Chapter 88 rewards eight hundred nether ghost thorns, the terrible punishment of the pot [kneeling for subscription].

Nie Zheng said this.

Smiling, he patted Su Huo’s shoulder and said softly, “You can live here to talk to Su Guifei, because you are Su Guifei’s father, you should be happy.” ”

“Go back to your Jizhou City and retire from now on.”

“Remember, without the will of Yuan, if you dare to take half a step out of Jizhou City, you will let you know what it means to live rather than die.”

Nie Zheng said this.

No more looking at Su Huo.

“I’m tired, it’s time to rest with Concubine Su.”

“Zhao Gao, the rest is up to you.”

Nie Zheng gave Zhao Gao a vague look.

That clearly meant to tell Zhao Gao. Don’t kill him.

Everything else is up to you. Nie Zheng strolled away from Weiyang Palace.

Go straight to the Heavenly Son’s Bedchamber.

To the eternal demon concubine who waited for her. Nie Zheng’s heart was itching very much.

But it was also at this time.

The cold sound of the system suddenly sounded. Bite!

[Detecting the cruelty and lawlessness of the host, slaughtering 100,000 elite soldiers in Jizhou City, and killing on a large scale when the city was destroyed, causing the resentment of people all over Bactria to boil.] 】

[Reward: Eight hundred Nether Ghost Thorns[Note: Eight hundred Nether Ghost Thorns are the world’s top assassins, the world is big, there is no one who cannot be killed, and they are absolutely loyal to the host.] 】】Ding!

[Remind the host: Eight hundred nether ghost thorns, hidden in the smoke and rain building of the nether valley, can be dispatched by the host’s hand. 】


Hear the system reward sound coming from your ears. Nie Zheng was in shape.

“Eight hundred nether ghost thorns?”

“The world is so big, there is no one who cannot be killed?”

“Hidden in the Smoke and Rain Building of the Nether Valley?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes lit up.

At the same time murmuring came from the mouth. Not for a while.

Nie Zheng returned to calm.

However, there is a deep color in the eyes. Really.

As long as you do something vulgar and cruel, you will be rewarded. With these eight hundred nether ghost thorns.

He had a group of the most powerful assassins in the world. And according to the things that have been rewarded by the previous system.

System rewards, no exception. Although only eight hundred people. But Nie Zheng knew it clearly.

These eight hundred nether ghost thorns are absolutely terrifying.

It was definitely not under the Thirty Thousand Northern Dragons.

However, the division of labor between the two is different. Refreshing!

Getting the Ancient Demon Princess had already made Nie Zheng very happy. At this moment, the system is the icing on the cake.

Eight hundred nether ghost stabs were obtained, which made Nie Zheng’s smile on his face unable to be suppressed. Get!

It was difficult for Nie Zheng not to get carried away.

He hummed a little song and walked leisurely toward the palace. My heart is even happier to blossom.

“Marquis Su, did you hear Your Majesty’s words?”

Inside the Weiyang Palace.

Zhao Gao looked at Su Huo, whose legs had been broken by himself. His face was full of cruel sneers. Can’t get killed.

You have to let Su Hu suffer a little.

Then sent back to Jizhou City to continue as his marquis. Zhao Gao deeply remembered the will of the Son of Heaven.

But that’s a bit tricky.

How can we make Su Hu suffer a little, not hurt his life, and let him always keep it in mind? Zhao Gao touched his chin and pondered carefully.

On the other hand, Su Hu was introduced.

At this moment it is decadent and silent. After a conversation with Nie Zheng.

He not only saw the city government and means of the Son of Heaven.

He even tore apart the hypocrisy of his so-called Great Xia loyal subjects. At this moment, Su Hu was completely stupid.

My heart was even more dazed.

As Nie Zheng said.

He has always claimed to be a loyal minister of Bactria himself.

But what he did did did not have the appearance of a loyal subject. Originally.

The biggest joke is yourself.

All the while he was deceiving himself.

“There is’.”


When Su Hu was still immersed in confusion. Zhao Gao’s eyes lit up.

I had already thought of a lesson that would not hurt Su Huo, but could give him an unforgettable lesson.

“Go, my Marquis Su, Your Majesty’s Majesty.”

“It’s not easy for you to come to the palace once, and the villain takes you to see the beauty of the palace.”

Zhao Gao smiled.

This time, he didn’t grab Su Huo’s hair and drag it out. Instead, he happily lifted up Su Huo.

Then he left Weiyang Palace and headed for a hidden place in the Inner Palace.


Not for a while.

Under the support of Zhao Gao.

Su Hu was taken by him to a slightly desolate place in the inner palace. Only to see a palace unfolded in front of the two men.

There were also two young eunuchs and many guards guarding the entrance of the temple. Saw Zhao Gao appear.

The two little eunuchs were shocked and hurried forward to worship Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao smiled and said, “Open the door of the palace, Lord Ben will lead Marquis Su to see the beautiful scenery inside the palace.” ”

“Yes, sir.”

Two young eunuchs hurried to take orders. But his face was extremely pale. The eyes were panicked and frightened.

After opening the temple door.

Even more unconsciously, he took three steps backwards. Even his eyes did not dare to look into the temple.

“Hou Ye, Your Honor, your legs and feet are not good, the little one will help you walk slowly, you must not flash your waist.”

Zhao Gao’s smile was still the same.

Even more kindly helped Su Hu walk into this somewhat cold and strange temple. And Su Hu had already put life and death aside.

He simply noticed the two little eunuchs guarding the temple gate looking at him with pity in their eyes. Inside the gloomy temple.

Zhao Gao and Su Hu had just entered.

The temple door behind him rumbled and closed directly. At the same time.

Inside the gloomy temple.

A dim candle was lit.

Only to see a circular copper pillar appear in the eyes of the two people. I saw a dead soldier dressed in black with a grim face.

A prisoner who had committed a capital offence was chained to a copper pillar and a raging fire was set ablaze under the copper pillar.

I didn’t see it for a while.

This round copper pillar was burned red and hot. A terrible scream came from the prisoner’s mouth.

That terrible howl made Su Hu watch in horror. However, Su Hu was just an inner shock.

Then he regained his silence.

“My Marquis Su, this punishment is called the punishment of cannon burning, what do you think?”

Zhao Gao smiled and said.


Su Hu was silent.

The eyes were still lifeless.

Although the punishment of cannon burning is indeed cruel.

But in fact, it is just a large-scale soldering iron punishment. What if he died in this punishment? It’s just a little more pain.

“Sigh, Your Majesty admires the backbone-strong people the most.”

“Then ask Hou Ye to see another punishment prepared by His Majesty.”

Zhao Gao’s smile was still the same.

But the evil color in his eyes became more and more intense. According to what Nie Zheng told him.

Death is not terrible.

The terrible thing is the mental stress that comes before you die.

And this kind of pressure can break people’s hearts, making people worse off than dead. Nie Zheng’s words.

It has always been remembered by Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao hugged Su Hu and walked towards the depths of the hall again. But along the way there was nothing but a dim candle fire.

Nothing exists.

Until the two came to the end of the temple. A deep pit appeared in front of the two men.

And in the deep pit came a lot of “hissing” strange sounds.


Two emaciated, withered men stepped out of the darkness. The two first bowed to Zhao Gao.

Then he set his eyes on Su Huo’s body.

Their eyes were lifeless, but instead exuded a spooky meaning.

“This is Marquis Su, and Your Majesty has ordered His Majesty to bring him here to see the beauty of the palace.”

“You should entertain Marquis Su in a moment, and remember not to hurt his life.”

“Because he’s the head of the country.”

Zhao Gao Yin Yang Strange Airway.

“Yes, sir.”

Two men with withered faces took over Su Hu from Master Zhao. Then he strode to help Su Hu and walked towards the deep pit.

This moment.

A hint of uneasiness suddenly arose in Su Hu’s heart.

Because as he got closer and closer to the pit ahead. This uneasiness is rapidly amplifying.

It even made him feel an indescribable horror.

“You… What are you going to do? ”

I saw that I was about to come to the pit. Su Hu was a little uneasy.


The two men with withered faces did not answer.

Just gently push Su Hu forward and let him stand on the edge of the deep pit. And Su Hu unconsciously looked down at the pit.

But that doesn’t matter.

Su Hu swooped down and fell to the ground. His body was instantly wet with cold sweat.

The body trembled with fear at this moment.

Even his face was white and bloodless, and his eyes were full of terror. What did Su Hu see?


Tens of thousands of venomous snakes.

And it’s the most venomous snake. Crimson as blood turquoise as bluish as bluish as purple.


Five-step snake.

King cobra.

Colorful, innumerable. Tens of thousands of venomous snakes.

They “hissed” and spat out brightly crossed snake letters. Wandering in deep pits and entangled.

A pair of cold-blooded eyes were carrying the snake’s head up to the deep pit. It’s like looking for animals they can hunt for.


Su Hu screamed hoarsely.

The rolling belt crawled and wanted to get out of here. Pity.

Two men with withered faces pressed him to his place. It was even more pressing his head to look down at the deep pit.


“Marquis Su, what’s wrong with you?”

“This is a rare sight in the palace, so you should enjoy it.”

Zhao Gao strolled over with a gentle smile on his face.

But his eyes were poisonous.

The look in Su Huo’s eyes revealed an unusually cruel color.

“How did you do the errands?”

“Marquis Su rarely comes to the palace to play, so beautiful should let Hou Ye watch it closely.”

Zhao Gao pretended to be angry.

“Yes, sir.”

The two men with withered faces smiled darkly.

Directly bring a rope to tie up Su Hu Wuhua.

“Zhao….. Zhao Gao… You…… What are you doing? ”

“Let go of me….. Let go of me. ”

This moment.

Our Marquis of Jizhou, our Marquis Su is finally not calm. He shouted at Zhao Gao with all his might.

The already haggard face had changed from a miserable white to a purple and purple color. It proves the extent of his inner fear.

He wanted to try to get rid of the bondage between the two.


These two men were in charge of guarding the pot. It is already powerful.

Where is Su Hu able to break free?

“Hou Ye, what are you doing here?”

“The little man kindly led you to visit the beautiful scenery in the palace, why don’t you appreciate it?”

Zhao Gao frowned slightly, dissatisfied.

It was also at this moment.

The two guards had already finished tying up Su Hu Wuhua.

“Throw him down.”

Zhao Gao’s voice was cold.


Su Hu screamed in horror.

The spirit completely collapsed at this moment. Pity.

Before he could ask Zhao Gao for forgiveness.

Two guards had already dropped him in the basin. But it was fine.

The two men held the other end of the rope in their hands. Su Hu was thrown into the basin although he was thrown into the basin.

But it is still far from the bottom of the Hopper Basin. Segment distance.

And tens of thousands of venomous snakes in the pot saw prey falling. The snake letter in his mouth hissed and spat incessantly.

It’s like enjoying the delicious taste of falling down.

Scrambling to swim towards the wall, trying to nibble at Su Hu one step ahead.


Su Hu was hung in the middle of the basin. He saw tens of thousands of serpents coming toward him. Frightened, he screamed in horror.

A peculiar smell came from beneath him. More water stains wet his pants.

“I….. I am Your Majesty’s Treasurer. ”

“I am… I am Su Guifei’s father. ”


Su Hu was completely frightened to pee.

At this moment, he no longer had any dignity as a marquis. Cry and pray.

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