Full of silence.

The crowd was silent.

Watch as the guards carry Wang Lang’s body out of the Dragon Temple.

The group of ministers gradually woke up.

Dong Zhuo, the left Cheng Xiang, and the right Cheng Xiang Cao looked at each other.

Everyone saw the gloomy color in each other’s eyes.


In the eyes of both people.

Tianzi had already received the support of Lü Hou.

This is to give the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu a dismount.


Nie Zheng ascended to the throne.

Calmly observe the expression on the faces of His Highness’s courtiers.

When he saw Dong Zhuo and Cao Xian.

Nie Zheng’s eyes lit up slightly.

These two people are Dong Zhuo of the Left Cheng Xiang and Cao Cao of the Right Cheng Xiang?

Have to say.

Dong Zhuo had a fierce and brutal look.

Even if he was dressed in civilian clothes.

I couldn’t hide the ferocity in him.

Especially when a pair of eyes open and close.

Faintly has the light of choosing people to devour.

This person can be called the Tiger and the Wolf Lord.

Once the time is ripe.

It will surely devour its master.

To put it more colloquially.

Dong Zhuo is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

Nie Zheng simply looked at Dong Zhuo.

He set his eyes on the body of the Right Chancellor, Cao Xian.


Just a glance.

Nie Zheng gave Cao Wei a very pertinent assessment.

Cao Wei has a white face and black whiskers.

There was always a faint smile on his face.

Although there was no fierce and brutal aura like Dong Zhuo on his body.

But a pair of eyes is extremely deep.

The body did not show even half a sharp edge.

Stand with Dong Zhuo.

His own momentum was also completely covered by Dong Zhuo.

But Nie Zheng knew.

Cao Wei was much more terrifying than Dong Zhuo.

There’s an old saying goes.

Biting dogs don’t bark.

Cao Wei is not without sharpness.

He was just smart enough to contain his ambitions and sharpness.

And often this kind of talent is the most frightening.

Like right now.

Wang Lang, the old man, was killed.

Dong Zhuo raised an eyebrow.

On the other hand, Cao Xian frowned in shock at first.

Then it calmed down.

There was not the slightest ripple on his face.

Just two comparisons can make a judgment.

After observing these two left and right ministers.

Nie Zheng set his sights on the group of courtiers.

Every traitor and mediocrity came into his sight one by one.


Nie Zheng’s gaze swept across the faces of each minister.

However, the existence of Zhao Kuangyin was not discovered.


This Terracotta Grand Marshal did not participate in the early dynasty.

Just when Nie Zheng wanted to withdraw his gaze.


Nie Zheng’s eyes fell on a person.

A thoughtful smile came out of the corner of his mouth.

One person!

A minister.

A minister with no sense of existence.

To be precise.

He is a minister who stands with his head down, does not squint, and has no sense of existence.

This minister gives a feeling of being extremely low.

If it wasn’t for Nie Zheng knowing this person.

The minister was almost ignored.

This person is no one else.

It was Sima Yi!

He stood with his head bowed, silent.

When the courtiers were talking about it, Sima Yi was silent.

Especially a pair of eyes half closed.

It was as if I was asleep.

“Sima Yi?”

Nie Zheng whispered softly.

A hint of thought crossed his eyes.

Maybe it’s a feeling.

When Nie Zheng’s eyes fell on Sima Yi.

Sima Yi also raised his eyes to look at Nie Zheng at the same time.

The eyes of the two also happened to collide.

Sima Yi hurriedly withdrew his gaze and stood with his head bowed again.

The face showed a look of sincere trepidation.

But Sima Yi showed this look.

Instead, it made Nie Zheng’s face show a look that seemed to be smiling.

Sigh inwardly.

Sima Yi, an old thing, was still hiding quite deeply.

This acting skill can be called the film emperor level.


Just as Nie Zheng was observing the courtiers.

Only to see Dong Zhuo standing up with his sword hanging from his waist.

“Minister Dong Zhuo, see Your Majesty, see Empress Dowager Niangniang.”

Dong Zhuo did not pay homage to Nie Zheng and Lü Hou.

Because he was the first assistant minister who was enthroned during the life of the previous emperor.

There is the privilege of not worshipping and hanging the sword from the waist

“I don’t know what happened to Dong Cheng Xiang?”

Seeing Dong Zhuo arrogantly stood up.

Nie Zheng’s eyes moved.

A playful smile came out of the corner of his mouth.

I knew that this tiger and wolf minister was going to be difficult.

“Your Majesty would like to ask Your Majesty if a major event occurred in the inner palace yesterday, and I don’t know if Your Majesty can know about it?”

Dong Zhuo’s words were cold.

A pair of tiger eyes looked directly at Nie Zheng, and then looked at Lü Yan behind the beaded curtain.

There was not a hint of awe on his face.

At the same time, his body exuded a domineering and domineering momentum.

Don’t look at Nie Zheng who killed Wang Lang before.

But he couldn’t scare Dong Zhuo.

Wang Lang was just a beam-jumping clown.

It was not in Dong Zhuo’s eyes at all.

And Dong Zhuo dared to question Tianzi like this.

It is also because he has this capital himself.

He is the Left Chancellor of Bactria (大夏).

Dong Zhuo’s power can be said to be in a position of power and opposition.

For the new emperor in front of him.

Dong Zhuo naturally did not pay attention to it.

One more disrespectful word.

Even when the emperor was alive.

Also look at Dong Zhuo’s face and act.

Because he wasn’t just Bactria Zuo Cheng Xiang.

Its fiefdoms also stationed 50,000 Western Liang troops.

Don’t look at only 50,000 soldiers and horses.

But this fifty thousand Western Liang Army was extremely brave and fierce.

If Dong Zhuo rebels.

In addition to Zhao Kuangyin, the great marshal of the Terracotta Army, and a number of clan kings were able to restrain him.

No one in the entire Great Xia Dynasty could really make Dong Zhuo feel jealous. 、


Dong Zhuo also has a righteous son.

And this righteous son is terrible.

Lü Bu, Lü Fengxian!

This man is a divine general.

A man of force and courage to fight the world.

Ten thousand armies were not defeated.

It was rumored that Lü Fengxian was able to take the first rank of the enemy general in the Ten Thousand Armies Formation as a probe for things.

A Fang Tian Painting Blade in his hand, there is a thousand people who deserve the courage.

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snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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