"Donkey Deshui (Hippo King) use healing fluctuations!Huskie (Geng Ghost) hurry up and take out some potions to restore physical strength to Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) to restore his strength!" Lin Yu watched Koga Ninja Frog fall to the ground, and immediately commanded the Pokémon directly beside him to treat Koga Ninja Frog.

On the other side, Mu Jianming also took out a Poke Ball at this time and released a happy egg with about elite-level strength to treat the flame monkey who was also not lightly injured, and at the same time, he also took out some first-aid supplies from his backpack to treat his flame monkey's wounds simply.

The Koga Ninja Frog quickly woke up under the effect of the healing fluctuations of the Hippo King and the Kuailong and the healing potions taken out by the Geng Ghost, and then Lin Yu directly took out a compression device containing a sleeping bag from his backpack, opened it, and made a simple bed on the ground to rest the Koga Ninja Frog, who had not fully recovered.

"Donkey Deshui (Hippopotamus King), Sanqian asked (Kuailong) You should also go over and help them over there!" Seeing that the flame monkey on Mu Jianming's side had not yet woken up, Lin Yu was directly said to the Hippopotamus King and Kuailong by you.

At this time, Kuailong glanced at the flame monkey that fell to the ground, and then confirmed that the other party was a Pokémon that had just seriously injured the Koga Ninja Frog, and then directly shook his head and refused, and it also ran directly to the side of the Koga Ninja Frog and took care of the Koga Ninja Frog with Geng Ghost. Looking at the movements of the fast dragon, Lin Yu could only shake his head helplessly, but fortunately, at this time, the Hippo King was still obedient and slowly came to the Flame Monkey's side to use the healing wave for the Flame Monkey.

Although the Hippo King is indeed inferior to the Happy Egg with only elite-level strength in terms of healing, at the same time, due to the strength of the Hippo King, the healing effect of the fluctuation is still much better than that of the Happy Egg. Not long after King Hippo used the Healing Wave to heal the Flame Monkey, a previously unconscious Flame Monkey finally woke up.

"Happy Egg, you can also go and help that Koga ninja frog take care of the wound! After the flame monkey woke up, Mu Jianming also said to the happy egg.

Geng Ghost and Kuailong, who were taking care of Koga Ninja Frog by their side, were vigilant after seeing Mu Jianming's happy egg coming over, and only the elite-level strength of the Happy Egg did not dare to approach Koga Ninja Frog at all under the deterrence of the champion-level strength Geng Ghost and the Heavenly King-level strength Kuailong.

"Three thousand questions (Kuailong), Huskie (Geng Ghost) let it pass!" After seeing that the happy egg was stopped by Geng Ghost, Lin Yu also said to Geng Ghost and them helplessly.

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Geng Ghost also reluctantly made way for the happy egg, but when the happy egg treated the Koga ninja frog, they still stared at the happy egg vigilantly, as if they were afraid that the happy egg would kill the seriously injured Koga ninja frog at this time.

"Your Koga ninja frog has been cultivated well!Which family are you?Why haven't I heard of you before?" Mu Jianming suddenly said to Lin Yu at this time.

Lin Yu frowned after hearing Mu Jianming's words, he was quite willing to accept the previous praise of the direct Jiahe Ninja Frog, but he just didn't understand why the other party thought that he was a person from some kind of family while admitting that he was strong.

"Could it be that only those big families deserve to become strong?" Lin Yu said coldly.

"No, no, no, I'm just curious. Mu Jianming was also slightly stunned after hearing Lin Yu's words, and then said apologetically: "It's just that I'm too surprised by your strength!

At this time, Lin Yu was also slightly stunned after hearing Mu Jianming's words, as far as he knew, there were more than a hundred champion-level trainers on the trainer rankings, and Mu Jianming's grandfather was actually one of those more than 100 people, and looking at Mu Jianming's current strength, Lin Yu estimated that Mu Jianming's father could also be a champion-level trainer, and this family had two champion-level trainers, plus Mu Jianming, who was about to reach the championship-level trainer, there were only two and a half of them, and this strength was not lower than the strength of Tianyitang that he knew。

"Oh!" Although Lin Yu was surprised by the strength of Mu Jianming's family, he still said nonchalantly: "So what

!" "Hehe!" Mu Jianming also said embarrassedly after seeing Lin Yu's indifferent expression: "Make a friend! You are the first peer I have seen over the years who is about the same strength as me!"

After hearing the other party's words, Lin Yu also nodded slightly and said, "Yes, but you are not the strongest among my peers I have ever seen! I remember that the current boss of the Rocket Team, Svein, is a trainer with championship-level strength! He is about the same age as us!"

"What! Isn't Svein the same generation as my grandfather?" After hearing Lin Yu's words, Mu Jianming looked at Lin Yu with some confusion and said, "Have you seen Svein?"

"Uh-huh, I dealt with him when I came to the Sinnoh region, and he is indeed a teenager who looks about the same age as us in the grade!" Lin Yu nodded and said seriously.

Just when Lin Yu and the two of them were chatting, the Koga Ninja Frog was already able to get up and move freely after the treatment of the Happy Egg, which was much better than before Lin Yu and they could only move their eyes after the treatment. The Koga ninja frog, which can move freely, took the lead in walking towards the flame monkey who was still receiving the healing fluctuations of the hippo king, and the flame monkey also immediately got up and looked at the Koga ninja frog with a vigilant face after seeing the guardian walking towards him.

Koga Ninja Frog looked at the action of the Flame Monkey and took the lead in a friendly hand, and after watching the Koga Ninja Frog stretch out his hand, the Flame Monkey directly slapped the Koga Ninja Frog's hand away indifferently and then sat down to accept the healing wave treatment of the Hippo King, and the Koga Ninja Frog also returned directly to Lin Yu's side after the Flame Monkey slapped his hand away.

"How is Sasuke (Koga Shinobi Frog) feeling, is there anything uncomfortable?" Lin Yu asked with some concern.

After hearing Lin Yu's question, Koga Ninja Frog shook his head seriously.

"What do you mean, are you still afraid that my happy egg will do something to your Koga ninja frog?" Mu Jianming said very helplessly after hearing Lin Yu's words: "You can rest assured! Even if I want the happy egg to do something to your Koga ninja frog, it won't do it myself!"

After Lin Yu heard Mu Jianming's words, his eyes narrowed and he looked at Mu Jianming and asked, "This happy egg is not your Pokémon, or does this happy egg not listen to you at all?"

"Strictly speaking, it's my Pokémon, and of course it's obedient!" Mu Jianming explained to Lin Yu helplessly after hearing Lin Yu's question: "But it's a happy egg who went to the Joy Family to receive a medical education!" So they have a certain work ethic!"

"Go to the Joy Family for further study?" Lin Yu said suspiciously, "Why did you take them to the Joy Family for further study?".

"Big brother, you don't know that it's dangerous to venture in the wild, especially those poison-based Pokémon, even if their strength is not as good as yours, but if they are poisoned, it will be very troublesome! So it's very important to have a medical Pokémon with pharmacological knowledge by your side!" Mu Jianming also said a little helplessly at this time: "So with many trainers, they will send their happy eggs to the Elf Center or the Joey family for further study!" Some trainers even choose to go to the Joey family to rent a happy egg every time they go out on an adventure.

Lin Yu also had a general understanding when he heard this, although the Happy Egg itself is indeed very suitable for being a medical Pokémon, but they are not just born with those medical knowledge, so it is very necessary to send the Happy Egg to the Joy Family to study medical after the holiday.

"No, I haven't seen a place in the elf center that teaches the healing ability of Happy Eggs!And where is the Joey family, how can I rent Happy Eggs?" Lin Yu thought for a while before speaking again.

"Are you because the Happy Eggs in the Elf Center are all from the Joey family? And many of them are sent by trainers to receive learning! And Happy Eggs are not very common Pokémon, so it's normal for you to see no one send Happy Eggs to study. Mu Jianming smiled slightly and explained: "As for renting Happy Eggs, you only need to go to the Elf Center, but the rented Happy Eggs need to be returned every other year. "

Thank you!" Lin Yu nodded and then said to Mu Jianming: "Now that your Flame Monkey has almost recovered, I should also go to the place where you said that the migration activities of the Reverse World have been visited

!" "Aren't you going to be with me?" Mu Jianming complained helplessly after hearing Lin Yu's words: "Anyway, the two of us don't know each other anymore! Let's go over and have a look together! It just so happens that I haven't checked it properly!"

This time, after Lin Yu heard Mu Jianming's words, he did not refuse to act with the other party, so Lin Yu and Mu Jianming returned to the vicinity of the stake where Krafage and they had been nailed before.

After Lin Yu and Mu Jianming roughly circled around the clearing, they could also determine that there had been people active here through this cleared clearing, and the location where Krafage was nailed before the move, they could roughly judge that the people who were active here should be the remnants of the legendary reversal of the world.

"Did you find anything?" Lin Yu asked Mu Jianming after looking around.

Mu Jianming shook his head a little helplessly and then said: "I didn't find any footprints of their departure, not even a single hair! It seems that they retreated very planned

!" "No! If they had a planned retreat, there was no reason why they didn't dispose of Krafage's corpses, which means that they suddenly left after discovering something! They didn't even have time to take Krafage and them away!" Lin Yu shook his head at this time and said.

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