Chapter 257 Su Daji has changed, and the system upgrade has been successful.

Bactria and Shouxian Palace.


A supreme pain!

Su Daji felt as if her soul had been pricked by a needle. She gasped in pain.

More pain she had to live than to die. And Su Daji did not find out.

She was surrounded by an extremely rich pink glow.

A pair of stunning or beautiful eyes are flashing with a dazzling glare.

The most shocking thing is that behind her there is the shadow of a nine-tailed heavenly fox appearing. A wisp of upside-down charm was blooming from her body.

Fortunately, there was only Su Daji in the Shouxian Palace.

Otherwise, the vision that appeared on her at this moment would definitely cause the exclamation of a group of eunuch palace women.

“It hurts, Your Majesty, the concubines are in so much pain!”

Su Daji was sitting in the corner of Shouxian Palace, her small face was pale, and she was covering her head and whispering in pain. Her mind was full of Nie Zheng’s voice and smile.

But the more she thought about Nie Zheng, the more serious the pain became.



A clear voice sounded in Su Daji’s ear. At the same time.

An illusory holy figure also quietly appeared 20 years in front of her.

This figure was covered by a holy mist, and only a pair of cold and indifferent eyes were faintly watching Su Daji who was shrunk in the corner.

“You… Who are you? ”

Su Daji’s small face was pale and frightened, and she looked at the mysterious woman in front of her.

“Daji, if you want to, you can call me Lady Lady.”

The fog dissipated.

A wisp of Heavenly Dao’s ruthless holy light faintly appeared behind Nuwa, revealing her original appearance at the same time.

“Lady Lady?”

Su Daji was stunned.

Naturally, she had heard the legend of Lady Nuwa. But they only think that this is a myth and legend.

But this myth and legend really appeared in front of her. This also shocked her to the extreme, and she was even more incredulous.

“Daji, do you remember your mission?”

Nuwa said softly.


Su Daji muttered, and her eyes showed a look of confusion.

“Nine-nine supreme, the human emperor is like a saint, this is not tolerated by heaven and earth, and your mission is to be a fan or a human emperor, so that no emperor will appear in the world.”

Nuwa’s voice seemed to have a kind of magic.

Su Daji’s pale little face gradually returned to rosiness, but her eyes became more and more confused.

“Daish, go and fulfill your mission, this is a matter of merit to the Heavenly Dao, and when you have completed your mission, I will allow you to soar into the Immortal Palace and accept you as a disciple of a saint.”

Nuwa’s voice is empty and clear, and it contains an irreversible will. Something extremely amazing happened.

Only to see Su Daji’s confused eyes appear with charm.

The shadow of the nine-tailed celestial fox behind her merged into her body.

“Dai Ji, you are originally a bloodline of the Qingqiu Fox Clan, and there is even more Qingqiu Fox Clan bloodline in your body, today I give you divine powers, open the bloodline of the Qingqiu Clan for you, the second god sealing catastrophe is about to open, I hope you will not let me down.”


Nuwa Slim Jade pointed at Su Daji a little.

A little bit of holy light melted into Su Daji’s brow.

There was also a little cinnabar imprint on Su Daji’s forehead. The next moment.

Only to see Su Daji’s pained expression disappear.

She knelt down on the ground and bowed to Nuwa, “You have obeyed Niangniang’s law.” ”


Nuwa nodded lightly.

Its figure also gradually disappeared into the Shouxian Palace. Su Daji slowly got up.

It was just a charm or demeanor that grew from her.

And her beautiful eyes lost their inherent innocence and immaculateness, and there was more inexplicable charm or cunning color


Su Daji pointed a little.

A few small foxes breed out of thin air, and then transform into several charming women.

“See Niangniang.”

Several beautiful women bowed to Su Da, and a seductive smile also appeared on her face.

“In accordance with the laws of Lady Nuwa, if you are obsessed with the affairs of the emperor or a human emperor, you still need the help of several sisters.”

Su Daji faded out.

“Sister rest assured, the sisters will certainly help the sister to be a fan or.”

Several women laughed and spoke.

But a breath of charm or sentient beings breeds from them… Weiyang Palace!

The dragon bed collapsed softly.

Nie Zheng was still in a coma.

Wu Meiniang and Lü Yan sat on the edge of the bed, and the look in Nie Zheng’s eyes was full of worry.

“Does Your Majesty really have to wake up in three years?”

Wu Meiniang’s face was sad.

“Yes, Emperor Yi will not lie to us.”

“In these three years, we will take care of the whole nine-week world for him, and when he wakes up, he will surely usher in a new prosperous world.”

Lu Yan muttered.


Three years is not long, and it is not short. However, for Nie Zheng, there was indeed some suffering.

He seemed to be asleep, but in fact he knew everything that was happening around him. Even when Nuwa appeared in Shouxian Palace, she was also detected by him.

And the series of changes that Su Daji had undergone did not escape his eyes. Pity.

He couldn’t wake up.

Because the system in the body is upgrading, and it is a mythical upgrade. You could say so.

The system and Nie Zheng have become one.

From the moment the system carried out the mythological upgrade, Nie Zheng naturally fell into a deep sleep. Bite!

[System myth upgrade successful, system myth mall open, system myth lottery open…..] A series of system cold sounds sounded in Nie Zheng’s ear.

Nie Zheng’s eyelids moved slightly.

Finally, on this day, three years later, I slowly opened my eyes. Nie Zheng sat up from the dragon bed.

And this scene also made Cao Qian, who had been waiting on the side, overjoyed.

“Your Majesty is awake, Your Majesty is awake!”

Cao Tian was excited to make a sound.

This also made Weiyang Palace completely chaotic.

“Cao Qian, how long has the emperor slept?”

Nie Zheng frowned slightly.

Although he knew he had been asleep for three years, he still needed to make sure.

“Your Majesty, you have been sleeping for three years, one month, and four days.”

Cao Tian hurriedly knelt down on the ground and prostrated his head in reply.

“More than three years!”

Nie Zheng nodded slowly.

Then stop making a sound and start looking at the features of the system upgrade. A cup of tea time passed.

Nie Zheng finally understood all the functions after the system upgrade. First of all.

The name of the Divine Grade Grand Dark Emperor system did not change.

It is still that as long as he does something faint, cruel and unkind, he can be rewarded. But these rewards have all become mythological rewards.

For example, the elixirs that can make people soar into immortals, such as various cultivation immortal methods, as well as those so-called innate and acquired magic weapons.

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