Chapter 99: Nie Zheng’s Heart, Jing Ke Pursuit! Kneel for subscription.

“Emperor Yi, if you want to kill, you have to shave, you want to cook and fry, you have to cut your ears and goug out your eyes, and your limbs are cut off.”

“You can do anything you want, and if I frown, I don’t deserve the word Jingke.”


Jing Ke was laughing miserably.

He’s ready.

Even if Nie Zheng used the most vicious punishment in the world. He would never give up the eighteen warlords who commanded him.

“I appreciate your courage.”

Nie Zheng slapped his palm again and admired, “Jing Ke, you can rest assured that none of what you said is needed.” ”

“Not only will he not kill you, but he will not use any punishment on you.”

“After all, you don’t care about the pain of the flesh, the body, and the body, and I also believe that you can stand up.”

Nie Zheng’s smile remained the same at this point, but his words were slightly slight.

Looking at Jing Ke with a meaningful look, he continued, “But have you heard of a medicine?” ”

“The name of this medicine is Qilehe, Happy Dispersion?”

As Nie Zheng’s words fell.

Jing Ke was stunned.

Even Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao on the side were also stunned. Happy Break!

This medicine they naturally know.

It is the most domineering aphrodisiac in the world.

But Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao didn’t understand why their masters would mention this medicine. Is it because he wants to give Jing Ke a suit?

But this method does not seem to have any effect on various punishments. Don’t say that Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao are a little confused.

Even Jing Ke, who was a party to the party, was confused. But when Jing Ke saw Nie Zheng’s meaningful smile. Jing Ke chuckled inwardly.

Suddenly, a feeling of extreme uneasiness arose.

And this feeling made him unconsciously rise in his heart a sense of fear that he had never had before. Scary?

Jing Ke hadn’t tasted this taste for a long time. He had forgotten what it was like to be afraid.

But now he found that there was a trace of fear in his heart. This emotion made his heart tremble fiercely.

His eyes gradually froze and he looked at Nie Zheng. As if Nie Zheng said next. It would make him creepy.

“Of course, 713 may not care about this strange acacia party.”

“But you can rest assured that you are not here to eat.”

“You will find a dog, but in fact, pigs can also do, if you want to choose a certain animal.” Nie Zheng said this. ”

Both Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao turned into clay sculptures and were directly fooled in place.

And Jing Ke’s face was miserable, and the cold sweat of a bean was constantly flowing out. Because he had already vaguely guessed what Nie Zheng was going to say next.

It is more associated with a scene that makes him worse off alive than dead.

Even at this moment, Jing Ke looked into Nie Zheng’s eyes, showing a touch of fear that had never been seen before.

“Well, I’m going to strip you naked and then restrain you so you can’t move.”

“Then bring in the people of the entire capital of the Great Xia, the civil and military officials, and the like, to come and observe you.”

“Whether it’s a pig or a dog, or some kind of animal, you choose this yourself, and you respect your wishes very much.”

“You will order someone to personally fill the animal of your choice with a joy and rejoice, and then keep the animal of your choice with you.”


Nie Zheng looked at Jing Ke in amazement and said, “This kind of worldly wonder, the good name spread all over the world in the Nine Weeks, I guess you are very willing to see it, right?” ”


When Nie Zheng’s words were all finished. Jing Ke’s whole body was numb.

His body trembled with fear. A rash with a miserable face.

The cold sweat on his forehead rolled down like a bean grain.

Looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes had long since turned into extreme fear and sluggishness. Don’t say Jing Ke is scared stupid.

Even Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao on the side were frightened. Poison!


The poison is to the extreme.

Neither of them expected it.

His own master would have come up with such a vicious method. Truly.

Not hitting you, not scolding you, and even less likely to kill you. But this method of evil poison is damaged to the extreme. It’s horrible to imagine.

Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao thought that the two were already vicious enough. But they still underestimated their master.

True talk about evil means.

The two are completely inferior to the master.

Even if they wanted to break their heads, they did not expect such a vicious and terrible means. Go without saying.


At this moment, Jing Ke sweat was like rain.

The whole person trembled with fear.

“Pour the wine.”

Nie Zheng opened his mouth lightly.

Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao woke up in an instant. The two hurried to bring wine glasses and jugs.

Wei Zhongxian even trembled and filled Nie Zheng’s glass with wine. Nie Zheng took the wine glass and drank it all.

His gaze kept falling on Jing Ke’s body.

A faint smile came out of the corner of his mouth. There is a saying that says it well.

Killing is easy.

It’s hard to be careful.

In the face of Jing Ke, such an indomitable person, fearless and fearless of death. The so-called physical pain was of no use to him.

Even if he were to make it an adult, he wouldn’t care. Want to bring it to its knees.

You can only start by attacking the heart.

Only by completely destroying his spirit can he truly bring him to his knees. And this, so-called, is the heart!

Nie Zheng was just cursing his heart.

It is even more to find out its weaknesses and criticize Jing Ke. What does Jing Ke care about?

He cares about his reputation.

More concerned about their own assassin beliefs. Even if it’s death.

He will also end up with a name for eons. Since he cares about his reputation.

That Nie Zheng pinpointed this weakness and broke through the face and completely destroyed his inner spiritual world. Think about it.

If only Nie Zheng had really done what Nie Zheng had said. This matter will spread throughout the Nine Weeks and Seven Kingdoms.

Jing Ke could never wash away this shame.

Even if Nie Zheng didn’t kill him, what face would he have to survive in the world? It simply made him worse off alive than dead.

Don’t talk about Nie Zheng’s vicious brutality.

As a big summer.

For a man who assassinated him. If the deepest lessons are not given. What will the people of the world think of him? Either don’t do it.

Do it so that all the assassins in the world are afraid of him.

There is no means of violence and brutality. He doesn’t deserve to be a big summer either.

Of course.

Then again.

Nie Zheng did not do this.

He was just using words to curse Jing Ke. He also believes.

Jing Ke will give in.


Nie Zheng did not want to kill Jing Ke.

Instead, I want to take it for myself.

For Jing Ke’s fierce role, Nie Zheng naturally appreciated it very much. If only you could be faithful to Him.

This is naturally the best. But before the Jing Ke is subdued.

He had to completely subdue this man.

This is also one of the Imperial Heart Techniques…. First before you go.

“Jing Ke, don’t say that Shuo didn’t give you a chance.”

“Three glasses of wine, you only have three glasses of wine to think about.”

“After three glasses of wine, you will leave here, and what will happen to you, there is no need to say more.”

“I hope you can believe that it is not just talk, but it is very serious.”

“And he will never kill you, and after this incident, he will let you go.”

Wei Zhongxian poured the second glass of wine for Nie Zheng.

Nie Zheng drank it all up again.

There was not much time left for Jing Ke. This moment.

Jing Ke slowly closed his eyes.

The pale face was devoid of any blood. When Nie Zheng was about to drink the third glass of wine. Jing Ke slowly opened his eyes.

The inner spiritual world was completely destroyed.

“Emperor Yi, you have a vicious heart.”

“Jing Mou has traveled all over the Seven Kingdoms, and even the cruel methods of the Ming Emperor are slightly inferior to you.” Jing Ke almost gritted his teeth and said this. ”

Nie Zheng smiled faintly when he heard this.

The third glass of wine has been drunk.

Nie Zheng got up from his chair.

Apparently about to leave.

But he didn’t wait for Nie Zheng to get out of death row. Jing Ke spoke.

“The Eighteen Martial Generals are the Eighteen Martial Generals under Zhao Kuangyin’s command.”

Just one word.

Jing Ke’s whole body was paralyzed like a deflated leather ball. The best assassin in the world.

He said the name of his employer.

The Assassin’s faith collapsed in an instant. Jing Ke’s heart was bleeding.

But he couldn’t help but say it.

Because he didn’t want to experience what Nie Zheng said. Otherwise he would really be better off alive than dead.

This is also the moment.

Jing Ke truly appreciated what a terrifying and wonderful figure this big summer child was. In his heart, he was already regarded as a person who could be compared with the Qin Emperor.

If time can be reversed.

Jing Ke absolutely believes.

He would definitely not step into the Great Xia King’s capital for half a step. Even in his lifetime, he will not come to the capital of Bactria for the rest of his life.

Wherever Nie Zheng was located, he would retreat. Pity.

Time cannot be reversed.

He had no choice. After this incident.

He would choose to cut himself off from the world.

This is also his little dignity left. Now.

Jing Ke’s eyes were full of dead silence.

There is no love in life.

“The wind is swift, the water is cold, and the brave man will not return once he is gone.”


A familiar word sounded to Jing Ke.

This also made him suddenly look at the source of the sound. But he saw that this sentence came from Nie Zheng’s mouth. And he was looking deeply at himself.

“Jing Ke, Yan Zidan is dead, the Emperor of Qin issued a hunting order, there is no place for you in the world for these nine weeks, you are floating for half a life, accompanied by loneliness.”

“You know that you hate Emperor Qin to the bone, and you have always been determined to avenge Yan Zidan.”

“Unfortunately, if you look at it according to Yuan, you will not be able to take revenge in this life, and the final result can only be depression, or die at the hands of the Qin Emperor.”

“You will be given a chance to follow you from now on.”

“If you want to, get out of this death row with you.”

“If you don’t want to, you can leave here, and no one will stop you.”

“You choose.”

Nie Zheng finished these words with a smile. Get up and strode toward the outside of Death Row.

“Wait, would you like to help me destroy the Qin Kingdom and take revenge on the Qin Emperor?”

Jing Ke trembled and roared.

Nie Zheng stopped, looked back, and smiled.

“Seven countries in the world coexist in nine weeks, and no one can negotiate conditions with them.”

“Do you understand?”

Nie Zheng strode out of death row.

Only Jing Ke was left alone in a daze.

He looked at Nie Zheng’s departing back with a slight trepidation. Suddenly.

He looked at him and stood up. Stride after Nie Zheng.

The eyes that had been dead and silent were rejuvenated with a radiant radiance of extreme enthusiasm. Because he saw hope.

A hope that may be achieved.

And this hope came from the big summer that he was looking for. Jing Ke smiled.

He laughed and shed a tear.

Because he finally saw a man comparable to the Qin Emperor appear. And this man!

It was the person he had been waiting for and looking for. He is also the one who can give him hope.

Big Summer – Emperor Yi!.

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