Chapter 102 Severed Head Feast, Zhao Kuangyin’s Last Bottom Card! Subscribe Required.


It is said that the sound of a person’s footsteps and the posture of walking can see how the person’s mood is. Now.

This sentence fully explains Zhao Kuangyin’s state. He walked quickly into the Imperial Garden.

The heroic face looked quite calm. But if you look closely, you’ll see it.

Zhao Kuangyin’s footsteps were very flustered. Normal people have a stable state of mind.

Walk with both feet, the spacing is the same for each step. However, Zhao Kuangyin’s pace was extremely chaotic.

One step big, one step small.

What does this prove?

It proves that he is restless.

Taking a big step, it was he who was anxious to plead guilty to the Son of Heaven.

The small step is because he is nervous and hesitant in his heart, and he does not know whether he can get through the difficulties. Of course.

These are tiny details. Ordinary people generally don’t notice. But it was precisely Nie Zheng who was aware of it.

Watching Zhao Kuangyin walk towards himself with a deranged stride. Nie Zheng drank another glass of wine.

The smile on his face was even brighter.

“Wei Chen, Zhao Kuangyin, long live Your Majesty the Emperor.”

Zhao Kuangyin had just come closer.

Directly fell to his knees.

It was also a great gift to Nie Zhengxing for three prayers and nine prostrations. Its posture is extremely low.

He almost didn’t want the dignity of a grand marshal of the Terracotta Army.

“Marshal Zhao, what are you doing here?”

“You are the Great Marshal of the Terracotta Army, why do you perform this great gift?”

“Marshal please get up.”

Nie Zheng’s face was mild.

Even more cordially, he went forward to personally lift Zhao Kuangyin up. But before Nie Zheng could help him get up.

Zhao Kuangyin hurriedly prostrated his head, “Wei Chen is guilty, he does not dare to get up, and he also asks His Majesty to punish him.” ”


“Marshal Zhao, what did you say and what crime did you commit?”

Nie Zheng was smiling.

Despite Zhao Kuangyin’s insistence, he was still helped up.

No matter how you look at the smile on Nie Zheng’s face, you can feel that he is a very amiable person. It is also 20 sons of heaven who are extremely sympathetic to their subjects.

But Nie Zheng was more like this.

Zhao Kuangyin’s heart became more and more uneasy.

Although he could not understand the surname of the Son of Heaven in front of him. But at the moment it is definitely a knife hidden in the smile.


Zhao Kuangyin was also helpless to discover one thing.

The fact that the Eighteenth Martial General sent Jing Ke to assassinate the Heavenly Son had been exposed. The Son of Heaven standing in front of him at this moment absolutely knew the truth. Know better why you’re here.

The reason is simple.

Because Nie Zheng was too kind to him. The kindness frightened him. If the Son of Heaven did not discover the truth. Certainly not this attitude. Have to say.

Zhao Kuangyin is indeed very smart.

Just from Nie Zheng’s attitude, you can guess the result.

“Come, look at the seat for Marshal Zhao.”

Nie Zheng casually commanded.

Cao Tian hurriedly brought a chair and placed it at the table.

“Come and go, I always want to have a few drinks with Marshal Zhao.”

“Some time ago, the Marshal of the Imperial Banquet left early, and I still feel quite sorry, but today you and I will certainly not be drunk when we take advantage of the beautiful scenery of this night.”

Nie Zheng lovingly wrapped his arms around Zhao Kuangyin’s shoulders. It doesn’t matter if people like it or not.

It was forcibly pressed against the chair. Moreover.

I don’t know if Nie Zheng did it on purpose.

The place where Zhao Kuangyin sat was level with the dragon chair. Almost shoulder to shoulder with Nie Zheng.

And this also made Zhao Kuangyin even more restless. But he just wanted to get up and resign.

But he saw that Nie Zheng’s face was cold.

Zhao Kuangyin’s heart was shocked, and he could only sit down again.

“Marshal Zhao, this imperial meal was specially prepared for you by Shuo.”

“There are a hundred and eight delicacies that even the previous emperors of Bactria have never eaten.”

“You must have a good taste today and see how the imperial chef is.”

Nie Zheng sat down again.

It is even more kind to pick dishes for Zhao Kuangyin. But Nie Zheng was more like this.

Zhao Kuangyin’s face also became more and more ugly.

Only half a fart, the stock sits on the chair, and the other half hangs in the air.

“How? Is it a dish made by the imperial chef that does not suit the taste of the marshal? ”

See Zhao Kuangyin hesitates to move chopsticks. Nie Zheng frowned and pretended to be confused.

“Come, go and cut down all the cooks in the imperial dining room, change a batch of cooks, and re-serve the imperial meal to Marshal Zhao to taste.”

Nie Zheng said coldly.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Zhao Gao looked at Zhao Kuangyin coldly. I’m going to the dining room.

And this scene.

It immediately surprised Zhao Kuangyin.

Knowing that the Son of Heaven is beating himself.

“Your Majesty, it is not that these imperial meals are not in line with the taste of Wei Chen, but Wei Chen’s heart is guilty and he cannot eat these imperial meals, and he also asks His Majesty to spare their lives.”

“Today, when Wei Chen entered the palace overnight, he pleaded with His Majesty for his sins.”

Zhao Kuangyin spoke.

I got up from my chair.

He wanted to kneel down and kowtow to Nie Zheng. Pity.

Nie Zheng held him down again.

He did not let Zhao Kuangyin kneel.

Instead, he looked at Zhao Gao with a cold eyebrow and said, “Didn’t you hear what Marshal Zhao said?” ”

“Marshal Zhao felt guilty in his heart and could not eat these imperial meals.”

“The cooks in these imperial dining rooms are really some waste, and even simple dishes can’t be done well, so they all slaughtered Nie Zheng coldly.”

“The slave obeys the order.”

Zhao Gao strode away.

It has disappeared into the Royal Garden.

“Come and come, since these delicious dishes are not to the marshal’s liking, you and I will have a drink together.”

Nie Zheng smiled again.

He personally poured wine in his glass for Zhao Kuangyin. Then take a sip and drink the wine in the glass. Zhao Kuangyin’s face was solemn.

You can see that the Son of Heaven has drunk it. How can you be careless?

You can only drink the same amount of wine in your glass.

“Come and come, and then pour the full for the marshal himself.”

Nie Zheng smiled and was about to lift the wine jug, and once again to fill the glass with wine for Zhao Kuangyin. But this time Zhao Kuangyin learned wisely.

He didn’t wait for Nie Zheng to do it.

He hurriedly got up and lifted the wine jug to fill it for Nie Zheng. He bowed down and raised a glass to Nie Zheng.

Then look up and drink the second drink.

“Marshal Zhao really drank a good amount of wine.”

Nie Zheng applauded his hands.

Also drink the wine in the glass.

“Your Majesty, can you allow your minister to say a word?”

Zhao Kuangyin knew that he could not delay any longer, and once again bowed to Nie Zheng.

“Marshal Zhao, today you and I will only talk about the wind and snow, not about anything else, come and drink.”

Nie Zheng did not give Zhao Kuangyin a chance to speak at all.

Keep bumping into it.

And Zhao Kuangyin’s face was extremely heavy, and he began to drink cup by cup. Not for a while.

Just as Nie Zheng and Zhao Kuangyin had drunk the eighth cup. Zhao Gao returned.

And followed by dozens of small eunuchs. Each person had a plate in his hand.

And the things presented on the plate made Zhao Kuangyin’s face change suddenly. It was the head of the cooks in the imperial dining room.


Scales fall from one’s eyes!

This moment.

Zhao Kuangyin suddenly realized.

His face turned white in an instant.

Because he already understood Nie Zheng’s meaning. I understood more about what Nie Zheng was saying to him. What does Tianzi want to tell himself?

Very simple.

Tianzi was telling himself that the cooks in the imperial dining room in the palace couldn’t even cook the dishes. What’s the use of him keeping this waste?

Just slaughter it.

Even if you Zhao Kuangyin intercede, it is useless. And so on.

The Son of Heaven already knew what he was coming for.

He knew that he had entered the palace overnight to intercede for the eighteen martial generals. I hope the Son of Heaven will spare their lives.

But even the cooks who did not cook well were killed by the Son of Heaven. Not to mention the fact that the Eighteen Martial Generals plotted rebellion.

How can the Son of Heaven bypass them? Uh-huh.

Zhao Kuangyin sweated coldly.

He finally came back to the taste.

This is where is a royal banquet.

It was basically a severed head feast under Nie Zheng’s poses.

It was to tell Zhao Kuangyin that the eighteen martial generals must all die. You don’t have to plead anymore.

I saw Zhao Kuangyin’s pale face and a look of trepidation. The smile on Nie Zheng’s face finally disappeared.

“Zhao Kuangyin, you are a smart person.”

“I also like smart people very much.”

“The fact that you were able to enter the palace overnight today shows that you really have no antipathy.”

“At this point, you can spare your life.”

Nie Zheng directly showdown.

I also didn’t bother to play with Zhao Kuangyin. Because of that scene just now. I have made my attitude clear. Zhao Kuangyin is a smart man.

He was perfectly able to understand what he meant.

“Your Majesty is also kind.”

Zhao Kuangyin held the wine glass tightly, and his face was heavy, although he understood that Nie Zheng would not spare the eighteen generals. But these warriors followed him for many years.

Not to mention that they are brothers and sisters, they are also brothers of the opposite sex. Let Zhao Kuangyin watch them being killed.

He couldn’t accept this result.

“Your Majesty, the Empress is here.”


Just when Zhao Kuangyin wanted to continue to intercede for the Eighteenth Martial General. Zhao Gao’s eyes were sharp and he saw that Lü Yan was walking quickly into the Royal Garden. And went straight to the Yujing Pavilion where Nie Zheng was located.

“Empress Dowager Niangniang, what have you come to do?”

Don’t wait for Lu Yan to open his mouth.

Nie Zheng smiled slightly.

Squinting his eyes at Zhao Kuangyin. Apparently.

Lu Yan went without saying this.

It must be the rescue soldiers invited by Zhao Kuangyin. See Lu Yan coming.

Zhao Kuangyin was quietly relieved. There was also a glimmer of hope in my heart. But the next moment.

What Lu Yan said.

Completely made Zhao Kuangyin sluggish and silent.

Even the wine glass in his hand fell silently to the ground. Turned into a pile of pieces.

“Your Majesty, the palace wants to tell you something.”

Lu Yan said in a deep voice.

“Oh? What is my empress dowager trying to say? ”

Nie Zheng smiled and looked at Lü Jie.

How the eyes look how bad intentions.

And constantly aiming at her. This also made Lü Yan stare at Nie Zheng fiercely.

The dark monster Nie Zheng did not have a right behavior at such a time.

“The Eighteenth Martial General sent people to assassinate His Majesty, and even more secretly wanted to plot rebellion and rebellion.”

“Such rebellious courtiers and thieves should put them to death and exterminate the Nine Tribes.”

Lu Yan opened his mouth coldly.

But that’s what she said.

Zhao Kuangyin looked at Lu Yan with a shocked face. He didn’t think of it even though 833 was.

Not only did Lü Yan not help him intercede with the Heavenly Son. Instead, it adds fuel to the fire.

“Marshal Zhao, it’s not that the palace doesn’t want to help you, it’s that your military generals dare to plot against and assassinate the Heavenly Son.”

“If a rogue thief like them does not kill, does not he want everyone to follow suit?”

Lü Yan looked at Zhao Kuangyin coldly.

His body is domineering and murderous. If you change to the past.

Perhaps Lü Yan would really open his mouth to the Heavenly Son in order to repay Zhao Kuangyin’s affection. But now it’s different.

Lü Yan’s heart was all concerned about Nie Zheng’s body. Someone dared to assassinate Nie Zheng.

This directly violated Lü Yan’s taboo. Although Zhao Kuangyin had helped her.

But the act of assassinating the Son of Heaven. There is absolutely nothing to get by here with her.

Even if Nie Zheng really spared the lives of the eighteen martial generals today. However, Lü Yan had to do everything in his power to execute the eighteen martial generals Ling Chi. Even wiped out their Nine Tribes.

Who is Lu Jie?

An extremely domineering and vicious woman. When she likes a man.

Then Lu Yan was even more terrifying. Nie Zheng had already become her anti-scale.

She would never allow anyone to hurt Nie Zheng, not even a single strand of hair.

“Your Majesty, all the eighteen martial generals deserve to die, and their nine clans should also be rebuked.”

“But Marshal Zhao has no intention of plotting rebellion, and he asks His Majesty to spare his life.”

Lü Yan opened his mouth to intercede for Zhao Kuangyin.

This can also be regarded as returning Zhao Kuangyin’s human kindness for helping her in the first place.

“Then do as the Empress Dowager will.”

Nie Zheng smiled and looked at Lü Jie.

A soft color also rose in his eyes. Sure enough, he didn’t misread Lu Yan.

This poisonous woman was dedicated to him.

This affection has never changed.

“Your Majesty, can you allow your minister to say the last word?”

Zhao Kuangyin’s face was pale, and he looked up at this big summer child, and could only make a final struggle.


“What are you trying to say?”

Nie Zheng looked at Zhao Kuangyin faintly. Then he vaguely waved to Lu Yan. Let him sit next to him.

Lu Yan’s face was slightly red.

Where dare to really sit over.

After all, she was the empress.

If he really sat next to Nie Zheng. It’s hard to say it.

“Your Majesty, this marshal is willing to hand over the power of the soldiers in his hands, and only asks His Majesty to be gracious and spare their lives.”


Zhao Kuangyin used the last hole card.

He believes.

He believed it very much.

As long as he is willing to hand over the millions of troops in his hands. Nie Zheng will surely spare the lives of the eighteen generals.

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