mother's words.

"How long has it been a year, do you think that every trainer's Pokémon has become stronger in vain? They are often more laborious than this! If you can't complete it, you might as well give up and become a trainer as soon as possible!" After hearing He Xingyu's words, Mother He suddenly said solemnly: "Becoming a trainer is not just shouting with your mouth

!" "Okay! I will definitely complete the task!" He Xingyu nodded helplessly and then said: " I will definitely become a trainer, no matter how many difficulties lie ahead

!" "Okay, these are my old Pokémon, if you go to the forest again in the future, bring them with you!" Mother He said, pushing a few Poké Balls in her hand in front of He Xingyu and said, "At least they can protect your safety."

He Xingyu took the Poke Balls handed over by Mother He and nodded a little excitedly, but when He Xingyu took the Poke Balls, he suddenly found that these Poke Balls were empty.

"Mom, what's going on?" He Xingyu asked with the empty Poke Ball looking at his mother with a puzzled expression.

"Have you seen Pokémon at home in the past few years?" He

Xingyu shook his head blankly.

"Yes, you haven't seen any Pokémon, do you think I'll lock them in Poké Balls for years?" Mother He looked at He Xingyu angrily and said, "They are all in the Yamanashi Research Institute, you need to go to the Yamanashi Research Institute to regain their recognition, and they will help you! This is also your third task, to find these Pokémon and get their approval!"

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