Although he defeated the quasi-king-level strength Pokémon in the hands of Urgart under the skillful command of that trainer, the next trainer was like a different person, and he no longer used the previous tactics to fight Urgat, but used the strong attack style to fight Urgat. After seeing that the trainer on the field suddenly changed his fighting style, Tuo Mu in the audience couldn't help frowning, with the command level shown by the other party before, it was completely more than enough to defeat the remaining two elite-level Pokémon of Urgat's strength.

"Alright, Xiaojie, it's time for you to play!" Tuo Ermu looked at Kaijie a little helplessly and said, "That kid won't be able to win against your classmate next!".

For the current Kaijie, he still has no way to see what the disadvantage of that trainer is, in his eyes, it is clear that the trainer is using his own Pokémon to suppress Urgarte in battle, and now Urgart only has two Pokémon left, and that trainer still has four Pokémon, no matter how you look at Urgart, the probability of Urgart's failure is relatively high.

Although Kaijie still had some doubts in his heart at this time, he still prepared to play as Tor Mu said. After all, at this time, some of the faster venues have already started the fourth game, and their third venue is still playing the first game.

Not long after Lin Yu walked up to the waiting area, the trainer lost the game strangely and directly, during which Kaijie didn't know what was going on, as if his four Pokémon were all defeated by Urgat's fifth Pokémon in an instant, and there was no warning at all.

"Why?" Ergart on the stage looked at the trainer opposite him and said angrily, "This is not your real strength! Obviously, you just had a chance to defeat me! Why do you deliberately lose to me? I don't need you to let me

!" "Hehe! It's really easy to beat you, but it's a little difficult to win against others!" The trainer smiled bitterly and said: " Although I am very unconvinced of you guys who only rely on the family, I have to say that I also envy you guys with the best Pokémon qualifications after use!"

The trainer sneered and left the arena after speaking, and this is Urgat's back watching the trainer leave but didn't know what to say.

"Ergarte, your game is over, please hurry up! The next player is also going to play!" said the referee on the third court, looking at Ergarte, who was still standing on the field.

This referee is also very helpless, other competition venues have begun to end at this time, but his side has just finished the first game, and at this time Urgat actually left the competition venue unconsciously.

"You'd better hurry up! It's really a shame for the Heavenly Crown Academy!" Kaijie patted Urgart's shoulder with a smile after walking to the third court at this time, and taunted: "How is it? Are you still planning to embarrass people here? Even such a trainer who doesn't have quasi-king-level strength Pokémon can't be defeated, I think I should be able to defeat you easily in the next round!"

Urgarte came back to his senses after Kaijie's hand patted his shoulder, although he felt very angry when he heard Kaijie's words, but at this time he didn't say anything else, just waited for Kaijie fiercely and left the arena directly.

After the referee of the third court saw Urgart leave, he immediately announced the start of the game to Kaijie and Yan Yishan, who had come to the field, and Kaijie and Yan Yishan also immediately sent their first Pokémon after hearing the referee announce the start of the game. Kaijie's first player to play was his main flame chicken, and Yan Yishan's one was sent out by Ma Tula, who had quasi-heavenly king-level strength.

"Are you going to do a super evolution?" Yan Yishan said with a smile as he looked at Kai Jie at this time.

Kaijie also unceremoniously took out the keystone for super evolution after hearing Yan Yishan's words, but just when the flame chicken was just starting to super evolve, Yan Yishan smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and then directly commanded Ma Tula to attack the flame chicken that was super evolving. The Flame Chicken, which was really undergoing super-evolution, faced this time, Mazula quickly killed him, and he didn't have time to react, so Maura's attack not only knocked away the super-evolved Flame Chicken, but also directly interrupted the super-evolution of the Flame Chicken.

"You..."Kaijie shouted at the other party very angrily after seeing Yan Yishan's Ma Luna shoot the flame chicken away, "Didn't you ask me to do a super evolution? How can you sneak attack

?" "Hehe! I don't know if I'm stupid or you're stupid! Do you think I'm going to be so reluctant to win?" Yan Yishan looked at Kai Jie's angry expression and smiled and said, "Think about it! Why should I let you be in battle It's time for you to super evolve!" Ma Tula continued to use provocation and then used the Shadow Claw!"

The Flame Chicken was already very angry after being knocked away by Mahula, and at this time, it was provoked by Maura using the provocation skill, and then it rushed directly towards Maura angrily. However, in this case, the Flame Chicken was not at all the opponent of the Marula who had been prepared for a long time, and the two sides fought for several rounds and finally lost to the hands of the Flame Chicken.

After the fall of the Flame Chicken, Kaijie's next Pokémon was Charizard, but just as Kaijie was about to rely on Charizard's attribute advantage and air superiority to fight with Matula, but at this time, Yan Yishan also directly and decisively sent a quasi-heavenly king-level strength to meet the battle.

Lin Yu was also very helpless in the face of Yan Yishan's carving at this time, he never thought that the other party would have a quasi-heavenly king-level strength competition. This time the aerial battle between the eagle and the fire-breathing dragon also began very quickly, and in the face of the eagle who was faster than himself in the air, the fire-breathing dragon was also very helpless.

After several rounds of air superiority battles, the two Pokémon used themselves as bait once in Charizard, and after the eagle used the speed advantage to attack, they directly hugged each other and threw it on the ground, and then another jet of flame directly made the eagle lose its ability to fight. However, after Yan Yishan took back the carving, he did not send other Pokémon, but sent the Makura who had fought before.

Kaijie saw that the other party actually sent the restrained Makura again at this time, and it was clear that the other party could also send other Pokémon to deal with his Charizard in this situation. However, in the face of this situation, Kaijie didn't mind directly letting his Charizard attack Ma Tula on the ground, but just after turning on the camera and directing his Charizard to attack, Yan Yishan had a smile on his face.

In the face of Charizard's attack with a jet of flame in the air, the ground-nimble Matura quickly dodged and attacked, and then used the Freezing Beam to attack Charizard in the air. Facing this time, Ma Tula Kaijie inexplicably felt a little tricky, and even he thought that his advantage over Charizard didn't seem to be able to play at all at this time, so Kaijie was defeated by Charizard in the hands of Ma Tula in the confusion on his face.

"Hehe! Do you think that the first time I took back Charizard, I have no way to deal with your Charizard?" After Maura defeated Charizard, Yan Yishan said with some pride: "I'm just because my Charizard was not in his heyday because of the battle just now, so I'm just trying to consume your Charizard's physical strength

!" "Damn!" Kaijie cursed secretly at this time, then took out the Poke Ball that bit the land shark and threw it out, and said: " The Fierce Biting Land Shark will depend on you next!"

Yan Yishan frowned obviously when the Fierce Biting Land Shark with quasi-heavenly king-level strength appeared on the field, in his original assumption, Kaijie, the player who signed up in the last few days, should only have two quasi-king-level Pokémon of Charizard and Flame Chicken, and he never thought that Kaijie would have three quasi-king-level Pokémon. After facing the fierce bite land shark sent by Kaijie, Yan Yishan also had no choice but to take back Matula again, and this time he also took out a quasi-king-level Pokémon again.

"I didn't expect you to have three quasi-king-level Pokémon! It seems that I underestimated you too much before!" Yan Yishan looked at Kaijie and said with a smile: "But fortunately, I also prepared three quasi-king-level Pokémon to compete with you in a few days!

"Hehe! I also didn't expect that the guy who was still inseparable from his opponent in the last round could actually take out three Pokémon with quasi-king-level strength at this time!" Kaijie also smiled at this time and said: "Originally, I thought I could hide some strength, but it turned out that you were quite difficult

!" "Hehe! Then let me see your strength!" Yan Yishan said and said to his Pokémon: "Giant pincer mantis super evolution!"

Then let's also super evolve!" After watching Yan Yishan start to let the giant pincer mantis start super evolution, Kai Jie also immediately spoke.

The two Pokémon also immediately started their super evolution at this time, and the super evolution speed of the Fierce Bite Land Shark was completely faster than that of the giant pincer mantis. After the Fierce Bite Land Shark completed the super evolution, Kaijie also directly asked the Super Fierce Bite Land Shark to launch an attack on the giant pincer mantis that was still super evolving. This time, although the attack of the super fierce bite land shark successfully knocked the super giant pincer mantis away, it was also the last moment of the giant pincer mantis to complete the super evolution.

After the Super Giant Pincer Mantis flew the Super Giant Pincer Mantis, the Super Giant Pincer Mantis rushed directly and quickly towards the Super Giant Pincer Mantis, but at this time, the Super Giant Pincer Mantis that was knocked away by the Super Giant Pincer Mantis also acted quickly, and the Super Giant Pincer Mantis also dodged directly after the Super Giant Pincer Mantis rushed in front of the Super Giant Pincer Mantis.

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