Faced with the action of the wind speed dog to directly trigger the sprinkler at the beginning, Lin Yu could only hold his forehead and sigh when he stood on the high player's seat, he didn't know how to say it, and the wind speed dog was obviously a little carried away at the whole time.

"Mongoose Slash Use Tear!" Lin

Yu was still sighing that when the wind speed dog touched the sprinkler, Yan Yutu had already let his mongoose slash attack towards the wind speed dog, and the mongoose slash, which was not slow to move, jumped back and forth between the trees, and it was a few dodges that had already come to the front of the wind speed dog.

Even if the wind speed dog jumped thrillingly after the first time to open the first estimate of the mongoose slash, but after a slow step, the subsequent movements will be slow and flexible mongoose chopping a beat, and soon the wind speed dog was hit again and again under the continuous attack of the mongoose chop, and the next wind speed dog was directly caught in the attack rhythm of the mongoose chop.

"Rhubarb (Wind Speed Dog) can't continue like this!No matter what, if you get injured, you have to force the opponent back and then distance yourself from the opponent!" Lin Yu frowned and looked at the very bad situation on the field and shouted: "Use the spark skill to try it first!"

After hearing Lin Yu's words, the wind speed dog also kept spitting out sparks at the mongoose slash that attacked him, but at this time, Yan Yutu's mongoose slash was also a ruthless person, even if it was ignited by the sparks of the wind speed dog, it did not forget to continue to attack the wind speed dog.

It can be said that it completely ignored the sparks on its body, and when the fire was in the stadium, the sprinklers directly extinguished the flames on its body, so it can be said that the sparks of the wind speed dog had no effect on the mongoose slash at all. And if Wind Speed Dog uses Jet Flame, it will directly trigger the sprinkler to extinguish the fire before it can attack the Meerkat Slash, and it can be said that Wind Speed Dog's fire skill has been restrained throughout the whole time.

"Since that's the case, you can only use the bluff to use the shadow clone to close the distance, and then the attack mode after increasing the speed!" Lin Yu said helplessly throughout the whole time.

If it is developed according to a series of operations arranged by Lin Yu, Wind Speed Dog can indeed take the opportunity to use the bluff to make the mongoose slash stunned for a moment and use the shadow clone to buy himself time to distance himself, but this Yan Yutu's mongoose slash is like a stunned green man, after the wind speed dog uses the bluff, he still does not change to attack the other party, and even directly interrupts the wind speed dog who is about to use the shadow clone.

"It turns out that more than 300 trainers have this strength, it seems that you really have a lot of water!" Looking at the wind speed dog that was repelled again, Yan Yutu looked at Lin Yu with some mockery at this time and said, "I'll come to give you water today

!" "Damn! If Lin Yu's wind speed dog hadn't been restrained by this field, its mongoose slash would have been burned to death by the flames of the wind speed dog!" After hearing Yan Yutu's words mocking Lin Yu, Romea said indignantly: "It's obviously bullying our family, Lin Yu is not familiar with such a venue!" Tuo

Ermu frowned at this time and looked at the wind speed dog in the venue and said: "Although Lin Yu's disadvantage at this time does have a little to do with the venue, they have already said before that the fire-type Pokémon skill may be greatly reduced in this, so it can only be said that the other party is using the venue reasonably."

"Tuo Mu! Which side are you on!" After hearing Tuo Mu's words, Romea directly turned her head angrily to look at Tuo Mu and said: "Anyway, before we Lin Yu were going to fight with that pseudo-god Luo Tom for the sake of you to communicate and learn!

Lin Yu also said helplessly at this time.

I saw that this time the wind speed dog did not spit out flames again, but light blue flames slowly floated out of its body, and these flames not only did not seem to have any temperature, but even made people feel a little chilled.

"It's a ghost fire!" Yan Yutu immediately shouted to the direct mongoose slash after seeing the flames floating out of the wind speed dog: "Mongoose slash hurry up and stop the attack and distance yourself from that wind speed dog!" Yan Yutu

understands that although the ghost fire will also be extinguished by water, but because the ghost fire has no temperature, there is no way for the general fire alarm to be triggered by the ghost fire, which means that after the mongoose slash touches the ghost fire, there is no way to wait for the sprinkler to put out the fire.

Although at this time, the mongoose was attacking and fighting in Xingtou, but after hearing Yan Yutu's words, it immediately stopped attacking and distanced itself from the wind speed dog.

The ghost fires that floated out of the wind speed dog did not touch the mongoose slash, but a few light blue ghost fires slowly floated into the bushes on the side and directly ignited the bush, and the bush without any accident did not spew out even a drop of water until it was burned to black charcoal.

"Hehe, it seems that no matter where it goes, this fire alarm device is nothing more than light, heat, and smoke!" Lin Yu looked at the burned bush and said, "Okay, Rhubarb (Wind Speed Dog) should be our turn to attack next! Use God Speed first, then use Shadow Clone, and finally use Yan Hui and Thunder Tooth in a row!"

This time, the wind speed dog that bought time also quickly rushed towards the mongoose after hearing Lin Yu's words, and in the process of its running, a shadow clone kept appearing around it, and after rushing to the front of the mongoose slash, all the shadow clones directly surrounded the mongoose slash.

"Mongoose Slash, don't be afraid, since it's a shadow clone, then we just need to destroy them all! Use a blizzard directly on those shadow clones!" Yan Yutu finally became a little nervous at this time, and he said with a frown.

However, at this time, the wind speed dog is just like the previous mongoose slash, it will not give the other party any chance to use the skill at all! When the mongoose slash first started to use the blizzard, all the shadow clones attacked the mongoose slash at the same time.

The mongoose slash that was surrounded in the center did not have any timidity in the face of the wind speed dog besieging from all directions, but although the mongoose slash at this time had the determination not to be afraid of death, it was still very difficult to deal with the wind speed dog rushing from all directions.

"It seems that this is the only way!The mongoose slashes and uses a tooth for a tooth! We will fight each other! I want to see who falls first!" Yan Yutu also said angrily at this time.

After the mongoose slash used a tooth for a tooth, it was finally able to occasionally make some counterattacks when the wind speed dog attacked it, and the injuries on its body were getting more and more serious, and after the two sides fought like this for more than a dozen minutes, the mongoose slash took the lead in losing its combat ability and fell, but at this time the wind speed dog at the end of the battle was not much better.

Originally, the wind speed dog had been injured in the previous battle, and although it attacked the mongoose slash more times when it was just fighting, it was not completely unhit by the opponent. It can be said that it was fighting with Mongoose Slash just now, and it didn't want its hard-won appearance to end in failure, but it also fell down with a weak foot after seeing Meerkat Slash lose its ability to fight.

"Come back, Rhubarb (Wind Speed Dog)!" Lin Yu took out the Poké Ball and took back the Wind Speed Dog and praised the Wind Speed Dog: "Your performance today is very good

!" "Since it was the mongoose that lost the ability to fight first, now please ask Yan Yutu to come out with the second Pokémon first!" After Lin Yu and the two of them took back the Pokémon, Huang Yi said to Yan Yutu.

Yan Yutu didn't say a word at this time, and directly took out the second Poke Ball and threw it out, saying, "Come out,

Lizard King!" "Lizard King? Then I'm welcome!" Huskie (Geng Ghost)!" Lin Yu said, throwing out Geng Ghost's Poke Ball.

Although the strength of the Lizard King and Geng Ghost this time is both Heavenly King-level strength, there is a gap in strength between them, so that Geng Ghost is a little slack after seeing his opponent.

"The Lizard King rushed up and used the Double Split!" "Looking at Geng Ghost who was looking at the Lizard King with contempt, Yan Yutu, who was angry, said directly to the Lizard King.

The Lizard King had already been impatient with Geng Ghost's contemptuous eyes at this time, and the moment it heard Yan Yutu's words, it quickly jumped directly in front of Geng Ghost with the help of the surrounding trees, and raised its hand to prepare to use a double split.

And at this time, Lin Yu hadn't given any orders, and Geng Ghost looked at the Night Demon Shadow of the Lizard King who jumped directly into it. Seven or eight black shadows emerged from the back of the Geng Ghost, and they quickly attacked the Lizard King who jumped over like tentacles growing from the back of the Geng Ghost.

At this time, the Lizard King who jumped in the air had no way to dodge the attack of Geng's seven or eight night shadows, and it could only barely use the double slash to resist, but soon it was directly knocked to the ground. At this time, Geng Ghost watched as he was shot down to the position of the Lizard King, and he did not forget to throw several shadow balls at the Lizard King.

The dust that had been raised by the Lizard King had not yet cleared when he landed, and as Geng's shadow ball exploded again, the dust on the ground became even bigger.

"If the Lizard King hasn't fallen yet, use the energy ball in the direction of that Geng Ghost!" Yan Yutu, who was still figuring out whether his Lizard King had fallen at this time, still spoke.

As soon as Yan Yutu's words fell, several green energy balls broke through the dust and flew out, but none of these energy balls hit Geng Ghost when he moved.

Geng Ghost was also very surprised when he looked at the energy balls passing by, and he didn't understand what the other party was doing with the energy balls.

"Stupid! this attack of yours has wasted your Lizard King's opportunity to rest and recover his strength!" Lin Yu said at this time, "Huskie (Geng Ghost) rushed into the smoke and used the Shadow Claw to directly take out that Lizard King!"

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