Chapter 76 Shocking Charm, Upside-Down All Beings [Subscribe].

North of Jizhou City.

A tile house hidden in a remote alley. Tick-tock-tick-tick-tick!

Blood couldn’t stop flowing from all over the body of the dead soldier in Zhongyiguan. He slumped in the corner of the wall.

Because of excessive blood loss.

His eyes were scattered.

Both pupils are slightly dilated. Even the breath began to weaken. Apparently.

His life is passing.

It wouldn’t be long before it turned into a cold corpse and died in this tile room. But even so.

He also supported himself with his own will. He kept telling himself.

Can’t sleep.

You must not sleep on your own.

Your task is still not complete. If you sleep over.

I couldn’t wake up again. The left arm is broken.

He trembled and raised his right hand to take out the letter paper that had been prepared. Stain your own blood with your index finger.

Write with trembling. At the same time.

There were a lot of footsteps from the outside.

More than a dozen Su guards were following the blood trail along the way. But that’s when it happened.

I saw the tile house where the dead men of the Zhongyi Hall were hidden. A carrier pigeon spreads its wings and flies high into the sky. In an instant, it disappeared into the night.


See carrier pigeons straight into the sky.

It was too late for the Sioux guards to try to stop it. Not to mention that they do not have bows and arrows in their hands. There is no way to stop the carrier pigeons from going away.

“He’s here.”


One of the guards kicked open the door.

More than a dozen guards rushed into the room like hungry wolves. But I saw that the dead soldiers of the Zhongyi Hall were covered in blood.

He was sitting in the corner grinning at them.

“Say, who sent you?”

“Who is the person behind you?”

One of the Su guards was blue in the face.

Holding a knife holder around his neck to make a question.

“Cough… Cough…… Cough…”

The dead man of Chungyikan was coughing violently.

Blood kept spilling down the corners of his mouth. The pupils in his eyes had begun to spread.

This is a sign of impending death. But even so.

He still grinned at the Su Fu guards in front of him. His voice was hoarse and teasing: “Although….. Although today I die at your hands…. But your Jizhou City will usher in great difficulties… Your lady can’t escape….. Can’t escape…..”

“Wait, wait…”


The dead in the Zhongyi Hall laughed weakly. Until you completely stop breathing and close your eyes.

But the mocking smile on his face as he lay dying. Watching the Zhongyiguan die of morale in front of himself and others. More than a dozen Su Fu guards looked livid.

A mouthful of steel teeth cackled. They want to slash it with a thousand knives. But they know they can’t do that. Even if he becomes a corpse.

“Also bring him back to the house to find out his identity.”

“Carry away.”

The first guard spoke coldly.


Jizhou City, Su Province.

The lights are bright and the atmosphere is solemn. b. Hou Su of Jizhou was blue in the face.

The guards knelt on the ground in shame. Wait for this Marquis to send out a thunderous rage. Su Hu’s worst fears happened. He walked back and forth in the hall.

The face was nothing but the color of anger.

There is also a very strong sense of worry. He hid his daughter for so many years.

It is afraid that after the world knows her appearance, it will cause chaos in the world. Red face disaster water.

Enchant the world.

From the day Sudah was born.

Su Hu knew that his daughter’s face could never be born. Otherwise, a great calamity will come to his Su family.

And what happened today.

It had already made Su Huyin feel uneasy. This uneasiness is extremely strong.

It made him even more frightened.

“Hou Ye.”

The old butler bowed down to Su Huo.

“Can this person be identified?”

The old butler shook his head bitterly, “Marquis Qi Yu, this dead man does not have any relics on his body, and it is impossible to find out the specific identity of this person.” ”

Hear the housekeeper’s answer.

Su Hu’s brow frowned even tighter.

“But Hou Ye, I still found a clue.”

The old butler hesitated slightly.

“Oh, come on.”

Su Hu hurried to ask.

“Marquis Qi, although this dead man does not have any relics on him.”

“But judging by the material of his clothing, it should be from the king’s capital, and I’m afraid that this person is from the king’s capital….”

The old butler said in a deep voice.

“Wang Du?”

Su Hu was shocked.

My heart was even more upset.

If it is true, as the old butler said. This dead man was from the capital of the Bactrian King. That would definitely be a big hassle. The king of Bactria hid the dragon and the Crouching Tiger.

Dong Zhuo, Cao Xian, Zhao Kuangyin… They are all powerful beings. And they all hold terrible military power. If this dead man had been their man.

If he knew that Su Dai already existed, he would definitely come to the door to propose to him. How could he refuse?

Su Huo’s heart was restless, and all five of them were burning. But Su Hu would never have thought of it.

This dead soldier was not Dong Zhuocao’s Zhao Kuangyin’s person. It is the outlaws in the Zhao Gao Zhongyi Museum.

The dead soldier would appear in Jizhou City.

It is also Zhao Gao who is searching for the beauty of the world for the son of heaven.


Just when Su Hu was worried.

Su Daji appeared in the hall with a white veil covering her face.

“Who let you out of the boudoir?”

“Give the father a quick way back…..”

See Su Daji appear.

Su Hu was immediately furious and scolded him in a loud voice. This also frightened Su Daji’s body trembled.

A mist of water appeared in the beautiful eyes under the veil. From small to large.

She had been locked up in her room.

At most, you can only walk in the courtyard outside the boudoir. She didn’t know what she was doing wrong.

Why did her father always look at her coldly from childhood to adulthood? Is it your own fault that you are born with this face?

She didn’t understand.

Why did the father do this to her.

She really wanted to see the outside world. She really longs for freedom.

I can ask my father many times. will be reprimanded by it.

The annual temple fair is the happiest time for her. Because on this day she can walk out of the Su House.

In the temple, you can pray to the gods and gods and Buddhas of the heavens. I hope to give myself a little freedom.

There was always hope in her heart. More naïve vision of their future. Just what happened today.

Once again, the father was furious. It was even issued with strict orders.

In the future, he was not even allowed to participate in the annual temple fair. He was not allowed to walk out of the boudoir for half a step.

But she was not convinced.

She felt that she had done nothing wrong.

Therefore, he came to his father without authorization and wanted to seek justice for himself. But.

I saw my father’s thunderous and angry look. She was still afraid.

I could only silently return to my cage with tears in my eyes. Even the last bit of hope in my heart.

They were all completely extinguished by the father.

In the boudoir. 5.9 Su Daji took off the veil.

There should be no earthly charm that will make the moon in the sky lose its color. But her face was full of sadness and sadness.

A tear crept out of her eyes.

Gently swiped across her cheeks, dripping onto the ground.

“Is this ten square meters my dwelling?”

Su Daji looked up at a remnant moon in the sky and muttered.


The capital of the Bactrian King.

Ministry of the Interior.

Hundreds of carrier pigeons flew back from all over the place.

Pieces of letterhead were piled up on the table. There is not only a large number of letterhead on the table.

There are also portraits of women sent from all over Bactria. It’s a pity, though.

Zhao Gao was on his way to the Royal Garden at this time.

I didn’t look at these portraits and letterhead at the first time. For tonight the Son of Heaven will feast on the courtiers.

You must be on your side.

And a blood-stained letterhead.

It’s in the middle of hundreds of letters.

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