Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 379: Heavenly Fubao (22)

Zhao Ye: "..."

This little girl is pretty easy going?

But think about why it is so annoying?

He coerced it.

People take this as a holiday...

Ye Zhao felt that when he talked to Chuzheng, sooner or later he would be angry.

Fortunately, it has already arrived.

A single-family villa with no other buildings around.

The decoration of the villa is low-key and luxurious, with the style of big people everywhere.

Chuzheng went in and took the place of the owner of the living room sofa very rudely.

Zhao Ye: "..."

Master Zhao took a deep breath, pestered his crutches, and stopped sitting.

"Miss Chu Zheng, wait a moment."

Zhao Ye left with his bodyguard.

The room suddenly became quiet.

As soon as Chu Wu wanted to speak, he heard the rattling locks around him.

Chu Wu immediately got up to look at the doors and windows.

"He locked us here."

"Yeah." Chu Zheng calmly sat on the sofa.

What to panic.

Isn't it just being locked up?

small issue.

Not square.

Chu Wu frowned, looking at the sofa, Chu Zheng still posing as a guest.

Is she not worried?

"What does he want to do to us?"

Chu Zheng raised his eyes and looked at the ceiling, smoke filled the vents.

Chu Wu also saw it.

Chu Zheng beckoned Chu Wu to pass.

Chu Wu frowned, seeing the smoke spreading faster and faster, and walked quickly to her side.


Zhao Ye stood outside, looking at the watch on his wrist from time to time.

From the outside, the smoke billowed inside and it was completely invisible.

"Master Zhao, it's been half an hour."

Master Zhao stuck his walking stick and poked the ground twice: "Notify Miss Sang Meng."


Zhao Ye looked inside, with a little excitement.

Miss Sang Meng said so seriously that he thought it was difficult to deal with, but he didn't expect it to be so easy.

Miss Sang Meng said that she would use Chu Wu as a bait, just in case.

But it seems that Miss Sang Meng looked at these two people high.

He will soon have a healthy body...

"Miss Sang Meng is here."

Someone whispered in Zhao Ye's ear.

So fast?

Zhao Ye turned around and saw the familiar figure.

He greeted him immediately.

"Miss Sang Meng, you caught this person." Zhao Ye looked cautious, completely out of style that a big man should have.

"What about people?"

Zhao Ye immediately said: "Just inside, don't worry, they will never wake up in one day."

Sang Meng nodded: "Go in and have a look."

Master Zhao asked to shut down the mechanism inside, waited for the smoke to disperse, and handed Sang Meng a gas mask.

"No." Sang Meng walked directly into the house.

Zhao Ye was surprised, thinking of Sang Meng's methods, he felt normal again.

He didn't dare not to wear it, put on a mask, and went inside.

The smoke hasn't completely dissipated, and the environment in the room is a bit blurred.

"Where are the people?"

"Over there." Zhao Ye walked toward the living room: "They..."

Zhao Ye's voice stopped abruptly.

The smoke seems to avoid the sofa, forming a vacuum zone.

At this time, on the sofa, Chu Zheng put one hand on the back of the sofa, and one hand was wrapped around Chu Wu. From head to toe, even the strands of hair showed the domineering ‘I am a big man’.

"It's been so long." The girl looked at her calmly: "Are you tortoises?"

The **** is faster than you.

"You..." Zhao Ye was shocked in his heart: "Why are you all right?"

Because Sangmeng had specifically ordered, the medicine he used had been increased tenfold.

But she is sitting here now...

"I should have something to do." Chu Zheng's eyes were strayed, and he looked at Sang Meng behind Zhao Ye.

I knew it was this dog.

If you can't mess me up front, just mess me up behind you.

Master Zhao beats a drum in his heart, but he dared not stand in front of his life, retreating behind Sang Meng.

Sang Meng glared at Master Zhao with the look of waste.

"Chuzheng, since you are alive, you shouldn't show up in front of me again and let me see you so that you can live well."

Sang Meng's eyes flashed fiercely.

Since she was seen by her, then she must die.

Chuzheng's slender fingers, as white as yuzhu, tapped on the sofa, and her voice echoed in rhythm: "You can poke yourself blind."

Then you can't see me.

How great!

Sang Meng sneered: "You died once, but now you are sharp."

She spoke, and her tone changed rapidly: "However, today is your death date."

"My death date?" Chu Zheng's eyebrows seemed to be stained with frost, and his coldness penetrated: "You too look up at yourself."

Sang Meng just sneered, and patted his palm with confidence.

The surroundings suddenly darkened.

Zhao Ye was so frightened that he turned around, his back was soaked in cold sweat.

Chu Zheng didn't panic at all, and took Chu Wu a kiss: "Stay here obediently."

Sang Meng tweeted: "Don't worry, I will send him down for you too, so that you can have a good affection below."

Sang Meng emphasized the two words of love.

Chuzheng got up and suddenly kicked on the coffee table in the living room.

The coffee table slammed and slid toward Sang Meng.

Sang Meng leaped and fell on the coffee table lightly, and the coffee table stopped sliding.

"If I were you, I wouldn't provoke me again." Sang Meng said in a gloomy tone: "Even if you have some ability, don't forget, you have lost your wings."

"So you are not me." Chu Zheng's eyes were cold: "You dare to lift your wings, and you are very courageous."


Sang Meng let out a cold voice and spun up, and the coffee table slammed into Chuzheng.

Chu Zheng stood calmly and calmly, as he was about to hit himself on the coffee table, lifted his feet, and easily touched the coffee table with his toes.

The movements are clean and neat, and the posture is handsome.

The indifferent appearance seems to be somewhat handsome.

She was so heartbroken that she wanted to scream for her.

Sang Meng's heart jumped.

She is not as simple as kicking the coffee table back, it carries her power.

how come……

If Sangmeng could see it, then she would find that the coffee table was surrounded by thin silver threads, those thin threads, and stopped the coffee table.

Chuzheng was just raising his feet and posing like Sao Bao.

[...] My understanding of young lady needs to be refreshed.

The silver thread is not only wrapped around the coffee table, at this time, the whole room is full of interlaced silver threads.

Chuzheng forcefully kicked the coffee table back.

The coffee table was not fast, Sang Meng didn't pay attention to it, but when she touched the coffee table, an invisible force knocked her into the air.

Sang Meng made a parabolic movement in the air, and finally hit the stairs upstairs.

The wooden staircase, smashed by her, broke from the edge 2, rolled to the ground, and rolled twice before stopping.

Sang Meng wanted to get up for the first time.

A pair of shoes appeared in her sight, and she suddenly stopped.

In the next second, her whole body was kicked down and pressed to the ground fiercely.

The broken wood on the ground pierced into the meat, blood bleed out.

Their bodies are the same as normal people, they will bleed and get hurt, but they can heal very quickly if they can.

"What if I anger you."

A clear and indifferent voice exploded above Sang Meng's head.

Sang Meng felt that at that moment, it was as if his throat was strangled by an invisible big hand, and a feeling of suffocation was coming from all directions.

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