In the next few days, in addition to training basic physical fitness and control of the mirage, the croaking frog trained his skills in the eagle competition with Dad Lin. In the past few days, the little ghost has been able to train obediently under the recognition of the eagle, and he is even often caught to train the croaking frog to see through.

But I have to say that although the little ghost is greedy for fun, its learning ability is also good, and it actually learned illusion in the mirage of the croaking frog, and even didn't know how to suddenly learn the ghost fire.

Finally, after Mugu's Nidoran hatched, the five of them gathered and headed to the first battle tent. After many discussions between them, they finally decided to go to the first area of my county, after all, Yu Heng was beaten in Anxian before, and this time he must find a place back.

"Mu Gu, it's useless for you to take Ni Duolang with you! It's a waste of time to take care of it, it's better to put him at home!" On the car to Anxian, Hu Tu looked at Mu Gu who was breastfeeding the little Ni Duolang and said.

"What do you know, I've cultivated its love for combat since childhood! I want it to know that it has to keep getting stronger!" Mu Gu said without raising his head.

"However, the Mu Group is really rich, even after coming out to practice, he actually found two cars of bodyguards, I really don't know what your father thinks!" Yu Heng said as he looked at the two black jeeps following behind their car.

"Isn't this for safety! Last time you didn't have a parent's Pokémon, I think you died more than once, wouldn't it be safer to have bodyguards this time?" Mu Gu said with a wave of his hand.

"Then why do we have to make a bus? Why can't we just take a private car there? I really don't understand the routine of your rich people!"

"Isn't this to better experience the feeling of going out to practice! Anyway, I'm still very excited! And who said that we didn't do a private car? This bus is also owned by my family! Don't you notice that in addition to the five of you, the other people on this bus are also weird?" Mu Gu said, pointing to the few other passengers in the carriage.

"Then you're doing wool, is it just to give us a feeling that we just went out to practice alone? It's so boring, we don't plan to enter the secret realm, we're just going to challenge the new trainers in the province!" Hu Tu couldn't stand it anymore, and said helplessly.

"Okay, let's not say a word! At least Mu Gu is here, everyone eats, drinks, Lasa and sleeps on the journey later, Mu Gu has wrapped up everything for us!" Lin Yu said helplessly.

"But I'm curious to know, why do we have to go to Anxian County first, and I haven't heard of any secret realms in Anxian County recently! Although there have been a lot of secret realms recently, I really don't know where Anxian has come out of the secret realm?" Mu Gu said boredly as he looked out the car window.

"It's not because of Lin Yu! Last time, if he hadn't said to save some physical strength, I would have been defeated by that guy? I must go back to the field first! Otherwise, I can't get over it in my own heart!" Yu Heng said angrily.

"What's the matter with me? Obviously, you can't beat the other party by yourself, why are you still to blame me? The other person's Dai Ruby is not weak, and the attribute also restrains you, don't be beaten by others again this time!" Lin Yu said speechlessly.

Next, Lin Yu told everyone in detail what happened that day, and after the story was told, the car finally arrived in Anxian County.

"It's... Why are we here? Aren't we supposed to go to the secret realm?" said Hu Tu, looking at the big sign of the forest park in front of him.

"There is no secret realm in Anxian County, but Anxian County has the largest forest park in Jinshi, no matter what the situation, there will also be a rookie trainer camp here!Let's go, Young Master Mu go buy tickets!" Yu Heng said with a smile and patted Mu Gu's shoulder.

With Mu Gu's funding, several people soon bought tickets and entered the forest park with more than a dozen black-clothed bodyguards.

I have to say that since the college games in the college league are basically 3v3, many students who have just graduated from high school will register their second Pokémon as soon as possible this summer, so that they can get three Pokémon soon after entering the university and receiving the Pokémon assigned by the university, and as long as they practice more, they will have the opportunity to participate in the college league.

This time, Lin Yu and the others had not walked long after entering the forest park, and they saw that countless tents had been set up in a relatively large open space in front of them. You can even see that in that tent group, there are even small vendors with stalls selling all kinds of Pokémon potions and Pokémon food.

"Hey, is there a rookie battle here? we've just arrived!" Yu Heng asked as soon as he entered the tent group when he grabbed a man who seemed to be a rookie trainer.

"Battle? Not here, but I seem to have heard that there is a camp deep in the forest, and there are just some people selling props at the entrance, and you can see that here is it!" the boy said, pointing to the vendors around him.

"Okay, thank you!" Yu Heng finished speaking and walked towards the depths of the forest with everyone.

A few people were bored walking in the woods, and they could only watch the waves flying above their heads from time to time along the way, and almost no other Pokémon had ever seen them.

At this time, they returned to their familiar round land sharks, looking at their surroundings and running around a few people happily. The bored ghost directly hid in Lin Yu's shadow and slept. He didn't have the curiosity about new things like other ghosts, and he didn't like to run around, so it could be said that Lin Yu had seen the most bizarre ghosts.

I don't know why, it's clear that Little Ghost's parents are not very strong Pokémon, but I don't know why Little Ghost's talent these days is not inferior to that of a croaking frog. Now Lin Yu can only regard Xiao Guisi's current achievements as the education that the croaking frog gave him at that time.

"Anyway, why can you find this kind of thing in such a place? I don't even see a decent Pokémon, I can only see these garbage Bobo?" Mu Gu first pointed to the round land shark that was chasing and fighting with the big jawed ants, and then pointed to the Bobo flying overhead.

Along the way, Mu Gu thought that he might be able to take a land shark back in this forest park, so he specially brought Nidorang, who had just hatched, but along the way, he found that there were very few Pokémon here.

Originally, Mu Gu didn't want to ask, but this round land shark didn't know why, he was always running around in front of him, and he couldn't help it, and finally asked the question in his heart.

In fact, for Hu Tu, although wild Pokémon were not everywhere when they came before, they were not like now, and they didn't know how to explain it.

"The round land shark is also a quasi-god, where is it and what can be seen casually! Hurry up!" Hu Tu couldn't explain it, so he could only tear away from the topic.

"Actually, it's very easy to understand, you think. Although the wild Pokémon in the forest park are not very afraid of humans, there are so many of us here, no matter how close they are, they will not be able to come close!" Yu Heng said, pointing to the dozen or so bodyguards who were scattered around them to protect them.

I saw that in the places around Lin Yu and them, which were visible to the naked eye, seven or eight bodyguards wearing black clothes and black sunglasses and their Pokémon could be seen, almost wrapping Lin Yu and them in a circle.

"It's... You, you, stay away from here! You've all scared the wild Pokémon away! It's not dangerous here, you don't have to stay around us like this!" Mu Gu said angrily, pointing to a few bodyguards around him.

"But don't you have two Pokémon yourself, young master, and you don't need to catch wild Pokémon here, we're just trying to prevent any wild Pokémon from attacking, so that you can hurry to the next gathering place!" said a representative from several black-clad bodyguards.

"But you don't have to protect it like this, I also want to see what wild Pokémon are like! I'm here to train, not to go for a walk! You guys stay away!" Mu Gu said angrily, pointing at the bodyguard representative.

"But the old man said, the poacher team has been getting more and more rampant lately, and he asked us to protect you!" said the representative, bowing his head.

"It's just poachers, what does it have to do with us? They poach their hunt, what does it have to do with us? We're just a bunch of rookie trainers going to challenge the tent!" Mu Gu said with his hands on his chest.

"Are you an idiot? Our five rookie trainers have three quasi-gods in their hands! What is easier than snatching the quasi-gods in the hands of rookie trainers?, we are the best prey for poachers!" Xu Changzhou said with a blank look at Mu Gu.

"Then you should stay away from us, and you can come to the rescue quickly!" Mu Gu thought for a while and waved his hand at those bodyguards.

After a few black-clothed bodyguards left, as Lin Yu and the others continued to move forward, there were finally more and more wild Pokémon around, but there were also more common Pokémon like Rada and Pichu.

Mu Gu still didn't see the quasi-god Pokémon he was thinking about, and he felt more and more in a bad mood along the way, and now Mu Gu's eyes were full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Although Lin Yu and the others didn't find any good Pokémon, not far from them, a man who was watching this side with a telescope had found something he was interested in.

"Boss, when are we going to do it? They make me blush the more I look at them! They're about to get to the battle tent as they advance, and it's too late for us to make a move!" said the man with the binoculars to a man sitting nearby.

"Don't worry, don't worry! Lao Shi has already gone to the battle tent! We rush over directly, but we may not be able to get close to them, the young master's bodyguards are not weak! The third and fourth are still in the police station, and it is basically too difficult for us to rush over like this!" The sitting man said casually while eating fruit.

"Then can we just watch them leave? What are the three quasi-gods!" said the man with the binoculars.

"Don't rush, take your time!When they enter the battle tent, wait for the old ten to cause chaos!," said the man who was called the boss.

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