"Hey, hey, hey, tell me again! I'm very curious about Lin Yu's father now! According to you, how could his father only have the strength of an eight-star trainer?" Xu Huayi immediately chased after him and said.

"I don't know about this, but there is such a saying in our boxing world, Lin Jun was dragged down by his big butterfly! In fact, his other five Pokémon should all have nine-star strength! Otherwise, it would be impossible to represent Zhejiang Province in the national competition every year!" Yuan Jiu thought for a while and said.

"Yes! Lin Jun's big butterfly gives people the feeling that it is at most a seven-star strength! Several other Pokémon are indeed strong enough!" Xu Hua said after thinking about it.

"Then why don't you take me to meet that Lin Yu?" said Yuan Jiu.

"That's not right, aren't all the high-level trainers already going to face the huge secret realm now?"

"You don't know that Lin Jun was seriously injured in the secret realm, and four of the Pokémon died! It is said that in the end, if it wasn't for that strange force blocking the mysterious Pokémon for a minute, he would have won a chance to survive." Yuan Jiu continued.

Next, Yuan Jiu asked Xu Huazhi to take him to meet Lin Yu and ask about Lin Jun's affairs and the training method of strange power. When they found Lin Yu and them at night, Lin Yu was also very puzzled.

In the past, in the small county town, his father was an eight-star trainer, and he was indeed respected by many people, but now that he has come out and seen more people, he doesn't feel that the eight-star trainer is very powerful, after all, a trainer like Xu Huayi who is only a senior has a Pokémon to the strength of the seven-star is said to be a big person in the domestic college league.

"Isn't my dad an eight-star trainer, isn't there a lot of teachers in the school who have the strength of an eight-star trainer?"

"Then I may not know..."Yuan Jiu introduced to Lin Yu again the legend about Lin Yu's father's strange power in their boxing world.

"It turns out that my dad is still so legendary, but why didn't he become a professional competitive player in the end, and he fought against a trainer?" Lin Yu said with a sigh.

"Because your father's family was too poor when he was young!Do you think competitive trainers don't burn money?You must know that Yuan Jiu's strange power six-star can defeat most people's seven-star strength Pokémon! The leapfrog challenge is the special feature of competitive trainers!" Xu Hua said with a smile, "Now I want to find a wrist strength to make the sixth Pokémon

!" "Okay! This is my father's phone number, this is my home address, if the hospital doesn't have it, then I should have gone home!" But my dad's strange power seems to have been seriously injured!" Lin Yu quickly wrote down his phone number and his home address on a piece of paper and handed it to them.

After Xu Hua reversed the fact that they got what they wanted, he exchanged a few words with Lin Yu and them, and by the way, he instructed them to train, and finally left when the time was early.

The next day, Lin Yu suddenly found that Fang Yuanhe and Wu Huawu, who usually came back to watch their games, did not come, and then finally found out from the senior, who was also a member of the school team, that it turned out that Xu Huayi and Yuan Jiu left Hangcheng and went to Wuxian directly after they left there yesterday.

And before the principal assigned them the task of recruiting Wu Yixing, they directly threw it to Fang Yuanhe and Wu Vawu before leaving. Now Fang Yuanhe and they are in contact with Wu Yixing.

This afternoon, when Lin Yu's game was over, he suddenly received a call from Mu Gu, "Hey, Ah Yu, come to the third field in Zone D! Come on! Come on, I'll tell you again!" When Lin Yu arrived at the venue, he suddenly found that Yu Heng's

opponent on the field was actually their former squad leader Qiao Qiao. I saw that Yu Heng was commanding the forest lizard and Qiao Qiao's strength on the field, and he had fallen into a bitter battle.

"Hmm, isn't this our squad leader, I didn't expect her Haoli to already have four-star strength!" Lin Yu said as he looked at Haoli who was fighting against the forest lizard and did not show weakness.

Lin Yu knew that after so many days of high-intensity auditions, basically everyone's Pokémon had made some progress, after all, even his own ghosts were already at the peak of three stars.

"No, that Haoli is only three stars! Otherwise, that forest lizard would have lost!" said a middle-aged man behind them.

"What do you mean by that? Actually, I don't know Haoli's recent situation, but that Yu Heng... emmm, that is, the person who uses the forest lizard is our partner!We still know the strength of the forest lizard!" Mu Gu said unconvinced.

"You mean that Haoli uses boxing skills?" Lin Yu said suspiciously, if it weren't for Yuan Jiu and him last night to popularize some competitive trainers' things, he wouldn't have thought of this.

The middle-aged man smiled and nodded, and said, "Yes, the characteristic of a competitive trainer is that he crosses the challenge! A competitive trainer who can't skip the challenge can only be called an amateur competitive trainer!" "

Are professional competitive trainers so powerful?"

"The challenge of this so-called leapfrog challenge is just a special aspect! You see, if this heroic force can almost suppress the forest lizard in a small area, but once the forest lizard can move away from the distance by speed, then its skills will not be used at all! In particular, there are some Pokémon competitive events that are not comparable to combat power!" The middle-aged man continued.

"Sir, I don't know who you are, why do you know so much?" Lin Yu asked suspiciously.

"I, oh, I'm the assistant coach of the Zhejiang Provincial Monster Boxing Provincial Team! We recently received word that there is a rookie athletic trainer here who has received professional training, so I came over to see if there was any need to recruit her. The middle-aged man smiled and continued.

"Mr. Teaching Assistant, let me ask you a question! Recently, I heard such a news, in your strange power boxing world, Lin Jun's strange power is a legend!, is that so?" Lin Yu said suspiciously. :

As soon as Lin Yu's words were finished, Mu Gu and the others all looked at Lin Yu in surprise. This assistant didn't know who Lin Yu was, but they knew that Lin Jun that Lin Yu was talking about was his father. Originally, Mu Gu wanted to say that Lin Yu was thinking too much.

"Yes, because not only is his monster power rare among competitive trainers of the same level, but it is also adapted to this kind of large-scale field combat, which can be said to be an alternative!, but due to the growing popularity of Pokémon battles now, more and more monster competitive trainers want to get that training method!" explained the assistant coach.

"I'm going! I've been developed! I already know where to find other Pokémon, my second Pokémon might as well choose wrist strength! Even quasi-gods can't compare to wrist strength!" After Mu Gu heard the assistant teacher's words, he immediately raised his head to the sky and shouted, "I have decided, in the future, my fourth Pokémon will choose wrist strength!" "

Hmm? What did you say about this classmate? Actually, the strange power of competitive trainer training is very strong, but if it is also a Pokémon battle, there are also great drawbacks! The teaching assistant said confusedly.

"Come, let me introduce to you, this is Lin Yu, the son of Lin Jun just mentioned! You said that if I choose a wrist strength, coupled with the training method you just mentioned, I can't get a strong fighter!" Mu Gu smiled and patted Lin Yu beside him and said.

"Now it's time to decide the winner!" Xu Changzhou suddenly said.

I saw that after the forest lizard changed its position many times, suddenly his blade gradually changed from green to red at the beginning.

"Hahaha! Qiao Qiao, you're going to lose now!" Yu Heng said with a smile when he saw the sudden change of the forest lizard, "Thank you for performing the Flame Fist so many times, has Yamu (the forest lizard) comprehended?"

After the forest lizard heard Yu Heng's words, the corner of his mouth curved and nodded confidently at Yu Heng.

"Okay! then use, Flame Fist Mystery - Flame Slash with the Wind!" Yu Heng immediately said with a smile when he saw the performance of the forest lizard.

When the forest lizard heard Yu Heng's words, he immediately applied the flame mystery method of the flame fist he had just comprehended to his blade, only to see that the blade that had glowed red just now instantly burned into flames. Then the speed of the forest lizard suddenly increased several times, and it rushed directly towards Haoli.

When Haoli saw the forest lizard rushing over again, he didn't have the slightest fear. Now it has a good understanding of the attack mode of the forest lizard. He's already in a face-to-face pose.

"Haoli, don't be afraid! Just follow what Dad said, get closer! Grab his hands and feet and use the Earth Shot directly! You have already figured out its attack pattern and are familiar with its speed!" Qiao Qiao also continued.

When the forest lizard rushed in front of Haoli, Haoli took advantage of the situation and directly dodged the first cut of the forest lizard, and even reached out and grabbed its wrist directly at this time.

When the forest lizard saw that his wrist was being grabbed by the other party, he immediately slashed at the hand that grabbed him with his other hand. But at this time, it had already won the design of Haoli. At this time, no matter how fast it slashes or how tricky the direction of its attack is, as long as its final target is the hand that is caught, Haoli can grab its other hand again when it slashes past.

"The forest lizards are going to lose!" the teaching assistant said, taking one look.

"What do you mean? Obviously the forest lizard's skill is so... Xuan!" Mu Gu said suspiciously.

"Look!" the teaching assistant continued to smile and point to the field.

At this time, the forest lizard's hands had been grabbed by the strange force, and then Haoli grabbed the forest lizard's hands and jumped high, and when he reached the highest point, he took the forest lizard in the air and made a few spins in the air, and then smashed it to the ground in the forest lizard's confusion.

The forest lizard landed, and huge dust was raised on the ground. In order to decide the victory with one blow, Haoli did not forget to use the heavy stomping in the direction where the forest lizard fell.

"Yamu (Forest Lizard)!" Yu Heng shouted at the Forest Lizard's reaction as he saw Haoli flying into the dust with his heavy step.

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