Chapter 93 If you want to let him die, he must first make him crazy [kneel and ask for subscription].

“Lü Bu.”

“Lü Fengxian!”

Nie Zheng’s eyes moved slightly.

For this current god to be him, he has been waiting for a long time. But according to Nie Zheng’s calculations.

Lü Bu came a little late. But that’s okay.

Just come on.

“Hezhen, you should back off for the time being.”

“Xuan Lü Bu entered the temple.”

Nie Zheng opened his mouth lightly.

“Slave, retreat.”

He Yan bowed and exited Weiyang Palace. At the same time.

The voice of the eunuch sounded at the same time.

“Your Majesty has a will, declare Lü Bu to enter the temple to face the saint.”

Under the guidance of Cao Qian.

Lü Bu crossed the palace gate and came straight towards Weiyang Palace. But the interesting thing is.

Lü Bu looked cold along the way.

Although the heroic and extraordinary face did not show much expression. But if you look closely, you’ll see it.

Lü Bu’s eyes occasionally flashed a touch of pride.

Even when he saw Yu Linjun walking past him, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned. Apparently.

These Yulin troops who were defending the palace were simply weak and pitiful in his eyes. Compared with Dong Zhuo’s Western Liang Army, it was even more vulnerable.

Put it this way.

A thousand Western Liang armies were enough to slaughter ten thousand Yulin troops. Lü Bu naturally looked down on these turkey tile dogs.

Even with his contempt for this big summer boy who had never met before, his heart also rose up with contempt. There is a saying that says it well.

Get a glimpse of the whole leopard.

Lü Bu led his troops to fight for many years.

Corporal officers are disciplined.

Yu Lin Jun is the Janissary of the Heavenly Son.

Look at their lazy and listless looks. Where is the appearance of a crack general?

From here, Lü Bu can also see that the big summer is just that. Where is the righteous father Dong Zhuo said so evil.

That so-called Thirty Thousand Northern Dragon Riders.

It should also be exaggerated by false rumors. When contemptuous thoughts arose in Lü Bu’s mind. But he didn’t know.

Thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders had already left the palace. All hidden in a hidden place somewhere outside the city. Otherwise, Lü Bu would have seen the Northern Dragon Rider.

I’m afraid that this kind of thought will not arise in my heart.

On the contrary, he would be extremely jealous of this son of heaven whom he had never met. Pity.

Lü Bu did not know the horror of the Northern Dragon’s riding.

I don’t know what a terrifying character I am about to face in the summer. Soon.

Under the guidance of Cao Qian.

Lü Bu strode into Weiyang Palace.

When he looked up, he saw Nie Zheng on the throne.

But it turned out that the summer was just a young man who had not dried up and would not be more than twenty years old at most. And this big summer sub-eyebrow clear-eyed show.

Where is the cruel and faint look of the righteous father Dong Zhuo? Lü Bu frowned.

Does Dong Zhuo feel that Dong Zhuo is a little insane these days? Why are you so jealous of this person?

But Lü Bu didn’t think much about it anymore.

He only had to act according to the plan of his righteous father Dong Zhuo.

“Last General Lü Bu, see Your Majesty.”

As a courtier.

There should still be etiquette. Although Lü Bu despised the Son of Heaven in his heart. But etiquette must be done enough.

Lü Bu spoke.

He knelt on one knee and bowed his hand to Nie Zheng. Such a scene.

Suddenly, Nie Zheng on the throne smiled. Wei Zhongxian on the side narrowed his eyes slightly.

Looking at Lü Bu’s eyes, he flashed a touch of shadowy color. Arrogant.

Very arrogant.

Arrogant to the point of no boundary.

Even the Son of Heaven didn’t pay attention to it.

This is Wei Zhongxian’s assessment of Lü Bu. According to normal etiquette.

Regardless of the civilian generals.

Whoever enters the palace is a saint.

All three prayers and nine kowtows.

Take a step back.

If it is a beggar and a.

Just kneel and kowtow.

But Lü Bu knelt down on one knee and bowed his hand. This is already a great disrespect to the Son of Heaven. Wei Zhongxian’s eyes were gloomy.

The dry white hands were originally crossed together, but they were slightly separated at this moment. The step under the foot is a hidden step forward.

Then he will open his mouth to denounce his great sin of disrespecting the Son of Heaven.

And ready to take Lü Bu himself.

It was necessary to weigh and weigh this current divine general, and compared with his martial arts master, who was better than the two of them. But before Wei Zhongxian could act.

Nie Zheng glanced at Wei Zhongxian lightly. This also made Wei Zhongxian’s heart move. In an instant, I understood the master’s meaning.

The words that were meant to be reprimanded were swallowed back. I took a step forward and took it back.

It was just that Wei Zhongxian looked at Lü Bu’s eyes and revealed a sneering smile. As if to say.

Lü Bu is it?

Lü Fengxian was, right?

Will the gods of the world be?


Very good and good.

You’re so arrogant now.

Don’t lose this frenzy.

If only you could still be so arrogant in front of the Son of Heaven in the future. The miscellaneous head is taken off for you to use as a pot that night.

Of course.

These were all Wei Zhongxian’s inner words.


“General Fengxian is flattened.”

Nie Zheng smiled slightly.

“Your Majesty.”

Lü Bu got up.

See the soft smile on Tianzi’s face. Lü Bu’s arrogant expression became even stronger. Big summer?

But that’s it!

Just a stinky boy who stinks of milk and does not dry. Lü Bu smiled darkly inside.

On the throne.

Look at Lü Bu’s arrogant expression. The smile on Nie Zheng’s face was even brighter. How to say it?

Nie Zheng knew Lü Bu very well. Lü Bu is a very arrogant person.

There are very few people who can be looked up to by him. Wen Chen did not say it first.

Just talk about military generals.

In Lü Bu’s eyes.

The martial generals in the world did not pay attention to him. In his heart.


Not the heart.

It should be said that the mouth, face, and even his behavior. He didn’t even take the warriors in the world in his eyes.

He had always believed that his force was invincible in the world. As is normal.

Lü Bu said that he was invincible in the world, and he really did not exaggerate. Of course.

Nine weeks of the Great World Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger.

Lü Bu is not invincible in the world for the time being. But he does have the strength to say such things. After all, he fought in the battlefield all year round.

There is no opponent yet.

All the warriors who encountered him.

They were all cut off by him.

A Fang Tian Painting Blade can really be described as a change of color. And this is also the reason why Lü Bu is very arrogant.

Second point.

Lü Bu this person.

Surnames are capricious.

The word faithfulness was too hard for him.

After all, in his previous life, he was called a three-surnamed family slave. But Nie Zheng knew it very well.

Lü Bu is a man who is capricious.

It is because of the unique strength of his body. Because no one can overpower him.

So he doesn’t put anyone in his eyes. If someone can completely suppress Lü Bu. The most crucial point is force.

Then there was the threat of death that made him feel. Don’t say Lü Bu is not afraid of death.

He is also a person.

Although known as the god of war Lü Bu.

But in the face of the threat of death. He will also beg for forgiveness.

Lü Bu, the god of war in a previous life, is the best example. Nie Zheng deeply understood this.


Nie Zheng kept laughing.

The smile on his face was very bright.

The laughter made Lü Bujue’s throne seem to be a little faulty. Why do you always laugh at yourself?

But only Wei Zhongxian on the side was terrified. He knew the surname of his master. The more the smile on his face, the brighter he was.

It shows that the fate of this person will be extremely miserable. And now the master smiled so brightly and looked at Lü Bu.

Wei Zhongxian could only mourn for Lü Bu in his heart.


Blessed be you.

It’s all your own death. Blame no one.

“.., Your Majesty, the last general has been called into shock, please let my righteous father return to my hometown and return to Xiliang.”

Lü Bu bowed his hand.

“That’s it.”

“Cao Qian, go and declare your will, let Dong Zhuo return to Xiliang.”

Nie Zheng waved.

Cao Tian hurried to take the order and left.

See this scene.

Lü Bu had a slight shock on his face, and then smiled. He had thought that the Son of Heaven would be more difficult for his righteous father, Dong Zhuo. I have already prepared my words.

But now the words I prepared were useless. But see that your purpose has been achieved.

And look at the gesture of Tianzi who is very kind to himself.

Lü Bu suddenly had a much better impression of this big summer. However, the contempt for Nie Zheng in his heart was even stronger.

“General Fengxian has been fighting on the battlefield for many years, which can be described as a high level of hard work.”

“Reward the general with 10,000 gold and 1,000 pieces of cloth, and since you are Dong Zhuo’s righteous son, his mansion will also be given to you.”

“Then I will make you the commander of the Imperial Palace, and from now on you will command the Yulin Army in the palace.”

Nie Zheng laughed.

“Thank you Your Majesty for your gift, and thank you Lord Lon for your grace.”

Lü Bu was first frightened.

Then hurry up and bow down.

He hadn’t thought of it at all.

This great summer son had given such a great reward. He naturally did not look up to him.

However, that golden ten thousand two made Lü Bu a little stunned. What is the concept of Wanliang Gold?

Almost equal to three hundred thousand taels of silver. What can three hundred thousand taels of silver do? That’s enough to build 10,000 elite soldiers.

And the weapons and armor are extremely sophisticated.

But it was just a word from this big summer. And he rewarded himself with a thousand taels of gold?

Is this big summer man crazy? Lü Bu was secretly stunned.

But in an instant, it calmed down. Sigh inwardly.

The righteous father Dong Zhuo was indeed not wrong.

This big summer child is really a faint king. Pity.

Lü Bu only saw that Nie Zheng was faint.

But he forgot that Dong Zhuo had told him.

This big summer son is not only faint, but also brutal to the extreme.

“General Fengxian has just entered the royal capital, presumably this way is a long way to get a boat and a car, so let’s go back to the palace to rest.”

“Wait until tomorrow to serve the first general before entering the palace to take up his post.”

Nie Zheng smiled as before.

“Your Majesty is sympathetic, and the end will be retired.”

Lü Bu gave a gift.

Then he lifted his head and strode out of Weiyang Palace. Look at Lü Bu’s distant back.

Wei Zhongxian’s eyes were full of pity.

Even more inadvertently sighed for Lü Bu. How does a saying come about?

If you want to let it die, you must first make it crazy. Now.

Wei Zhongxian fully understood the meaning of this sentence. Nie Zheng’s smile did not diminish.

I got up and headed for the palace.

After all, his own little treasure, Bei is still waiting for him. Nie Zheng has already eaten the marrow and lingered.

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