The next day, Kaijie and Tuo Mutong were about to meet the wrought iron forest of the Black Gold City, and the two of them headed towards the Black Gold City together, while Lin Yu and Romea took the newly hatched Lokia to play in the forest. For the current champion-level strength of the Koga Ninja Frog in charge, plus this forest is a forest relatively close to the Black Gold City, all at this time, Lin Yu and they are playing in this forest, it can be said that no wild Pokémon dares to approach.

When Kaijie came to the Black Gold Gym with Tuo Ermu, he suddenly saw a notice posted at the door of the Black Gold Gym, which roughly said that the owner of the hall had gone out on a mission and had not returned, so he would not accept the challenge of the gym in the near future.

"What's the situation!Why does a gym owner not stay in the gym and run out to perform some bullshit mission? They don't have anyone in the black gold gym? They still want the gym owner to carry out the task himself!" Kai Jie complained directly to Tuo Mu in anger after seeing the notice.

He had already guessed that the iron art forest might be the owner of the Black Gold Gym, and after hearing Kaijie's complaint at this time, he looked back at the iron art forest behind them helplessly, and then he could only cough a little embarrassed twice, and reminded Kaijie that the iron art forest was behind him with his eyes.

At this time, Kaijie, who noticed Tuo Ermu's eyes, also suddenly remembered that the iron art forest that came with them seemed to be also a hall owner, but at this time, he still didn't think of the iron art forest as the owner of the Black Gold Dao Pavilion, he only thought that Tuo Mu was reminding him that the owner of this hall had just gone to Zhensha Town to carry out the mission.

"Hehe, excuse me, of course I didn't say yours too. Kai Jie smiled awkwardly at Tie Yilin and then said, "It's already very good that your Gym already has three Heavenly King-level trainers!, I'm just saying that the Great Dao Pavilion owner like the Black Gold Gym also needs to go out on a mission, isn't it too bad

!" "Ahem!"

Tuo Ermu coughed desperately twice after hearing Kai Jie's words at this time, interrupting Kai Jie's words.

"What's wrong with your throat, old Tuo?" said Kai Jie, who heard Tho Mu's appearance of almost coughing up his lungs.

"Yes, the owner of the Great Dao Pavilion like the Black Gold Dao Pavilion has to go out on a mission in person, and it is really bad to have a person die in the process!" said

Tie Yilin, who slowly passed by Kai Jie's side, and walked directly to the door of the Black Gold Dao Pavilion, and then he took Yu Yan directly into the Black Gold Dao Pavilion.

"Eh, their hall master..."

Looking at the Iron Art Forest, when they walked straight into the Black Gold Gym, Kai Jie's first thought was to stop them, but when he was about to go up to stop them, he suddenly seemed to understand everything, so he looked at the Iron Art Forest, and the back of them entering the Black Gold Gym was a little distracted.

"They... He... Is that the owner of the Black Gold Gym who went out on a mission?" asked Kai Jie, turning to Tor Mu in disbelief.

"Uh-huh!" Tuo Ermu said indifferently, "Don't you already have the answer in your own heart, why do you still want to ask

me?" "So do you already know which wrought iron forest is the owner of the Black Gold Gym?" Kai Jie said angrily, "When did you guess his identity, and why didn't you tell me that he was the owner of the Black Gold Gym?"

"This... When I knew his pavilion owner, I probably guessed that he was the owner of the Black Gold Gym!" Tuo Ermu said with a smile on his face at this time: "Don't you think that the gyms that are generally king-level trainers and hall owners are all large gyms?And the person named Yu Yan next to him is also a king-level trainer, looking at his age, he is not as old as mine, and generally there are only Dao Pavilions with such a genius, based on the above two points, they must be from the Dao Pavilion, and which one do you say is the nearest large Dao Pavilion in Lizhensha Town?" "

Black Gold Dao Pavilion?" Lin Yu wanted to cry without tears after hearing Tuo Mu's words, but Tuo Mu with a smile on his face said: "You have already guessed their identities so early, so why didn't you tell me earlier!

"This... I'm just speculating that they might be from the Black Gold Gym, after all, the conditions I mentioned before are just general conditions, and occasionally there will be so many geniuses in some small gyms. Tuo Ermu smiled and spread his hands before he spoke: "But, I know that Lin Yu should have known the identity of that iron forest for a long time, and he asked me not to tell you when he was at the Yamanashi Research Institute."

Kaijie gritted his teeth and read Lin Yu's name angrily after hearing Tuo Mu's words at this time, and Lin Yu, who was still playing with Lokia in the forest at this time, also suddenly felt a creepy feeling.

At this time, Kaijie really wanted to bite Lin Yu directly, you must know that when a trainer like them challenges the gym owner, a lot of it depends on the mood of the hall owner, and he has no communication with the iron art forest except for Yu Yan along the way, so he also feels that there is no way to do this gym challenge.

"Eh, don't stand at the door over there, I heard that you are all coming to our Black Gold Gym to exchange and study, or come in first!" While

Kai Jie was still thinking about how to apologize to Yu Yan and them, the door of the Black Gold Gym was opened again, and Yu Yan leaned out half of his body from inside and shouted to Kai Jie.

Kai's first reaction when he heard Yu Yan's words was not to enter the Black Gold Gym immediately, but to take two steps back in fear, and after hearing Yu Yan's words, Tuo Ermu still walked directly towards the Black Gold Gym.

Kai Jie grabbed Tuo Mu's somewhat frightened mouth and said, "Old Tuo! Do you think they are going to pull us in and beat us up? I'm a little scared! Otherwise, let's go first, and when Lin Yu comes, it's not too late for us to go in together

!" "Why wait for Lin Yu and them! When they come, we probably should go to the next city! I also want to have a good exchange with the trainers of the Black Gold Gym!" Tuo Ermu said to Kai Jie a little helplessly at this time: "If they wanted to move you, they would have moved a long time ago, and there is no need to trick you into the gym and beat you!"

"Okay, let's hurry up and get in!" Tuo Ermu looked at Kaijie and grabbed his hand tightly and said helplessly: "It's a

big deal to be beaten by them! What is there to be afraid of!" "You still say that they won't beat me! Why do you say that it's a big deal to be beaten up now, I now have reason to suspect that you are in league with them!" Kai Jie said with some fear.

"Okay, okay, you can go in or not, but don't go in, don't pull me in, don't let me in!" said Tho Mu as he grabbed Kaijie's hand firmly and threw it off his arm.

"Eh, wait for me!" Seeing Tori Mu walking directly towards the Black Gold Gym, Kai Jie also quickly chased after him and continued: "Let's talk about it, if they really want to beat me up then, you have to protect me!" "It's

okay!" Tuo Mu nodded helplessly and then entered the Black Gold Gym with Kai Jie.

When Kaijie and the others entered the hall of the Black Gold Gym, they saw that in addition to the Iron Art Forest and Yu Yan, the hall was densely packed with nearly 100 people wearing the uniforms of the Black Gold Gym. Seeing this scene, Kaijie's legs were directly frightened, if it weren't for Tuo Ermu to support Kaijie who was about to be soft in time, Kaijie might have been lying on the ground at this time.

"You still say they are not prepared to deal with me!" Kai Jie pointed to the dense black gold gym trainer in the hall and shouted to Tuo Mu in a low voice, "Then what do you say they are doing here? It is impossible to welcome us!" "You

two should be the guests that the hall master said! Please go over there and wait for a while, the hall master's affairs on their side will be over soon." At this moment, a staff member suddenly walked over and said to Kaijie and them.

"That's... I don't know what you're doing, owner?" asked the staff member beside him as he helped Kaijie to sit down.

"I heard that it was the Pavilion Master who did not carry out the mission very smoothly this time, because the Heavenly King-level trainer of our Gym died in that mission, and now it is where all the Gym Trainers worship the sacrificed trainer. At this time, the staff member said: "I heard that even the old hall owner is on his way back

!" "Eh! I heard no, people are not here to deal with you!" After the staff finished speaking, Tuo Ermu kicked Kaijie and said: "If I want to deal with you, I don't need to call anyone at all! Even if it is ten, you may not be his opponent!"

After the worship was over, some people moved Beishan's body down, and Tie Yilin walked towards Kaijie with a few junior disciples of Heavenly King-level trainers.

"Keeping you both waiting. Tie Yilin looked in Kaijie's direction and said: "I know you want to challenge the gym, but due to the death of my junior brother, we still need to close the hall until the old hall master comes back to preside over his funeral. "

As for you, Mr. Child-Mu... To be honest, you should also be a gym trainer!" Tie Yilin suddenly said at this time.

"Yes, I'm a trainer from the Nibi Gym in the Kanto region!" Torimu nodded at this time.

"Then are you quitting the Nibi Gym now?"

"No, I'm just out to travel and study

!" "Then I'm sorry, you can't come and live in our Black Gold Gym until the old hall master comes back, please forgive me!" Iron Yilin said to Tuo Ermu at this time.

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