If the battle between Lin Yu and Niu Huansu at this time was just an ordinary game, Niu Huansu would definitely be spurned by everyone when Lin Yu's giant swamp monster used super evolution, but at this time, the battle between Lin Yu and them was based on the trainer ranking, so at this time, no one else stood up to accuse Niu Huansu of his behavior.

The current of 100,000 volts quickly attacked the giant swamp monster that was still undergoing super evolution, and the giant swamp monster that was really undergoing super evolution in front of everyone's eyes was directly hit by the 100,000 volts of the electric shock monster, but the super evolution of the giant swamp monster was not directly interrupted by the 100,000 volts of the electric shock monster.

Under the roar of the super giant swamp monster, it not only completed the super evolution, but also directly interrupted the 100,000 volts of the electric shock demonic beast.

The angry Super Swamp Monster looked at the Electric Shock Monster that had just attacked him when he was undergoing a super evolution, as if the Super Giant Swamp Monster wanted to rush over and tear the Electric Shock Monster apart at this time.

"Mighty (Giant Swamp Monster) Now it's time for us to let that guy know that we're powerful, first of all, let's attack that shameless guy with a turbid current!" Lin Yu said to the Super Swamp Monster with a smile.

Although the Super Giant Swamp Monster wanted to rush up and tear the other party apart at this time, although it was lost when it heard that Lin Yu did not let it rush over and fight with the Electric Shock Demonic Beast in close combat, it still used a turbidity current skill on the Electric Shock Demonic Beast as Lin Yu said.

"Electric Shock Monster, hurry up and dodge

!" "Dodge? Don't be in a hurry!" Vigorously (Giant Swamp Monster) Next, we will directly use the Freezing Beam on the turbidity current just now!" According

to Lin Yu, whose Super Giant Swamp Monster quickly threw the Turbidity Current Skill he had just used and used the Freezing Beam, the black water flow quickly formed into an ice lump after touching the Super Giant Swamp Monster's own Freezing Beam. And at the moment when the turbidity current turned into a yellow-brown ice lump, it suddenly smashed towards the electric shock monster as quickly as if it had stepped on the acceleration area.

Originally, the speed of the turbidity current was completely too late for the electric shock demon beast to dodge, but at this time, the ice cube that suddenly accelerated made the electric shock demon beast have no time to dodge and was smashed out by the fast huge 1 ice mound.

"Mighty (Giant Swamp Monster) appeared and rushed over and used the Arm Hammer to eliminate it directly for me!" Lin Yu also immediately said to the Super Giant Swamp Monster after the electric shock demonic beast was smashed away by the turbid current of ice.

After hearing Lin Yu's words, the super giant swamp monster rushed directly towards the electric shock demonic beast as quickly as an arrow from the string, and it couldn't wait to rush over and beat the other party, so at this time, although its past speed did not seem to be very fast, it also came to it before the electric shock demonic beast got up.

The electric shock monster was still stunned when it saw the super swamp monster that suddenly appeared in front of it, and then when it just reacted to what the super giant swamp monster wanted to do, the super giant swamp monster had already smashed its head with a punch.

Then, when the electric shock monster was about to raise its hand to fight back, the second punch of the Super Swamp monster had already landed again. When fighting against the Super Bog Monster, if the general power-type Pokémon is suppressed by the Super Bog Monster like this, then basically the opponent has no chance of winning.

"The Electric Shock Monster used 100,000 volts to send it flying for me!" After the Electric Shock Monster was punched by the Super Swamp Monster again, Nuhuansu also understood that he couldn't go toe-to-toe with the Super Giant Swamp Monster at this time, so he immediately said to the Electric Shock Monster.

"Mighty (Giant Swamp Monster) If you don't give it to it, you will use it!" Lin Yu immediately opened his mouth after hearing Niu Huansu's words: "The action power in his hand is

strengthened, and at the same time, use the water gun skill to continuously attack the opponent's eyes!" After hearing Lin Yu's words, the power in the super giant swamp monster's hand was also strengthened, and the electric shock monster that was just about to use 100,000 volts was directly interrupted under the water gun attack that attacked the direct eye from time to time under the super giant swamp monster's fist.

"Good job!, but next, in order to prevent the electric shock demonic beast from using the electric skill again, we will use the turbidity current skill to wash it a few times and then directly use the freezing beam!" Lin Yu also said directly after seeing that the super giant swamp monster successfully interrupted the 100,000 volts of the electric shock demonic beast.

"Electric shock demonic beast, don't let it use its skills so easily! If it doesn't work, let's use the lightning fist to fight back while using electric shock!"

However, although the Shock Demon Beast did use the Thunderbolt Fist to fight back when the Super Swamp Monster used the Turbidity Current, every time its Thunderbolt Punch just hit the Super Swamp, he would be dizzy again by the Super Swamp's powerful fist.

After the Super Giant Swamp Monster used the turbidity current skill to wash the electric shock monster three times in a row, finally under Lin Yu's instructions, the Super Giant Swamp Monster used the freezing beam skill to directly freeze the dizzy electric shock monster, and after the electric shock monster was frozen, the super giant swamp monster also stopped the fist in his hand and directly sent the electric shock monster out of the field.

Although strictly speaking, the electric shock monster still loses its ability to fight, but at this time, the electric shock monster that was sent out of the field also met the rules of the game and could not return to the field in a short period of time and was eliminated.

"Since the Shock Monster can't return to the arena in time, I now announce that the Shock Monster has been eliminated!" Tostai looked at the time for a while, then looked at the New Ring Su and said, "If the New Ring Su player has no objections, please exchange the Pokémon!"


Next, after recovering the electric shock monster, Nuhuansu sent his next champion-level strength Pokémon, but although the Pokémon that appeared this time was stronger than the electric shock monster just now, it was not his strongest Pokémon Tyrannosaurus but a ground-washed super armored rhino, and the strength of this super armored rhinoceros was not as good as the giant swamp monster after super evolution.

"I didn't expect Mr. Newringsu to send out the Tyrannosaurus at this time! Isn't it because you can't look down on my Pokémon?" Lin Yu looked at Newhuansu with some mockery after seeing that it was a super-armored rhinoceros and said.

"Hehe, you're still too young!" After hearing Lin Yu's words, New York Huansu was not angry, but mocked: "At this time, no amount of trash talk is as effective as quickly giving your Pokémon an attack order!

After Niu Huansu finished speaking, the super armor mad rhino directly raised his hand and launched a huge stone in the direction of the super giant swamp monster, and the fast stone flew towards the giant swamp monster as quickly as a huge cannonball, and Lin Yu had not finished his command to the giant swamp monster, and the big stone had already hit the super giant swamp monster.

Although the super giant swamp monster that was still at this time did not hear Lin Yu's effective order, he also did what Lin Yu's unfinished words were at that time, and it raised its hand and smashed it directly on the fast boulder.

Although the gimbal of the Super Swamp directly shattered the huge stone flying from the right at the critical moment, it was also directly knocked out and its right hand that had just shattered the rock was also injured.

"Not bad! Not bad! I didn't expect your Giant Swamp Monster to have time to react at such a time, but it's a pity that its right hand has already been cleaned up, so I'll see if there is any way to block the next rock cannon of the Super Armor Rhino!" Looking at the wound on the Super Swamp Monster's right arm, Niu Huansu said proudly: "After using the Rock Cannon, the Super Armor Rhinoceros will use the Super Horn Strike to rush over and directly solve it

!" "Mighty (Giant Swamp Monster) Rock Avalanche!" Lin Yu also immediately spoke at this time.

After hearing the words of the direct trainer, the super armored rhinoceros raised his hand again and launched a large stone that had been conjured out of nowhere, but Lin Yu could still intuitively find that the conjured stone seemed to be smaller than the last time.

This time, Lin Yu was also the biggest, and most of his own command was inexhaustible, so he could only say the name of the skill and let the Super Giant Swamp Monster play freely.

After hearing Lin Yu's words, the Super Giant Swamp Monster directly reached out and grabbed the ground, and it didn't matter that Thirty-Seven Twenty-One directly lifted up a piece of ground and smashed it towards the rock that the Super Armor Rhinoceros had launched, although the speed of the Super Giant Swamp Monster throwing out of the floor was not as fast as the rock cannon, but it was also directly shattered after the two stones collided together.

Although at this time, the Super Giant Swamp Monster successfully smashed the rock cannon of the Super Armor Rhinoceros by using the rock avalanche, but the Super Armor Rhinoceros who rushed over with the rock cannon immediately came to the front of the Super Armor Ninja Frog.

Lin Yu didn't think that the rockslide stone could really smash the rock cannon of the super armor rhinoceros, so he didn't say how the super giant swamp monster should deal with the super horn attack of the super armor rhinoceros.

However, at this time, although Lin Yu didn't say anything, but for the super giant swamp monster, the rock avalanche that Lin Yu said was the way to deal with it, so when the super armor rhinoceros was about to rush in front of him, it lifted a piece of the floor again and smashed it towards the super armor rhinoceros.

Faced with the sudden floor, it was the turn of Niu Huansu this time, and before he could react, the floor smashed directly on the head of the super armor mad rhino.

The super-armored rhinoceros who was still accumulating his strength had not yet used the super horn attack, so he was directly slapped back by the fast floor!

After seeing that his rockslide skill had an effect, the super giant swamp monster directly said that he used the rockslide skill again to lift off five or six fast floors and smash towards the super-armored rhino.

The floor of these five or six competition venues directly smashed the super armor rhinoceros, although it had seen Pokémon using rockslides before, but it had never seen half of the floor of the field thrown at itself in order to use rockslides.

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