Chapter 104 The Legend Has Only Just Begun!.

Zhao Kuangyin carried a steel knife.

Looking at Zhang Yu, the warrior who had followed him for many years. Burst!

Zhao Kuangyin slashed himself, and blood spurted from his left shoulder.

“Zhang Yu, this knife is still handsome to you.”



Poignant and magnificent blood.

Sprinkled on Zhang Yu’s face.

“Big brother, what are you doing here?”

Zhang Yu was confused.

Then he let out a loud roar at Zhao Kuangyin. Pity.

Zhao Kuangyin was silent.

Again came to another warrior.

“Gao Huaide, when you crusaded against Lianyun Eighteen Villages, you blocked an arrow for this commander, and this marshal now also returns you.”


Zhao Kuangyin slashed himself again.

When the blood was spilled, it also dripped on Gao Huaide’s face.

“Big Brother?”

Gao Huaide’s eyes were sluggish.

Zhao Kuangyin stepped forward and came to the third martial general again.

“Li Chugeng, in the year of the Northern Expedition, you broke through to protect the commander and brought three thousand remnants of soldiers to fight in blood, and I have always remembered this sentiment in Zhao Kuangyin.”


Zhao Kuangyin gave himself the third knife. This moment.

The eighteen generals were all silent. They understood.

They understood why Zhao Kuangyin had done this. This was Zhao Kuangyin bidding them farewell.

Today all eighteen of them are going to die.

Fourth knife.

Fifth knife.

Sixth knife.

Seventh knife.

Eighth knife.

… Seventeenth knife.

Zhao Kuangyin walked to the side of a military general. They will all tell the past of the Southern Expedition and the Northern War. The blood on his body couldn’t stop flowing.

When Zhao Kuangyin walked to the last martial general. The warrior smiled miserably, “Marshal, I Cao Bin have never blocked a knife for you, let alone received an arrow for you.” ”

“After so many years, it was all the marshals who promoted me all the way to Cao Bin today.”

“Marshal, kill me.”

Cao Bin smiled bitterly.


Zhao Kuangyin still cut himself with the eighteenth sword.

His blood-stained palm pressed on Cao Bin’s shoulder.

Qi’s 940 voice said bitterly, “Today I will take your neck and give it to Emperor Yi, and I deserve this sword.” ”

“Big brother, needless to say, you can do it.”

“Marshal, I just don’t understand why we can’t make a desperate bet and fight with Emperor Yi to break the net.”

“Big brother, our brothers for many years, it is because of an emperor that you even have to kill your brothers and sisters, is it really that we have misread you?”

“Zhao Kuangyin, I am not convinced, Emperor Yi is something, even if he is as terrible as you say, are we just muddy?”

… Eighteen generals.

Some people’s hearts are like ashes.

Some people are grief-stricken.

Some people even shouted in disbelief.

Even if they die.

I also want to die to understand.

The brotherhood of many years of southern conquest and northern war.

Is it not as good as Zhao Kuangyin’s glory and wealth?

Could it be that Emperor Yi made Zhao Kuangyin feel afraid and afraid like this?


Zhao Kuangyin let out a miserable laugh.

After the laughter.

He looked at the brothers sheepishly. The eyes are all the color of dead gray.

“Brothers, whether you hate me Zhao Kuangyin or blame me for coveting glory and wealth in order to save my own life.”

“But I, Zhao Kuangyin, want to tell you that I sent you on your way today only because Commander Ben wants to save the lives of your family’s Nine Tribes.”

“If I don’t kill you with my own hands, when the sun rises tomorrow, all of your families and nine clans will fall to the ground.”

Zhao Kuangyin’s eyes were red, and he was whispering hoarsely. Quiet!


Death-like silence.

When Zhao Kuangyin’s words fell. The eighteen generals were speechless.

Then they all lowered their heads.



At this moment, the eighteen martial generals had already repented of their mistakes. They get it.

Zhao Kuangyin never betrayed them.

On the contrary, they have been persecuting and forcing Zhao Kuangyin to rebel.

They forced Zhao Kuangyin step by step, to this point.

Also put themselves eighteen people, forced. It’s a dead end.

Even to the last minute.

When they had to die. Zhao Kuangyin also had to endure the grief in his heart.

Carrying all the insults, he wanted to save the lives of their family members. This moment.

The Eighteenth Martial General repented of his indiscretion.

Tears kept running down his cheeks from his eyes. They already know it’s wrong.

More know sorry for their marshal. But it was too late.

It’s really late.

They don’t even have a chance to turn back.

“Big brother, do it.”

“Marshal, one wrong step, one wrong step, we are sorry for you.”

“Big brother, the matter has come to this point, you can do it, if you can keep the wife and children in the family, old and young, I will wait underground to know, and I should also feel the kindness of the big brother.”


Eighteen generals laughed out loud.

“Dear brothers, although Emperor Yi is iron-blooded and ruthless, he even dropped the butcher’s knife on us, but this commander also saw the future of Bactria from him.”

“He is a true Heavenly Son, a Heavenly Son who is a hundred times stronger than all the previous emperors of Great Xia.”

“In the future, Bactria will be extremely powerful in his hands, and even the Qin Emperor, whom we all revere, may also be able to defeat him.”

“Bactria has been weak for too long and too long, if one day, Emperor Yi can unify the world for nine weeks and become an emperor who has never existed in the ages, and this commander should pay tribute to the spirits of your brothers in heaven.”

Zhao Kuangyin had tears in his eyes.

The steel knife was finally held high.

When the light of the knife fell.

Poignant blood spilled into the sky.


Bactrian Palace, Royal Garden.

A total of eighteen human heads were placed in front of Nie Zheng. Zhao Kuangyin knelt on the ground covered in blood.

His expression was calm.

Calm makes people feel that they do not have any emotions that human beings should have.

“Your Majesty, I have sent their heads.”

“Ben Shuai only prays for His Majesty to spare the nine clans of their family, and Zhao Kuangyin is willing to die to apologize for his sins, and only asks His Majesty for mercy.” Zhao Kuangyin’s heart was already like ashes. ”

He suddenly drew out his steel knife and was about to kill himself in front of Nie Zheng. Because he thinks very clearly.

The eighteen generals under his command all respected him. They plotted to stab the Son of Heaven in retrograde.

You have an unshirkable responsibility.

In order to keep their families alive. He can only apologize for his sins with death.

Perhaps only in this way can the Heavenly Son let the Eighteen Martial Generals have a way of life for the Nine Tribes.


He didn’t wait for Zhao Kuangyin to kill himself on the spot. The steel knife in his hand fell to the ground. Apparently.

The person who knocked down the steel knife in his hand was naturally Nie Zheng. Because Nie Zheng didn’t want to kill Zhao Kuangyin at all.

Zhao Kuangyin was also of great use to him.

Such a talent with the posture of an emperor. Nie Zheng was not willing to kill at all.

“Your Majesty, it is better to…”

Lu Yan looked at the eighteen human heads on the table.

He looked at Zhao Kuangyin again and said that he was covered in blood, and he wanted to stop talking. Apparently.

Zhao Kuangyin had already surrendered his military power.

And personally killed the eighteen military generals who plotted to retrograde assassination. Now it is even more necessary to kill yourself on the spot, and want to let the Son of Heaven be gracious. Lü Yan already owed Zhao Kuangyin his affection.

Finally, at this moment, he opened his mouth to intercede for Zhao Kuangyin. However, Lu Yan was very clever and did not say it explicitly. The Son of Heaven has the will and thoughts of the Son of Heaven. She could only mention it vaguely.

As for how to decide, it still needs the Son of Heaven to decide. This is also the lesson she learned from the last time she made trouble in the court.

“Zhao Kuangyin, looking at the face of Empress Lü, and seeing your loyalty, you have spared the lives of their family members of the Nine Tribes.”

“But the death penalty can be avoided, the living crime cannot be escaped, and the families of the eighteen military generals and nine ethnic groups will all be assigned to the frontier for three years.”

Nie Zheng spoke.

And this made Zhao Kuangyin’s dead gray eyes light up. Because even he wasn’t sure.

Whether Nie Zheng could really spare the lives of the Nine Clans of the Eighteen Martial Generals. But now I hear Nie Zheng, the law, and the outer enlightenment.

Zhao Kuangyin was excited inside.

He knew that he could finally comfort the spirit of the eighteen martial generals in heaven. In the end, he saved the lives of their family nine clans.

“Minister, thank you very much for your majesty’s grace.”

Zhao Kuangyin bowed to Xie En.

But after this incident.

Zhao Kuangyin knew that it was time for him to quit the court.

“Your Majesty, please resign from the post of Grand Marshal of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the World, and henceforth return to the hidden field forest and become a field villager Zhao Kuangyin to prostrate his head again.”

Because it has come to this point.

He had no intention of fighting in the world. Even more discouraged by so-called rights.

I just want to quit the court, return to the hidden forest, and stay away from these fights between right and wrong.

“Not allowed.”

Nie Zheng opened his mouth lightly.

And what happened next.

Not only did it make Zhao Kuangyin sluggish on the spot.

Even more so that Zhao Gao and Lü Yan on the side also looked shocked.

Only to see Nie Zheng pick up the tiger charm on the table that could mobilize a million troops. He casually threw the tiger charm to Zhao Kuangyin.

The Tiger Rune landed firmly in Zhao Kuangyin’s hands.

Directly left this World Terracotta Grand Marshal speechless.

“Zhao Kuangyin, it is absolutely impossible for you to quit the court.”

“This Tiger Rune is still handed over to you, you are still the Great Marshal of the Terracotta Army.”

“It is even more necessary to sweep away the Eight Wilds and Six Combinations, and wherever the long sword points is the direction of your Zhao Kuangyin.”

“Remember, without Yuan’s permission, if you dare to hang up your seal and leave without permission, even if you flee to the end of the world, Shuo will recapture you again.”

“As for what happens to you after that, you should understand.”

Nie Zheng spoke lightly.

“Your Majesty?”

Hear Nie Zheng’s words.

Zhao Kuangyin was completely confused. He never thought of it.

Been through so many things.

The Son of Heaven would choose to believe in Him.

And the Tiger Rune that dispatched the Million Army was handed over to him again. Just this kind of arrogance is simply rare in the world.

If Zhao Kuangyin had been overwhelmed by Nie Zheng’s cruel means and the strength of the abyss. Now Nie Zheng’s arrogance simply made him breathtaking.

Zhao Kuangyin dared to say a word.

Look at the Nine Worlds, the Land of the Seven Kingdoms.

Even the Qin Emperor Ming Emperor Tang Emperor might not be able to make such an amazing move. Military power!

This is the most important thing for the sons of heaven in all countries. It is also something that is firmly held in one’s own hands. What does military power mean?

Meaning the stability of imperial power.

But this big summer boy in front of him.

He actually re-handed the military power to his Zhao Kuangyin’s hands. I can’t imagine it.

Zhao Kuangyin felt even more incredible.

But the big summer in front of him did just that.

“Zhao Kuangyin, command the soldiers and horses of the world for the sake of Shuo, and remember what Shuo said to you today.”

“Back off.”

When Zhao Kuangyin was in a trance. Nie Zheng’s voice said calmly.

“Minister, retreat.”

Zhao Kuangyin woke up from his shock. But this moment.

Zhao Kuangyin was completely subdued by Nie Zheng.

There was a glimmer of hope in his eyes. It was as if he saw a future.

A legend about the Bactrian Dynasty and this Bactrian son.

And this legend.

It’s just getting started.

He will be a witness.

Witness this legend about the Great Summer for yourself. Brothers!

If you have a spirit in heaven, you are with me. Let’s witness this legend.

Zhao Kuangyin whispered silently in his heart. He took a deep look at Nie Zheng.

Then he withdrew from the Imperial Garden and disappeared into Nie Zheng’s eyes.

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