“Zhao Kuangyin had 34.2 million pieces of silver, 100,000 taels of gold, 128 pieces of jade, 324 pieces of pearl jade, and a number of fertile fields…”

Wei Zhongxian continued to play.

Don’t wait for him to finish.

Nie Zheng interrupted, “Next.” ”

“Cao Zi Mengde, the Right Chancellor of Great Xia.”

“His military generals and courtiers are all over Bactria.”

“The nine great generals under his command: Xu Chu, Dianwei, and Xiahou Huan… All brave and fierce people can recruit good battles, and they are all fierce generals in the world.

“It is worth mentioning that Cao Yi’s adviser Guo Jia is a world wizard.”

“And in addition to Guo Jia, there is also a strategist named Jia Xu, who is fierce and vicious, meticulous in thought, and is called a poisoner.”

“The silver in Cao Kuang’s inventory is only a lot more than Zhao Kuangyin’s.”

“However, Cao was suspicious and the internal treasury account books were handed over to Guo Jia for management, and the spies of our East Factory could not know exactly how much silver Cao had deposited.”

“Only on the basis of a general judgment can the silver deposits not be under Zhao Kuangyin.”

“It is more likely to surpass Zhao Kuangyin, or even more than double, or even more!”

When Wei Zhongxian said this, he looked ashamed and bowed to Nie Zheng


“The old slave has the weight of His Majesty’s weapon, and he failed to find out the silver in Cao Xian’s inventory, and asked the master to reduce his guilt.” ,”


The East Factory spies had a very difficult time investigating Cao Xian.

Wei Zhongxian was guilty of guilt and could only plead guilty to Nie Zheng.

Nie Zheng smiled.

Wei Zhongxian was not blamed.

Cao Wei was inherently suspicious.

Wei Zhongxian was able to investigate these news in such a short time.

That’s pretty good.

“No problem, you’re doing a good job, and you’re doing a good job.”

“Keep reading.”

Nie Zheng Dao.

See the master did not blame himself.

Wei Zhongxian was secretly relieved.

Say it again:

“According to the report of the East Factory spies, Cao Wei has an unknown hobby.”


Nie Zheng’s eyes lit up.

Vaguely guessed something.


Wei Zhongxian said strangely.


Hear Wei Zhongxian’s report.

Nie Zheng smiled.

Cao Thief is good.

Even in this world.

“Your Majesty, Cao Wei secretly occupied the wives of many ministers.”

“It was even more that because of this incident, he secretly destroyed the full door of a minister.”

“But he did it very secretly, and very few people knew about it.”

Wei Zhongxian said.

“Next, keep reading.”

Nie Zheng Dao.

“Hezhen, Hubu Shangshu, this person can be called my first great greed in Bactria .”

“Even the spies of my East Factory could not find out how many assets Hezhen had.”

“Moreover, the official Shangshu Qin Ju was in cahoots with him, and the two colluded with each other to sell their official positions, and the amount of which could not be calculated.”

“Librarians everywhere have been bribing and reverberating every year, and they need at least 100,000 taels of silver to enter their palaces.”

“And Hezhen is in charge of the household department, and my Bactria tax is under its jurisdiction.”

“He Yan wantonly embezzled the law and swallowed up the treasury’s tax and silver, and its amount of silver was simply shocking.”

“If you really want to find out how much family property there is, you need to exterminate the family before you can find out specifically.”

The more Wei Zhongxian spoke, the more excited he became.

He is also just a great desire for power.

He didn’t care much about money.

But when Wei Zhongxian learned of Hezhen’s corrupt behavior.

Hate the itchy teeth.

He Yan can simply be called a thief of the country!

The treasury of Bactria became his and his own.

Otherwise, how can the national treasury not make ends meet?

How could His Majesty’s Ministry of the Interior have only 20,000 taels of silver?

“The old slave implores His Majesty to kill and replenish the treasury.”

Wei Zhongxian bowed his head.

If you do it before.

Wei Zhongxian would not hate Hezhen so much when he learned of this.

But Washu is not only greedy and perverts the law.

And what was stolen was two silver in the treasury of the Son of Heaven.

As Nie Zheng’s slave.

His master’s money was stolen.

How could this not tickle Wei Zhongxian’s hated teeth?

“Kill and Kill?”

Nie Zheng smiled and shook his head.

Wei Zhongxian’s proposal was not accepted.

Nie Zheng naturally knew that Heyan was a huge greed.

But this man is a rare talent.

In terms of making money, no one in Bactria can stand out.

It was true that the national treasury was filled with killing.

But what about later?

Are there no corrupt officials?

This is tantamount to killing chickens for eggs.

Nie Zheng kept Hezhen but it was of great use.

He Yan is his precious little vault.

How could Nie Zheng be willing to kill Hezhen.

However, Nie Zheng had to bleed Hezhen.

Greedy for so many years.

It is also time to honor and honor his master.

“He Yan can’t be killed, and it is of great use to keep him.”

Nie Zheng said softly.

“The master has a long-term plan, and it is the old slave who is impulsive.”

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly prostrated his head.

Since the master did not want to kill and Kan.

Naturally, this slave of his own must listen.

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snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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