Such a scene.

It completely made Cixi’s heart tighten.

A silent fear grew in her.


“Empress Lafayette, it seems that this bowl of ginseng soup of yours is indeed a great tonic.”

“After this dog slave drank it, he was actually bled to death by the seven tips of the nourishment.”

“Good, really good.”

A playful voice sounded behind Cixi.

Only to see that Nie Zheng did not know when he had come behind her.

At the moment, he was looking at her playfully.

“You… What do you want to do? ”

Cixi looked at Nie Zheng in horror.

The whole person is stumbling backwards.

But Nie Zheng’s fierce and playful gaze kept falling on her.

“How’s it going?”

Nie Zheng said to himself.

It is even more leisurely walking in Weiyang Palace.

As if thinking about this more profound question.


Nie Zheng’s footsteps stopped.

Raise your eyes and look at Cixi again.

The corners of his mouth outlined a cruel smile:

“I don’t want to do anything, I just want to borrow your demon woman’s head for a use.”

“Empress Dowager Niangniang, how do you think of this proposal?”

As Nie Zheng’s words fell.

Cixi’s face changed suddenly.

The whole person trembled with horror.

“You… Don’t you dare? ”

“Come, escort!”

Cixi screamed in horror.


The eunuch palace maid who came with her was quite loyal.

It really took a step forward.

Wanted to rescue the Empress Nishinomiya.



They were not waiting for these palace eunuchs to rescue Cixi.

Nie Zheng’s icy voice echoed throughout Weiyang Palace.

The next moment.

A terrible flash of knife light swept through.

Along with a dozen muffled hums came.

Only to see the eunuch palace girl who followed Cixi.

They all died tragically under the sword of the Great Inner Guard.

A large amount of blood spurted from their throats.

Then it turned into a cold corpse and fell into a pool of blood.

“How good it is to be a good master, but to deceive the king.”

“You dog slaves are really damn good!”

Nie Zheng spoke lightly.

Looking at the eunuch palace girl who fell in a pool of blood, her eyes did not fluctuate at all.

“You… You…… You…”

Cixi looked at Nie Zheng in horror.

A few words of ‘you’ in a row, already afraid to speak.

“Empress Dowager, it’s time for you.”

“I don’t know how you’re going to die?”

Nie Zheng was still smiling.

He strolled over to Cixi.

But the old demon woman collapsed to the ground in fear.

His legs stomped on the ground in horror as he retreated.

Looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes already contained infinite fear.


Nie Zheng skimmed his lips and frowned slightly

“It turns out that the empress dowager also knows that she is afraid?”

“But death is only a matter of moments.”

“The real fear should be the mental stress that comes from before death.”

“But the empress dowager can rest assured that she will let you taste the wonderful taste of the arrival of death.”

Nie Zheng smiled as before.

But the words in her mouth heard in Cixi’s ears and made her extremely frightened.

“Come, take the nine-dan white aya, and send the empress dowager on the road.”

“Remember, you must tighten her neck little by little, so that the empress dowager will truly taste the wonderful taste of death.”

Nie Zheng spoke lightly.

The palace eunuch beside her looked fierce.

Quickly bring nine white aya.

And then he walked fiercely toward the old demon woman of Cixi.

“You… You can’t kill the mourners… The Wai family is the Empress Dowager of the Western Palace…”

“If you kill the mourning family… It’s a big rebellion… It is against the heavens and the people. ”

“If you kill the mourning family… You will be scolded by the world as a tyrannical king… The throne will not be secure…! ”

Cixi screamed in horror.


No matter how hoarse she screamed threateningly.

Nie Zheng always looked at her with a smile.

Nine female eunuchs walked toward her step by step with white aya.

“Your Majesty … Your Majesty…… The Wailing Family knew it was wrong… Your Majesty spares his life… Spare your life…”

I saw that the palace eunuchs were about to come to me.

The dangling white aya was like a chain of souls.

Cixi wept bitterly in fright.

He even knelt at Nie Zheng’s feet and pleaded bitterly for him.

And this scene also made the palace eunuchs hesitate.

They all looked at Nie Zheng.

I don’t know if Nie Zheng will let Cixi go.

“What do you do?”

“Don’t you send the empress dowager on the road?”


Nie Zheng laughed cruelly.

Raise your feet and kick Cixi to the ground.

The nine palace eunuchs were fierce in their hearts.

He hurriedly took nine white aya and put them around Cixi’s neck.


As the nine white ayas slowly tightened in the hands of the eunuch palace women.

The old witch looked desperate.

The face changes from red to blue.

From blue to purple.

The eyes are constantly whitening.

The tongue is also constantly spitting out.

Both hands clutched the white aya that was tightening her neck.

But it didn’t work.

The other side.

Nie Zheng stood with his hands in his hands.

Smile and enjoy the picture.

The smile on his face grew brighter.

After dozens of breaths!

The old demon woman finally lost her breath.

The whole person fell to the ground like a dead dog.


[The host fainted, brutally and unjustifiably, and killed the Empress Dowager of the Western Palace, which violated the morality of heaven and humanity and was spurned by all generations.] 】

[Reward: Li Yuanba’s Peerless Divine Power (Mutation Level.] 】

The cold voice of the system sounded in Nie Zheng’s mind.

This also made Nie Zheng’s eyes light up.

The next moment.

An unimaginable force of terror grew within him.

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