Chapter 266 Strikes at the Saint Man.

Chaos and emptiness, full of holy power.

Nuwa frowned and looked at the human emperor. Let’s be honest.

When she found out that Emperor B could actually compete with her. Nuwa did not want to get too entangled with the human emperor.

But looking at the appearance of the human emperor who came to be unkind, Nuwa knew that today’s things could not be good.

“Emperor Ren, what do you really want?”

Nuwa spoke coldly.

“Nuwa, you don’t want to talk nonsense with you more, as long as you unblock Su Da’s own body, you will turn around and leave.” Nie Zheng said coldly. ”

“What if I don’t promise you?”

Nuwa frowned coldly.

“No promise?”

Nie Zheng smiled.

And the smile on his face is extremely bright.

However, if you look closely, you will find that Nie Zheng’s smile is full of cold meaning.

“If you don’t agree, you will ruin your palace, and I will ask you for advice to see how capable you, a saint of the Heavenly Dao.”


The threat of red fruit!

As Nie Zheng’s words fell.

Nuwa’s face was cold and terrible.

Looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes, a touch of anger rose even more. Look at the Three Realms of Heaven and Earth.

No one had ever dared to go so wild in front of her.

Even a few other Heavenly Dao saints had to give her three faces.

But a small human emperor actually ignored the majesty of her saint and was now provoking her. What do saints care about most?


Nie Zheng’s words and deeds completely angered Nuwa, a saint of the Heavenly Dao. Thundered!

The terrible Heavenly Dao Saint Wei was spreading out. The golden light of merit behind Nuwa was extremely dazzling. When the saint was angry, the heavens and the earth were turned upside down.

This sentence is not just a statement.

At this moment, Nuwa’s eyes looking at Nie Zheng were full of murderous chances.

A delicate jade hand was slightly raised, as if the next moment was going to kill Nie Zheng in this chaotic void. Now.

Emperor B of Man confronts the Heavenly Dao Sage Nuwa.

The terrifying human emperor power and the saint power clashed in the chaotic void.

It had already caused an extremely terrible chain reaction, and the entire chaotic void was collapsing and shaking in terror.

“The little man emperor, who dares to be disrespectful to the saints, will teach you some lessons today.”


Nuwa spoke coldly.

Only to see her delicate jade hand roll over, a picture scroll presented in her hand. Nuwa’s face was cold, and she casually sacrificed the scroll in her hand.

Only to see the scroll spread out, instantly covering the entire chaotic void, an unimaginable force acting on Nie Zheng’s body, wanting to be swept into this picture scroll.

“Shan He Shejitu?”

“The Ultimate Innate Spirit Treasure?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes moved slightly.

When a pair of royal eyes open and close. I already recognized the origin of this picture.

“Nuwa, don’t think that only you have the innate spiritual treasure.”


The void throbbed and ripples spread. Nie Zheng also turned his hand around.

Only to see a red lotus platform appear in his hand. As Nie Zheng suddenly sacrificed the red lotus platform in his hand. The terrifying Twelve Pinnacles of Fire Red Lotus appeared. Directly towards the mountain and river Shejitu bombardment.

“Twelve Pinye Fire Red Lotus?”

“How can you have the Spirit Treasure of the Styx River Ancestor?”

When Nie Zheng sacrificed the Twelve Pinye Fire Red Lotus, Nuwa was surprised. Pity.

Nie Zheng did not answer her question at all.

The Twelve Pinnacle Fire Red Lotus bloomed out of the karmic fire that covered the heavens and the earth, and instantly intertwined with the Shan He Shejitu.


Nie Zhengkou spat out the Emperor’s decree.

A yellow light crossed Nuwa’s body.

Suddenly it made her feel as if she was in a quagmire. The human emperor’s decree is too terrible.

Even saints can be affected.

Although he couldn’t really fix this Heavenly Dao Sage.

But it was enough to make her move slowly in a moment’s breath. And this breath of time was enough for Nie Zheng.


Nie Zheng stepped out, and the chaotic void under his feet collapsed.

The whole person appeared in front of Nuwa in an instant, and a fist burst into a yellow light, heading straight for Nuwa.

“Be bold!”

Nuwa’s face changed suddenly.

The golden light of merit behind her was immaculate, and she could be protected in it. Thundered.

Like the Nine Days of Chaos in the deception.

Only to see that although Nuwa resisted Nie Zheng’s blow in time. But her whole body flew upside down.


Nie Zheng’s blow was extremely terrifying.

After all, the human emperor is not just talking, but really has the power of a saint. Nuwa suffered this blow, and naturally she was extremely unhappy.

However, the saint was indestructible, and naturally did not really hurt her. But he was blown away by the emperor’s blow.

This was already a great humiliation for Nuwa, the Saint of the Heavenly Dao!

“Human Emperor, you are too arrogant: 0”

Nuwa turned back, and a cold rebuke came from her mouth. At the same time.

The Jade Emperor and the Heavenly Court Immortals who were in the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall were speechless. Even through the celestial mirror, you can feel the anger of the saint.



The celestial mirror shattered like a spider’s web.

With a crisp sound, the Heavenly Mirror turned into fragments and fell to the ground. Such a scene.

The frightened Hao Tianyu Emperor and the Heavenly Court Group Immortals looked pale. Apparently.

They were caught spying on the events of the saints and the human emperor standing there. And the person who smashed the Heavenly Mirror was this Lady Lady.

“Your Majesty, the saints must not peep in, and if the Lady Lady descends to the Heavenly Court, our Heavenly Court will be in serious trouble.”

The Queen Mother said worriedly.


The Haotian Jade Emperor did not speak.

Instead, his whole body looked deeply into the thirty-three heavens.

A pair of eyes is extremely complex, and it faintly shows a touch of hope and fiery color. It was as if at this moment she didn’t care at all whether Nuwa would sin against the Heavenly Court or not.

The river will.

Although the Jade Emperor was known as the Lord of the Heavenly Court, he was also revered as the Co-Lord of the Three Realms. But what he, the Lord of the Heavenly Court, did was really a bit of a nest.

Not only did he have to look at the face of the Heavenly Dao Sage, but most of the immortals in the Heavenly Court didn’t even pay attention to him. Moreover, many demon kings in the Earth Immortal Realm even treated him as a joke as a joke.

The Hao Tianyu Emperor has always been patient, because 0.7 can’t bear it for him.

But today, I saw Emperor Yi Bai scolding Nuwa without taboos, and he also dared to take a shot at the Heavenly Dao Sage. The Haotian Jade Emperor could be said to have admired the Emperor of Ren to the extreme.

Because this is something he has always wanted to do in his heart, but he has not dared to do. One is that he does not have the strength to fight with the saints.

Second, she had long been dissatisfied with the Heavenly Dao Sage in her heart. At this moment, Emperor B of Man made a big fight against Nuwa.

In the eyes of the Hao Tianyu Emperor, this was simply a very pleasant thing. It really helped him out of a bad breath.

And the Jade Emperor vaguely hoped that the human emperor would return safely. The heart rises even more to make friends with Emperor Ren. Pity.

The Heavenly Mirror was shattered by Nuwa.

At this moment, he couldn’t see at all how the battle between the human emperor and Nuwa was. I can only hope that the human emperor will return safely and alive.

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