"Senior Wu, thank you

again for me, Captain Xu, I don't know why he did so much for me!But thank him for me! It's a pity that I may not have the opportunity to be his team!" Lin Yu smiled and continued to Wu Vawu, who was still pondering.

"I think you should know that it is impossible for a team to go far in the college league without a top powerhouse! Although the Banquiras of Senior Sister Ye Nihe of the Demon University is a pseudo-seven-star, it may also reach a seven-star at any time! And a few of you rookie trainers who have just graduated have nothing! Not even five-star, do you think it is possible for you to enter the main competition of the college league together? You have to think clearly!" Wu Vawu finally spoke.

"I think we can all become stronger! Maybe I can also become the top powerhouse who leads the team at that time! Hehe, it's not easy to say all this, isn't it?" Lin Yu smiled and said, "I thought it clear, thank you Senior Wu for reminding me!" I'm leaving."

Lin Yu said and patted the back of the eagle to signal that the eagle could take off, and the eagle looked back at the several Zhejiang University varsity team members in front of him, and really hoped that they would persuade Lin Yu again. However, the members of the Zhejiang University varsity team had no intention of continuing to persuade Lin Yu, and Bidiao could only reluctantly take off slowly.

"Bidiao, let's go find Mu Gu and them! they should be looking for us too, let's just go back the way we came." Lin Yu said after the eagle took off.

Bidiao glanced back at the members of the Zhejiang University varsity team on the ground, and saw that they had no intention of continuing to stay, so they could only go back the same way to find Mu Gu and them.

"Come out, Red (Charizard)! Catch up!" Lin Yu said as soon as they left Wu Vawu, he released his Charizard and rode up.

"Old Wu, what are you going to do? Just let him go! Leave him alone!" At this time, Wu Vawu's friend just wanted to persuade him, but Wu Vawu had already flown away on a fire-breathing dragon.

It didn't take long for the eagle to fly in the sky before it found Mu Gu and them who were still in the woods, and when it was about to land, several flying Pokémon suddenly sprang out from the woods on the side and surrounded him. That's right, these are the Pokémon of Mu Gu's bodyguards.

The eagle hadn't paid attention to them before, but they had already noticed the eagle's movements, so they took action as soon as the eagle was ready to land, sending all the flying Pokémon to intercept it.

But who is the eagle, it is a Pokémon with eight-star strength, how can it be that any crooked melon and cracked date can be intercepted, not to mention this group of flying Pokémon with only five-star strength, just to vent its previous depressed mood.

Compared with the eagle three times and five divided by two, most of the flying Pokémon were solved, and at this time, Mu Gu's bodyguard found out that something was wrong and went to explain the situation to Mu Gu. If it weren't for the fact that Bi Diao wanted to play with these Pokémon who boldly blocked their way, it would have already taken Lin Yu to Mu Gu and them.

"Mu Gongzi! There is a powerful eagle in the sky that seems to be attacking us! Please leave with us quickly! we may not be able to stop it for long!" said a bodyguard who came to Mu Gu.

"Okay, but that eagle looks a little familiar!" Mu Gu nodded, looked up at the eagle fighting in the air, and said suspiciously, "How do you feel that there is someone on its back?"

"You say this, it seems that there is a person!" Yu Heng was also curious when Mu Gu said this.

"Old Mu, wait for me, I'm back!" Lin Yu on the back of the eagle shouted to them at this time.

"Bidiao, get rid of them!!" Lin Yu said to Mu Gu and the others after shouting.

After Lin Yu and Bi Eagle landed, the bodyguards who knew that there was no danger also withdrew their Pokémon and continued to be on guard. Just as all the bodyguards were on guard, a fire-breathing dragon with a super evolution stone on its chest flew in the air, although the bodyguards wanted to intercept it, but just now almost all the flying Pokémon have been shot down by the eagle, and now there are no flying Pokémon to intercept in the air.

"What kind of person!" Wu Vawu had just landed on Charizard when several bodyguards surrounded him with a group of Pokémon, and one of the bodyguards asked vigilantly.

"I'm looking for Lin Yu!" Wu Vawu just said lightly.

"Senior Wu, why are you here? Do you still want to persuade me? Still don't need to persuade me, I've already decided! Thank you Senior Wu for your kindness!" Lin Yu saw that it was Wu Fawu who came, and immediately walked out and said.

"Persuade what, and who are you?" Mu Gu said suspiciously.

"I'm not here to persuade you! Let's have a fight, if you win, you will join Zhejiang University, if you lose, I will go and tell the captain that you give up!" Wu Vawu said coldly.

"Senior Wu, you are really joking, how can you say that your Pokémon is the weakest, it should be five-star strength! How can my Pokémon fight you, you should let me go!" Lin Yu said with an embarrassed smile.

"Hey, hey, hey, do you have anyone to explain it, how can there be any such thing as joining the varsity team of Zhejiang University?" Mu Gu said, pulling Lin Yu away.

"I..."Lin Yu said hesitantly.

"You also got the special recruitment qualification, didn't you? You want to participate in the national competition with us, so you gave up, right?" Lin Yu stammered before he could finish speaking, Xu Changzhou guessed Lin Yu's words and interrupted.

"That's right! He gave up for the sake of a few of you! Lin Yu, you use your father's carving, and I use my red (Charizard)! I want to suddenly your Pokémon's strength does not represent the strength of a trainer!" Wu Vawu nodded at Xu Changzhou and continued.

"Senior Wu, although I'm not very strong, but my dad's is better than the eagle, but the strength of the eight-star has been for a long time!, and your Charizard Super Evolution is only six stars, you don't need to fight to know that you can't win!" Lin Yu shook his head with a smile and said.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, just ask if you dare! If you dare, come! Red (Charizard) Super Evolution!" Wu Vawu said to Charizard after he finished coldly.

With Wu Vawu's words, a double-stranded colored energy line connected Charizard and Wu Vawu. Charizard's body then began to slowly change, the creamy part of its belly began to extend to its jaw, a third horn longer than the original two horns grew on the back of its head, its neck and mouth became shorter, its limbs, tail and wings became longer, small wings grew on its wrists, the edges of its back wings became more irregular, three small spikes grew at the end of its tail and one long spike grew on its back, and the flames on its tail burned even more.

"Super Charizard Y's rare super evolution! A Charizard super evolution that is developing in the direction of flight speed!" Xu Changzhou recognized this rare super evolution type at a glance when he saw the super evolved Charizard.

"Ah Yu bet with him!What are you afraid of, and why do you give up such a good opportunity for us! What a rare opportunity you want to enter a team like Zhejiang University!And I may not be able to go to Zhejiang University!" Mu Gu saw that Lin Yu was still hesitating and immediately said.

"So do you think I'm going to lose? Okay, Senior Wu, I'll accept this bet! Come out, Bidiao!" Lin Yu said, throwing out the Poke Ball of Bidiao.

"Red (Super Charizard Y) uses the Flame Vortex against the eagle!Then use high-speed movement to increase your speed!Use the Thunder Fang on its wings!" Seeing Lin Yu release the Eagle himself, Wu Vawu immediately asked the Super Charizard Y to attack the Eagle Eagle.

Bidiao had just been summoned by Lin Yu and didn't know what was going on, but he saw the big winged lizard in front of him spewing flames, and the Bidiao, who was not prepared for a while, was wrapped in the flame vortex of the super fire-breathing dragon Y. The eagle was angry at the rude lizard, and the wings flapped hard to disperse the flame vortex.

Originally, Bidiao wanted to dispel the flame vortex and rush up to repair the Super Charizard Y, but the flame had just been dispelled and the Super Charizard Y in front of him didn't know where it went.

"Bidiao uses the downwind and steel wings, and then uses Yanhui continuously, and solves him in one go!" Lin Yu immediately said to Bidiao.

The eagle condensed its energy and its wings turned into a high-iron color, and then with the help of the power of the tailwind, it sped up and rushed towards the Super Charizard Y who had just missed with a single blow. After seeing the eagle rushing towards his super fire-breathing dragon Y at full speed, Wu Vawu did not have the slightest panic on his face and instead showed a smile.

Just when the eagle rushed towards the Super Charizard Y, the Super Charizard Y did not have the slightest intention of dodging, his mouth condensed thunder and lightning energy, and when the eagle steel wing hit it, it quickly bit on the eagle's wings.

The eagle let out a scream after being bitten by the super Charizard, and the wings re-energized the hateful and impolite lizard fan that had bitten into its wing. Super Charizard Y was slammed to the ground by the eagle, instantly shaking up a large cloud of dust.

"Senior Wu, you better give up! Even if it's a super Charizard Y, you can't compare with the eagle, whether it's speed or strength! If you continue to fight like this, your Super Charizard Y may be seriously injured!" Lin Yu said with a smile to Wu Fawu with a serious face.

"If it's just the eagle fighting by himself, I may not be able to beat it, but you're too proud now! Do you know why just now the red (super Charizard Y) doesn't dodge? The speed really can't catch up with the eagle, so you can only attack the eagle when you attack!" Wu Fawu sneered and said, "The current speed of the eagle should not be able to maintain the speed just now! And the super Charizard Y who is good at speed can fight with the speed advantage! Your every wrong command will only make the eagle gradually lose its ability to fight!".

After that, everything developed as Wu Fawu said, Super Charizard Y used a few beatings to cause a lot of damage to the eagle's wings, and then the eagle's speed really dropped to the Super Charizard Y. Next, Lin Yu's command became more and more nervous, and there were more and more mistakes.

"It's okay to be a carving!" Lin Yu said nervously as he looked at the scarred eagle in the sky.

Bi Diao shook his head and continued to stare angrily at the bold lizard in front of him, but in the end, Lin Yu, who was getting more and more nervous, finally lost to Wu Fawu because he made too many mistakes.

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