The computer, which originally seemed to be lying on the ground in a mess, suddenly changed into a robot, and it took advantage of Lin Yu's lack of attention to this side, and directly attacked Lin Yu with a flaming fist.

However, even if Lin Yu's side did not have the Koga Ninja Frog, it was not so easy for this Lotom to attack Lin Yu, and the flame fist of this robot Lotom was directly controlled by the Hippo King using telekinesis in mid-air, and then the giant swamp monster that had also reacted immediately smashed the robot Lotom out with an armhammer.

After the robot Lothom was smashed out by the giant swamp monster, Lin Yu and the others reacted to the situation just now, but when Lin Yu and the others looked at the robot Lothom who was smashed out, they suddenly found that the Lotom seemed to be holding a small ball with blue light in his hand.

When Lin Yu and the others were wondering what the little ball with blue light was, they saw that the blue light on the ball slowly dimmed, and then the body of the robot Lothom suddenly changed and directly turned into a pseudo-god Lothom in the state of Thousand-armed Guanyin.

After successfully transforming into the state of Thousand-Armed Guanyin, the pseudo-god Lothom quickly killed Lin Yu again.

Although Lin Yu still didn't know what that little blue ball was at this time, they were sure that the appearance of the pseudo-god Lothom in front of them had something to do with that little blue ball.

"I'll leave this Lothom to deal with it!I think you should go and look for that little blue ball!" Lin Yu looked at the Thousand-Armed Guanyin Lothom at this time and said, "I think that thing should be related to these pseudo-god Lothom in this research institute

!" "Then be careful yourself!" After Iron Art Lin glanced at the Hokage's version of the Koga Ninja Frog of the False God Lotom who was in the state of the Eighteen-Winged Angel on the other side, he looked at Lin Yu and said: " We will soon find out the source of the life energy of these false gods Lothom.

At this time, Lin Yu didn't have time to pay attention to the Iron Swamp Monster, he directly took out the key to let the Giant Swamp Monster carry out super evolution, and the Iron Tree didn't say anything and began to search the research institute.

Lin Yu didn't know if it was because of the fact that the Koga Ninja Frog and the Giant Swamp Monster had become stronger during this time or for some reason, although the Koga Ninja Frog had killed the pseudo-god Lothom before, but at that time, they could be said to have killed each other because of some chance after the beating to the cripple, but now whether it was the Hokage version of the Koga Ninja Frog or the giant swamp monster, they all suppressed the pseudo-god Lotom they faced one-on-one.

And at this time, the Hippo King suddenly didn't know where to use his telekinesis to grab a blue glowing ball and came to Lin Yu's face, and when he saw the Hippo King suddenly catch the blue ball in front of him, he recognized at a glance that this was the ball that had just transformed the robot Lothom into the pseudo-god Lothom.

Just as Lin Yu was about to take the small ball for research, a Geng ghost in Lin Yu's shadow suddenly came out and ate the blue ball into his stomach. After the blue ball entered Geng Ghost's body, Lin Yu and the others clearly saw that the small ball appeared in the center of Geng Ghost's stomach and did not disappear.

Geng Ghost looked at the glowing blue sphere in the center of his transparent stomach and was also a little helpless, it didn't know why Geng Ghost came out and swallowed the blue ball directly into its stomach, and now it looked at the blue ball that was obviously indigestible in the direct stomach, and it was also helpless.

"Hasqi (Geng Ghost) What are you doing, why do you have to eat everything

in your stomach!" Lin Yu said and reached into Geng Ghost's mouth to take out the blue ball from Geng Ghost's stomach, but although the position of the small ball seemed to be not much distance from Geng Ghost's mouth from the outside, after Lin Yu reached in, he suddenly found that his hand could not touch the small ball at all.

Just when Lin Yu was desperately digging in Geng Ghost's stomach, Geng Ghost may have been taken out by Lin Yu for too long, feeling a little sick to his stomach and directly began to vomit. However, although Geng Ghost vomited a lot of things for a long time, he just didn't spit out the little blue ball.

However, although Geng Ghost vomited for a long time and didn't spit out the blue ball, when Geng Ghost got up after vomiting, Lin Yu suddenly found that the blue ball in Geng Ghost's stomach had disappeared.

"Spit it out?" Lin Yu said to himself suspiciously as he looked at what Geng Ghost had spit out all over the ground.

However, when Lin Yu was still thinking about where the blue ball went, the Geng Ghost, who was originally still purple-black, suddenly began to faintly launch a blue light all over his body at this time, and then Lin Yu could obviously feel that the aura in Geng Ghost's body began to become more and more powerful, but after more than ten minutes, Geng Ghost, who was originally just a king-level strength, directly broke through to the champion-level strength.

"Hasqi (Geng Ghost): You broke through?!" Seeing that Geng Ghost suddenly broke through to a champion-level strength, Lin Yu looked at Geng Ghost in surprise and joy and said.

However, at this time, the Hippo King who was beside Lin Yu frowned when he looked at Geng Ghost's appearance, and it felt a very dangerous aura from Geng Ghost's body at this time.

Just when the Hippo King looked at Geng Ghost vigilantly, suddenly several black shadows quickly attacked Lin Yu from behind Geng Ghost, facing Geng Ghost's sudden attack at this time, Lin Yu didn't have time to react at all, and the Hippo King paid attention to Geng Ghost's every move vigilantly after Geng Ghost broke through, and when Geng Ghost used the Night Demon Shadow to attack Lin Yu, it immediately appeared in front of Lin Yu and used a wall of light to block the attack of the Night Ghost.

However, although the Hippo King's wall of light successfully blocked the first round of the Night Shadow's attack at the first time, the Hippo King launched a second attack on the Hippo King's wall of light before he had time to rest, and several shadow balls continued to bombard the Hippo King's wall of light, and the wall of light only lasted for a moment before being directly shattered by the Ghost Geng's shadow ball.

The Hippopotamus King blocked Lin Yu as soon as the wall of light was shattered by Geng Ghost, and used his body to help Lin Yu block this round of attacks, facing this Geng Ghost with red eyes and a weird smile, the Hippo King didn't know whether he should attack Geng Ghost or not.

"Come back, Huskie (Geng Ghost)!" Lin Yu also immediately took out Geng Ghost's Poke Ball and said to Geng Ghost at this time.

However, the moment the red light emitted by the Poké Ball touched Geng, Geng Ghost directly waved his hand and interrupted the red light that the Poké Ball had withdrawn from him.

At this time, the Hokage version of Koga Ninja Frog and the giant swamp monster who were fighting with the pseudo-god Lothom also noticed the situation on this side, but in the face of the pseudo-god Lothom with the same champion-level strength, they had no way to withdraw and come back to rescue Lin Yu.

"Donkey Deshui (Hippopotamus King) Although I know you don't want to fight Hasqi (Geng Ghost), but I think the first thing to take it back for treatment outside is to control it first, so it's up to you to defeat it next!" Lin Yu also understood at this time that the Hokage version of the Koga Ninja Frog and the Super Giant Swamp Monster had no way to quickly defeat their respective opponents, so he could only speak to the Hippo King.

After hearing Lin Yu's words, the Hippo King glanced at Lin Yu with some doubts, and then he nodded and agreed to fight with Geng Ghost.

"Okay, let's use our telekinesis to attack him first!" Lin Yu said to the Hippo King immediately after seeing him nodding.

Hearing Lin Yu's words, the Hippo King quickly used his telekinesis to attack Geng Ghost, but at this time, Geng Ghost also immediately used the Night Demon Shadow to attack the Hippo King and Lin Yu behind the Hippo King from all directions.

If Lin Yu was not behind the Hippo King at this time, the Hippo King would not hesitate to use teleportation to avoid the siege of the Night Demon Shadow of Geng, but it was a pity that Lin Yu was behind it at this time, if it escaped, then Lin Yu might be hit by the Night Demon of Geng.

The Hokage's version of the Koga Ninja Frog, which had already paid most of its attention to Lin Yu's side because he noticed that Geng Ghost suddenly attacked Lin Yu, after noticing the current situation on Lin Yu's side, it directly ignored the pseudo-god Lothom who was dealing with in front of him and turned his head and ran towards Lin Yu's side.

However, at this time, the pseudo-god Lothom was not a vegetarian, and when the Hokage version of the Koga Ninja Frog was about to return to Lin Yu, it directly hit the back of the Hokage version of the Koga Ninja Frog, and then flew over and a thunderbolt punch knocked the Hokage version of the Koga Ninja Frog away.

The Hokage version of Koga Ninja Frog, which was already at a disadvantage because of distraction, was directly suppressed by that pseudo-god Lothom at this time, but even so, the Hokage version of Koga Ninja Frog was ready to return to Lin Yu's aid.

Lokia, who was already one person tall, suddenly came out of the Poke Ball and used spiritual strength against those night shadows, although Lokia has only hatched for less than a month now, but in fact, Lokia's current strength is already the strength of the peak of the Heavenly King level.

"Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog): I'm fine here!, you can get rid of that pseudo-god Lothom first!" Lin Yu also immediately said to the Hokage version of Koga Ninja Frog who was shot away again at this time: "There are donkeys here to get water (Hippo King), they are here, you can rest assured!".

Although the Hokage version of the Koga Ninja Frog was still very worried about Lin Yu's situation after hearing Lin Yu's words, it also understood that if there was no way to quickly solve the problem of the guy who was blocking him directly, it would have no chance to rescue Lin Yu at all.

The Hokage version of Koga Ninja Frog, which stood up again, did not have any fear in the face of the pseudo-god Lothom who rushed up again, it only had endless anger in its eyes, and in the face of dealing with the thunderbolt fist that was directly blasting towards him, the Naruto version of Koga Ninja Frog tightened the long knife of water in his hand, and then when the Nianji Thunderbolt Fist was about to hit itself, it immediately used teleportation to come to the back of the counter, and then raised the knife again and directly cut off the two wings of the pseudo-god Lothom.

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