At this time, Kaijie was slightly stunned after hearing Tuo Ermu's words, and then he raised his head a little helplessly and told Lin Yu about his challenge to the Binhai Dao Hall.

In the past, when Kaijie's Pokémon were only elite-level strength, he was still very willing to listen to Tor Mu's advice, but as Kaijie's Pokémon broke through to the quasi-heavenly king level strength one by one, he was more and more reluctant to listen to Tor Mu's advice.

"Could it be true that you said that girl named Caterina said?" Romea suddenly said after Kai Jie's words, "Otherwise, why would it be clear that the Pokémon they sent out were only the strength of the elite level peak to defeat Xiao Jie and their quasi-heavenly king-level strength?"

Lin Yu also frowned with a serious face at this time, for him, Kai Jie's command this time can be said to have done a good job, but the reason why he will lose in the end is that the super fierce bite land shark suddenly fell into a state of paralysis. Under the influence of paralysis, many of its Super Fierce Biting Land Shark's attack moves have been deformed, and it is because of the deformation of those movements that the Super Fierce Biting Land Shark has been hit by the Pokémon of the Primordial Trainer one after another during the battle.

"Actually, I don't think I have any advice for you!This time, you have been very good in many aspects, and there are some inconsequential details that have not been handled!" Lin Yu looked at Kaijie helplessly after thinking for a long time and said.

"You're just saying that I can't challenge to win the Binhai Dao Pavilion?" Kai Jie said a little nervously after hearing Lin Yu's words.

For Kaijie, if he is really as good as Lin Yu said, but in this case, he still loses to Clario, then it means that it is really impossible for him to successfully challenge and win the Binhai Daoguan.

"No, although there is no problem with your command!, it is also a very big problem!" Lin Yu suddenly said at this time: "I don't know why your super fierce bite land shark is afraid of falling into a state of paralysis, so it often instinctively avoids and confronts the right head-on when fighting!"

Kaijie was also slightly stunned after hearing Lin Yu's words, in his opinion, when he was fighting with the electric Pokémon, letting the Super Fierce Bite Land Shark use the jet flame and the thunder confrontation of the rumbling rock was already a head-on confrontation, so at this time, he was not wondering why Lin Yu said this, but wondering why Lin Yu said that he did not confront Clario and them head-on.

"So you mean there's something wrong with Kaijie's fighting style?" Tuo Ermu frowned and looked at Lin Yu and said, "If you don't use this kind of fighting style, the super fierce bite land shark will quickly fall into a paralyzed state!

"Yes! What you said is also reasonable, but then it should also be divided into situations! Not all electric Pokémon will fall into a state of paralysis! And on the contrary, when you often compete with electric Pokémon, it is easy to make this competition venue appear electrified, in this case, you said Kaijie wants them, how can you stand on the field and not enter a state of paralysis!" Lin Yu shook his head helplessly, then looked at Kaijie and said.

At this time, after hearing Lin Yu's words, he was also slightly stunned, and he probably understood what Lin Yu meant at this time, and the next battle between himself and Clario should be based on different fighting styles according to the situation.

"I see! My Super Fierce Bite Land Shark's strength is basically in melee combat, and at this time, I gave up melee combat, as if I had cut off my own hands!" Kaijie said at this time.

Lin Yu also smiled and nodded after hearing Kaijie's words, and then Lin Yu got up with a smile and patted Kaijie on the shoulder and said, "Okay, it's up to you next!" But I still think you'd better go and challenge another gym first to ensure that you can participate in the conference!

"Once a day?" Tuo Ermu said in some surprise after hearing Lin Yu's words: "Lin Yu, are you crazy! If Kai Jie goes to challenge the Binhai Dao Pavilion every day, then won't he have time to train? Isn't he even more of a chance to win?"

Lin Yu shook his head helplessly after hearing Tuo Mu's words at this time, and said: " Now Kaijie's Pokémon, even if he fights desperately every day, may not be able to make a major breakthrough before the start of the conference, and there is no way to have a major breakthrough, so it doesn't seem that the training can bring him much of a small effect!".

Tuo Ermu was also speechless for a while after hearing Lin Yu's words at this time, for Pokémon like Kaijie who have basically just broken through to the quasi-heavenly king-level strength, it is really impossible for Kaijie's fierce bite land shark and flame chicken, which have just reached the quasi-heavenly king-level strength, to break through without a month.

Lin Yu saw that Tuo Ermu was already speechless at this time, so at this time, he also got up directly and went back to the room to prepare for the luggage when he entered the spring with Niu Huansu and them tomorrow. Seeing Lin Yu leaving, they also shook their heads helplessly, but then they didn't continue to ask Lin Yu about other things.

Although it didn't take much time for Lin Yu to sort out his backpack, Lin Yu didn't go out to do anything else that day, and Kaijie and Tuo Mu didn't argue and ask Lin Yu anymore, so Kai Jie also took Tuo Mu out for combat training.

Early the next morning, Niu Huansu took the four of them to Lin Yu's residence, and Lin Yu was still sleeping when they came.

"What are you doing so early?" Lin Yu looked at Niu Huansu in front of him who had disturbed his sweet dreams and complained: "Is it necessary to be in such a hurry?"

"It's been two months since the spring was delivered! According to the previous situation, the spring only appeared for one month, so now in our opinion, the spring may disappear at any time!" Niu Huansu said with a serious face: "Hurry up and get the luggage, it's time for us to go, and I'll introduce you to other teammates on the way!"

After Lin Yu heard Niu Huansu's words at this time, he could only helplessly go back to the room and pick up the backpack that had been prepared a long time ago, and then said a word to Romea, who had not yet woken up, and then went out with Niu Huansu and them.

"Okay, let's introduce yourselves!" After Lin Yu followed them and the group set off, Niu Huansu said directly to the four people beside him.

"Hello, my name is Zuo Liangkai! You can call me Xiao Kai! My trainer ranking is four hundred and fifty-three!" said a handsome boy with a shoulder bag and long flowing hair.

"Hello, I'm Skiff, and my trainer ranking is four hundred and eleven!" Zuo Liangkai said after he finished introducing himself, a man with a yellow beard and a huge travel bag on his back.

"Hello, I'm Zuo Yinnan, and my trainer ranking is three hundred and forty-five!" After Skiff finished speaking, the girl in the team who looked a little similar to Zuo Liangkai, but revealed a heroic spirit, spoke.

Although the hairstyle is Zuo Yinnan's hair is also twice as long as Zuo Liangkai's, but at the beginning, if Niu Huansu said that there was only one girl in the team, Lin Yu would definitely think that the girl was Zuo Liangkai instead of Zuo Yinnan.

"Wu Sue!" The last inch-headed man just lightly threw out three words after everyone else had finished introducing himself.

"Hello, my name is Lin Yu, and the current trainer ranking is three hundred and seventeen!" Lin Yu deliberately looked at his ranking when he introduced himself.

"Asu told us before coming!You are also the second strongest master in our team!" Zuo Liangkai said to Lin Yu with a smile at this time.

Along the way, except for Zuo Liangkai, a member of the team who had just joined, whether it was Wu Su, who had a cold face, or Niu Huansu, who already had some friendship, they didn't say anything, only Zuo Liangkai kept introducing their small team to Lin Yu along the way.

Through Zuo Liangkai's introduction, Lin Yu also knew that although this team has always been centered on the New Ring Su, the strongest team strength is the Wu Su who doesn't seem to be easy to say. And this Wu Su is different from the few of them who have known each other since childhood, he is Niu Huansu They were rescued from the hands of the Galaxy Group during an adventure, so he slowly joined the team. And Zuo Yinnan, who looks a little similar to Zuo Liangkai, is Zuo Liangkai's twin sister.

"Okay! It's here!" After the car came to a port, Niu Huansu said, "Next, we have to change the means of transportation!"

Under the leadership of Niu Huansu, Lin Yu and they took a rescue boat and set off towards the sea.

"By the way, Asu, do you know where the small island that appeared in Songhu Lake is?" After the rescue boat set off, Zuo Liangkai said curiously: "I checked all the way here, but I didn't find that address!" "That's

your channel, it's wrong! Don't forget what my family does! Since the people from the Binhai Daoguan are nearby, then I can know where that island is!"

Zuo Liangkai also nodded helplessly after hearing Niu Huansu's words, and then took out a seasickness medicine from the drawer on the side and ate it, and the others were also lying on their sides in their positions at this time, closing their eyes and recuperating, in the face of this situation, Lin Yu also simply leaned directly on the chair and began to make up for sleep.

As the rescue boat slowly drove towards the deep sea, the boat also swayed more and more with the waves, and finally directly shook Lin Yu from his position.

"The size of this rescue ship is relatively small, so it is relatively shaky at sea!You'd better not really fall asleep, because it is easy to be thrown out by the boat after the whole body is completely relaxed!" After seeing Lin Yu being shaken to the ground, Niu Huansu said lightly.

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