At this time, except for Zhejiang University, other schools also held emergency meetings, and they also sent school teams into Hangzhou with a large number of personnel to prepare for the first-hand information of the contestants. In addition to universities, all newspapers also took action immediately.

However, at this time, the busiest is the Swan Group, they didn't expect so many rookie trainers to sign up, and they didn't expect this second-rate competition to become popular all of a sudden, but if they didn't hold it well this time, then they might lose their reputation. So at this time, the entire Swan Group's departments related to this event worked overtime to hold meetings to re-determine the competition process.

This time, due to the large number of participants, the audition, which was supposed to be only five days, was extended to 15 days, and each contestant basically competed twice a day. Other processes, special guests, venue set-ups, and a host of other things are being reworked out.

And at this time, Lin Yu didn't know anything about these things, but after the usual training, they would rest in the hotel as usual, and just when Lin Yu was about to sleep, suddenly his phone rang.

"Hey, Senior Fang, what are your instructions?" Lin Yu picked up the phone and said.

"The principal wants to see you, I have something good for you! Do you have time? If you have, come over now!" Fang Yuanhe said directly.

Lin Yu thought about it and finally agreed to go to the appointment, and not long after, he went to Principal Kong's residence under the leadership of Fang Yuanhe. Principal Kong was stunned when he saw Fang Yuanhe, and then looked at Lin Yu behind him, and probably guessed that he should have brought that kid named Lin Yu to see him.

"Didn't you say that he didn't have time to prepare for the competition recently?" asked Principal Kong with a smile.

"That's right, there will be an audition starting tomorrow, so bring him to meet you today! I can also give him a boost and improve his strength!hehehehe!" Fang Yuanhe touched his head and said.

"Okay, come in!" Principal Kong let Lin Yu and them into the house.

"Here, this is the Koga Ninja Frog Flying Water Shuriken, this is my notes for training Geng Ghost, this is the fighting method of the Ghost Sect Pokémon!" Lin Yu and Fang Yuanhe sat in the study for a while, and after Kong smiled and handed out those few notes, he handed them to Lin Yu and said.

"Headmaster, you don't know, right! Lin Yu's Jiahe Ninja Frog will function as an ice shape when he is still a croaking frog, isn't it a flying water shuriken that can be caught in his hand, can't he hold other things?" Fang Yuanhe said with a smile.

"Really?" Principal Kong looked at Lin Yu suspiciously.

"It should be regarded as a pseudo Flying Water Shuriken!" It is said that the Flying Water Shuriken that is known to be in progress will explode and cause secondary damage after hitting the target, and Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) can only make an ice sculpture shuriken!" Lin Yu thought for a while and said.

"It seems that you have a lot of research on the Flying Water Shuriken! Indeed, the real Flying Water Shuriken has that effect, but it is also more difficult to train! Most people use the lazy second type! But what I give you is the real Flying Water Shuriken training method! Whether you can practice or not depends on your own achievements!" Principal Kong nodded and said with a smile.

Next, Principal Kong chatted with Lin Yu about the production method and training method of food that boosts the energy of ghost-based Pokémon, as well as some precautions during training, Lin Yu finally went satisfied.

With this exchange with President Kong, Lin Yu has a greater grasp of the selection of the Swan Cup.

The next day, Lin Yu and the others came to the audition site, and he suddenly found that the audition competition should have been nothing to watch, but there were a lot of people in the audience, and when Lin Yu and they were wondering what was going on, Fang Yuanhe and Wu Vawu walked out.

"What field are you on, the game should be about to start, what are you doing here?" Fang Yuanhe said.

"Why are there so many spectators here, doesn't it mean that no one watched the audition?" Lin Yu asked suspiciously.

Fang Yuanhe smiled, and after telling them the ins and outs of all this, Lin Yu still didn't seem to understand, and he didn't know why so many people came because he was a member of the special recruitment team of Zhejiang University.

"Please Lin Yu to get to the No. 3 venue in Area B faster to prepare for the battle!" Just as Lin Yu was about to ask something, the radio suddenly rang.

"I'm going to the game first!Goodbye seniors!" Lin Yu finished speaking and ran towards the place where he was shouting on the radio.

When Lin Yu came to the competition venue, he saw a cute-looking girl who had been waiting on the contestant's seat for a long time.

"Are you Lin Yu, hurry up and start!" The cute-looking girl saw Lin Yu and immediately said, "Come out, Poison Rose!"

A small one with three thorns on his head, his body is light green, the green leaves cover his body like a dress, and the leaves on his chest still have yellow parts, his eyes are half closed, and the Pokémon with a blue rose in his left hand and a red rose in his right hand appeared on the field.

"It's kind of interesting, Hasqi (ghosts) came out to fight!" Lin Yu said with a smile.

When the ghost heard Lin Yu shouting its name, he immediately came out of Lin Yu's shadow and looked at this beautiful grass-based Pokémon with a smile on his face.

"Poison Rose, use the poison needle!" "Ghost Si was still looking at his opponent curiously, and the girl opposite shouted to his poison rose.

Poison Rose heard her trainer's order, slowly opened her half-closed eyes, and then raised a hand and fired a poison needle at the pokémon in front of her.

The poisonous needle passed directly through the ghost's body, and then the ghost's originally curious eyes immediately changed, and it looked at the impolite guy in front of it angrily, he didn't plan to do it, and the other party dared to take the lead.

"Little beauty, aren't you too rude like this! I haven't introduced myself yet! Huskie (ghost) uses the Demon Shadow to control it!" Lin Yu said with a smile.

"Hmph, Miss Ben's name is something you want to know?" Poison Rose dodged and used the energy ball!" the girl said immediately.

The ghost immediately controlled the black vine-like thing for a few days to attack the poison rose, I have to say that this girl does have arrogant capital, the poison rose a few dashing spins and flips and the ghost pulled away, and then once again dashing two roses, one red and one blue, launched green energy balls to the ghosts.

The ghost doesn't pay attention to these energy balls that are not very fast, and usually it has been "training" at the speed of the croaking frog. At this speed, the ghost just changed a few body shapes and dodged it.

"Yo! This poison rose should have two-star strength! It's a pity, if there is a coordination competition, it should be very strong! It's a pity... Since this is the case, let's sneak over and use the ghost fire!" Lin Yu said with a smile as he looked at the poisonous rose who seemed to be dancing with every movement.

Ghost Si disappeared instantly when he heard Lin Yu's words, and this time Poison Rose began to get nervous, and it began to interrupt and look around, for fear that Ghost Si would suddenly appear behind his back and attack him. But before most people noticed, the shadows at the feet of the Poison Rose began to slowly shrink, and it didn't take long for them to all shrink to the feet of the Poison Rose.

"I really don't know whether to say that this little girl is suitable for training or whether she is not suitable for training!" At this time, a voice came from behind Fang Yuanhe, who was watching Lin Yu's game.

"Senior Yuan, why are you here?" Fang Yuanhe was first surprised when he saw that it was Yuan Jiu, and immediately said politely.

You must know that Yuan Jiu's reputation in school is actually not inferior to Xu Huayi, but because Yuan Jiu's dream is only to become a competitive trainer, he is now still a member of the Zhejiang Provincial Team's Strange Power Boxing Youth Team, you must know that although his strange strength is only a six-star standard regardless of strength, speed or physical strength, it is said that he already has the ability to fight with seven-star Pokémon by skill last semester.

If it weren't for Yuan Jiu's other Pokémon that were either life or healing, Principal Kong would definitely recruit them into the school team. It is precisely because of these that at that time, Yuan Jiu had just blatantly stood up and put forward conditions with Principal Kong.

"I'm going to come over and see you special recruits, too! Don't let me see it, are you?" said Yuan Jiu with a smile.

"But what did the senior just mean?" Wu Vawu said suddenly.

"According to your thoughts, both the speed and strength of the Poison Rose just now should be almost three stars!

"Indeed!" Wu Vawu said after a moment's thought.

"But judging from her command just now, there are many loopholes! Even now that the ghost shadow has been ambushed to her feet, do you think she is suitable to be a trainer?"

"I know! Her poisonous rose must have been trained for her by someone from her family! No, her combat command shouldn't be so bad!" Fang Yuanhe patted his thigh and said.

"I don't think so! With that poison rose's movements and skills, I'm sure I'm trained by a rookie trainer! Maybe it's a lack of actual combat experience!" Yuan Jiu said after thinking for a while.

"Senior Yuan... How did you see this?Just those skills, you can tell what kind of person is training?" Fang Yuanhe looked at Yuan Jiu in surprise and said.

"Isn't it very simple!You must know that you started receiving your first Pokémon at the age of eighteen, but competitive trainers like us can apply to register your first Pokémon at the age of sixteen!

On the field, after the shadow of the Poison Rose completely shrank under it, the ghost's laughter suddenly pierced through the top of the poison rose's head, and the poison rose looked up, only to see that the ghost's grimace had appeared above its head, and several blue flames had floated around the ghost.

"Poison Rose, get out of the way!" Not long after the ghost grown, the girl immediately said to Poison Rose.

When Poison Rose was about to jump away, she suddenly realized that the shadow under her feet actually grabbed her and prevented her from moving. It could only watch in horror as the ghostly fires drifted towards it.

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