Chapter 97 Rather die unyieldingly, is a fierce character! [Kneel and beg for customization].

“Let the beauty be frightened, the beauty will go back to sleep for the time being, and wait for tomorrow to see you.”

“Someone will send the beauty back to the palace to rest.”

Nie Zheng casually ordered the maid who was kneeling on the ground.

It even gave Su Daji a smile that reassured her. The maids did not dare to be idle.

Hurry up and send Su Daji to the palace.

“Okay, you get up, too.”

Looking at Wei Zhongxian’s forehead, the flesh of the bruise was blurred. Nie Zheng couldn’t see him like this.

“Your Majesty.”

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly got up.

But the look was ashamed and nervous.

“Swing the Weiyang Palace.”

After this incident.

Nie Zheng also had no intention of having fun.

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly summoned Long Yuan.

Nie Zheng left Shouxian Palace and rode the dragon towards Weiyang Palace.··

The next thing is simple.

Wei Zhongxian was first struck by a hundred court staffs. Fortunately, he was a martial arts master.

Otherwise, this hundred scepters would have to beat him to death. But he only used a little cultivation to resist.

If you can save your life, you can save your life. But the back was blurred by the beaten flesh. It cost him almost half a life.

The little eunuch who had originally executed did not dare to give a hard hand. Just want to go through the situation.

But Wei Zhongxian let them hit hard. That’s what it is. Because Wei Zhongxian knew.

His own hundred scepters were already considered to be the master’s grace. If it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t itch.

What should the master think of him?

So as long as you can stay alive.

Suffering from a little flesh and skin is nothing. Received a hundred court 20 rods.

Wei Zhongxian was almost carried out. But even so.

Wei Zhongxian also just hurriedly rubbed on the Golden Creation Medicine. Then he forcibly got up and rushed to death row.

Because he had to interrogate who had directed the assassin. This is also his opportunity to atone for his sins.

And Wei Zhongxian also vented his anger on the spies of the East Factory. The spies in the East Factory are all waste.

Such a terrible assassin entered the palace. They didn’t even know it.


Strict investigation.

Until it was found out how he entered the palace. And who had this assassin come into contact with. As Wei Zhongxian issued one instruction after another. The whole East Factory was moved. The kings of Bactria were completely blockaded.

No one wants to go in and out of the city gate for half a step.

Moreover, all of Wang Du was the figure of the spies of the East Factory.

Even the three thousand ghost-faced Qingyi that Nie Zheng had handed over to Wei Zhongxian were sent out. Three thousand grimaces and green clothes were Wei Zhongxian’s heart.

It is also the biggest hole card given to him by the master. He has always been reluctant to use it.

But now Wei Zhongxian had even sent out three thousand grimaces and green clothes.

From here, we could also see to what extent the anger in Wei Zhongxian’s heart had risen. As the East Factory all moved.

Even three thousand grimaces appeared in green clothes. The entire Great Xia King was in complete chaos. The streets are full of East Factory spies. Door-to-door checks.

Don’t say you’re an ordinary civilian.

Even the princes and nobles could not escape the search. What Zhao Kuangyin Cao Yi and Sima Yi… The East Factory spies are not one left.

Originally, there were spies from the East Factory who wanted to enter the Cao Mansion to search. However, he was blocked by Cao Yan’s subordinates.

The moment of imminent conflict is coming. Cao Qian quickly appeared to stop.

Let the East Factory spies search his mansion.

And the East Factory spies did not politely ask some people in Cao Mansion and left in a hurry. The same was true of the residences of Zhao Kuangyin and other ministers.

There are no impermeable walls.

Word soon spread that Tianzi had been assassinated by the Assassins. It also caused an uproar among the people in the capital.

I don’t know who is so bold.

He dared to enter the palace and assassinate the Son of Heaven.

The other side.

The Eighteenth Martial General received the news that Jing Ke had been arrested, and his frightened soul did not guard the house. He was deeply afraid that Jing Ke would confess them under severe torture.

Eighteen generals wanted to sneak out of the city. Pity.

The city gates were completely closed.

And the City defenders were all substituted. All changed into grimace and green clothes.

They don’t even dare to bribe the grimace Qingyi now.

Because they know it deeply.

Grimace Tsing Yi is the most terrifying existence in the East Factory. Would they be let out of the city because of money?

The eighteen martial generals were restless.

Completely lost mind.

They were deeply afraid that the news that they had sent Jing Ke to assassinate the Son of Heaven would leak. But now he can’t escape from the city.

At the moment, the urgency is like an ant on a hot pot that does not know what to do.

“How can that be?”

“Jing Ke, is he the most supreme assassin in the world?”

“How could he have failed to assassinate and instead been caught?”

“This is the end of it, if he tells us about the assassination we sent him, none of us will want to get out of the capital of Bactria alive.”

Eighteen generals were anxious to turn around. All looking for a way out of town. But let them want to break their heads. Still haven’t come up with an idea.

“Brothers, now you can only go to the marshal.”

A warrior spoke.

“Are you crazy?”

Someone stood up and angrily rebuked, “If you let Big Brother know that we sent Jing Ke to assassinate Tianzi, wouldn’t Big Brother want to blow up, and wouldn’t he be able to shave us alive?” ”

“So what do you say?”

“Now in the face of this situation, only the marshal can help us, as long as we go out of the city, a million elite soldiers under our command are gathered in one place.”

“Even if Emperor Yi knew that we had sent Jing Ke to assassinate him, what would he do?”

“Yes, the twelfth old man said yes, we have always let the big brother start a war, but it is better to use the dead horse as a live horse doctor, and now go to the big brother.”

“The eldest brother knows what we have done, although he will be furious, but for the sake of many years of brotherly love, how can he sit idly by?”

“Yes, this can also be forced, forcing the marshal to join us in rebelling against the king’s capital, and then a million troops will come to the king’s capital, and the marshal will ascend the throne and claim the throne, and our purpose will also be achieved.”


Eighteen military generals spoke up one after another. Eventually their eyes lit up.

Although Jing Ke’s assassination of Tianzi failed. But it also pushes them to a desperate situation.

Zhao Kuangyin was bound to fight with them. So it seems.

Not only is this not their crisis.

On the contrary, it is a great opportunity for them. The eighteen martial generals were in a good mood at once.

It’s daylight now.

But they hurried toward the marshal’s palace. Apparently.

It has come to this point.

They can’t do it if they don’t.

Even Zhao Kuangyin was pulled down the water.

The other side.

Inside death row.

Jing Ke was tied to a pillar by five flowers. His lute bone had been penetrated. His body was stained with blood.

Snap–snap–snap-snap! Wei Zhongxian’s leather whip was dipped in chili water. Whiplash at it.

Cut the skin of the world’s most elite assassin to the flesh. Stop.

Jing Ke is indeed a fierce character. Whatever Wei Zhongxian did.

Even beat it to pass out, and then wake up with salt water. He didn’t even utter a single plea for forgiveness.

Instead, the eyes were indifferent and cold, terrible. It was as if Wei Zhongxian had tortured him.

It didn’t make him feel the slightest bit of pain. Soldering iron.

Tiger stool.

Mille-feuille paper.

Bamboo sticks are fingered.


The punishments that Wei Zhongxian could use were almost all used. In the end, he forced him to find Zhao Gao and bow to him. Take Jing Ke to the extremely terrifying Dark Temple. Roast it with a cannon and even intimidate it with a pot. But Jing Ke still didn’t make a sound.

Whether it is facing the cruel cannon branding, or the pit of ten thousand snakes in the basin. Jing Ke’s eyes did not fluctuate at all.

As if he didn’t care about death.

Not to mention mentally trying to defeat him completely. As the world’s top assassin.

Death has long been ignored.

In the face of all kinds of punishments, even the basin, he was completely fearless. Jing Ke is indeed a hero.

But the more he did.

Wei Zhongxian’s anger grew higher. My heart was about to explode.

“Say, who made you assassinate Your Majesty?”

Wei Zhongxian whipped fiercely with a whip in his hand. But Jing Ke just didn’t say a word.

Don’t say who is in charge of him.

Even Jing Ke’s name, Wei Zhongxian could not know.


Wei Zhongxian was tired of 140. He could see it too.

No matter how he tortured this assassin. He couldn’t say a word.

As for Jingke.

His pupils were dizzy and his breathing was weak at the moment. The limit is close to death.

This also surprised Wei Zhongxian.

This assassin absolutely cannot die. Otherwise, how would he explain to his master? Wei Zhongxian hurriedly summoned the imperial doctor.

Even more forcibly gave Jing Ke the best healing elixir.

Even the broken ribs and flesh blurred body on his body were treated with the finest golden creation medicine. This was enough to save Jing Ke’s life.

Inside death row.

Looking at Jing Ke’s cold and indifferent eyes. Wei Zhongxian lost his temper completely.

He knew he would never get useful news from his mouth. Wei Zhongxian looked at Jing Ke with hatred.

As soon as he threw off his sleeve, he was on death row. No way.

He really couldn’t do anything about it.

Even if he is punished by his master, he can only confess. Wei Zhongxian helplessly headed towards Weiyang Palace. You can only report this matter to the master.


Weiyang Palace.

Nie Zheng ascended to the throne.

Zhao Gao stood beside him.

Seeing Wei Zhongxian enter Weiyang Palace with a tired face. Zhao Gao smiled coldly.

Don’t guess.

My old rival has encountered hard stubble. This is also a secret joy in his heart.

Wei Zhongxian finally had the bitter fruit. See how you will compete with me for favor in the future.

However, Zhao Gao also admired this assassin in his heart. Wei Zhongxian’s vicious methods were not under him. Even if he goes to the interrogation.

The result is the same.

You must know that Zhao Gao was personally tortured by Jing Ke’s cannon branding. It is even hung in the pot.

But I didn’t see this assassin with the slightest fear. How can Zhao Gao not admire?

“Your Majesty, the old slave is guilty, you cut off my head.”

Wei Zhongxian directly knelt down.

He was really begging to die now.

Because he used various methods, he couldn’t pry open Jing Ke’s mouth at all.

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