"Do you know Lin Yu?" asked Kai Jie, looking at Panda in front of him with some confusion.

Although Lin Yu was now a relatively strong trainer, Kai Jie didn't believe that there would really be a rookie trainer looking for his traces, and he didn't believe that the trainer in front of him, who had just started traveling for more than a year, would know that Lin Yu was traveling with him.

"Yes, I know him!" Panda looked at Kai Jie and smiled and took out a certificate of honor from his backpack and handed it to Kai Jie and said, "This is the certificate of honor for me to participate in the Kwantung League and successfully enter the main competition! If you can't take me to see Mr. Lin Yu, please help me give him this certificate of honor, and by the way, you can also help me tell him, just say that Xiao Pan has found the goal of becoming a trainer, and I don't need him to prepare quasi-god Pokémon for me anymore!".

Kaijie took the certificate of honor handed over by Panda with some smugness, although it was really nothing to be proud of for someone like Kaijie who had become an official trainer and was still studying at the Trainer Academy, but if it was a civilian trainer like Panda who had just started traveling and relied on his Pokémon who had not even reached the elite level strength not long after he started traveling, it would not be easy to enter the main tournament of the alliance conference.

Kai Jie thought for a while, then returned the certificate of honor to Panda and said, "I still want to train here for a while now, and I'll take you to see Lin Yu after I finish training!"

"Thank you!"

Panda nodded immediately after hearing Kaijie's words, and then he consciously stepped aside and silently waited for Kaijie's training to end. Originally, Kaijie thought that Panda would also take out his Pokémon to train at this time, but he didn't expect that the other party would only train on the side at this time. Probably thinking that someone had been watching his training from the sidelines, Kaijie stopped training for about half an hour.

"Aren't you going to train too?" said to Panda somewhat casually after Kaijie retrieved his Pokémon, "Do you want to hide your strength?"

After hearing Kaijie's words, Panda immediately shook his head and said, "Although I won today's game, my Pokémon have all been seriously injured, and now they are still being treated in the Elf Center.

Kaijie was also slightly stunned after hearing Panda's words, and at this time, he also remembered what Tuo Mu had told him before, that this Panda in front of him had defeated a trainer with quasi-king-level strength Pokémon by relying on three elite-level Pokémon.

"Alright, I'm done training now, and then you can come with me!" said Kai Jie after a moment's pause to Panda.

In this way, Kaijie took Panda to their residence, and when Dormuta saw Kaijie coming back with Panda, they were slightly stunned, and they didn't quite understand why Kaijie brought Panda back.

"Are you Panda?" said Tormu, a little confused.

"Yes, please advise!" said Panda with a slight smile.

"I think I've seen you somewhere!" said Torm, frowning.

"It should be the Nibi Gym!" Panda still looked at Tuo Ermu and said slightly, "I went to challenge your Nibi Gym before.

Hearing Panda's prompt, Tuo Ermu also nodded slightly, but he still looked at Panda with some confusion, he didn't know why he always felt that this Panda was a little weird.

"Are there any guests?" Lin Yu, who had slept all day at this time, also walked out of the room, and he said with some confusion when he saw Panda.

"Lin Yu, don't you know him?" Kai Jie said with some confusion after hearing Lin Yu's words: "He came here to find

you!" "Specially came to look for me?" Lin Yu looked at Panda and said with some doubts: "But I haven't had any impression

!" "Mr. Lin Yu, you may not remember it anymore! I am the little Pan who asked you for Pokémon in the mountain village before!" Panda didn't get angry at Lin Yu for not recognizing him at this time, but smiled and said to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu was also slightly stunned after hearing the other party's words, at this time he also remembered the young man who came to find him when he left the mountain village, he didn't expect that he would actually meet the other party here.

"You're Xiao Pan!You seem to have changed a lot!" Lin Yu said with a sudden realization: "I remember that when you just went on a trip, I promised you that I would give you a quasi-god Pokémon egg after you really became a trainer

!" "Hehe, I didn't expect Mr. Lin Yu to remember you!" Pan Da also said with a slight smile at this time.

"Of course, but I don't have a quasi-god Pokémon egg right now. There's no way to get you any quasi-god Pokémon eggs here!, so I think I'll give you your quasi-god Pokémon eggs in a decisive time!" Lin Yu looked at Panda in front of him and said a little just now.

"No!Mr. Lin Yu, you may have misunderstood!" At this time, Panda shook his hand again and again and said, "I don't need any quasi-god Pokémon now! I also understand the fun of being a trainer

!" Lin Yu was also slightly stunned after hearing the other party's words, and then he reluctantly took out a card from his pocket and handed it to Panda and said: "Although there is not much money in this, since you are ready to rely on your own strength to collect Pokémon!" Then the money in this should be regarded as a gift from me to you!" Panda

was also slightly stunned when he saw Lin Yu hand over the card, but he didn't do much to accept the card.


Just when Lin Yu and they were still chatting, a huge explosion suddenly came from outside, and then the explosion was followed by various fighting sounds, and Lin Yu immediately ran outside to see the situation after hearing this sound.

"Tuo Ermu, you take them out of here first! By the way, tell those security guards outside that they quickly evacuate the staff of the venue!" Lin Yu looked at the direction where the explosion came from, and immediately said to Tuo Mu.

At this time, the direction in which the voice came from was clearly Mu Xiaoyan's office, Lin Yu understood that this meant that the people of the Milky Way Group on the island had begun to suspect that Mu Xiaoyan was not on the island, so he didn't care about Tuo Mu at this time, and they didn't leave, he turned directly to Mu Jianming's direction and ran over.

Originally, they wanted to ask the reason, and after seeing that Lin Yu had run away, they also reluctantly left the venue as Lin Yu said when he left, and at this time, in another place on the island, Niu Huansu was also surrounded by several mysterious trainers, although the Pokémon that these mysterious trainers took out at this time were just Pokémon with king-level strength, but a few of them made Niu Huansu unable to leave here at all.

"Then who the hell is it!" "What kind of person is it!" "Even if you want to take revenge, you don't need to mask your face

!" "New Huansu, I didn't expect that even you, a member of the Joy family, were helping Mu Xiaoyan hide his whereabouts!" The mysterious trainer led by him suddenly took off his mask directly at this time and said: "Brothers, everyone take off their masks! Let the lackeys of the alliance see who is outside!"

After hearing the words of the leader, although the others were still a little hesitant, in the end, they all took off their masks, and even at this time, they directly revealed the logo of the Milky Way.

"You are from the Milky Way!" "Newsuss said with some confusion when he saw the few people who showed the logo of

the Milky Way, "What do you want to do?" "Hehe! Don't worry! If the outside wants to kill you, you won't have a chance to ask questions here now!" said the little leader of the Milky Way Group, and beckoned to the back.

Soon there were strange headlight-like devices emerging from around their battle, and in addition to those instruments, there were several devices that resembled Tesla electric circles.

"It's... Weakeners and current pulse towers?!" Neuringsu said with some confusion as she looked at the instruments.

"Sure enough, the Joy family is different! I think you should know very well that you have no chance to escape now!" The little leader at the head looked at Niu Huansu and said proudly: "Of course, the outside world will not kill you right now! As long as you are obedient, we may be able to let you live for many more days! If you can convince the Joy family to join our galaxy group, I can still let you go directly!"

After hearing the little leader's words, Niu Huansu said angrily: "What do you want to do! It shouldn't be as simple as just arresting

me!" "Hahaha! It's easy to deal with smart people!" After hearing Niu Huansu's words, the little leader smiled and said: "You contact Mu Xiaoyan for me now, that is, our Galaxy Regiment has now captured this small island, and all the trainers on the island have now been captured by us!" Let him leave our headquarters immediately with the other regional kings

!" "Hahaha! It turns out that you just want to protect yourself!" "Niu Huansu laughed loudly again at this time and said: "Mu Xiaoyan Heavenly King is on the island, you should go to him by yourself

!" "You don't have to brush up on us anymore!" Mu Xiaoyan has already left the island after presiding over the opening ceremony in the state!" The little leader said directly: " Don't think that only a few of you know about this!, so you'd better stop playing tricks on me!"

Niu Huansu frowned slightly when he heard the words of the little leader, he knew that now that Mu Xiaoyan had left the news, he had told the three of them, he didn't believe that it was Mu Jianming who said it, so he naturally began to suspect that it was Lin Yu who revealed it.

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